Presentation Instructions

Full papers

Full papers have been allocated 18 minutes for the presentation (15 minutes for the talk and 3 minutes for discussion) (STRICT!). Please copy your slides to the presentation hall computer before the session starts. The volunteers will be there to help you.

This timeline affects to all the tracks with papers accepted for oral presentation (General Research track, Special Tracks, and Research projects/showcases)


The poster sessions will take place during the coffee breaks. The authors that have their papers in a specific coffee-break slot should be there to show their results to the delegates that will approach them. The poster session will be as a «colloquium» and no formal presentation will be done. Only it is required that the authors must be present at their assigned slot.

Depending on the poster boards availability, the authors for a given day will be able to maintain their poster during the whole day, not being necessary to remove them until the following day.

The format to be used is A0 in the sideways (portrait, vertical) mode.

Doctoral Consortium

The students in the doctoral consortium will show their results during the Doctoral Consortium session. The allocated time slot for presentation will be 30 (20′ for presentation and 10′ for questions from the panel members) (STRICT!).

Additionally, if the authors want, they can prepare a poster following the poster format instructions. These posters will be hanging in the poster boards along with the remaining posters, allowing the delegates to approach the authors during the coffee breaks and conversate about their posters.