Diode Array Detector Agilent 8453
CCD IntaSpect IV Oriel
ICCD InstaSpec V Andor Technologies
Laboraty on a valve system (LOV) from FIA-LAB and others associated valves and pumps
Station for automated preparation of liquid samples AGULENT 7696A Workbench
Automated solid-phase extraction system Symbiosis Pharma for on-line connection to liquid chromatographs
Rotary concentrator-evaporator Eppendorf 5301 with 48 vial-positions and Aspivap system (Prolabo) for removal of toxic vapors
Rotary evaporator Buchi R200 with water-bath and vacuum pump
Superheated liquid extractors, prototypes
Microwave-assisted digester PROLABO SOXWAVE 100-focused microwaves, with control and assembly accesories
Focused microwave assisted Extraction System SEV MIC-V
Microwave-assisted digested PROLABO Microdigest 301-focused microwaves, with control and assembly accesories
3 Prototypes of Focused Microwave Assisted Soxhlet Extractors designed by the research team