• Peñuela, Andrés; Hayas, Antonio; Infante-Amate, Juan; Temme, Arnaud; Reinmann, Tony; Peña-Acevedo, Adolfo; Vanwalleghem, Tom. 2023. A multi-millennial reconstruction of gully erosion in two contrasting Mediterranean catchments. Catena. 220: 1-13.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2022.106709 
  • López, José Javier; Ayuso-Muñoz, José Luis; Goñi, Miker; N. Gimena, Faustino. 2023. Analysis of the effect of climate change on the characteristic of rainfall in Igeldo-Gipúzcoa (Spain). Water. 15, 1529.  https://doi.org/10.339/w15081529 


  • Vanderlinden, K.; Martínez, G.; Ramos, M.; Laguna, A.; Vanwalleghem, T.; Peña, A.; Carbonell, R.; Ordóñez, R.; Giráldez, J.V. 2022. Soil Salinity Patterns in an Olive Grove Irrigated with Reclaimed Table Olive Processing Wastewater. Water. 14, 3049. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14193049
  • Bellido-Jiménez, Juan Antonio; Estévez-Gualda, Javier; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope. 2022. A regional machine learning method to outperform temperature-based reference evapotranspiration estimations in Southern Spain. Agricultural Water Management. 274. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107955
  • Estévez, J., Llabrés-Brustenga, A., Casas-Castillo, M.C. et al. 2022.A quality control procedure for long-term series of daily precipitation data in a semiarid environment. Theor Appl Climatol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-022-04089-2
  • Escobar-Ruiz, Veronica; Smith, Hugh; Macdonald, Neil; Peñuela, Andrés. 2022. Simulated event-scale flow and sediment generation responses to agricultural land cover change in lowland UK catchments. Hydrological Processes, 36 (2) https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14474
  • Estévez, J., Llabrés-Brustenga, A., Casas-Castillo, M.C. et al. 2022.A quality control procedure for long-term series of daily precipitation data in a semiarid environment. Theor Appl Climatol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-022-04089-2
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W.H., Cantero-Chinchilla, F.N. 2022. Shallow flows over curved beds: Application of the Serre-Green-Naghdi theory to weir flow. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 148(1), 04021053. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001954
  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Rodríguez-delgado, Cristóbal; Medina, Luis; Fernández-Ruiz, Jesús; Rodríguez-Ortiz, José María; Iglesias, Gregorio. 2022. A combined approach to cliff characterization: Cliff Stability index. Marine Geology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106706
  • Milazzo, Filippo; Peña-Acevedo, Adolfo; Vanwalleghem, Tom. 2022. The resilience of soil erosion rates under historical land use change in agroecosystems of Southern Spain. Science of the Total Environment. 822 (153672). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153672
  • Schils, René; Bufe, Conny; Rhymer, Caroline; Francksen, Richard M.; Klaus, Valentin H.; Abdalla, Mohamed ; Milazzo, Filippo; Lellei-kovács, Eszter ; Berge, Hein Ten; Bertora, Chiara ; Chodkiewicz, Anna ; Damatirca, Claudia ; Feigenwinter, Iris ; Fernandez-Rebollo, Maria Del Pilar; Shiva Ghiasi, Shiva ; Hejduk, Stanislav ; Hiron, Matthew ; Janicka, Maria ; Pellaton, Raoul ; Smith, Kate E.; Thorman, Rachel; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Williams, John ; Zavattaro, Laura ; Kampen, Jarl ; Derkx, Ria ; Whittingham, Mark J.; Buchmann, Nina ; Newell Price, J. Paul. 2022. Permanent grasslands in Europe: Land use change and intensification decrease their multifunctionality. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 330 (107891). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2022.107891 
  • Ciardi, Martina; Gómez, Cintia; Lafarga, Tomas; González-Céspedes, Alicia María; Acien-Fernández, Francisco Gabriel; López-Segura, José Gabriel; Fernández-Sevilla, José María; Ciardi, Martina. 2022. Pilot-scale annual production of Scenedesmus almeriensis using diluted pig slurry as the nutrient source: Reduction of water losses in thin-layer cascade reactors. Journal of Cleaner Production. 359 (20):132076. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.132076 
  • Monico, Valentina; Solera, Abel; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Paredes, Javier; Andreu, Joaquín. 2022. Effects of environmental flows on hydrological alteration and reliability of water demands. Science of the Total Environment. 810 (151630). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151630 

  • Pardo, Jesús; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Solera, Abel; Paredes, Javier; Andreu, Joaquín. 2022. Habitat alteration assessment for the management of environmental flows in regulated basins. Journal of Environmental Management. 319 (15653). 


  • Pardo, Jesús; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Solera, Abel; Paredes, Javier; Andreu, Joaquín. 2022. The Role of Environmental Flows in the Spatial Variation of the Water Exploitation Index. Water. 14 (19): 2938. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14192938

  • Gamero-Ojeda, Pedro Pablo; Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Dey, Subhasish. 2022. Shallow-water lee-side waves at obstacles: Experimental characterization and turbulent non-Hydrostatic modeling using weighted-averaged residual equations. EnvironmentalModelling& Software. 155 (105422). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2022.105422 

  • Jímenez-Veuthey, Mariana; Morillas, Ainoa; Sánchez, Ana; Navarro-López, Elvira; Acien-Fernández, Francisco Gabriel; López-Segura, José Gabriel; Lafarga, Tomas. 2022. Production of the marine microalga Nannochloropsisgaditana in pilot-scale thin-layer cascade photobioreactors using fresh pig slurry diluted with seawater. Journal of Water Processing Engineering. 48 (102869). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.102869

  • García-Gamero, Vanesa; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Peña-Acevedo, Adolfo; Román-Sánchez, Andrea; Finke, Peter A. 2022. Modelling the effect of catena position and hydrology on soil chemical weathering. Soil. 8 (1): 319-335. https://doi.org/10.5194/soil-8-319-2022 
  • Bellido-Jiménez, Juan Antonio; Estévez-Gualda, Javier; Vanschoren, Joaquín; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope. 2022. AgroML: An Open-Source Repository to Forecast Reference Evapotranspiration in Different Geo-Climatic Conditions Using Machine Learning and Transformer-Based Models. Agronomy. 12(3):656. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12030656
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Chanson, H. 2022. Free surface profiles of near-critical instabilities in open channel flows: Undular hydraulic jumps. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. DOI:10.1007/s10652-021-09797-3 
  • Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás. 2022. High-order shallow water expansions in free surface flows: Application to steady overflow processes. Ocean Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.110717
  • García-Marín, Amanda Penélope; Estévez-Gualda, Javier. 2022. A Simple Scaling Analysis of Rainfall in Andalusia (Spain) under Different Precipitation Regimes. Water. 14(1303). https://doi.org/10.3390/w14081303.
  • Martínez-Dalmau, Javier; Cuadrado Alarcón, Blanca; Exposito-Garcia, Alfonso; Berbel-Vecino, Julio. 2022. Exploring the economic impact of carbonic fertilisation in greenhouses in western Almería (Spain). Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. https://doi.org/10.5424/sjar/2022202-18398
  • Reyes-Requena, Rafael; Roldán-Cañas, José; Baeza-Cano, Rafael Joaquín; Contreras-París, Juana Isabel; López-Segura, José Gabriel; Moreno-Pérez, María Fátima. 2022. Estudio del atascamiento de goteros mediante distintos índices de calidad del riego usando aguas regeneradas. Ingeniería del Agua. 26(1):19-36. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2022.15998
  • Castro-Orgaz, Óscar; Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco N. and Chanson, Hubert. 2022. Shallow fluid flow over an obstacle: higher order non hydrostatic modeling and breaking waves. Environmental Fluid Mechanic. 22: 971–1003 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-022-09875-0
  • Fernández-Habas, J.; Fernández-Rebollo, P.; Gallardo-Cobos, R.; Vanwalleghem, T. and Sánchez-Zamora, P. 2022.  A Farmer’s Perspective on the Relevance of Grassland-Related Innovations in Mediterranean Dehesa Systems. Forests. 13, 1182. https://doi.org/10.3390/f13081182
  • Tenreiro, T. R.; Jeřábek, J.; Gómez J. A.; Zumr, D.; Martínez, G.; García-Vila, M., and Fereres, E. 2022. Simulating water lateral inflow and its contribution to spatial variations of rainfed wheat yields. EuropeanJournalofAgronomy. 137, 126515. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2022.126515
  • Román-Sánchez , A. and Šamonil, P. 2022. The Effect of Tree-Uprooting on the Soil Spatial Complexity in an Old-Growth Temperate Forest, Central Europe. Forests. 13(5):769. https://doi.org/10.3390/f13050769


  • Rodríguez-Delgado, Cristóbal; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús. 2021. Wave energy assessment under climate change through artificial intelligence. Science of the Total Environment. 760(144039). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144039

  • Willi H. Hager; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2021. Charles Bresse: Hydraulician and textbook author. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001836

  • Willi H. Hager; KolumbanHutter; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2021. Correspondence between de Saint-Venant and Boussinesq 5: Viscosity and hydraulic resistance. ComptesRendus - Mecanique. 145-166.  https://doi.org/10.5802/crmeca.71
  • Pardo-Loaiza, Jesús; Solera, Abel; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Paredes, Javier; Andreu, Joaquín. 2021. Improving Indicators of Hydrological Alteration in Regulated and Complex Water Resources Systems: A Case Study in the Duero River Basin. Water. 13(19): 2676. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13192676 

  • Peñuela, Andrés; Hutton, Christopher and Pianosi, Francesca. 2021. An open-source package with interactive Jupyter Notebooks to enhance the accessibility of reservoir operations simulation and optimisation. Environmental Modelling & Software. Volume 145, 105188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105188

  • Bellido-Jiménez, J.A.; Gualda, J.E. and García-Marín, A.P. Assessing Machine Learning Models for Gap Filling Daily Rainfall Series in a Semiarid Region of Spain. Atmosphere. 2021; 12(9):1158. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12091158

  • García-Montoya, J.P., Giráldez-Cervera, J.V. and Vanwalleghem, T. 2021. Climate and Land Use Change Effects on Sediment Production in a Dry Tropical Forest Catchment. Water. 13(16):2233. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13162233

  • Bellido-Jiménez, Juan Antonio; Estévez-Gualda, Javier and García-Marín, Amanda Penélope. 2021. Assessing new intra-daily temperature-based machine learning models to outperform solar radiation predictions in different conditions, Applied Energy. Volume 298. 117211. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117211

  • Porcaro, M.;Comino, F.; Vanwalleghem, T. and Ruiz de Adana, M. 2021. Exploring the reduction of energy demand of a building with an eco-roof under different irrigation strategies. Sustainable Cities and Society. Volume 74, 103229, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.103229.

  • García-Gamero,V. ; Peña, A.; Laguna, A.M.; Giráldez, J.V. and Vanwalleghem, T. 2021. Factors controlling the asymmetry of soil moisture and vegetation dynamics in a hilly Mediterranean catchment. Journal of Hydrology. 598, 126207. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126207.

  • Martínez, G.; Laguna, A. M.; Giráldez, J. V., and Vanderlinden, K. 2021. Concurrent variability of soil moisture and apparent electrical conductivity in the proximity of olive trees. Agricultural Water Management. 245, 106652. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106652

  • Vanmaercke, M.; Panagos, P.; Vanwalleghem, T.; Hayas, A.; Foerster, S.; Borrelli, P.; Rossi, M.; Torri, D.; Casali, J.; Borselli, L.; Vigiak, O.; Maerker, M.; Haregeweyn, N.; De Geeter, S.; Zgłobicki, W.; Bielders, C.; Cerdà, A.; Conoscenti, C.; de Figueiredo, T.; Evans, B.; Golosov, V.; Ionita, I.;Karydas, C.; Kertész, A.; Krása, J.; Le Bouteiller, C.; Radoane, M.; Ristić, R.; Rousseva, S.; Stankoviansky, M.; Stolte, J.; Stolz, C.; Bartley, R.; Wilkinson, S.; Jarihani, B. and Poesen, J. 2021. Measuring, modelling and managing gully erosion at large scales: A state of the art. Earth-Science Reviews. Volume 218,103637,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103637.

  • Vanderlinden, K.; Pachepsky, Y.; Pedrera‐Parrilla, A.; Martinez, G.; Espejo‐Pérez, A.; Perea, F. and Giráldez, J. 2021. Water retention and field soil water states in a vertisol under LONG‐TERM direct drill and conventional tillage. European Journal of Soil Science. 72(2), 667-678. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.12967

  • Pachepsky, Y.; Anderson, R.; Harter, T.; Jacques, D.; Jamieson, R.; Jeong, J.; Kim, H.; Lamorski, K.; Martinez, G.; Ouyang, Y.; Shukla, S.; Wan, Y.; Zheng, W. and Zhang, W. 2021. Fate and transport in environmental quality. J Environ Qual. 50: 1282–1289. https://doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.20300

  • Vašíčková, I.; Šamonil, P.; Kašpar, J.; Román-Sánchez, A.; Chuman, T. and Adam, D. 2021. Dead or Alive: Drivers of Wind Mortality Initiate Multiple Disturbance Regime in a Temperate Primeval Mountain Forest. Forests. 12(11):1599. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12111599

  • Fernández-Habas, J.; Hidalgo-Fernández, M.T.; Leal-Murillo, J.R.; Méndez, P.; Quero, J. L.;  Vanwalleghem, T. and Fernández-Rebollo, P. 2021. Effects of two water regimes on morphological traits, nutritive value and physiology of three Bituminariabituminosa varieties from the Canary Islands. J Agro CropSci. 208: 413–426. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12485

  • Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Laguna-Luna, Ana María; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Vanderlinden-, Karl. 2021. Concurrent variability of soil moisture and apparent electrical conductivity in the proximity of olive trees. Agricultural Water Management. 245. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106652
  • Pachepsky-, Yakov; Anderson, Richard; Harter, Tom; Jacques, Diedrik; Jamieson, Rob ; Jeong, Jaehak; Kim, Hee-jun; Lamorski, Krzysztof; Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Ouyang, Y; Shukla, Sanjay S; Wan, Y. 2021. Fate and transport in environmental quality. Journal of Environmental Quality. 50(6): 1282-1289. DOI: 10.1002/jeq2.20300.
  • Contreras-París, Juana Isabel; Baeza-Cano, Rafael Joaquín; López-Segura, José Gabriel; Cánovas , Gema; Alonso-López, Francisca. 2021. Management of Fertigation in Horticultural Crops through Automation with Electrotensiometers: Effect on the Productivity of Water and Nutrients. Sensors. 21(190). https://doi.org/10.3390/s21010190
  • Bellido-Jiménez, Juan Antonio; Estévez-Gualda, Javier; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope. 2021. Assessing new intra-daily temperature-based machine learning models to outperform solar radiation predictions in different conditions. Applied Energy. 298. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117211
  • Matthias Vanmaercke; Panos Panagos; Tom Vanwalleghem; Antonio Hayas; Saskia Foerster; Pasquale Borrelli; Mauro Rossi; Dino Torri; Javier Casali; Lorenzo Borselli; Olga Vigiak; Michael Maerker; Nigussie Haregeweyn; Sofie De Geeter; Wojciech Zgłobicki; Charles Bielders; Artemi Cerdà; Christian Conoscenti; Tomás de Figueiredo; Bob Evans; Valentín Golosov; Ion Ionita; ChristosKarydas; AdamKertész; JosefKrása;CarolineLe Bouteiller; Maria Radoane; Ratko Ristić; Svetla Rousseva; Milos Stankoviansky; Jannes Stolte; Christian Stolz; Rebecca Bartley; Scott Wilkinson; Ben Jarihani; Jean Poesen. 2021. Measuring, modelling and managing gully erosion at large scales: A state of the art. Earth-Science Reviews. 218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103637
  • Bellido-Jiménez, Juan Antonio; Estévez-Gualda, Javier; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope. 2021. Assessing Machine Learning Models for Gap Filling Daily Rainfall Series in a Semiarid Region of Spain. Atmosphere. 12. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12091158
  • García-Montoya, Juan Pablo ;Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Vanwalleghem-, Tom. 2021. Climate and Land Use Change Effects on Sediment Production in a Dry Tropical Forest Catchment. Water. 13(16): 2233-2244. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13162233
  • García_Gamero,V., Peña, A., Laguna, A.M., Giráldez, J.V., Vanwalleghem, T. 2021. Factors controlling the asymmetry of soil moisture and vegetation dynamics in a hilly Mediterranean catchment. Journal of Hydrology. 598 (126207). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126207.
  • Peñuela, Andrés; Hutton, Christopher; Pianosi, Francesca. 2021. An open-source package with interactive Jupyter Notebooks to enhance the accessibility of reservoir operations simulation and optimization. Environmental Modelling & Software. 145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105188
  • Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; De Almeida, Gustavo; Manes, Costantino. 2021. Temporal evolution of clear-water local scour at bridge piers with flow-dependent debris accumulations. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 147(10). http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001920
  • Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2021. Charles Bresse: Hydraulician and textbook author. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering.147(3). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001836
  • Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2021. Correspondence between de Saint-Venant and Boussinesq 5: Viscosity and hydraulic resistance. Comptes Rendus – Mecanique 145-166. DOI:10.5802/crmeca.71
  • Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2021. Discussion of Comparison between hydrostatic and total pressure simulations of dam-break flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2019.1671509
  • Ivana Vašíčková, Pavel Šamonil, Jakub Kašpar, Andrea Román-Sánchez, Tomáš Chuman, Dušan Adam. 2021. Dead or Alive: Drivers of Wind Mortality Initiate Multiple Disturbance Regime in a Temperate Primeval Mountain Forest. Forests. 12(1599). https://doi.org/10.3390/f12111599
  • Fernández-Habas, Jesús; Hidalgo, María Teresa; Leal-Murillo, José Ramón; Fernández-Rebollo, María Del Pilar; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Quero-Pérez, José Luis. 2021. Effects of two water regimes on morphological traits, nutritive value and physiology of three Bituminaria bituminosa varieties from the Canary Islands. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12485


  • Rodríguez-Delgado, Cristóbal; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Iglesias, Gregorio. 2020. Coastal infrastructure operativity against flooding - A methodology. Science of the Total Environment. 719 (137452). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137452

  • Peñuela, Andres; Hutton, Christopher; Pianosi, Francesca. 2020. Assessing the value of seasonal hydrological forecasts for improving water resource management: insights from a pilot application in the UK. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 24: 6059-6073. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-24-6059-2020
  • Estévez-Gualda, Javier; Bellido-Jiménez, Juan Antonio; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope. 2020. Monthly Precipitation Forecasts Using Wavelet Neural Networks Models in a Semiarid Environment. Water. 12 (7). https://doi.org/10.3390/w12071909
  • Morbidelli, Renato; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope; Ayuso-Muñoz, Jose Luis; Casas-Castillo, M. Carmen; García-Barrón, Leoncio; Estévez-Gualda, Javier; Llabrés-Brustenga, Alba; Ledesma, José L.j.; Rodríguez-solà, Raúl; Sousa-Martín, Arturo. 2020. The history of rainfall data time-resolution in a wide variety of geographical areas. Journal of Hydrology. 590(125258): 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125258
  • Andrea Román-Sánchez; Arnaud Temme; Garry Willgoose; Denys van den Berg; Colleen M. Gura; Tom Vanwalleghem. 2020. The fingerprints of weathering: grain size distribution changes along weathering sequences in different lithologies. 383(114753). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114753
  • Bellido-Jiménez, Juan Antonio; Estévez-Gualda, Javier; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope. 2020. New machine learning approaches to improve reference evapotranspiration estimates using intra-daily temperature-based variables in a semi-arid region of Spain. AgriculturalWater Management. 245(106558). 


  • Pinna-Hernandez, Maria Guadalupe; Acien-Fernández, Francisco Gabriel; Casas-Lopez, Jose Luis; López-Segura, José Gabriel. 2020. Solar Drying of Greenhouse Crop Residues for Energy Valorization: Modeling and Determination of Optimal Conditions. Agronomy. 10(12). https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10122001

  • García-Marín, Amanda Penélope; Estévez-Gualda, Javier; Morbidelli , Renato ; Saltallippi, Carla ; Ayuso-Muñoz, Jose Luis; Flammini, Alessia. 2020. Assessing inhomogeneities in extreme annual rainfall data series by multifractal approach. Water. 12(4). https://doi.org/10.3390/w12041030

  • Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Gamero-Ojeda, Pedro Pablo; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Cea, Luis; Hager, Willi. 2020. Vertically averaged and moment equations for dam-break wave modeling: Shallow water hypotheses. Water. 12(11). https://doi.org/10.3390/w12113232

  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Rodríguez-Delgado, Cristóbal; Medina, Luis; Iglesias, Gregorio. 2020. Coastal cliff exposure and management. Ocean&Coastal Management. 198(105387). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.10538

  • Berguillos, Rafael Jesús; Rodríguez-Delgado, Cristóbal; Cremades, Javier; Medina, Luis; Iglesias, Gregorio. 2020. Multi-criteria characterization and mapping of coastal cliff environments: A case study in NW Spain. Science of the Total Environment. 746(140942). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140942

  • Willi H. Hager; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2020. Alfred Aimé Flamant: Hydraulician and textbook author. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 146(7). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001758

  • Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Hubert Chason. 2020. Undular and broken surges in dam-break flows: A review of wave breaking strategies in a Boussinesq-type framework. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 20: 1383-1416. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-020-09749-3

  • Hager, Willi H.; Hutter, Kolumban; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2020. Correspondence between de Saint-Venant and Boussinesq 3: de Saint Venant’s professional career and private life. ComptesRendus - Mecanique. 348(4): 245-273. https://comptes-rendus.academie-sciences.fr/mecanique/articles/10.5802/crmeca.40/

  • Hager, Willi H.; Hutter, Kolumban; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2020. Correspondence between de Saint-Venant and Boussinesq 4: The role of Frédéric Reech. ComptesRendus - Mecanique. 348(8-9): 705-727 . https://doi.org/10.5802/crmeca.57

  • Jiménez-Donaire, M.d.P.; Giráldez, J.V. and Vanwalleghem, T. 2020. Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Droughts in Spain. Water.. 12(11):3214. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12113214

  • Jiménez-Donaire, M.d.P.; Giráldez, J.V. and Vanwalleghem, T. 2020. Evaluation of Drought Stress in Cereal through Probabilistic Modelling of Soil Moisture Dynamics. Water.; 12(9):2592. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12092592

  • Rodriguez-Delgado, Cristóbal; Bergillos, Rafael J. and Iglesias, Gregorio. 2020. Coastal infrastructure operativity against flooding – A methodology. Science of The Total Environment. Volume 719, 137452. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137452

  • Gamero, Pedro; Bergillos, Rafael J., Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco N. and Castro-Orgaz, Óscar. 2020. A MATLAB software platform for modelling vertically-integrated non-hydrostatic flows with moment equations. Environmental Modelling & Software. 127, 104674. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104674

  • Toledo, M.; Gutiérrez, M.C.; Peña, A.; Siles ,J.A. and Martín, M.A. 2020. Co-composting of chicken manure, alperujo, olive leaves/pruning and cereal straw at full-scale: Compost quality assessment and odour emission. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 139, 362-370. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2020.04.048.

  • Castro-Orgaz, O. and Cantero-Chinchilla, F.N. 2020. Non-linear shallow water flow modelling over topography with depth-averaged potential equations. Environ Fluid Mech. 20, 261–29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-019-09691-z

  • Luna, A.M.; Lineros, M.L.; Gualda, J.E.; Giráldez-Cervera, J.V. and Madueño-Luna, J.M. 2020. Assessing the Best Gap-Filling Technique for River Stage Data Suitable for Low Capacity Processors and Real-Time Application Using IoT. Sensors. 20(21):6354. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216354

  • Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco N.; Bergillos, Rafael J. and Castro-Orgaz, Óscar. 2020. Nearshore coastal flow processes using weighted-averaged equations. Ocean Engineering. Volume 211,107480. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107480.

  • Cantero-Chinchilla, F.N.; Díaz-Martín, C.; García-Marín, A.P. et al. 2020. Innovative Student Response System Methodologies for Civil Engineering Practical Lectures. Tech Know Learn. 25, 835–852. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-019-09410-z

  • Jiménez-Donaire, M. P.; Tarquis, A. and Giráldez, J.V. 2020. Evaluation of a combined drought indicator and its potential for agricultural drought prediction in southern Spain. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 20, 21–33. https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-20-21-2020

  • Schröder, Jaap J.; Ten Berge, Hein F. M.; Bampa, Francesca; Creamer, Rachel E.; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan V.; Henriksen, Christian B.; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rutgers, Michiel; Sandén,Taru and Spiegel, Heide. 2020. Multi-Functional Land Use Is Not Self-Evident for European Farmers: A Critical Review. Front. Environ. Sci. Volume 8 - 2020 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2020.575466

  • Hager, Willi; Hutter, Kolumban and Castro-Orgaz, Óscar. 2020. Correspondence between de Saint-Venant and Boussinesq 2: Boussinesq’s professional and private life up to 1886. ComptesRendus. Mécanique. 348. 77-111. DOI: 10.5802/crmeca.8

  • Chanson, Hubert; Bombardelli, Fabian and Castro-Orgaz, Óscar. 2020. Environmental fluid mechanics in hydraulic engineering. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 20:227–232. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-020-09739-5

  • Martínez, G., Laguna, A. M., Giráldez, J. V., Vanderlinden, K. 2020. Concurrent variability of soil moisture and apparent electrical conductivity in the proximity of olive trees. Agricultural Water Management 106652, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106652.
  • Jiménez-Donaire, M. d. P., Tarquis, A., Giráldez, J. V. 2020. Evaluation of a combined drought indicator and its potential for agricultural drought prediction in southern Spain. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 20(1), https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-20-21-2020.
  • Jiménez-Donaire, M. d. P., Giráldez, J. V., Vanwalleghem, T. 2020. Evaluation of drought stress in cereal through probabilistic modelling of soil moisture dynamics. Water, 12(9), 2592. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12092592.
  • Jiménez-Donaire, M. d. P., Giráldez, J. V., Vanwalleghem, T. 2020. Impact of climate change on agricultural droughts in Spain. Water, 12(11), 3214. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12113214.
  • Madueño, A., Lineros, M. L., Gualda, J. E., Giráldez, J. V., Madueño, J. M. 2020. Assessing the best gap-filling technique for river stage data suitable for low capacity processors and real-time application using IoT. Sensors, 20(21), 6354. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216354.
  • Toledo, M; Gutiérrez, M.C.; Peña, A.; Siles, J.A.; Martín, M.A. 2020. Co-composting of chicken manure, alperujo, olive leaves/pruning and cereal straw at full-scale: Compost quality assessment and odour emission. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 139:362-370. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2020.04.048
  • Vanderlinden-, Karl; Pachepsky , Yakov ; Pedrera -parrilla, Aura; Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Espejo-Perez, Antonio Jesus; Perea-Torres, Francisco; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente. 2020. Water retention and field soil water states in a vertisol under Long-Term direct drill and conventional tillage. European Journal of Soil Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.12967
  • Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2020. Nearshore coastal flow processes using weighted-averaged equations. Ocean Engineering.
  • Gamero-Ojeda, Pedro Pablo; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2020. A MATLAB software platform for modelling vertically-integrated non-hydrostatic flows with moment equations. Environmental Modelling & Software.127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104674


  • Rodríguez-Delgado, Cristóbal; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Iglesias, Gregorio. 2019. An artificial neural network model of coastal erosion mitigation through wave farms. EnvironmentalModelling& Software. 119: 390-399. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.07.010
  • Martínez-López, Javier; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Bonet-García, Francisco Javier; de Vente-, Joris. 2019. Connecting research infrastructures, scientific and sectorial networks to support integrated management of Mediterranean coastal and rural areas. EnvironmentalResearchLetters. 14(11). DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ab4b22

  • Peña-Acevedo, Adolfo; Vanwalleghem-, Tom. 2019. Predicting gully width and widening rates from upstream contribution area and rainfall: A case study in SW Spain. Geomorphology. 341: 130-139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.05.017

  • Herrera, Pascual; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope; Estévez-Gualda, Javier. 2019. Multifractal analysis of diurnal temperature range over Southern Spain using validated datasets. Chaos. 29(6). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5089810
  • García-Marín, Amanda Penélope; Morbidelli , Renato; Saltallippi, Carla ; Cifrodelli , Marco ; Estévez-Gualda, Javier; Flammini, Alessia. 2019. On the choice of the optimal frequency analysis of annual extreme rainfall by multifractal approach. Journal of Hydrology. 575: 1267-1279 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.06.013
  • García-Marín, Amanda Penélope; Estévez-Gualda, Javier; Alcalá-Miras , José Ángel ; Morbidelli , Renato ; Flammini, Alessia; Ayuso-Muñoz, Jose Luis. 2019. Multifractal analysis to study break points in temperature data sets. Chaos. 29(9). 


  • Morbidelli, Renato; Saltallippi, Carla; Flammini, Alessia; Cifrodelli , Marco ; Dari, Jacopo; Corradini, Corrado ; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope; Moramarco , Tomasso. 2019. On the applicability of temporal stability analysis to raingauge network design. HydrologicalSciencesJournal. 64(12): 1424-1438. https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2019.1645959
  • Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Dey, Subhasish. 2019. Prediction of Overtopping Dike Failure: Sediment Transport and Dynamic Granular Bed Deformation Model. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 145(6). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001608
  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Rodríguez-Delgado, Cristóbal; Iglesias, Gregorio. 2019. Wave farm impacts on coastal flooding under sea-level rise: A case study in southern Spain. Science of the Total Environment. 653: 1522-1531. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.422

  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Rodríguez-Delgado, Cristóbal; Allen, James; Iglesias, Gregorio. 2019. Wave energy converter configuration in dual wave farms. OceanEngineering. 178: 204-214. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.03.001

  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Rodríguez-Delgado, Cristóbal; Allen, James; Iglesias, Gregorio. 2019. Wave energy converter geometry for coastal flooding mitigation. Science of the Total Environment. 130: 1232-1241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.022
  • Hager, Willi H; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Hutter, Kolumban. 2019. Correspondence between de Saint-Venant and Boussinesq 1: Birth of Shallow Water Equations. ComptesRendus - Mecanique. 347:632-662. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crme.2019.08.004
  • Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Hager, Willi H. 2019. Discussion of Vertical 2D Nonhydrostatic model using mode splitting for dam-break flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 145(10). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001629
  • Rodríguez-Delgado, Cristóbal; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Iglesias, Gregorio. 2019. Dual wave farms and coastline dynamics: The role of inter-device spacing. Science of the Total Environment. 646: 1241-1252. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.110

  • Brown, Sophia Isabella; Dickson, Mark Edward; Kench, Paul Simon; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús. 2019. Modelling gravel barrier response to storms and sudden relative sea-level change using XBeach-G. Marine Geology. 410: 164-175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2019.01.009

  • Rodríguez-Delgado, Cristóbal; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Iglesias, Gregorio. 2019. Dual wave farms for energy production and coastal protection under sea level rise. Journal of Cleaner Production. 222: 364-372. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.058    

  • Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2019. Modelización hidrodinámica del flujo sobre diques de materiales sueltos. Ingeniería del Agua. 23(3): 215-227. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2019.12085 
  • Porcaro M.; Ruiz de Adana, M.; Comino, F.; Peña, A.; Martín-Consuegra, E. and Vanwalleghem, T. 2019. Long term experimental analysis of thermal performance of extensive green roofs with different substrates in Mediterranean climate. Energy and Buildings. 197, 18-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.05.041
  • Román-Sánchez , Andrea; Willgoose, Garry; Giráldez, Juan Vicente; Peña, Adolfo and Vanwalleghem, Tom. 2019. The effect of fragmentation on the distribution of hillslope rock size and abundance: Insights from contrasting field and model data. Geoderma. 352, 228-240. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.06.014.
  • Román-Sánchez , Andrea; Reimann, Tony; Wallinga, Jakob and Vanwalleghem, Tom. 2019.  Bioturbation and erosion rates along the soil-hillslope conveyor belt, part 1: Insights from single-grain feldspar luminescence. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4628
  • Román-Sánchez , Andrea; Laguna, Ana; Reimann, Tony; Giráldez, Juan Vicente; Peña, Adolfo and Vanwalleghem, Tom. 2019. Bioturbation and erosion rates along the soil-hillslope conveyor belt, part 2: Quantification using an analytical solution of the diffusion–advection equation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 44 (10)  2066-2080. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4626
  • Guzmán, G.; Perea-Moreno, A.J.; Gómez, J.A.; Cabrerizo-Morales, M.Á.; Martínez, G.; Giráldez, J.V. 2019. Water Related Properties to Assess Soil Quality in Two Olive Orchards of South Spain under Different Management Strategies. Water. 11, 367. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11020367
  • Kohfahl, C.; Molano-Leno, L.; Martínez, G.; Vanderlinden, K.; Guardiola-Albert, C.and Moreno, L. 2019. Determining groundwater recharge and vapor flow in dune sediments using a weighable precision meteo lysimeter. Science of The Total Environment. 656, 550-557. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.415
  • Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco N.; Castro-Orgaz, Óscar and Abdul A. Khan. 2019. Vertically-averaged and moment equations for flow and sediment transport. Advances in Water Resources. Volume 132,103387,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.103387.
  • Valdes-Abellan, J.; Pachepsky, Y.; Martinez, G. and Pla, C. 2019. How Critical Is the Assimilation Frequency of Water Content Measurements for Obtaining Soil Hydraulic Parameters with Data Assimilation?. Vadose ZoneJournal. 18: 1-10 180142. https://doi.org/10.2136/vzj2018.07.0142
  • Dey, Subhasish; Castro-Orgaz, Óscar and Ali, Sk Zeeshan. 2019. Turbulent Length Scales and Anisotropy in Submerged Turbulent Plane Offset Jets. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. Volume 145, Issue 2https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001559
  • Kohfahl, C., Molano-Leno, L., Martínez, G., Vanderlinden, K., Guardiola-Albert, C., Moreno, L. 2019. Determining groundwater recharge and vapor flow in dune sediments using a weighable precision meteo lysimeter. Science of the Total Environment 656: 550-557, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.415.
  • Guzmán, G., Perea-Moreno, A.J., Gómez, J.A., Cabrerizo-Morales, M.A., Martínez, G., Giráldez, J.V. 2019. Water related properties to assess soil quality in two olive orchards of south Spain under different management strategies. Water 11(2), 367, https://doi.org/10.3390/w11020367.
  • Comino-Montilla, Francisco; Ruiz De Adana-Santiago, Manuel; Peña-Acevedo, Adolfo; Ruiz-de Adana, Manuel; Vanwalleghem-, Tom. 2019. Long term experimental analysis of thermal performance of extensive green roofs with different substrates in Mediterranean climate. Energy and Buildings. 197:18-34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.05.041
  • Román-Sánchez, Andrea; Laguna-Luna, Ana María; Reimann, T; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Peña-Acevedo, Adolfo; Vanwalleghem-, Tom. 2019. Bioturbation and erosion rates along the soil-hillslope conveyor belt, part 2: quantification using an analytical solution of the diffusion-advection equation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 44:2066-2080. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4626
  • García, Juan Pablo; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente. 2019. Determination of environmental flows for the Barbuda stream un the municipality of Olaya, Antioquia, Colombia. Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia. 91:9-23. https://doi.org/10.17533/10.17533/udea.redin.n91a02
  • Dey, S.; Galla, R.k.; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Ali, S.z. 2019. Turbulent length scales and anisotropy in submerged turbulent plane offset jets. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 145(2): 04018085. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001559
  • Hayas, Antonio; Peña, A.; Vanwalleghem-, Tom. 2019. Predicting gully width and widening rates from upstream contribution area and rainfall: A case study in SW Spain. Geomorphology. 341:130-139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.05.017
  • Román-Sánchez, Andrea; Reimann, Tony; Wallinga, Jakob; Vanwalleghem-, Tom. 2019. Bioturbation and erosion rates along the soil-hillslope conveyor belt, part 1: Insights from single-grain feldspar luminescence. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4628
  • Román-Sánchez, Andrea; WILLGOOSE, GARRY; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Peña-Acevedo, Adolfo; Vanwalleghem-, Tom. 2019. The effect of fragmentation on the distribution of hillslope rock size and abundance: Insights from contrasting field and model data. Geoderma. 352: 228-240. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.06.014
  • Valdés-abellán, Javier; Pachepsky, Yakov ; Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Pla, Concepción. 2019. HOW CRITICAL IS THE ASSIMILATION FREQUENCY OF WATER CONTENT MEASUREMENTS FOR OBTAINING SOIL HYDRAULIC PARAMETERS WITH DATA ASSIMILATION?. Vadose Zone Journal 18(1). doi:10.2136/vzj2018.07.0142
  • Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Díaz-Martin , Cristina; Estévez-Gualda, Javier; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope. 2019. Innovative Student Response System Methodologies for Civil Engineering Practical Lectures. Technology, Knowledge and Learning. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-019-09410-z
  • Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás. 2019. Non-linear shallow water flow modelling over topography with depth-averaged potential equations. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 20:261-291. DOI: 10.1007/s10652-019-09691-z
  • Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Aziz-khan, Abdul. 2019. Vertically-averaged and moment equations for flow and sediment transport. Advances in water resources. 132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.103387
  • Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2019. Hydrodynamic modelling of overtopping flow over granular dikes. Ingeniería del Agua 24(2):215-227. DOI: 10.4995/ia.2019.12085


  • Peñuela, Andres; Sellami, Haykel; Smith, Hugh. 2018. A model for catchment soil erosion management in humid agricultural environments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 43(3): 608-622. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4271 
  • Smith, Hugh; Peñuela, Andres; Sangster, Heather; Sellami, Haykel; Boyle, John; Chiverrell, Richard; Schillereff, Daniel; Riley, Mark. 2018. Simulating a century of soil erosion for agricultural catchment management. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 43(10): 2089-2105. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4375
  • García-Marín, Amanda Penélope; Herrera-Grimaldi, Pascual; Ayuso-Muñoz, Jose Luis; Flammini, Alessia; Morbidelli , Renato ; Ayuso -Ruiz , JL. 2018. Detection of trends and break points in temperature: the case of Umbria (Italy) and Guadalquivir Valley (Spain). Acta Geophysica. 66: 329-343. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11600-018-0118-1       
  • Estévez-Gualda, Javier; Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Riquelme-Cantal, Jose Antonio; Sanchidrian-Torti, Jose Luis. 2018. Uso de herramientas clichers en sesiones prácticas en los grados de Ingeniería Civil y de Historia. Revista de Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Docentes. 6(6): 85-90. https://doi.org/10.21071/ripadoc.v6i0.11083
  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; López-Ruiz, Alejandro; Medina , Encarnación; Moñino-Ferrando, Antonio; Ortega-Sanchez, Miguel. 2018. The role of wave energy converter farms on coastal protection in eroding deltas, Guadalfeo, southern Spain. Journal of Cleaner Production. 171:256-367. Índice de impacto (ISI): 5.651. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,467. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.10.018
  • Quebrajo, Lucía; Pérez-Ruiz, Manuel; Perez-Urrestarazu, Luis; Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Egea, Gregorio. 2018. Linking thermal imaging and soil remote sensing to enhance irrigation management of sugar beet. Biosystems Engineering. 165:77-87. Índice de impacto (ISI): 2.132. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 0,676. Cuartil (SCImago): Q2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2017.08.013
  • López, Antonio; Perez-Galvin, Adela; Ayuso-Muñoz, Jesús; Jiménez-Romero, José Ramón; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Peña-Acevedo, Adolfo. 2018. Risk assessment by percolation leaching tests of extensive green roofs with fine fraction of mixed recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25(36): 36024-36034. Índice de impacto (ISI): 2.800. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 0,858. Cuartil (SCImago): Q2. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-1703-1
  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; López-Ruiz, Alejandro; Principal-gómez, Daniel; Ortega-Sanchez, Miguel. 2018. An integrated methodology to forecast the efficiency of nourishment strategies in eroding deltas. Science of the Total Environment.  613-614: 1175-1184. Índice de impacto (ISI): 4.610. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,546. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.197
  • López-Ruiz, Alejandro; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Lira-loarca, Andrea; Ortega-Sanchez, Miguel. 2018. A methodology for the long-term simulation and uncertainty analysis of the operational lifetime performance of wave energy converter arrays. Energy. 153:126-135. Índice de impacto (ISI): 4.968. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,990. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2018.04.018
  • Salas-Morera, Lorenzo; Arauzo-Azofra, Antonio; García-Hernández, Laura; Juan M. Palomo-Romero; Ayuso-Muñoz, Jose Luis. 2018. New Approach to the Distribution of Project Completion Time in PERT Networks. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 144(10). Índice de impacto (ISI): 2.201. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,023. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001552
  • Repullo, Miguel Ángel; Ordoñez-Fernández, Rafaela; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Márquez-García, Francisco Javier; Laguna-Luna, Ana María; Carbonell-Bojollo, Rosa Maria. 2018. Efficiency of four different seeded plants and native vegetation as cover crops in the control of soil and carbon losses by water erosion in olive orchards. Land Degradation & Development. 29: 2278-2290. Índice de impacto (ISI): 7.270. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,761. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. doi:  10.1002/ldr.3023.  Disponible en: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/ldr.3023.
  • Guzmán-, Mª Gema; Vanderlinden-, Karl; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente. 2018. European long¿term field experiments: knowledge gained about alternative management practices. Soil Use and Management. 34:167-176. Índice de impacto (ISI): 1.336. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 0,733. Cuartil (SCImago): Q2. DOI:10.1111/sum.12421
  • Cortes-Sanchez, Miguel; Riquelme-Cantal, Jose Antonio; Simon-Vallejo, María Dolores; Parrilla-Giráldez, Rubén; Odriozola, Carlos P.; Calle-Román, Lydia; Carrión-García, José Sebastián; Monge-Gómez, Mª Guadalupe; Rodríguez-Vidal, Joaquín; Moyano-Campos, Juan José; Rico-Delgado, Fernando; Nieto-Julian, Juan Enrique; Antón, Daniel; Jiménez, Fernando; Martinez-Aguirre, Aranzazu; Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás. 2018. Pre-Solutrean rock art in southernmost Europe: Evidence from Las Ventanas Cave (Andalusia, Spain). PloS One. 13(10)1-23. Índice de impacto (ISI): 2.766. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,164. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.020465
  • Estévez-Gualda, Javier; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope. 2018. Introduction to the special issue on ¿hydro-meteorological time series analysis and their relation to climate change?. 2018. Acta Geophysica. 66(3):317-318. Índice de impacto (ISI): 0.709. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 0,312. Cuartil (SCImago): Q3. DOI: 10.1007/s11600-018-0144-z
  • Estévez-Gualda, Javier; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope; Ayuso-Muñoz, Jose Luis. 2018. Self-Perceived Benefits of Cooperative and Project-Based Learning Strategies in the Acquisition of Project Management Skills. International Journal of Engineering Education. 34(3)1-11. Índice de impacto (ISI): 0.575. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 0,433. Cuartil (SCImago): Q2.
  • Ortega-Sanchez, Miguel; Moñino-Ferrando, Antonio; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Magaña-Redondo, Pedro Javier; Clavero-Gilabert, María; Díez-Minguito, Manuel; Baquerizo-Azofra, Asuncion. 2018. Confronting learning challenges in the field of maritime and coastal engineering: towards an educational methodology for sustainable development. Journal of Cleaner Production. 171: 733-742. Índice de impacto (ISI): 5.651. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,467. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.10.049
  • Rodríguez, Cristóbal; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Ortega-Sanchez, Miguel; Iglesias, Gregorio. 2018. Wave farm effects on the coast: the alongshore position. Science of the Total Environment. 640-641: 1176-1186. Índice de impacto (ISI): 4.610. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,546. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.281
  • Rodríguez-delgado, Cristóbal; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Ortega-Sanchez, Miguel; Iglesias, Gregorio. 2018. Protection of gravel-dominated coasts through wave farms: layout and shoreline evolution. Science of the Total Environment. 636:1541-1552. Índice de impacto (ISI): 4.610. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,546. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.333
  • Magaña-Redondo, Pedro Javier; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Del-Rosal-Salido, Juan; Reyes -Merlo, Miguel Ángel; Díaz-carrasco, Pilar; Ortega-Sanchez, Miguel. 2018. Integrating complex numerical approaches into a user-friendly application for the management of coastal environments. Science of the Total Environment. 624: 979-990. Índice de impacto (ISI): 4.610. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,546. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.154
  • Medina, Encarnación; Moñino-Ferrando, Antonio; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Clavero-Gilabert, María; Ortega-Sanchez, Miguel. 2018. Oscillating Water Column Performance under the Influence of Storm Development. Energy. 166(January 2019): 765-774. Índice de impacto (ISI): 4.968. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,990. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2018.10.108
  • Kohfahl-, Claus; Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Vanderlinden-, Karl. 2018. Determining groundwater recharge and vapor flow in dune sediments using a weighable precision meteo lysimeter. Science of the Total Environment. 656:550-557. Índice de impacto (ISI): 4.610. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,546. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.415
  • Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Román-Sánchez, Andrea; García, Vanesa; Laguna-Luna, Ana María; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Peña-Acevedo, Adolfo. 2018. Aprendizaje liderado por los estudiantes mediante elaboración de vídeos colaborativos sobre hidrología y erosión. Revista de Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Docentes. 6:1-5. https://doi.org/10.21071/ripadoc.v6i0.11071
  • Stocker, Matt; Pachepsky-, Yakov; Hill, Robert Lee; Martínez-García, Gonzalo. 2018. Escherichia coli export from manured fields depends on the time between the start of rainfall and runoff initiation. Journal of Environmental Quality. 47: 1293-1297. Índice de impacto (ISI): 2.405. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,092. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. doi: 10.2134/jeq2018.02.0081
  • Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Huan, Jing Yi; Vanderlinden-, Karl; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Triantafilis, John. 2018. Potential to predict depth-specific soil¿water content beneath an olive tree using electromagnetic conductivity imaging. Soil Use and Management. 34:236-248. Índice de impacto (ISI): 1.336. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 0,733. Cuartil (SCImago): Q2. https://doi.org/10.1111/sum.12411
  • Stocker, Matt; Yakirevich, Alexander; Guber, Andrey; Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Blaustein, Ryan; Whelan, Gene; Goodrich, David; Shelton, Daniel; Pachepsky-, Yakov. 2018. Functional Evaluation of Three Manure-Borne Indicator Bacteria Release Models with Multiyear Field Experiment Data. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 229:191. Índice de impacto (ISI): 1.769. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 0,589. Cuartil (SCImago): Q2. doi: 10.1007/s11270-018-3807-0
  • Valdés-abellán, Javier; Pachepsky-, Yakov; Martínez-García, Gonzalo. 2018. Obtaining soil hydraulic parameters from soil water content data assimilation under different climatic/soil conditions. Catena. 163: 311-320. Índice de impacto (ISI): 3.256. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,246. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2017.12.022
  • Valdés-abellán, Javier; Pachepsky-, Yakov; Martínez-García, Gonzalo. 2018. MATLAB algorithm to implement soil water data assimilation with the Ensemble Kalman Filter using HYDRUS. MethodsX. 5:184-203. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 0,640. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2018.02.008
  • Bonfatti, Benito; Hartemink, Alfred; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Minasny, Budiman; Giasson, Elvio. 2018. A mechanistic model to predict soil thickness in a valley area of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Geoderma. 309:17-31. Índice de impacto (ISI): 3.740. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,717. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.08.036
  • Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Tarquis, A.m.; Minasny, B. 2018. Advances in pedometrics: Special issue of Pedometrics 2015, Cordoba. Geoderma. 311:91-92. Índice de impacto (ISI): 3.740. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,717. Cuartil (SCImago): Q. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.05.042
  • Gómez-Calero, José Alfonso; Guzmán-, Mª Gema; Castillo-Llanque, Franco Julio Cesar; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Lora-Gonzalez, Angel; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente. 2018. Soil erosion control, plant diversity, and arthropod communities under hetetogeneous cover crop in an olive orchard. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25:977-989. Índice de impacto (ISI): 2.800. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 0,858. Cuartil (SCImago): Q2. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-8339-9
  • Román-sánchez, A.; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Peña, A.; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente. 2018. Controls on soil carbon storage from topography and vegetation in a rocky, semi-arid landscapes. Geoderma. 311:159-166. Índice de impacto (ISI): 3.740. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,717. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.10.013
  • Flammini, A.; Corradini, C.; Morbidelli, R.; Saltalippi, C.; Picciafuoco, T.; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente. 2018. Experimental analyses of the evaporation dynamics in bare soils under natural conditions Water Resour. Water Resources Management. 32(3): 1153-1166. Índice de impacto (ISI): 2.644. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,185. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-017-1860-x
  • Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Khan, A.a. 2018. Depth-integrated nonhydrostatic free-surface flow modelling using weighted-averaged equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 87(1):27-50. Índice de impacto (ISI): 1.673. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,183. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. DOI: 10.1002/fld.4481
  • Dey, S.; Galla, R.k.; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Ali, S.z. 2018. Reynolds stress in submerged turbulent plane offset jets: Mathematical model. Journal of engineering mechanics. 144(6): 06018001. Índice de impacto (ISI): 1.799. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 0,779. Cuartil (SCImago): Q2. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001456
  • Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Schmocker, L.; Hager, Willi H. 2018. Depth-averaged modelling of granular dike overtopping. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 56(4): 537-550. Índice de impacto (ISI): 2.076. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,168. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2017.1399933
  • Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Sturm, T.w. 2018. Boris A. Bakhmeteff and the development of the specific energy and momentum concepts. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 144(12): 025180004. Índice de impacto (ISI): 2.080. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,023. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001541
  • Baeza-Cano, Rafael Joaquín; López-Segura, José Gabriel; Alonso-López, Francisca; Contreras-París, Juana Isabel. 2018. Gestión integral de mezclas de agua en pro de la sostenibilidad del fertirriego de cultivos hortícolas intensivos. Horticultura. 337: 48-52.
  • Contreras-París, Juana Isabel; López-Segura, José Gabriel; Alonso-López, Francisca; Baeza-Cano, Rafael Joaquín. 2018. La monitorización de la humedad del suelo como herramienta para mejorar la eficiencia y sostenibilidad del fertirriego. Horticultura. 338:42-48.
  • SÁEZ-BASTANTE, JAVIER; Román-Sánchez, Andrea; Vanwalleghem, Tom ; Olmedo-Cortés, Inés; Aparicio-Martinez, Pilar; Pinzi-, Sara. 2018. MULTIMEDIA PLATFORM FOR THE EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF WATER AND THE USE OF HYDRIC RESOURCES FROM A MULTIDISCIPLINARY POINT OF VIEW IN ENGINEERING DEGREES. Revista de Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Docentes. 7:82-92. http://hdl.handle.net/10396/18293
  • López-Ruiz, Alejandro; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Raffo-caballero, Juan M. ; Ortega-Sanchez, Miguel. 2018. Towards an optimum design of wave energy converter arrays through an integrated approach of life cycle performance and operational capacity. Applied Energy. 209:20-32. Índice de impacto (ISI): 7.900. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 3,162. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.10.062
  • Román-Sánchez, Andrea; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Peña-Acevedo, Adolfo; Laguna-Luna, Ana María; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente. 2018. Controls on soil carbon storage from topography and vegetation in a rocky, semi-arid landscapes. Geoderma. 311:159-166. Índice de impacto (ISI): 3.740. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 1,717. Cuartil (SCImago): Q1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.10.013
  • Sanchez-Lopez, Elena; Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Esquivel-Merino, Maria Dolores; Membrillo-Del Pozo, Alberto; González Merino, Ramón; Hidalgo-Carrillo, Jesus. 2018. DESARROLLO DE UNA APLICACIÓN MÓVIL PARA LA VIRTUALIZACIÓN DE LABORATORIOS DE CIENCIAS. Revista de Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Docentes. http://hdl.handle.net/10396/18280
  • Estévez-Gualda, Javier; Gavilán-Zafra, Pedro Domingo; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope. 2018. Spatial regression test for ensuring temperature data quality in southern Spain. 131:309-318. Índice de impacto (ISI): 2.321. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 0,867. Cuartil (SCImago): Q2. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-016-1982-8
  • Gómez-Calero, José Alfonso; Campos-Aranda, Mercedes; Guzmán-, Mª Gema; Castillo-llanque, Francisco; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Giraldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente. 2018. Soil erosion control, plant diversity, and arthropod communities under heterogeneous cover crops in an olive orchard. 25:977-989. Índice de impacto (ISI): 2.800. Índice de impacto (SCImago): 0,858. Cuartil (SCImago): Q2.DOI:10.1007/s11356-016-8339-9


  • Pedrera-Parrilla, Aura; Pachepsky-, Yakov; Taguas-Ruiz, Encarnación Victoria; Martos-Rosillo, Sergio; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Vanderlinden-, Karl. 2017. Concurrent temporal stability of the apparent electrical conductivity and soil water content. Journal of Hydrology. 544: 319-326. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.10.017
  • Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Weltz, Mark ; Pierson, Frederick B. ; Spaeth, Kenneth E. ; Pachepsky-, Yakov. 2017. Scale effects on runoff and soil erosion in rangelands : Observations and estimations with predictors of different availability. Catena. 151: 161-173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2016.12.011

  • Medina-Cobo, M.t.; García-Marín, Amanda Penélope; Estévez-Gualda, Javier; Jiménez-Hornero, Francisco José; Ayuso-Muñoz, Jose Luis. 2017. Obtaining Homogeneous Regions by Determining the Generalized Fractal Dimensions of Validated Daily Rainfall Data Sets. Water Resources Management. 31(7): 2333-2348. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-017-1653-2

  • Vanderlinden-, Karl; Pachepsky-, Yakov; Pedrera, Aura; Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Espejo-Pérez, Antonio Jesús; Perea-Torres, Francisco; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente. 2017. Water retention and preferential states of soil moisture in a cultivedvertisol. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 81(1): 1-9. https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2016.06.0199

  • Taguas-Ruiz, Encarnación Victoria; Vanderlinden, Karl; Pedrera-Parrilla, Aura; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Gómez-Calero, José Alfonso. 2017. Spatial and temporal variability of spontaneous grass cover and its influence on sediment losses in an extensive olive orchard catchment. Catena. 157: 58-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2017.05.017

  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Rodríguez-delgado, Cristóbal; Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel; Losada-Rodríguez, Miguel Angel. 2017. Advances in management tools for modeling artificial nourishments in mixed beaches. Journal of Marine Systems. 172: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2017.02.009

  • Hager, H.; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2017. William Froude and the Froude number. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 143(2). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001213

  • Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Chanson, Hubert. 2017. Ritter's dry-bed dam-break flows: Positive and negative wave dynamics. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 1-30. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-017-9512-5

  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel. 2017. Assessing and mitigating the landscape effects of river damming on the Guadalfeo River delta, southern Spain. Landscape and Urban Planning. 165: 117-119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.05.002

  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Masselink, Gerd; Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel. 2017. Coupling cross-shore and longshore sediment transport to model storm response along a mixed sand-gravel coast under varying wave directions. CoastalEngineering. 129: 93-104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.09.009

  • Medina, Encarnación; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Moñino-Ferrando, Antonio; Clavero-Gilabert, María; Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel. 2017. Effects of seabed morphology on oscillating water column wave energy converters. Energy. 135: 659-673. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2017.06.165

  • Lombardo, Luca; Trujillo, Clemente; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Gómez-Calero, José Alfonso. 2017. Organic carbon fluxes by precipitation, throughfall and stemflow in an olive orchard in Southern Spain. Plant Biosystems. 1039-1047. https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2017.1414082

  • Martínez-García, Gonzalo; Brocca, Luca; Gerke, Horst; Pachepsky-, Yakov. 2017. Soil variability and biogeochemical fluxes: Toward a better understanding of soil processes at the land surface. Vadose ZoneJournal. 16. https://doi.org/10.2136/vzj2017.07.0145    

  • Bonilla-Bedoya, Santiago; López-Ulloa, Magdalena; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Herrera-Machuca, Miguel Ángel. 2017. Effects of Land Use Change on Soil Quality Indicators in Forest Landscapes of the Western Amazon. Quaternary Geochronology. 42: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2017.07.002

  • Bonilla-Bedoya, Santiago; López-Ulloa, Magdalena; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Herrera-Machuca, Miguel Ángel. 2017. Effects of Land Use Change on Soil Quality Indicators in Forest Landscapes of the Western Amazon. SoilScience. 182(4): 128-136. https://doi.org/10.1097/SS.0000000000000203

  • Hager, Willi H.; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar. 2017. Alexander Koch: hydraulicengineer. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 143(10): 0733-9429. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001350

  • Dey, S.; Galla, R.k.; Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Ali, S.z. 2017. Hydrodynamics of submerged turbulent plane offset jets. Physics of Fluids. 29: 065112. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4989559

  • Hayas, Antonio; Poesen, Jean; Vanwalleghem-, Tom. 2017. Rainfall and Vegetation Effects on Temporal Variation of Topographic Thresholds for Gully Initiation in Mediterranean Cropland and Olive Groves. Land Degradation & Development. 28(8): 2540-2552. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.2805

  • Román-Sánchez, Andrea; Vanwalleghem-, Tom. 2017. Getting a grip on soil reworking-Single-grain feldspar luminescence as a novel tool to quantify soil reworking rates. Quaternary Geochronology. 42: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2017.07.002

  • García-Marín, Amanda Penélope; Ayuso-Muñoz, Jose Luis; Cantero-Chinchilla, Francisco Nicolás; Ayuso-ruíz, J.l.. 2017. Spatial and Trend Analyses of Rainfall Seasonality and Erosivity in the West of Andalusia (Period 1945-2005). Soil Science. 182(4). https://doi.org/10.1097/SS.0000000000000206   

  • Perea-Moreno, Alberto Jesús; Salmerón, Esther María; Laguna-Luna, Ana María; Aguilera-Ureña, Maria Jesús; Manzano-Agugliaro, Francisco. 2017. Experiencias de aprendizaje activo mediante Clickers en prácticas universitarias. Espiral: Cuadernos del Profesorado. 10(20): 16-27. https://doi.org/10.25115/ecp.v10i20.1009  
  • Turpin, N., Berge, H.T., Grignani, C., Guzmán, G., Vanderlinden, K., Steinmann, H. H., Siebielec, G., Spiegel, A., Perret, E., Ruysschaert, G., Laguna, A., Giráldez, J. V., Werner, M., Raschke, I., Zavattaro, L., Costamagna, C., Schlatter, N., Berthold, H., Sandén, T.,   Baumgarten, A. 2017.An assessment of policies affecting Sustainable Soil Management in Europe and selected member states. Land Use Policy. 66: 241-249. Doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.04.001.
  • Hayas, A., Vanwalleghem, T., Laguna, A., Peña, A., Giráldez, J. V.  2017. Reconstructing long-term gully dynamics in Mediterranean agricultural áreas. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.  21: 235–249. Doi:10.5194/hess-21-235-2017. Disponible en Internet en: http://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/21/235/2017/.
  • Román-Sánchez, A., Vanwalleghem, T., Peña, A., Laguna, A., Giráldez, J. V. 2017. Controls on soil carbon storage from topography and vegetation in a rocky, semi-arid landscapes. Geoderma. Doi: 10.1016/j. geoderma. 2016.10.013. Disponible en Internet en: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016706116306103>. ISSN 0016-7061.
  • Vanwalleghem, T., Gómez, J. A., Infante Amate, J., González de Molina, M., Vanderlinden, K., Guzmán, A., Laguna, A., Giráldez, J. V. 2017. Impact of historical land use and soil management change on soil erosion and agricultural sustainability during the Anthropocene. Anthropocene. 17: 13 - 29. Disponible en Internet en: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213305417300012. ISSN 2213-3054.


  • Peñuela, Andres; Darboux, Frédéric; Javaux, Mathieu; Bielders, Charles. 2016. Evolution of overland flow connectivity in bare agricultural plots. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 41(11): 1595-1613. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.3938

  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Rodríguez-Delgado, Cristóbal; Millares-Valenzuela, Agustín; Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel; Losada-Rodríguez, Miguel Angel. 2016. Impact of river regulation on a Mediterranean delta - assessment of managed vs unmanaged scenarios. Water Resources Research. 52(7): 5132-5148. https://doi.org/10.1002/2015WR018395

  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; López-Ruiz, Alejandro; Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel; Masselink, Gerd; Losada-Rodríguez, Miguel Angel. 2016. Implications of delta retreat on wave propagation and longshore sediment transport - Guadalfeo case study (southern Spain). Marine Geology. 382: 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2016.09.011

  • López-Ruiz, Alejandro; Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel. 2016. The importance of wave climate forecasting on the decision-making process for nearshore wave energy exploitation. Applied Energy. 182: 191-203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.08.088

  • Bergillos, Rafael Jesús; Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel; Masselink, Gerd; Losada-Rodríguez, Miguel Angel. 2016. Morpho-sedimentary dynamics of a micro-tidal mixed sand and gravel beach, Playa Granada, southern Spain. Marine Geology. 379: 28-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2016.05.003

  • Temme, A. J. A. M.; Vanwalleghem-, Tom. 2016. LORICA A new model for linking landscape and soil profile evolution: Development and sensitivity analysis. Computers&Geosciences. 90(Parte B): 131-143. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2015.08.004

  • Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Hager, Willi H. 2016. Dressler's theory for curved topography flows: Iterative derivation, transcritical flow solutions and higher-order wave-type equations. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 16(2): 289-311. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-015-9418-z

  • Pedrera-Parrilla, Aura; Brevik, Eric C.; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Vanderlinden-, Karl. 2016. Temporal stability of electrical conductivity in a sandy soil. International Agrophysics. 30(3): 349-357. https://doi.org/10.1515/intag-2016-0005

  • Espejo-Pérez, Antonio Jesús; Brocca, Luca; Moramarco, Tommaso; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Triantafilis, John; Vanderlinden-, Karl. 2016. Analysis of soil moisture dynamics beneath olive trees. Hydrological Processes. 30(23): 4339-4352. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.10907

  • Vivas-Regueiro, Gonzalo; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Mateos-Iñiguez, Luciano. 2016. Water management in an ancestral irrigation system in Southern Spain: A simulation analysis. Irrigation Science. 34(5): 343-360. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00271-016-0507-7

  • Pedrera-Parrilla, Aura; Van deVijver, E.; Van Meirvenne, M.; Espejo-Pérez, Antonio Jesús; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Vanderlinden-, Karl. 2016. Apparent electrical conductivity measurements in an olice orchard under wet and dry soil conditions: significance for clay and soil water content mapping. Precision Agriculture. 17(5): 531-545. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-016-9435-z

  • Charlet, L.; Baham, J.; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Lo., W.c.; Aristilde, L.; Baveye,,P.c.. 2016. Éloge de la Méthode: A Tribute to Garrison Spositoon the Occasion of His Retirement. Frontiers in Environmental Sciences. 4. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2016.00073

  • López-quintero, José Luis; Varo-Martínez, Marta Mª; Laguna-Luna, Ana María; Pontes-Pedrajas, Alfonso. 2016. Opinions on "Classroom Response System" by first-year engineering students. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences. 228: 183-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.07.027 
  • Medina-Cobo, M. T., García-Marín, A. P., Estévez, J., Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L. 2016. The identification of an appropriate Minimum Inter-event Time (MIT) based on multifractal characterization of rainfall data series. Hydrological Processes. 30: 3507–3517. ISSN: 1099-1085. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.10875
  • Estévez, J., García-Marín, A. P., Morábito, J. A., Cavagnaro, M. 2016. Quality assurance procedures for validating meteorological input variables of reference evapotranspiration in Mendoza province (Argentina). Agricultural Water Management. 172: 96-109. ISSN: 0378-3774. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2016.04.019
  • Estévez-Gualda, J., Gavilán-Zafra, P. D., García-Marín, A. P., 2016. Spatial regression test for ensuring temperature data quality in southern Spain. Doi: 10.1007/s00704-016-1982-8. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-016-1982-8
  • Cantero, F., Castro-Orgaz, O., Dey, S., Ayuso Muñoz, J. L.  2016. Non-hydrostatic dam break flows. I: Physical equations and numerical schemes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 142(12), 04016068. Disponible en Internet en: http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/(asce)hy.1943-7900.0001205. Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001205.  ISSN 0733-9429.
  • Cantero, F., Castro-Orgaz, O., Dey, S., Ayuso Muñoz, J. L. 2016. Non-hydrostatic dam break flows. II: One-dimensional depth-averaged modelling for movable bed flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 142(12), 04016069 1-12. Disponible en Internet en: <http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001206>. Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001206.  ISSN 0733-9429.
  • Cantero, F., Castro-Orgaz, O., Dey, S., Ayuso Muñoz, J. L. 2016. Non-hydrostatic dam break flows. II: One-dimensional depth-averaged modelling for movable bed flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 142(12), 04016069 1-12. Disponible en Internet en:  http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001206>. Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001206. ISSN 0733-9429.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Chanson, H. 2016. Minimum specific energy and transcritical flow in unsteady open channel flow. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 142(1), 04015030: 1-12. Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000926. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000926
  • Hager, W. H., Castro-Orgaz, O. 2016. Transcritical flow in open channel hydraulics: From Boss to De Marchi. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 142(1): 02515003. Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001091. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001091
  • Cantero-Chinchilla, F., Castro-Orgaz, O., Dey, S. 2016. Distribution of suspended sediment concentration in wide sediment-laden streams: A novel power-law theory. Sedimentology. 63: 1620-1633. Disponible en Internet en:<http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sed.12276/full>. ISSN0037-0746.
  • Martinez, G., Weltz, M., Pierson, F., Spaeth, K. E., Pachepsky, Y. A. 2016.  Estimating Surface Water Runoff and Soil Erosion in Rangelands from a Hierarchy of Inputs. Science Edition - WATER RESOURCES. En revisión. Disponible en Internet en: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.01.069.
  • Yakov, A., Pachepsky, Y. A., Martinez, G., Pan, F., Wagener, T.,   Nicholson, T. J. 2016. Evaluating Hydrological Model Performance using Information Theory-based Metrics. hydrology and earth system sciences. Science Edition - WATER RESOURCES. En revisión.  Disponible en Internet en: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.01.069.
  • Martinez, G., Qu, W., Vereecken, H., Pachepsky, Y. A. 2016. Multivariate Distributions of Soil Hydraulic Parameters. Vadose Zone Journal. 2014EGUGA..16.6635Q
  • Arnaud, J. A., Temme, M., Vanwalleghem, T. 2016.  A new model for linking landscape and soil profile evolution: {Development} and sensitivity analysis. Computers & Geosciences. 90, Part B: 131 - 143. Disponible en Internet en: <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098300415300297>. ISSN 0098-3004.
  • Burd, A. B., Frey, S., Cabre, A., Ito, T., Levine, N. M., Lønborg, C., Long, M., Mauritz, M., Quinn Thomas, R., Stephens, B. M., Vanwalleghem, T., Zeng, N. 2016. Terrestrial and marine perspectives on modeling organic matter degradation pathways. Global Change Biology. 22(1): 121- 136. Disponible en Internet en: <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gcb.12987/abstract>. ISSN 1365-2486.


  • García-Marín, Amanda Penélope; Estévez-Gualda, Javier. 2015. A More Efficient Rainfall Intensity- Duration-Frequency Relationship by Using an <<at-site>> Regional Frequency Analysis: Application at Mediterranean Climate Locations. Water Resources Management. 29: 3243-3263. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-015-0993-z
  • Pérez-Rodríguez, Mario; Alcántara-Vara, Esteban; Amaro-Ventura, Mª del Castillo; Serrano-Castillo, Nicolas; Lorite-Torres, Ignacio; Arquero-Quilez, Octavio; Orgaz-Rosúa, Francisco; Lopez-Escudero, Francisco Javier. 2015. The influence of irrigation frequency on the onset and development of verticillium wilt of olive. Plant Disease. 99(4): 488-495. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-06-14-0599-RE  

  • Minasny, B.; Finke, P.; Stockmann, U.; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Mcbratney, A. B. 2015. Resolving the integral connection between pedogenesis and landscape evolution. Earth-Science Reviews. 150: 102-120. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.07.004
  • Peñuela, Andres; Javaux, Mathieu; Bielders, Charles. 2015. How do slope and surface roughness affect plot-scale overland flow connectivity?. Journal of Hydrology. 528: 192-205. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.06.031
  • Navarro-Cerrillo, Rafael Maria; Olave-Ortiz, Fernando; Hayas, Antonio; Castillo, Miguel. 2015. Metodología para la elaboración de un plan de restauración postincendio en Chile: La experiencia del Parque Nacional de Torres del Paine. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia. 43(1): 53-73. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-686X2015000100005
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  • Guzmán, G., Laguna, A., Cañasveras, J. C., Boulal, H., Barrón, V., Gómez-Macpherson, H., Giráldez, J. V., Gómez, J. A. 2015. Study of sediment movement in an irrigated maize-cotton system combining rainfall simulations, sediment tracers and soil erosion models. Journal of Hydrology. 524: 227-242. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.02.033.
  • García-Marín, A. P., Estévez, J., Medina-Cobo, M. T., Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L. 2015. Delimiting homogeneous regions using the multifractal properties of validated rainfall data series. Journal of Hydrology. 529: 106-119. ISSN: 0022-1694. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.07.021
  • Cantero, F., Castro-Orgaz, O., García-Marín, A. P., Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L., Dey, S. 2015. Free surface profiles in river flows: Can standard energy-based gradually-varied flow computations be pursued. Journal of Hydrology. 529(3): 1644-1656. ISSN: 0022-1694. Disponible en Internet en: <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022169415005831>. ISSN 0022-1694.
  • Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L., García-Marín, A. P., Ayuso-Ruiz, P., Estévez, J., Pizarro-Tapia, R., Taguas-Ruiz, E. V. 2015. A More Efficient Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency Relationship by Using an “at-site” Regional Frequency Analysis: Application at Mediterranean Climate Locations. Water Resouces Mangement. 29 (9): 3243–3263. ISSN: 0920-4741. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-015-0993-z  
  • Estévez, J., Gavilán-Zafra, P., García-Marín, A. P., Zardi, D. 2015. Detection of spurious precipitation signals from automatic weather stations in irrigated areas. International Journal of Climatology. 35(7): 1556–1568. ISSN: 1097-0088. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4076
  • García-Marín, A. P., Estévez, J., Sangüesa-Pool, C., Pizarro-Tapia, R., Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L., Jiménez-Hornero, F. J. 2015. The use of the exponent K(q) function to delimit homogeneous regions in regional frequency analysis of extreme annual daily rainfall. Hydrological Processes. 29: 139–151. ISSN: 1099-1085. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10284
  • Estévez, J., García-Marín, A. P. 2015. Social Networks for improving ability to undertake projects and self-employment. International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation (IJERI). (4): 101-110. ISSN: 2386-4303.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hutter, K., Giraldez, J. V., Hager, W. H. 2015. Non-hydrostatic granular flow over 3D terrain: New Boussinesq-type gravity waves?. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth surface. 120(1): 1-28, 10.1002/2014JF003279. DOI: 10.1002/2014JF003279
  • Kacimov, A., Obnosov, Y., Abdalla, O., Castro-Orgaz, O. 2015. Groundwater flow in hillslopes: Analytical solutions by the theory of holomorphic functions and hydraulic theory. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 39: 3380-3397. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2014.11.016.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H., Dey, S. 2015. Depth-averaged model for the undular hydraulic jump. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 53(3): 351-363. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2014.967820.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Montes, J. S. 2015. Minimum specific energy in open channels: The Salas-Dominguez contribution. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 53(2): 151-160. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2014.991356.
  • Obnosov, Y., Kacimov, A., Castro-Orgaz, O. 2015. Analytical solutions for steady phreatic flow appearing/re-emerging toward/from a bedrock/caprock isobaric breach: the Polubarinova-Kochina-Numerov and Pavlovsky problems revisited. Transport in Porous Media. 109(2): 337-358. Doi: 10.1007/s11242-015-0522-9.
  • Cantero-Chinchilla, F. N., Dey, S., Castro-Orgaz, O., Ali, Z. 2015. Hydrodynamics analysis of fully developed turbidity currents over plane beds based on self-preserving velocity and concentration distributions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth surface. 120(10): 2176-2199, Doi:10.1002/2015JF003685. Disponible en Internet en: <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2015JF003685/full>.  ISSN 0148-0227.
  • Budiman Minasny, B., Finke, P., Stockmann, U., Vanwalleghem, T., McBratney, A. B. 2015. Resolving the integral connection between pedogenesis and landscape evolution. Earth-Science Reviews. 150: 102-120. Disponible en Internet en: <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012825215300155>. ISSN 0012-8252.
  • Taguas, E. V., Guzmán, E., Guzmán, G., Vanwalleghem, T.,  Gómez, J. A. 2015. Characteristics and importance of rill and gully erosion: a case study in a small catchment of a marginal olive grove. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica. 41 (1): 107 - 126. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18172/cig.2644


  • Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Chanson, Hubert. 2014. Depth-averaged specific energy in open channel flow and analytical solution for critical irrotational flow over weirs. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 140(1). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000666
  • Castro-Orgaz, Oscar; Mateos-Iñiguez, Luciano. 2014. Water discharge measurement in agricultural catchments using critical depth flumes affected by sediment deposition. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering.140(3). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000672
  • Espejo-Pérez, Antonio Jesús; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Vanderlinden-, Karl; Taguas-Ruiz, Encarnación Victoria; Pedrera, Aura. 2014. A method for estimating soil water diffusivity from moisture profiles and its application across an experimental cachtment. Journal of Hydrology. 516: 161-168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.01.072   
  • García-Marín, A. P., Roldán-Cañas, J., Estévez, J., Moreno-Pérez, F., Serrat-Capdevila, A., González, J., Francés, F., Olivera, F., Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V. 2014. La Hidrología y su papel en Ingeniería del Agua. Ingeniería del Agua. 18(1). Doi:10.4995/ia.2014.3048. ISSN: 1134-2196.
  • López-Lineros, M., Estévez-Gualda, J., Madueño-Luna, A., Giráldez-Cervera, J. V. 2014. A new quality control procedure based on non-linear autoregressive neural network for validating raw river stage data. Journal of Hydrology. 510: 103-109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.12.026
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Mateos, L. 2014. Water discharge measurement in agricultural catchments using critical depth flumes affected by sediment deposition. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 140(3), 04013018: 1-6. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000672.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2014. One-dimensional modelling of curvilinear free surface flow: Generalized Matthew theory. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 52(1): 14-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2013.834853.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2014. Transitional flow at standard sluice gate. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 52(2): 264-273. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2013.855951.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Dey, S. 2014. Second-order shallow flow theory and Dupuit approximation for phreatic aquifers. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 140(9): 04014040:1-9. Doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000907.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2014. Scale effects of round-crested weir flow. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 52(5): 653-665. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2014.910277.
  • Martinez, G., Pachepsky, Y. A., Vereecken, H. 2014. Effect of soil hydraulic properties on the relationship between the spatial mean and variability of soil moisture. Journal of Hydrology. 516: 154 - 160. Disponible en Internet en: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.01.069.
  • Qu, W., Bogena, H., Huisman, J. A., Martinez, G., Pachepsky, Y. A., Vereecken, H. 2014. Effects of Soil Hydraulic Properties on the Spatial Variability of Soil Water Content:Evidence from Sensor Network Data and Inverse Modeling. Vadose Zone Journal. 13. DOI: 10.2136/vzj2014.07.0099  
  • Pedrera-Parrilla, A., Martínez, G., Espejo-Pérez, A. J., Gómez, J. A., Giráldez, J. V., Vanderlinden, K. 2014. Mapping impaired olive tree development using electromagnetic induction surveys. Plant and Soil. 384: 381 - 400, Disponible en Internet en: <http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11104-014-2207-5>. ISSN 0032-079X.
  • Vereecken, H., Huisman, J. A., Pachepsky, Y. A., Montzka, C., van der Kruk, J., Bogena, H., Weihermüller, L., Herbst, M., Martinez, G., Vanderborght, J. 2014. On the spatio-temporal dynamics of soil moisture at the field scale. Journal of Hydrology. 516: 76 - 96. Elsevier. Disponible en Internet en: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.11.061.
  • Martinez, G., Pachepsky, Y. A., Whelan, G., Yakirevich, A. M., Guber, A., Gish, T. J. 2014. Rainfall-induced fecal indicator organisms transport from animal waste applied fields: model sensitivity analysis. Environment International. 63: 121 - 129. Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2013.11.003 
  • Martínez, G., Pachepsky, Y. A., Vereecken, H. 2014. Temporal stability of soil water content as affected by climate and soil hydraulic properties: a simulation study. Hydrological Processes. 28(4): 1899 - 1915. Disponible en Internet en: http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/hyp.9737.
  • Gómez, J. A., Vanwalleghem, T., De Hoces, A., Taguas, E. V. 2014. Hydrological and erosive response of a small catchment under olive cultivation in a vertic soil during a five year period: implications for sustainability. Agricultural Ecosystems and Environment. 188: 229-244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2014.02.032
  • Gómez, J. A., Infante Amate, J., González de Molina, M., Vanwalleghem, T., Taguas, E. V., Lorite, I. 2014. Olive Cultivation, its Impact on Soil Erosion and its Progression into Yield Impacts in Southern Spain in the Past as a Key to a Future of Increasing Climate Uncertainty. Agriculture. 188: 229 - 244. DOI: 10.3390/agriculture4020170  


  • Peñuela, Andres; Javaux, Mathieu; Bielders, Charles. 2013. Scale effect on overland flow connectivity at the plot scale. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 17(1): 87-101. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-17-87-2013
  • Contreras-París, Juana Isabel; Eymar, Enrique; López-Segura, José Gabriel; Lao-Arenas, Maria Teresa; Segura-Pérez, María Luz. 2013. Influences of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertigation on Nutrient Uptake, Production, and Quality of Pepper Irrigated with Disinfected Urban Wastewater. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 44: 767-775. https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2013.748858
  • Espejo-Pérez, Antonio Jesús; Rodríguez-Lizana, Antonio; Ordoñez-Fernández, Rafaela; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente. 2013. Soil Loss and Runoff Reduction in Olive-Tree Dry-Farming with Cover Crops. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 77(6): 2140-2148. 


  • Contreras J.I.,López-Segura, José Gabriel; Lao, M.T.; Eymar, Enrique; Segura, M.L. 2013. Dry-Matter Allocation and Nutrient Uptake Dynamic in Pepper Plant Irrigated with Recycled Water by Different Nitrogen and Potassium Rate. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 44: 758-766. https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2013.748761
  • Guzmán-, Mª Gema; Vanderlinden-, Karl; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Gómez-Calero, José Alfonso. 2013. Assessment of Spatial Variability in Water Erosion Rates in an Olive Orchard at Plot Scale using a Magnetic Iron Oxide Tracer. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 77(2): 350-361. https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2012.0219   

  • López-Segura, José Gabriel; Zapata-Sierra, Antonio Jesús; Manzano-Agugliaro, Francisco. 2013. Influence of mountains on extreme rainfall in semi-arid areas of Europe: The Sierra de losFilabres (SE Spain) a case of study. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment. 11(3-4): 2458-2460. https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84891946813&origin=inward&txGid=9f81ef49998d9619919e4246f43557bd
  • Infante-Amate, Juan; Gonzalez de Molina Navarro, Manuel; Vanwalleghem-, Tom; Soto-Fernández, David; Gómez-Calero, José Alfonso. 2013. Erosion in the Mediterranean, from a historical perspective. The case of olive groves in the south of Spain (1752-2000). EnvironmentalHistory. 18(2): 360-382. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1093/envhis/emt001
  • Ayuso-Muñoz, Jose Luis; Pérez-Alcantara, Rafael; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente; Gómez-Calero, José Alfonso. 2013. Intra and inter-annual variability of runoff and sediment yield of an olive micro-cachment with soil protection by natural ground cover in Southern Spain. Geoderma. 206: 49-62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.04.011
  • Campo-Bescós, Miguel A.; Flores-Cervantes, H. J.; Bras, R. L.; Casalí, J.; Giráldez-Cervera, Juan Vicente. 2013. Evaluation of a gully headcut retreat model using multitemporal aerial photographs and digital elevation models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 118(4): 2159-2173. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jgrf.20147 
  • García-Marín, A. P., Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L., Jiménez-Hornero, F. J. y Estévez, J. 2013. Selecting the best IDF model by using the multifractal approach. Hydrological Processes. 27: 433-443. ISSN: 1099-1085. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.9272
  • Taguas, E. V., Carpintero, E., Ayuso, J. L. 2013. Assessing land degradation risk through the long-term analysis of erosivity: A case study in southern Spain. Land Degradation & Development. 24: 179-187. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1119.
  • Taguas, E. V., Ayuso, J. L., Pérez, R., Giráldez, J. V., Gómez, J. A. 2013. Intra and inter-annual variability of runoff and sediment yield of an olive micro-catchment with soil protection by natural ground cover in Southern Spain. Geoderma. 206: 49-62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.04.011
  • García-Marín, A. P., Estevez-Gualda, J., Jiménez-Hornero, F., Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L. 2013. Multifractal analysis of validate wind speed time series. Chaos. 23, 13133: 21505. ISSN: 1054-1500. DOI: 10.1063/1.4793781 
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Mateos, L., Dey, S. 2013. Revisiting the Energy-Momentum method for rating vertical sluice gates under submerged flow conditions. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 139(4): 325-335. Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000552.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2013. Unsteady Boussinesq-type flow equations for gradually-eroded beds: Application to dike breaches. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 51(2): 203-208. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2012.739579.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O. 2013. Potential flow solution for open channel flows and weir-crest overflow. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 139(7): 551-559. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000580.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O. 2013. Iterative solution for ideal fluid jets. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 139(8): 905-910. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943- 7900.0000740.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V., Mateos, L. 2013. Second-order shallow flow equation for anisotropic aquifers. Journal of Hydrology. 501: 183-185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.08.011
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2013. Velocity profile approximations for two-dimensional potential channel flow. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 51(6): 645-655. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2013.809387.
  • Shelton, D. R., Kiefer, L. A., Pachepsky, Y. A., Martinez, G., McCarty, G., Dao, T. 2013. Comparison of microbial quality of irrigation water delivered in aluminum and PVC pipes. Agricultural Water Management, 129: 145 - 151. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2013.07.021
  • Martinez, G., Pachepsky, Y. A., Vereecken, H., Hardelauf, H., Herbst, M., Vanderlinden, K. 2013. Modeling Local Control Effects on the Temporal Stability of Soil Water Content. Journal of Hydrology. 481(25): 106 -118. Elsevier, Disponible en Internet en: <doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.12.024>.
  • Martinez, G., Pachepsky, Y. A., Shelton, D. R., Whelan, G., Zepp, R., Molina, M., Panhorst, K. 2013. Using the Q10 model to simulate E. coli survival in cowpats on grazing lands. Environment International. 54: 1 - 10. Elsevier, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2012.12.013
  • Calvo Poyo, F. J., Cantero Chinchilla, F. N., Oña Lopez, J. de, Oña Lopez, R. de, Ortega Perez, E. 2013. Effect on demand for passenger rail of the extension of the Spanish high- speed network. Ingegneria Ferroviaria. 12 (1): 1063 - 1080. ISSN 00200956.
  • Vanwalleghem T., Stockmann U., Minasny B., McBratney A. 2013. A quantitative mechanistic model for integrating soil profile formation and landscape development. Journal for Geophysical Research – Earth Surfaces. 18: 360 -382. https://doi.org/10.1029/2011JF002296
  • Finke P. A., Vanwalleghem T., Opolot E., Poesen J., Deckers J. 2013. Estimating the effect of tree uprooting on variation of soil horizon depth by confronting pedogenetic simulations to measurements in a Belgian loess area. Journal for Geophysical Research – Earth Surfaces. 118: 331 - 347. https://doi.org/10.1002/jgrf.20153
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Chanson, H. 2013. Depth-Averaged Specific Energy in Open-Channel Flow and Analytical Solution for Critical Irrotational Flow over Weirs.  J. Irrig. Drain Eng. 04013006:1-8, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000666.
  • López, J. J., Gimena, F. N., Giráldez, J. V., Ayuso, J. L., Goñi, M. 2012. Comparative analysis of a geomorphology-based instantaneous unit hydrograph in small mountainous watersheds. Hydrological Processes. 26: 2909-2924. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8383
  • Bose, S., Castro-Orgaz, O., Dey, S. 2012. Free surface profiles of undular hydraulic jumps. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 138(4): 362-366. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000510
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2012. Subcritical side-weir flow at high lateral discharge. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 138(9): 777-787. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000581
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V. 2012. Steady-state water table height estimations from a pseudo-two-dimensional Dupuit-Forchheimer type improved model. Journal of Hydrology. 438-439: 194-202. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.03.023
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V., Robinson, N. 2012. Second order two-dimensional solution for the drainage of recharge based on Picard’s iteration technique: A generalized Dupuit-Forchheimer equation. Water Resources Research. 48: W06516, Doi:10.1029/2011WR011751.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2012. Turbulent, discontinuous, open channel flow: the contribution of Ralph Schröder. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 50(3): 280-289. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2012.686201.
  • Shelton, D. R., Kiefer, L. A., Pachepsky, Y. A., Blaustein, R. A., Martinez, G. 2012. Coliform retentionand release in biofilms formed on new and weathered irrigation pipes. Irrigation Science. 1 – 11. DOI: 10.1007/s00271-012-0373-x  
  • Martínez, G., Vanderlinden, K., Pachepsky, Y. A., Giráldez, J. V., Espejo, A. J. 2012. Estimating topsoil water content of clay soils with data from time-lapse electrical conductivity surveys. Soil Sci. 177: 369-376. DOI: 10.1097/SS.0b013e31824eda57
  • Vanderlinden, K., Vereecken, H., Hardelauf, H., Herbst, M., Martinez, G., Cosh, M., Pachepsky, Y. A. 2012. Temporal Stability of Soil Water Contents: A Review of Data and Analyses. Vadose Zone Journal. In press, pp. Doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0178.
  • Infante Amate J., González de Molina M., Vanwalleghem T., Soto Fernández D., Gómez J.A. 2012. Erosion in the Mediterranean, from a historical perspective. The case of olive groves in the South of Spain (1752-2000). Environmental History. 18(18):360-382. DOI: 10.1093/envhis/emt001 
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V., Mateos, L., Dey, S. 2012. Is the von Kármán constant affected by sediment suspension?.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 117, F04002, Doi:10.1029/2011JF002211.
  • López, J. J., Gimena, F. N., Giráldez, J. V., Ayuso, J. L., Goñi, M. 2012. Comparative analysis of a geomorphology-based instantaneous unit hydrograph in small mountainous watersheds. Hydrological Processes. 26: 2909-2924. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8383
  • Bose, S., Castro-Orgaz, O., Dey, S. 2012. Free surface profiles of undular hydraulic jumps. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 138(4): 362-366. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000510
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2012. Subcritical side-weir flow at high lateral discharge. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 138(9): 777-787. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000581
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V. 2012. Steady-state water table height estimations from a pseudo-two-dimensional Dupuit-Forchheimer type improved model. Journal of Hydrology. 438-439: 194-202. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.03.023
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V., Robinson, N. 2012. Second order two-dimensional solution for the drainage of recharge based on Picard’s iteration technique: A generalized Dupuit-Forchheimer equation. Water Resources Research. 48: W06516, Doi:10.1029/2011WR011751.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2012. Turbulent, discontinuous, open channel flow: the contribution of Ralph Schröder. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 50(3): 280-289. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2012.686201.
  • Shelton, D. R., Kiefer, L. A., Pachepsky, Y. A., Blaustein, R. A., Martinez, G. 2012. Coliform retentionand release in biofilms formed on new and weathered irrigation pipes. Irrigation Science. 1 – 11. DOI: 10.1007/s00271-012-0373-x  
  • Martínez, G., Vanderlinden, K., Pachepsky, Y. A., Giráldez, J. V., Espejo, A. J. 2012. Estimating topsoil water content of clay soils with data from time-lapse electrical conductivity surveys. Soil Sci. 177: 369-376. DOI: 10.1097/SS.0b013e31824eda57
  • Vanderlinden, K., Vereecken, H., Hardelauf, H., Herbst, M., Martinez, G., Cosh, M., Pachepsky, Y. A. 2012. Temporal Stability of Soil Water Contents: A Review of Data and Analyses. Vadose Zone Journal. In press, pp. Doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0178.
  • Infante Amate J., González de Molina M., Vanwalleghem T., Soto Fernández D., Gómez J.A. 2012. Erosion in the Mediterranean, from a historical perspective. The case of olive groves in the South of Spain (1752-2000). Environmental History. 18(18):360-382. DOI: 10.1093/envhis/emt001 
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V., Mateos, L., Dey, S. 2012. Is the von Kármán constant affected by sediment suspension?.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 117, F04002, Doi:10.1029/2011JF002211.
  • Gutiérrez de Ravé, E., Jiménez-Hornero, F. J., Muñoz-Piorno, J. M., Giráldez, J. V. 2011. The geometric characterization of mouldboard plough surfaces by using splines. Soil Till. Res. 112: 98-105. DOI: 10.1016/j.still.2010.11.009
  • Estévez, J., Gavilán, P., Giráldez, J. V.2011. Guidelines on validation procedures for meteorological data from automatic weather stations. J. Hydrol. 402: 144-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.02.031
  • Estévez, J., Gavilán-Zafra, P. D. y García-Marín, A. P. 2011. Data validation procedures in agricultural meteorologies- a prerequisite for their use. Advances in Science & Research. 6.1: 141-146. ISSN: 1992-0628. DOI: 10.5194/asr-6-141-2011  
  • Taguas, E. V., Moral, C., Ayuso, J. L., Pérez, R., Gómez, J. A. 2011. Modeling the spatial distribution of water erosion within a Spanish olive orchard microcatchment using the SEDD model.  Geomorphology. 133: 47-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.06.018
  • García-Marín, A. P., Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L., Taguas, E. V., Estevez, J.  2011.  Regional analysis of the annual maximum daily rainfall in the province of Malaga (southern Spain) using the principal component analysis.  Water and Environment Journal. 25: 522-531. ISSN: 1747-6585. DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-6593.2011.00251.x
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Chanson, H. 2011. Near-critical free-surface flows: Real fluid flow analysis. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 11(5): 499-516.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-010-9192-x
  • Castro-Orgaz, O. 2011. A new model for soil-water drainage problems. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 11(4): 427-435. Doi: 10.1007/s10652-010-9196-6.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O. 2011. Steady free-surface flow in porous media: generalized Dupuit-Fawer equations. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 49(1): 55-63. Doi:10.1080/00221686.2010.526758.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2011. Turbulent near-critical open channel flow: Serre's similarity theory. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 137(5): 497-503. Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000354.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Dey, S. 2011. Power-law velocity profile in turbulent boundary layers: An integral Reynolds-number dependent solution. Acta Geophysica. 59(5): 993-1012. Doi: 10.2478/s11600-011-0025-1.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2011. Joseph Boussinesq and his theory of water flow in open channels. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 49(5): 569-577. Doi:10.1080/00221686.2011.588784.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2011. Spatially-varied open channel flow equations with vertical inertia. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 49(5): 667-675. Doi:10.1080/00221686.2011.588774.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2011. Observations on undular jump in movable bed. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 49(5): 689-692. Doi:10.1080/00221686.2011.593879.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2011. Vorticity equation for the streamline and the velocity profile. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 49(6): 775-783. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2011.624687.
  • Dey, S., Sankar, S., Bose, S., Tait, S., Castro-Orgaz, O. 2011. Wall-wake flows downstream of a sphere placed on a plane rough wall. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 137(10): 1173-1189. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000441
  • Garcia-Tejero, I., Duran-Zuazo, V. H., Muriel-Fernandez, J. L., Martinez-Garcia, G., Jimenez-Bocanegra, J. A. 2011. Benefits of low-frequency irrigation in citrus orchards. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 31(4): 779 – 791. DOI:10.1007/s13593-011-0025-1
  • Mabit L., Chhem-Kieth S., Toloza A., Vanwalleghem T., Bernard C., Infante Amate J., González de Molina M., Gómez J. A. 2011. Radioisotopic and physicochemical background indicators to assess soil degradation affecting olive orchards in southern Spain. Agricultural Ecosystems and Environment. 142: 341 - 351. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2012.06.014
  • Vanwalleghem, T., Laguna, A. M., Giráldez, J. V., Jiménez Hornero, F. J. 2010. Applying a simple methodology to assess historical soil erosion in olive orchards. Geomorphology. 114: 294-302. Doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.07.010.
  • Vanwalleghem, T., Jiménez Hornero, F. J., Giráldez, J. V., Laguna, A. M. 2010. Simulation of long-term soil redistribution by tillage using a cellular automata model. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 35: 761-770. Doi: 10.1002/esp.1923.
  • Jiménez Hornero, F. J., Giráldez, J. V., Laguna, A. M., Vanwalleghem, T. 2010. Exploring the effects of the vegetation on passive tracer transport by using the multifractal analysis. Geoderma. 160: 126-130. Doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.04.001.
  • Taguas Ruiz, E. V., Peña Acevedo, A., Ayuso Muñoz, J. L. 2010. Predicción de cárcavas efímeras mediante el Índice Topográfico Combinado en una microcuenca de olivar en Andalucía (España). Agrociencia. 44: 409-426. http://hdl.handle.net/10396/14533
  • Taguas Ruiz, E. V., Ayuso Muñoz, J. L., Peña Acevedo, A., Pérez Alcántara, R. 2010. Evaluating and modelling the hydrological and erosive behaviour of an olive orchard microcatchment under non tillage with bare soil in Spain. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 34(5): 738-751. DOI: 10.1002/esp.1775
  • Taguas, E. V., Peña, A., Ayuso, J. L., Pérez, R., Yuan, Y., Giráldez, J. V.  2010. Rainfall variability and hydrological and erosive response of an olive tree microcatchment under no-tillage with a spontaneous grass cover in Spain. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (Special issue on Soil erosion on agricultural land). 35(7): 750-760. DOI: 10.1002/esp.1893
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V., Ayuso, J. L. 2010. Critical depth relationships in developing open channel flow. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 136(3): 175-178. Doi: 10.1061/ASCEHY.1943-7900.0000142.
  • Taguas, E. V., Yuan, Y., Peña, A., Ayuso, J. L. 2010. Predicción de cárcavas efímeras mediante el Índice Topográfico Combinado en una microcuenca de olivar en Andalucía (España). Agrociencia. 44(4): 409-426. http://hdl.handle.net/10396/14533
  • Taguas E. V., Cuadrado, P., Ayuso, J. L., Yuan, Y., Pérez, R. 2010. Spatial and temporal evaluation of erosion with RUSLE: a case study in an olive orchard microcatchment in Spain. Solid Earth Discussions. 2: 275-306. DOI: 10.5194/sed-2-275-2010  
  • Castro-Orgaz, O. 2010. Steady open channel flows with curved streamlines: The Fawer approach revised. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 10(3): 297-310. Doi: 10.1007/s10652-009-9157-0.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2010. Critical flow: A historical perspective. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 136(1): 3-11. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000158
  • Castro-Orgaz, O. 2010. Velocity profile and flow resistance models for developing chute flow. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 136(7): 447-452. Doi: 10.1061/ASCEHY.1943-7900.0000190.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O. 2010. Approximate modeling of 2D curvilinear open channel flows. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 48(2): 213-224. Doi:10.1080/00221681003726353.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O. 2010. Equations for plane, highly-curved open channels flows. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 48(3): 405-408. Doi:10.1080/00221686.2010.481847.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Lozano, D., Mateos, L. 2010. Energy and momentum velocity coefficients for calibration of submerged sluice gates in irrigation canals. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 136(9): 610-616. Doi: 10.1061/ASCEIR.1943-4774.0000233.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O. 2010. Weakly undular hydraulic jump: Effects of friction. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 48(4): 453-465. Doi:10.1080/00221686.2010.491646.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2010. Moment of momentum equation for curvilinear free-surface flow. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 48(5): 620-631. Doi: 10.1080/00221686.2010.507359.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Pfister, M., Hager, W. H. 2010. Exploratory study on the roller effect in direct hydraulic jumps. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 48(5): 664-668. Doi:10.1080/00221686.2010.507006.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2010. Drawdown curve and turbulent boundary layer development for chute flow. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 48(5): 591-602. Doi:10.1080/00221686.2010.507337.
  • Martínez, G., Vanderlinden, K., Giráldez, J. V., Espejo, A. J., Muriel, J. L. 2010. Field-scale soil moisture pattern mapping using electromagnetic induction. Vadose Zone J. 9(4): 871-881. DOI: 10.2136/vzj2009.0160
  • Garcia-Tejero, I., Jimenez-Bocanegra, J. A., Martinez; G., Romero, R., Duran-Zuazo, V. H., Muriel-Fernandez, J. L. 2010. Positive impact of regulated deficit irrigation on yield and fruit quality in a commercial citrus orchard [Citrus sinensis(L.) Osbeck, cv.salustiano]. Agricultural Water Management. 97 (5): 614 – 622. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2009.12.005
  • Garcia-Tejero, I., Romero-Vicente, R., Jimenez-Bocanegra, J. A., Martinez-Garcia, G., Duran-Zuazo, V. H., Muriel-Fernandez, J. L. 2010. Response of citrus trees to deficit irrigation during different phenological periods in relation to yield, fruit quality, and water productivity. Agricultural Water Management. 97(5): 689 – 699. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2009.12.012
  • Vanwalleghem T., Amate J., González de Molina M., Soto Fernández D., Gómez J. A. 2010. Modelling the effect of historical soil management on soil erosion in olive orchards over the last 250 years. Agricultural Ecosystems and Environment. 157: 37 - 45.
  • Vanwalleghem T., Poesen J., McBratney A., Deckers S. 2010. Variability of soil horizon depth in natural loess soils in Central Belgium. Geoderma. 35: 761 - 770. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2010.03.013
  • Jiménez-Hornero, F. J., Gutiérrez de Ravé, E., Ariza, A. B., Giráldez, J. V. 2010. Description of the seasonal pattern in ozone concentration time series by using the strange attractor multifractal formalism. Environ. Monit. Asess. 160: 229–236. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-008-0690-y
  • Jiménez Hornero, F. J., Giráldez, J. V., Laguna, A. M., Jiménez Hornero, J. 2009. An Educational Computer Tool for Simulating Long-Term Soil Erosion on Agricultural Landscapes. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 17: 253-262   ISSN: 1061-3773. Doi: 10.1002/cae.20193.
  • Jiménez Hornero, F. J., Gutiérrez de Ravé, E., Giráldez, J. V., Laguna, A. M. 2009. The influence of the geometry of idealised porous media on the simulated flow velocity: a multifractal description. Geoderma. 150: 196-201. Doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.02.006.
  • Vanwalleghem, T., Giráldez, J. V., Jiménez Hornero, F. J., Laguna, A. M. 2009. Evaluating a general sediment transport model for linear incisions under field conditions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 34: 1852-1857. Doi: 10.1002/esp.1865.
  • Taguas Ruiz, E. V., Peña Acevedo, A., Ayuso Muñoz, J. L., Pérez Alcántara, R., Giraldez Cervera, J. V. 2009. Rainfall variability and hydrological and erosive response of an olive tree microcatchment under no-tillage with a spontaneous grass cover (Special issue on Soil erosion on agricultural land).  Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 35(7): 750-760.
  • Zapata-Sierra, A. J., Manzano-Agugliaro, F., Ayuso-Muñoz, J.  L.     2009. Assessment of methods for obtaining rainfall intensity-duration-frequency ratios for various geographical areas. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 7(3): 699-705.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V., Ayuso, J. L. 2009. Closure to “Transcritical Flow due to Channel Contraction”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 135(12): 1115-1116.
  • Taguas, E. V., Ayuso, J. L., Peña, A., Yuan, Y., Pérez, R. 2009. Evaluating and modelling the hydrological and erosive behaviour of an olive orchard microcatchment under non tillage with bare soil in Spain. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 34(5): 738-751.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Dey, S. 2009. One-Dimensional channel flow equations with curvature revisited. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 47(2): 157-166. Doi:10.3826/jhr.2009.3333.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O. 2009. Hydraulics of developing chute flow. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 47(2): 185-194. Doi:10.3826/jhr.2009.3462.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2009. Curved streamline transitional flow from mild to steep slopes. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 47(5): 574-584. Doi:10.3826/jhr.2009.3656.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Chanson, H. 2009. Bernoulli theorem, minimum specific energy and water wave celerity in open channel flow. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 135(6): 773-778. Doi: 10.1061/ASCEIR.1943-4774.0000084.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Hager, W. H. 2009. Classical hydraulic jump: Basic flow features. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 47(6): 744-754. Doi:10.3826/jhr.2009.3610.
  • Martinez, G., Vanderlinden, K., Ordóñez, R., Muriel, J. L. 2009. Can apparent electrical conductivity improve the spatial characterization of soil organic carbon? Vadose Zone Journal. 8 (3): 586 – 593.
  • Espejo, A. J., Vanderlinden, K., Muriel, J. L., Duran, V. H.; Garcia, I. F., Martinez, G., Perea, F. 2009. Evolución de la humedad del suelo durante ciclos de humectación-desecación en cultivos de secano bajo distintos sistemas de manejo. Agricultura de Conservación. 13: 18 - 25.  ISSN 1885-9194.
  • Vanwalleghem T., Laguna A., Giráldez J. V., Jiménez-Hornero F. J. 2009. Applying a simple methodology to assess historical soil erosion in olive orchards. Geomorphology. 12: 1158 - 1172.
  • Vanwalleghem T., Meentemeyer R. 2009. Predicting forest microclimate in heterogeneous landscapes. Ecosystems. 34: 1852 - 1857.
  • Gómez, J. A., Sobrinho, T. A., Giráldez, J. V., Fereres, E. 2009. Soil management effects on runoff, erosion and soil properties in an olive grove of Southern Spain. Soil Till. Res. 102: 5-13.
  • Gómez, J. A., Guzmán, M. G., Giráldez, J. V., Fereres, E. 2009. The influence of cover crops and tillage on water and sediment yield, and on nutrient, and organic matter losses in an olive orchard on a sandy loam soil. Soil Till. Res. 106: 137-144.
  • Jiménez Hornero, F., Zhang, X. X., Giráldez Cervera, J. V., Laguna, A. M. 2008. Numerical Study of the Transition Regime between the Skiming and Wake Interference Flows in a Water Flume by Using the Lattice-Model Approach. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 134: 274-279.   ISSN 0733-9429.
  • Taguas Ruiz, E. V., Peña Acevedo, A., Ayuso Muñoz, J. L., Pérez Alcántara, R. 2008. Quantifying the importance of ephemeral gully erosion with the annagnps model in an olive orchard microcatchment in Spain. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 10:1010-1010.
  • Taguas, E. V., Ayuso, J. L., Peña, A., Yuan, Y., Sánchez, M. C., Giráldez, J. V., Pérez, R. 2008. Testing the relationship between instantaneous peak flow and mean daily flow in a Mediterranean Area of Southeast Spain.  Catena. 75: 129-137.
  • García-Marín, A. P., Jiménez-Hornero, F. J. y Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L. 2008. Applying multifractality and the self-organized criticality theory to describe the temporal rainfall regimes in Andalusia (Southern Spain). Hydrological Processes. 22: 295-308. ISSN: 0885 – 6087.
  • García-Marín, A. P., Jiménez-Hornero, F. J. y Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L. 2008. Multifractal analysis as a tool for validating a rainfall model. Hydrological Processes. 22: 2671-2688ISSN: 0885 – 6087.
  • García-Marín, A. P., Jiménez-Hornero, F. J, Ayuso, J. L. 2008. Universal multifractal description of an hourly rainfall time series from a location in Southern Spain. Atmósfera. 21(4): 347-355. ISSN: 0187 – 6236.
  • Jiménez-Hornero, F. J., García-Marín, A. P., Ayuso, J. L. 2008.  Description of the daily number of rain-free hours series from a location in Southern Spain by using multifractality turbulence formalism.  Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 13(10): 987-991. ISSN: 1084 – 0699.
  • García-Marín, A. P., Jiménez-Hornero, F. J. y Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L. 2008. La criticalidad autoorganizada y el análisis de datos históricos de lluvia en Córdoba (Andalucía). Ingeniería del Agua. 15(1): 13-18. ISSN: 1134 – 2196.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V., Ayuso, J. L. 2008. Transcritical flow due to channel contraction. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 134(4): 492-496.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V., Ayuso, J. L. 2008. Energy and Momentum under critical flow conditions. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 46(6): 844-848.  Doi:10.3826/jhr.2008.3214.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V., Ayuso, J. L. 2008. Higher order critical flow condition in curved streamline flow. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 46(6): 849-853.  Doi:10.3826/jhr.2008.3188.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V., Ayuso, J. L. 2008. Critical flow over circular crested weirs. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 134(11): 1661-1664. Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2008)134:11(1661).
  • Castro-Orgaz, O., Giráldez, J. V., Ayuso, J. L. 2008. Critical flow over spillway profiles. ICE proceedings. Journal of Water Management. 161(WM2): 89-95.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O. 2008. Curvilinear flow over round-crested weirs. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 46(4): 543-547. Doi:10.3826/jhr.2008.3251.
  • Castro-Orgaz, O. 2008. Hydraulic design of Khafagi flumes. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 46(5): 691-698. Doi:10.3826/jhr.2008.3315.
  • Romero, C., Romero, R., Garcia-Tejero, I., Muriel-Fernandez, J. L., Jimenez-Bocanegra, J. A., Martinez, G. 2008. Respuesta de un cultivo de melocotonero al riego deficitario controlado. Vida Rural. 262: 40 - 46.  ISSN 1133-8938.
  • Vanwalleghem T., Giráldez J. V., Jiménez-Hornero F. J., Laguna A. 2008. A general sediment transport model for linear incisions. Earth Surf. Proc. and Landforms. 147:93 - 95.
  • Gómez J., Giráldez J. V., Vanwalleghem T. 2008. Comment on “Is soil erosion in olive groves as bad as often claimed?” by L. Fleskens and L. Stroosnijder. Geoderma. 95: 504 - 517.
  • Vanderlinden, K., Giráldez, J. V., van Meirvenne, M. 2008. Spatial Estimation of Reference Evapotranspiration in Andalusia, Spain. J. Hydrometeorol. 9: 242-255.
  • Jiménez Hornero, F., Giráldez Cervera, J. V., Laguna, A. M., Bennett, S. J., Alonso, C. V. 2007. Modelling the effects of emergent vegetation on an open channel flow using a Lattice model. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 55: 655-672.  ISSN:  0029-5981.
  • Nimmo, J. R., Herkelrath, W. N., Laguna, A. M. 2007. General framework for estimating soil water retention from textural data. Vadose Zone Journal. 6:766-773.    ISSN: 1539-1663.
  • Jiménez Hornero, F., Laguna-Luna, A., Giráldez Cervera, J. V., Diz, J. 2007. Multifractal analysis of passive tracer transport in simulated skimming and wake interference flows. Physics of Fluids. 19(108 106): 4   ISSN: 1070-6631. Doi: 10.1063/1.2793158.
  • Jiménez Hornero, F., Giráldez Cervera, J. V., Laguna-Luna, A. 2007. Multifractal analysis of flow velocity simulated with the lattice model approach in idealised three-dimensional porous media. Water Resources Research. 43: W12419   7 pag.  ISSN: 0043–1397.
  • Taguas Ruiz, E. V., Peña Acevedo, A., Ayuso Muñoz, J. L., Giráldez Cervera, J. V., Pérez Alcántara, R. 2007. Testing of ANNAGNPS (annualized agricultural non point source) on olive orchards at microcathment scale. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 9: 11651-11651.
  • Domínguez-Romero, L., Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L. y García-Marín, A. P. 2007. Annual distribution of rainfall erosivity in western Andalusia (Southern Spain). Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 62(6): 390-403. ISSN: 0022 – 4561.
  • García, I. F., Jiménez, J. A., Martinez Garcia, G., Vanderlinden, K., Muriel, J. L.; Perea, F. 2007. Efecto del laboreo en la conservación y disponibilidad del agua en el suelo. Vida Rural. 251: 50 - 57.  ISSN 1133-8938.
  • Vanwalleghem, T., Van den Eeckhaut, M., Poesen, J., Govers, G., Deckers, J. 2007. Spatial analysis of factors controlling the presence of closed depressions and gullies under forest: Application of rare event logistic regression. Geomorphology. 32: 574 - 586.
  • Ordóñez, R., Giráldez, J. V., Vanderlinden, K., Carbonell, R., González, P. 2007. Temporal and spatial monitoring of the pH and heavy metals in a soil polluted by mine spill. Post cleaning effects. Water Air Soil Pollut. 178: 229-43.
  • Ordóñez, R., González, P., Giráldez, J. V., Perea, F. 2007. Soil properties and crop yields after 21 years of direct drilling trials in southern Spain. Soil Till. Res. 94: 47-54.
  • Van Oost, K., Quine, T. A., Govers, G., De Gryze, S., Six, J., Harden, J. W., Ritchie, J. C., McCarty, G. W., Heckrath, G., Kosmas, C., Giráldez, J. V., Marques da Silva, J. R., Merckx, R. 2007. The impact of agricultural soil erosion on the global carbon cycle. Science. 318: 626-9.
  • Jiménez-Hornero, F. J.; Giráldez, J. V.; Gutiérrez de Ravé, E.; Moral, F. J. 2007. Description of pollutant dispersion in an urban street canyon using a two-dimensional lattice model. Atmos. Environ. 41: 221-226.
  • Ordóñez, R., Carbonell, R., González, P., Martinez, G.  2006. Dinámica de la descomposición del rastrojo en una rotación de riego. Agricultura de Conservación. 889: 780 - 783. Disponible en Internet en: <http://www.magrama.gob.es/ministerio/pags/biblioteca/revistas/pdf_Agri/Agri_2006_889_780_783.pdf>.  ISSN 1885/9194.
  • Ordóñez, R., González, P., Martinez, G., Baena, G., Carbonell, R. 2006. Efecto de la dosis de fertilizante nitrogenado sobre la calidad y producción de un trigo manejado en siembra directa. Agricultura de Conservación. 4: 34 - 37. Disponible en Internet en: <http://www.magrama.gob.es/ministerio/pags/Biblioteca/Revistas/pdf_AC%2FAC_2006_4_34_36.pdf>. ISSN 1885/9194.
  • Vanwalleghem, T., Poesen, J., Vitse, I., Bork, H., Dotterweich, M., Schmidtchen, G., Deckers, J., Lang, A., Mauz, B. 2006. Origin and evolution of closed depressions in central Belgium, European loess belt. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 76: 392 - 410.
  • Van den Eeckhaut, M., Vanwalleghem, T., Poesen, J., Govers, G., Verstraeten, G., Vandekerkhove, L. 2006. Prediction of landslide susceptibility using rare events logistic regression: a case-study in the Flemish Ardennes. Geomorphology. 16: 393 – 401.
  • Vanderlinden, K., Ordóñez, R., Polo, M. J., Giráldez, J. V. 2006. Mapping residual pyrite after a mine spill using non  co-located spatiotemporal observations.  J. Environ. Qual. 35: 21-36.
  • Bravo, C., Torrent, J., Giráldez, J. V., González, P., Ordóñez, R. 2006. Long-term effect of tillage on phosphorus forms and sorption in a vertisol of southern Spain. Eur. J. Agron. 25: 264-269.
  • Carvajal, F., Aguilar, M. A., Agüera, F., Aguilar, F. J., Giráldez, J. V. 2006. Maximum depression storage and surface drainage network in uneven agricultural landforms. Biosyst. Engng. 95: 281-293.
  • Jiménez-Hornero, J. E., Jiménez-Hornero, F. J., Giráldez, J. V. 2006. A Linux cluster of personal computers for the numerical simulation of natural airflows in greenhouses using a lattice model. Comp. Electr. Agric. 52: 79-89.
  • Vanderlinden, K., Polo, M. J., Ordóñez, R., Giráldez, J. V. 2006. Spatiotemporal evolution of soil pH and zinc after the Aznalcóllar mine spill. J. Environ. Qual. 35: 37–49.
  • Jiménez Hornero, F., Giráldez Cervera, J. V., Laguna-Luna, A., Pachepsky, Y. 2005. Continuous time random walks for analyzing the transport of a passive tracer in a single fissure. Water Resources Research. 41: 5 páginas.  ISSN: 0043-1397. Doi: 10.1029/2004WR003852.
  • Jiménez Hornero, F., Giráldez Cervera, J. V., Laguna-Luna, A. 2005. Description of sorbing tracers transport in fractured media using the Lattice model approach. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 81: 187-204.   ISSN: 0169-7722.
  • Jiménez Hornero, F., Giráldez Cervera, J. V., Laguna-Luna, A. 2005. Simulation of tracer dispersion in porous media using Lattice Boltzman and Random Walk models. Vadose Zone Journal. 4 :310-316. ISSN : 1539-1663. Doi: 10.2136/vzj2004.0090.
  • Jiménez Hornero, F., Laguna-Luna, A., Giráldez Cervera, J. V. 2005. Evaluation of linear and nonlinear sediment transport equations using hillslope morphology. Catena. 64:272-280.  ISSN: 0341-8162.   Doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2005.09.001. 
  • Vanwalleghem, T., Bork, H. R., Poesen, J., Dotterweich, M., Schmidtchen, G., Deckers, J., Scheers, S., Martens, M. 2005. Evidence of Prehistoric and Roman gully development in the European loess belt: a case-study from Central Belgium. The Holocene. 63: 221 - 243.
  • Vanwalleghem, T., Bork, H. R., Poesen, J., Schmidtchen, G., Dotterweich, M., Nachtergaele, J., Bork, H., Deckers, J., Brüsch, B., Bungeneers, J., De Bie, M. 2005. Rapid development and infilling of a historical gully under cropland, central Belgium. Catena. 69: 78 - 91.
  • Vanderlinden, K., Giráldez, J. V., van Meirvenne, M. 2005. Soil water-holding capacity assessment in terms of the average annual water balance in Southern Spain. Vadose Zone J. 4: 317-328.
  • de Santisteban, L. M., Casalí, J., López, J. J., Giráldez, J. V., Poesen, J., Nachtergaele, J. 2005. Exploring the role of topography in small cannel erosion. Earth Surf. Proc. Landf. 30: 591-599.
  • Jiménez-Hornero, F. J., Gutiérrez de Ravé, E., Hidalgo, R., Giráldez, J. V. 2005. Numerical study of the natural airflow in greenhouses using a two-dimensional lattice model. Biosyst. Engng.  91: 219-228.
  • de Luna Armenteros, E., Laguna Luna, A. M., Poesen, J., Giráldez Cervera, J. V. 2004. Evolución de un sistema de cárcavas activas en el sureste español. Ingeniería del agua. 11: 65-74.
  • Jiménez Hornero, F., Giraldez Cervera, J. V., Laguna-Luna, A. 2004. Estimation of the role of obstacles in the downslope soil flow with a simple erosion model: analytical solution and its approximation with the lattice Boltzmann model. Catena. 57: 261-275.   ISSN: 0341-8162.
  • Vanwalleghem, T., Poesen, J., Verstraeten, G., Nachtergaele, J., Deckers, J. 2004. Characteristics, controlling factors and importance of deep gullies under cropland on loess-derived soils. Geomorphology. 15: 378 - 386.
  • Vanwalleghem, T., Verheyen, K., Hermy, M., Poesen, J., Deckers, J. 2004. Legacies of Roman land-use in the present-day vegetation in Meerdaal Forest (Belgium). Belgian Journal of Botany. 56: 15 - 26.
  • Vanwalleghem, T., Poesen, J., Van Den Eeckhaut, M., Nachtergaele, J., Deckers, J. 2004. Reconstructing rainfall and land use conditions leading to the development of old gullies. The Holocene. 137: 181 - 187.
  • Vanderlinden, K., Giráldez, J. V., van Meirvenne, M. 2004. Assessing reference evapotranspiration by the Hargreaves method in Southern Spain. J. Irrig. Drain. Engng. ASCE. 130: 184-191.
  • Fernández, R., Mateos, L., Giráldez, J. V. 2004. Furrow irrigation erosion and management. Irrig. Sci. 23: 123-31.
  • Gómez, J. A., Romero, P., Giráldez, J. V., Fereres, E. 2004. Experimental assessment of runoff and soil erosion in an olive grove on a vertic soil in Southern Spain as affected by soil management. Soil Use Manag. 20: 426-431.
  • Jiménez Hornero, F., Giraldez Cervera, J. V., Laguna-Luna, A. 2003. A description of water and sediment flow in the presence of obstacles with a two-dimensional lattice BGK-cellular automata model.  Water Resources Research. 39(12): 1369-1378.   ISSN: 0043-1397. Doi:10.1029/2003WR002302.
  • Peña, A. 2003. Análisis de los riesgos erosivos de los sistemas de manejo del suelo en diferentes zonas olivareras de Andalucía. 2003. Mercacei Magazine. 35: 292-296.
  • Vanwalleghem, T., Van Den Eeckhaut, M., Poesen, J., Deckers, J., Nachtergaele, J., Van Oost, K., Slenters, C. 2003. Characteristics and controlling factors of old gullies under forest in a temperate humid climate: a case study from the Meerdaal Forest (Central Belgium). Geomorphology. 56 (1-2): 15 - 29.
  • Casalí, J.; López, J. J.; Giráldez, J. V. 2003. A process-based model for channel degradation: application to ephemeral gully erosion. Catena. 50: 435-447.
  • Moral, F. J., Giráldez, J. V., Laguna, A. 2002. La hidrofobia en los suelos arenosos del Parque Natural de Doñana: caracterización y distribución. Ingeniería del agua. 9: 37-50.
  • Gómez, J. A., Giráldez, J. V., Fereres, E. 2001. Analysis of infiltration and runoff in an olive orchard under no-till. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65: 291-9.
  • Gómez, J. A., Mearing, M. A., Giráldez, J. V., Alberts, E. E. 2001. Analysis of sources of variability of runoff volume in a 40 ha plot experiment using a numerical model. J. Hydrol. 248: 183-197.
  • de Luna, E., Laguna, A., Giráldez, J. V. 2000. The role of olive trees in the rainfall erosivity runoff and sediment yield in the soil beneath. Hydrology and earth system sciences. 4: 141-153.   ISSN: 1027-5606.
  • Peña, A., Ayuso, J. L., Giráldez, J. V. 1999. Incorporating topologic properties into the geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 24(1-2): 55-58.
  • Montesinos, M. P., García-Guzmán, A., Ayuso, J. L. 1999. Water distribution network optimization using a modified genetic algorithm. Water Resources Research. 35(11): 3467-3473. Reimpreso en Water Resources Journal en diciembre 1999:  34-45.
  • De Miguel, C., Montesinos, M. P., Ayuso, J. L., Galisteo, M. 1999. A comprehensive study of water consumption in the city of Córdoba. Spain. J. Water SRT-Aqua. 48(2): 64-72.
  • López, M., Diz, J., Ayuso, J. L., Peña, A.  1998. Comparación de distintos esquemas numéricos para resolver la onda cinemática. Ingeniería del Agua. 5: 73-81.
  • Montesinos Barrios, M. P., García Guzmán, A., Ayuso, J. L.  1997. Optimización de redes de distribución de agua utilizando un algoritmo genético. Ingeniería del Agua. 4(1): 71-77.
  • Ayuso, J. L., Peña, A., Montesinos, M. P. 1994. Estimación del hidrograma unitario. Estudio comparativo de cuatro métodos lineales. Ingeniería del Agua. 1(2): 21-32.
  • Navarro, J. A., Ayuso, J. L., Peña, A. 1994.  Caracterización hidrológica y simulación de hidrogramas de avenida de una pequeña cuenca de montaña del sureste español. Ingeniería Civil. 95: 107-119.
  • Giráldez, J. V., Ayuso, J. L., López, J. G. 1994. Estimación del drenaje de superficie impermeables mediante el hidrograma de González Quijano. Ingeniería del Agua. 1(4): 7-14.
  • Laguna, A., Giráldez, J. V. 1993. The description of soil erosion through a kinematic wave model. Journal of Hydrology. 145: 65-82.  ISSN: 0022-1694.     
  • Montesinos, M. P., Ayuso, J. L., Peña, A. 1993.  Algoritmo para la inicialización de caudales en los métodos de análisis de sistemas de distribución de agua. Ingeniería Civil. 93: 63-68.
  • Ayuso, J.L., Molina, A.  1993. Hietogramas adimensionales de diseño para la zona de Córdoba. Ingeniería Civil. 90: 139-149.
  • Castro-Tendero, A., García-Guzmán, A., Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L. 1993. Modelo de precipitación en tiempo continuo. Ingeniería Civil. 92 (1): 73-81.
  • Ayuso-Muñoz, J. L., Montesinos Barrio, M. P. 1993. Aplicación de algoritmos basados en la teoría de grafos para iniciación de caudales en el método de Hardy-Cross. Riegos y Drenaje XXI. 1(68): 16-27.
  • González, P., Fereres, E., Giráldez, J. V., González de Quevedo, M. I., Laguna, A. 1991. El laboreo de conservación como medida de control de la erosión. Suelo y Planta. 1: 545-554.  ISSN: 1130-796x.
  • Laguna-Luna, A., Giráldez-Cervera, J. V. 1991. A design of a sediment trap to study soil erosion. NATO ASI Series. 1: 650.
  • López, M., Ayuso, J. L., Giráldez, J. V. 1990. Control de avenidas en la Sierra de Gádor. Ingeniería Civil. 74: 53-59.
  • Carmona, A., Ayuso, J., Ayuso, J. L.  1990.   Estudio de algunos modelos determinísticos lluvia-escorrentía. Aplicación a una cuenca real.  Ingeniería Civil. 77: 13-28.   
  • Ayuso Muñoz, J. L., Giráldez Cervera, J. V. 1990. Circulación de flujos en canales abiertos. Aplicación del método de las características a la solución de las ecuaciones de Saint-Venant. Riegos y Drenajes XXI.  0(39): 17-29.
  • Giráldez, J. V., Laguna, A., González, P. 1989. Soil conservation under minimum tillage techniques in mediterranean dry farming. 1989. Soil Technology Series.  1: 139-147.  ISSN:0936-2568.
  • Roldán, J., Alcaide, M., Laguna, A., Giráldez, J. V. 1989. Mapping techniques for rainfall fields. Agriculture: "Application of computerized el soil map and climate data". Eur 1239. 167-176.
  • Giráldez, J. V., Ayuso, J. L., García, A., López, J. L., Roldán, J. 1988. Water harvesting strategies in the semiarid climate of Southeastern Spain. Agricultural Water Management. 14: 253 263.