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Flash Animation

If you want to learn more about Flash Animation, take our Flash 5 tutorial. Our Flash 5 tutorial covers everything you need to know to create Flash animation, including creating graphics, working with layers, and adding motion, sound and text to a Flash 5 movie.

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Creating Your Movie

You have created all of your graphics and have stored them as symbols. You are now ready to create your movie. Start by drawing buildings.

Draw the Buildings

  1. Select the Line tool.
  2. Move to the Stage and draw buildings as shown in the illustration.

Add Color to the Buildings

Fill the first building with color:

  1. Select the Paint Bucket tool.
  2. Select tan as the fill color.
  3. Click in the first building to fill the building with color.

Fill the next building with color:

  1. Select green as the fill color.
  2. Click in the second building to fill the building with color.

Fill the last building with color:

  1. Select pink as the fill color.
  2. Click in the last building to fill the building with color.


Think of a layer as a transparent sheet on which you paint. You can see through each layer to the layers under it until you add color. You can add layers, delete layers, and change the position of layers. Each layer is independent of all other layers. The layer you are currently working on is called the active layer. You can view layer information on the Timeline.

Renaming a Layer

Change the name of the current layer:

  1. Double-click in the layer name area of the Timeline.

  2. Type Building to change the layer name.
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