Development of multivariable control systems by decoupling networks: application to wind turbines
Present methods applied to the control of wind turbines are currently very conservative, being possible to make an optimization using advanced control techniques. The Prinia research group at the University of Córdoba has a solid background in multivariable control techniques, specifically decentralized systems using PID controllers, centralized systems by decoupling networks and proprietary techniques such as the use of PID networks.
The main purpose of this project is the application of these advanced multivariable control techniques to the regulation and control of a small-power wind turbine. This plant, although smaller in scale than those installed in the Andalusian countryside, presents the same problems for its control. On of the intermediate objectives is to make a mathematical model of this low-power turbine in order to design and test controllers through simulation before implementing them. By means of this mathematical model as well as the modeling different types of wind, it is possible to establish some tests to analyze the multivariable control techniques under more realistic conditions.
Depending on the results, another objective of the project considers to establish relationships with companies in the sector of wind energy.
S. Fragoso, J. Garrido, F. Vázquez and F. Morilla, “Comparative analysis of decoupling control methodologies and H∞ multivariable robust control for VS-VP wind turbines,” IREC2015 The Sixth International Renewable Energy Congress, Sousse, Tunisia, 2015, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IREC.2015.7110966. (preprint)
Fragoso, S., Ruz, M.L., Garrido, J., Vázquez, F. and Morilla, F. (2016), Educational software tool for decoupling control in wind turbines applied to a lab-scale system. Comput Appl Eng Educ, 24: 400-411.
Sergio Fragoso, Juan Garrido, Francisco Vázquez, Fernando Morilla, Comparative Analysis of Decoupling Control Methodologies and H∞ Multivariable Robust Control for Variable-Speed, Variable-Pitch Wind Turbines: Application to a Lab-Scale Wind Turbine, Sustainability, 10.3390/su9050713, 9, 5, (713), (2017).
Mario L. Ruz, Juan Garrido, Sergio Fragoso, Francisco Vazquez, Improvement of Small Wind Turbine Control in the Transition Region, Processes, 10.3390/pr8020244, 8, 2, (244), (2020).
Tool wtControlGUI