Libros y Capítulos de Libro

Title Impact of dehydration and drying operations on the microbial ecology of foods. Quantitative Microbioloy in Food Processing: Modeling the Microbial Ecology
Publication Type Chapter of a book
Year of Publication 2017
Authors Antonio Valero Díaz, Fernando Pérez Rodríguez, Elena Carrasco Jiménez

Department of Food Science and Technology, International Campus of Excellence in the AgriFood Sector, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain


Pagination 160-175.2017
Date Published Published Online : 24-12-2016

Published Print: 11-01-2017

ISBN Print ISBN: 9781118756423      Online ISBN: 9781118823071
Key words Inactivation models; drying rate; water activity; sorption curve; predictive microbiology
Abstract Dehydration or drying is one of the oldest preservation methods. The aim is to reduce the water content in foods in order to slow biochemical reactions and microbiological activity. Microbial viability can be affected due to both the drying process itself undergone by the food and the reduced water activity resultant from the process. Therefore, to model microbial response to drying processes, both elements should be considered jointly. In this work, basic concepts on drying processes will be presented together with the most used modeling approaches to reflect drying phenomenon in foods. Then, mathematical models accounting for microbial inactivation will be shown, providing basis for its use in drying processes. Finally, some examples of application and development of both types of models will be given based on the few studies dealing with this topic.
DOI 10.1002/9781118823071.ch7
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