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Genética Molecular de la Patogénesis Fúngica Genética Molecular de la Patogénesis Fúngica
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Isabel González Roncero
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Carmen Ruiz Roldán

Researcher of the Ramon y Cajal Program

Professional details:

PhD in Biology (Cordoba 1998). Since 2010 Reseacher of the Ramon y Cajal Program (UCO).Contracted Professor at the Department of Molecular Biology of the SEK University, Segovia (2001-2006).Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Botany, University of Hamburg, Germany (1998-2001).


Participant in research projects from the Plan Nacional de I+D, European Union and Excellence projects from Junta de Andalucia. Coauthor of 22 scientific papers. Has directed 4 PhD theses at UCO, 2 graduate theses at SEK University and one Master thesis at UCO. In 2000, founding member of the company CANVAX S.C. Member of the Spanish Society of Microbiology, International Society of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions and the American Society of Microbiology. Referee for several scientific journals.
Participation in a Project for Teaching Innovation funded by the University of Cordoba. Teaching in the Degree in Biology and in the Master “Biotecnologia Molecular, Celular y Genetica” at UCO.
Main lines of research: molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis in Fusarium oxysporum, as well as transcription factors regulating lytic enzymes, protein glycosylation and cell wall biogenesis.

Research Lines
PhD Theses
Master Projects


Current group members
Former group members
Degree in Biology
Degree in Biochemistry
Master in Molecular, Cellular
and Genetics Biotechnology

Master in Plant Production, Protection
and Breeding

PhD Program in Biosciences
and Agrifood Sciences




  Universidad de Cordoba | Campus de Rabanales, Edif. Gregor Mendel C5, 1st floor | E-14071 Cordoba, Spain | Tel. +34 957218981 | Fax +34 957212072