22 de March de 2021 0 Comentarios


Interreg NEXT ‘Mediterranean Sea Basin’ (‘NEXT MED’) programme is the third generation of one of the largest cooperation initiatives funded by the European Union to enhance transnational cooperation in the Mediterranean area. The Programme aims to contribute to smart, sustainable and fair development for all across the Mediterranean basin by supporting balanced, long-lasting, far-reaching cooperation and multilevel governance.

Next MED thematic strategy is structured around 4 broad priorities and 9 specific objectives:



The cooperation area covers 15 countries: Cyprus, Egypt, Spain, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, Malta, Palestine, Portugal, Tunisia, Algeria and Turkey.

The global amount of the European Union contribution to the Programme is €253 million, including €230 million for project funding and €23 million for Technical Assistance.

The co-financing rate for projects approved is up to 89% of the total investment. The University of Cordoba will co-finance the remaining amount with its own personnel budgeted in the project.

Should you require any further information you may contact us through our email proyectos_internacionales.opi@uco.es or by telephone 957218039

To find out more you can visit Interreg Next MED web.