25 de September de 2023 0 Comentarios

Mastering Electrode Surface to Achieve Ultra-High Reversible Capacity (M-ERA-Net-2022-PCI2023-143355) “Proyecto con referencia PCI2023-143355, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea»

The MASTER aims to advance a new concept for the surface design of electrode materials to achieve reversible capacities that approach the theoretical ones. The proof-of-concept will be validated by the construction of a full Na-ion battery. This battery is targeting to reach the EGD’s goals for introducing of affordable large-scale energy storage technology.  The most innovative output is the MASTER database, by which the lead candidates as electrodes will be selected. The consortium comprises multidisciplinary teams from Bulgaria, Spain and Turkey and it covers the full value chain from TRL2 to TRL4.

Objetivos generales

The specific objectives are:
(i) to understand the reactions at the electrode surfaces that currently prevent achieving the theoretical capacity;
(ii) to exploit this knowledge to facilitate the elaboration of high-performance electrodes;
(iii) to integrate the surface-modified electrodes into a full Na-ion battery;
(iv) to maximise the impact of the project beyond the Na-ion batteries.

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

Role in the project:
UCO will take the lead for WPs on Surface Engineering (WP2) and Electrochemical Properties (WP3) and contribute to WP2-7, as follows:
– Synthesis of electrode materials by soft-chemistry reactions.
– Surface modification of electrode materials with conductive polymers and electrochemically inactive oxides.
– Structural and spectroscopic characterization of the obtained materials.
– Electrochemical study in sodium test and sodium ion cells.
– Theoretical calculations
– Dissemination and communications.

Datos de contacto:

Investigador Principal (UCO): José L. Tirado
Correo electrónico de contacto: iq1ticoj@uco.es
Página web del proyecto: under construction