Hybrid Solutions for Renewable Energy Systems: achieving net-zero Atlantic area energy consumers & communities (ATLANTIC AREA EAPA_0001/2022)
HY4RES is an European project led by Trinity College Dublin, co-funded by INTERREG Atlantic Area. The project includes nine partners in four countries (Ireland, Spain, Portugal and France) that are working in the field of hybrid renewable energy systems in different sectors: aquaculture, agriculture, port and community sectors.
The project will develop new renewable energy technology and data management systems using sensors to enable a transition towards net-zero energy consumers and communities in the Atlantic Area. It tackles the joint challenge of increasing the use of renewable energy across the regions using innovative storage and management solutions. HY4RES works on advancing hybrid renewable energy systems, which balance the variable output of wind, solar and hydropower with energy storage. The project includes low-cost and sustainable power systems and it furthermore includes the development of an intelligent renewable energy management software combining low-cost sensors, analysis of big data, and artificial intelligence techniques, to improve management, forecasting and interoperability of differing renewable energy sources in a hybrid system.
The HY4RES project will benefit domestic energy communities and industrial self-consumers such as the agriculture, aquaculture and ports sectors. For each of these four sectors, a pilot plant will be installed. The community pilot plant will be constructed in Portugal, the agricultural and port plants in Spain (in Andalusia and Asturias, respectively) and the aquaculture plant in Ireland.
General objectives
HY4RES aims to develop hybrid renewable energy systems to support the green transition of industry and community energy demand in the Atlantic Area. It seeks to reduce air pollution and GHG emissions, contributing to the objectives linked to the Green Deal for Europe and Sustainable Development Goal 7 on clean and affordable energy.
Universidad de Córdoba participation
The University of Córdoba leads the work package that’s called “Intelligent Renewable Energy Management Software”. This work package aims to develop a software tool to optimally use hybrid renewable energy systems, which will be used in the four sectors. Different models will be combined in a software that, based on artificial intelligence techniques and data analytics, will allow the prediction of energy production and demand in order to offer optimal renewable energy management recommendations. This software will maximize the use of renewable energy sources, whilst reducing the consumption of conventional energy. This will also help reduce the carbon footprint and operational costs associated with agriculture, aquaculture, ports and community energy schemes.
Also the UCO group will be responsible for the installation of the pilot plant for Agriculture in Valle Inferior del Guadalquivir irrigated area.
Contact information:
Investigador Principal: Juan Antonio Rodríguez Díaz
Correo electrónico de contacto: jarodriguez@uco.es
Página web del proyecto: https://hy4res.eu/