RED transfronteriza para el desarrollo de productos innovadores con microALGAs (INTERREG-POCTEP 0055_ALGARED_PLUS_5_E)
This project aims to:
- Promote scientific excellence in the Andalusia-Algarve transboundary cooperation area in the field of Microalgae biotechnology, through the creation of a transnational network of Universities, centers of R+D+i , technologists centers and companies dedicated to research, production and exploration of microalgae biomass, enhancing its international competitiveness.
- Stimulate the mobility of researchers and technicians between R & D centers and companies on both sides of the border.
- Enhance the transfer of know-how generated to companies to the incipient sector of biotechnology of microalgae.
- Collect the needs of the business sector to promote projects.
General objectives
- Promote scientific excellence in the field of microalgae biotechnology in the cross-border area
- Promote joint cross-border investigation Universities / companies / technology centers in the area of microalgae
- Promote the transfer of know-how and the technology generated for the companies of the sector of the biotechnology demicroalgas of Andalusia and Algarve.
Role of the University of Cordoba
Understanding and optimizing the key metabolic pathways involved in the assimilation of nutrients, production of bioenergy and the synthesis of compounds of interest for microalgae and the development of new applications for aquaculture based on microalgae
Investigador Principal: Emilio Fernández Reyes
Correo electrónico de
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