Posted on December 5, 2024 at 9:35 am 0 Comentarios

Endophytic Fungi For pEst ConTrol (HE-MSCA-2023-PF-EF-101152219)

Phytosanitary products are major component of modern agriculture contributing to the substantial increase in yields and crop protection. Their accumulation in the environment presents risks to humans and living beings in front of a spectacular development of resistance to pesticides among target pests and diseases. Thereby, increasing global ecological and economic requirements tend to shift agriculture towards healthier production systems that take into account crop sustainability, environment and human health. Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) are considered as an ecological alternative to pesticides thanks to several privileges notably their specificity of action, absence of toxic residues and spectacular genetic elasticity. Additional interesting features were recently attributed to entomopathogenic endophytes for plant protection and production. However, data published so far are variable and fail to Predict their bioecological roles accurately.
Consequently, through a novel integrated research program, EFFECT will use cutting-edge experiments and analyses to disentangle and valorize the additional ecological roles of EPF in plant structure relating to systematic endophytic development and aggressor’s survival that underpin feedback mechanisms between plant and its ecosystem. The ultimate objective to be achieved is to boost the effectiveness of these micro biocontrol agents in order to make an innovative and feasible substitute to chemical insecticides. In addition to the scientific audience it may interest, the project might offer potential solutions for industrials and farmers to combat many pests and diseases whilst benefiting from ecological aspects to reduce chemical input into the environment. Accordingly, EFFECT combines multidisciplinary approaches to innovatively achieve objectives that are timely and in line with the current European and global research trends of which positive spin-offs will be achievable and measurable on different levels.


Objective 1. To understand the establishment mechanisms of three fungal species (Beauveria bassiana (Bals.), Metarhizium brunneum Petch. and Lecanicillium muscarium Zare & W.) and the appropriate inoculation techniques in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and potato (Solanum tuberosum) (WP3).
Objective 2. To disentangle the pathogenicity, virulence, and mode of action of B. bassiana, M. brunneum and L. muscarium towards green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) (WP4).
Objective 3. To identify the ecological roles of B. bassiana, M. brunneum and L. muscarium as antagonists of potato and tomato pathogen Phytophthora infestans and as plant growth promoters for appropriate valorization (WP5).


Supervisor/a: Enrique Quesada Moraga
Correo electrónico de contacto: cr2qumoe@uco.es
Investigador/a principal: Jouda Guesmi Jouini
Correo electrónico de contacto: j.guesmi.jouini@gmail.com
Página web del proyecto: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101152219

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Posted on December 5, 2024 at 9:04 am 0 Comentarios

Identification of chemicals in edible fish containing microplastics as potential source for human exposure. (HE-MSCA-PF-2022- 101108795)


Microplastics (MPs) are extremely persistent, ubiquitous and have the ability to adsorb/absorb chemicals from the surrounding environment. Marine organisms ingest microplastics and the chemicals are transferred through the food chain, and may potentially reach humans through the consumption of fish and shellfish. Therefore, the identification of chemicals arising from this potential human exposure source is of great interest for ensuring food safety and establishing the appropriate legislative framework. ChemFishPlast will offer to public authorities a comprehensive list of chemicals to be monitored for ensuring food safety, which is expected to have a positive impact on net fishery exports in the European Community. ChemFishPlast is in line with the European Mission on healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters, deepening the knowledge of the mechanisms of chemicals migration and microplastics contribution to the marine species contamination.

General objectives

This project aims to provide:
1. A simple and robust analytical methodology, based on the combination of supramolecular solvents (SUPRASs) with liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), that will allow to detect and identify emerging contaminants associated with the intake of microplastics in edible marine species through suspect and non-target analysis;
2. The first overview on chemical-microplastic contamination in edible marine species from the Mediterranean Sea;
3. The relationship between the emerging contaminants present in marine organisms and microplastics. For this, the quantity, size, integrity, and polymer-type of the microplastics found in the marine species analysed will be determined;
4. A list of the identified emerging contaminants prioritised according to the level of confidence of the identification, frequency of detection, human risk exposure to emerging contaminants and toxicity.

Contact information:

Supervisor/a: Soledad Rubio Bravo
Correo electrónico de contacto: qa1rubrs@uco.es
Investigador/a principal: Ayman Saber
Correo electrónico de contacto: ayman.nabil89@gmail.com
Página web del proyecto: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101108795

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Posted on December 5, 2024 at 9:01 am 0 Comentarios

Supramolecular solvents for simplifying sample preparation in the detection of small peptides in DBS (DBS23SP02SR)

The use of dried blood spot (DBS) samples in doping analysis is becoming a promising matrix because of their great operational advantages (e.g. minimally invasive, cost-efficient, analyte-stabilizing, possibility of increasing testing frequencies, etc.). Doping testing of small peptides (SPs) is mostly performed in urine but complementary information can be obtained in a cost-effective way using DBS samples. However, many issues still need to be addressed before considering it reliable for routine use. Major issues are the demand for simpler and faster sample processing, the need for higher SP recoveries and lower detection limits. This project aims to develop an efficient and high throughput analytical platform for reliable testing and confirmation of SPs in DBS samples. The approach will be based on the combination of the capability of supramolecular solvents (SUPRASs) to integrate efficient compound extraction and sample clean-up with the power of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF and LC-QQQ) for SP detection. The analytical platform will be applied to the detection of 58 peptidic drugs and metabolites, most of them routinely analysed by the WADA accredited laboratory of the Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII, Madrid) in urine. They will include growth hormone releasing peptides and secretagogues, growth hormone fragments, antidiuretic hormones, gonadorelin releasing peptides and growth factor modulators). As a proof of concept, the SUPRAS-based method will be applied to the analysis of DBS samples obtained from the subcutaneous administration of a single dose of peptidic drugs to two intervention groups, each consisting of 10 elite athletes.

General objectives

1. Development and optimization of the SUPRAS-based sample preparation,
2. Validation of the proposed SUPRAS-LC-MS/MS method according to WADA guidelines,
3. Detection of SP in DBS samples obtained from controlled
administration studies,
4. Transfer of the developed SUPRAS-LC-MS/MS method to WADA accredited labs.

Contact information:

Investigador Principal: Soledad Rubio Bravo
Correo electrónico de contacto: qa1rubrs@uco.es
Página web del proyecto: https://www.wada-ama.org/en/resources/scientific-research/supramolecular-solvents-simplifying-sample-preparation-detection

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Posted on December 5, 2024 at 8:56 am 0 Comentarios

Shelf-life Enhancing Packaging Systems for Mediterranean Food through Innovative and Circular Solutions Based on Agri-Food Multi-Product Cascade Biorefinery (PRIMA-S2-2023/PCI2024-153453)

The BIOMEDPACK project focuses on creating packaging and biopreservation solutions derived from the valorization of the lignocellulosic and bioactive fractions of agro-industrial by-products from the Mediterranean region. Its main objective is to reduce food waste and the loss of nutrients and bioactivity along the food value chain, promoting a more sustainable and circular economy.

To tackle these challenges, an integrated approach will be adopted to study the interaction between food and packaging. This will support the development of active bio-based packaging solutions, using biopolymers, active biocompounds, and microbial consortia to regulate the microbial dynamics of food, thus extending its shelf life and improving its organoleptic and nutritional properties.

A variety of 100% bio-based active packaging demonstrators will be designed and tested, including fiber trays, films, coatings, absorbent pads, and chromatic indicators throughout the post-harvest chain. These systems can be synergistically combined to maximize their effectiveness and be tailored to the specific needs of food products, offering viable and cost-effective alternatives to current plastic packaging.


The main objective of this proposal is to develop scalable and sustainable packaging and biopreservation solutions tailored to the specific Mediterranean context, based on the valorization of lignocellulosic and bioactive fractions from agricultural by-products, supported by food microbiome information and computational techniques. BIOMEDPACK will develop solutions based on a circular approach to improve shelf life and mitigate food waste in different Mediterranean food matrices, through the synergistic combination of suitable bio-based polymers and bioprotective agents, while also considering the added nutritional value of edible packaging solutions. To achieve this, the following strategic objectives will be pursued:


  • Design an implementation strategy for small-scale biorefineries of agricultural by-products for the circular production of bio-based active packaging systems in the Mediterranean area.
  • Develop multiproduct cascading biorefinery processes with an easily deployable and scalable approach for the valorization of biological and chemical fractions from various agricultural by-products.
  • Develop microbiome-driven active packaging systems through the synergistic combination of biopolymers, bioactive compounds, and functional microbial consortia obtained from agricultural by-products, to extend shelf life, enhance quality, and improve the nutritional properties of food products from farm to table.

Universidad de Córdoba participation

The University of Córdoba is the coordinating institution of the BIOMEDPACK project and leads several technical work packages, including:

• WP3: Development of sustainable, simple, and scalable biorefinery processes for the separation and extraction of biopolymers and active compounds from agricultural by-products.

• WP4: Development and application of an in vitro/in silico platform as an innovative testing ground for screening bioprotective microbial consortia and bioactive compounds that extend food shelf life and ensure its safety.

The project leadership involves the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, as well as the Department of Food Science and Technology.


Investigador Principal: Eduardo Espinosa Víctor

Correo electrónico de contacto: eduardo.espinosa@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: https://biomedpack.eu/

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Posted on October 4, 2024 at 11:45 am 0 Comentarios

The Influence of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Phenolic Compounds on the Inhibition of Advanced Glycation End-Product Formation (HE-MSCA-2023-PF-EF-101149946)

The Mediterranean Diet (MD) heavily relies on olive oil, particularly Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO), for its health benefits. However, the full potential of EVOO’s beneficial properties, specifically its phenolic compounds (PCs), is not fully realised due to potential loss during food processing. This leads to diminished health benefits, such as reduced protection against oxidative damage to blood lipids and lessened inhibition of pro-oxidant species formation. Supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) programme, the Phenols4Health project aims to assess the transfer of PCs into various foods cooked with EVOO and their ability to inhibit dietary advanced glycation end-products (dAGEs). It will use advanced liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). This study offers potential economic benefits to the olive oil industry.


GO1. To evaluate the transfer of EVOO phenolic compounds to foods with variable compositions using different processing techniques to determine their health value;
GO2. To study the influence of the phenolic profile to block the formation of AGEs in foods processed in EVOO using different culinary techniques;
GO3. To determine the profile of AGEs in serum samples from patients subjected to a MD with EVOO and a low-fat diet (with ordinary olive oil or sunflower oil – control) to compare the levels of AGEs.


Supervisor/a:   Feliciano Priego-Capote

Correo electrónico de contacto: q72prcaf@uco.es

Investigador/a principal:  Ítala Maria Gouveia Marx

Correo electrónico de contacto: itala.gouveia.marx@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101149946

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Posted on October 4, 2024 at 10:19 am 0 Comentarios

Consolidación y fortalecimiento de la Red HIBA para la sostenibilidad y transformación digital de la cadena de valor agroalimentaria (POCTEP-2022-0195_HIBA_MAS_6_E)

El proyecto “HIBA” creaba los fundamentos de un espacio de cooperación transfronterizo dirigido a fomentar la competitividad y sostenibilidad empresarial en el sector agroalimentario, utilizando la digitalización como pilar esencial. La continuación de este proyecto mediante “HIBA+” persigue capitalizar los logros conseguidos al objeto de fortalecer y consolidar dicha Red elevándolo a la categoría de Corredor que persigue la Comisión Europea (CE) en territorios transfronterizos para el apoyo a las PYMES. Por tanto, HIBA+ se apoyará sobre la figura de los European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH), máxima distinción europea que los DIH participantes en HIBA han conseguido y que la CE impulsa para el fomento de la digitalización a través de servicios a pymes y microempresas, en este caso con un foco especial en las empresas agroalimentarias. Aprovechando este liderazgo ibérico, se implementarán acciones de carácter sinérgico que desde un punto de vista transfronterizo complementen las actividades que los EDIH, junto con otros agentes clave en los procesos de transformación digital, vienen desarrollando. En primer lugar, se impulsará la construcción de una estructura sobre los mecanismos de colaboración iniciados en HIBA para aportar estabilidad al funcionamiento operativo de la Red. Se profundizará en las labores de sensibilización y detección activa de necesidades del sector agroalimentario en materia de digitalización. Sobre el conocimiento generado en materia de contenidos y grado de interés suscitado en la experiencia HIBA, la capacitación será de nuevo un pilar esencial, ampliando y complementando áreas tecnológicas. En otro término, el uso de tecnologías generadoras de datos en el marco de HIBA permite iniciar ahora acciones de desarrollo de infraestructuras de gestión e de herramientas de valorización de los datos que permitirán realizar demostraciones clave para el sector en términos de utilidades para la toma de decisiones. Al mismo tiempo, esta propuesta contempla acciones de apoyo y acompañamiento a la cocreación y búsqueda de opciones de financiación para iniciativas surgidas a partir de los entornos demostrativos. Finalmente, en el terreno de la innovación abierta se continuará impulsando un programa de desafíos digitales para resolver retos del sector, así como dinamizar el ecosistema emprendedor, acompañando técnicamente la implementación de iniciativas y mentorizando nuevas propuestas y soluciones para acelerar su llegada al mercado fijando así talento en el territorio.

General objectives

El objetivo político es reforzar una Europa más competitiva e inteligente, promoviendo una transformación económica innovadora e inteligente y una conectividad regional a las tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones.

El objetivo específico consiste en aprovechar las ventajas que ofrece la digitalización a los ciudadanos, las empresas, las organizaciones de investigación y las administraciones públicas

Universidad de Córdoba participation

– Gestión e impartición de formación.
– Promoción de iniciativas estratégicas en materia de valorización de datos
– Implementación de acciones demostrativas en Living Labs
– Procedimiento de apoyo para la cocreación de iniciativas.
– Diseño de mecanismos de colaboración – brokerages

Contact information:

Investigador Principal: Francisco Javier Mesas Carrascosa

Correo electrónico de contacto: fjmesas@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: https://hubiberiaagrotech.eu

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Posted on October 4, 2024 at 10:07 am 0 Comentarios

Diffusion of Innovative Solutions & Capacity Building for Smart Irrigation (SUDOE 2023 S1/1.4/F0080)

The great challenge for agriculture in the SUDOE area is to mitigate the consequences of climate change, in particular the increasingly frequent drought episodes. The availability of fresh water continues to decline, making the agricultural sector, which is highly dependent on water resources, especially vulnerable. It is necessary to create the conditions to promote the resilience of agriculture by improving the use of an increasingly scarce resource.

To address this challenge, the digital transformation of agriculture is essential. To support this transition, SMART GREEN WATER members will promote responses through the implementation of smart specialisation (S3) strategies for a more sustainable agricultural sector and by increasing digital skills in the sector, strengthening the social fabric. The project members will take advantage of transnational cooperation, the diversity of situations: types of crops and irrigation, water availability, collective water management organizations. The solutions, tested through pilot actions, replicable in different contexts, will identify the best tools to meet farmers’ needs. Innovative irrigation optimisation technologies will be consolidated and disseminated through experimentation in partner regions.

General objectives

The main objective of SMART GREEN WATER is to promote common responses to the challenges of agriculture in the SUDOE space, by implementing smart specialization strategies, for a more sustainable and intelligent agricultural sector that strengthens the socio-economic structure of rural areas. To this end, the partners will work together to implement solutions aimed at accelerating agriculture’s digital transition towards a more resilient, climate-resilient, optimized and a less water-consuming agricultural sector. The project will develop a transnational strategy that promotes the development, availability and dissemination of digital solutions to build the necessary capacities among key actors in the agricultural value chain and innovation.

Universidad de Córdoba participation

They contribute their experience in the field of digitalisation of irrigation systems and the efficient management of water resources in the agricultural sector.

Contact information:

Principal Investigator: Pilar Montesinos

Contact email: pmontesinos@uco.es

Project web site: https://interreg-sudoe.eu/proyecto-interreg/smart-green-water/

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Posted on October 4, 2024 at 9:16 am 0 Comentarios

Sustainable management of water resources in irrigated agriculture in the SUDOE area  (SUDOE 2023 S1/2.5/E0136)

The I-ReWater project focuses on using reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation in the SUDOE region. It assesses the availability and quality of reclaimed water compared to conventional sources, aiming to reduce reliance on conventional water. The project will develop a transnational strategy to incorporate reclaimed water into irrigation, while addressing environmental impacts using Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). 16 pilot projects will assess the impact of reclaimed water use in different soil-crop systems, including horticultural and woody crops. The project also includes the development of a digital platform and a decision support system for better decision-making when using reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation.

General objectives

– Analyzing the current state of water resources in the SUDOE area
– Assessing the impact of irrigation with reclaimed water on soil-crop systems
– Developing a digital tool to optimize fertigation when using reclaimed water.

Universidad de Córdoba participation

UCO is leader of work package 2 (Pilot actions in woody and horticultural crops), and closely collaborates in work package 3 (Development of digital platform – Decision Support System for irrigating with reclaimed water).

Contact information:

Investigador Principal: Juan Antonio Rodríguez Díaz

Correo electrónico de contacto: jarodriguez@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: https://interreg-sudoe.eu/proyecto-interreg/i-rewater/

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HY4RES: Hybrid Solutions for Renewable Energy Systems

Posted on October 4, 2024 at 9:11 am 0 Comentarios

Hybrid Solutions for Renewable Energy Systems: achieving net-zero Atlantic area energy consumers & communities (ATLANTIC AREA EAPA_0001/2022)

HY4RES is an European project led by Trinity College Dublin, co-funded by INTERREG Atlantic Area. The project includes nine partners in four countries (Ireland, Spain, Portugal and France) that are working in the field of hybrid renewable energy systems in different sectors: aquaculture, agriculture, port and community sectors.

The project will develop new renewable energy technology and data management systems using sensors to enable a transition towards net-zero energy consumers and communities in the Atlantic Area. It tackles the joint challenge of increasing the use of renewable energy across the regions using innovative storage and management solutions. HY4RES works on advancing hybrid renewable energy systems, which balance the variable output of wind, solar and hydropower with energy storage. The project includes low-cost and sustainable power systems and it furthermore includes the development of an intelligent renewable energy management software combining low-cost sensors, analysis of big data, and artificial intelligence techniques, to improve management, forecasting and interoperability of differing renewable energy sources in a hybrid system.

The HY4RES project will benefit domestic energy communities and industrial self-consumers such as the agriculture, aquaculture and ports sectors. For each of these four sectors, a pilot plant will be installed. The community pilot plant will be constructed in Portugal, the agricultural and port plants in Spain (in Andalusia and Asturias, respectively) and the aquaculture plant in Ireland.

General objectives

HY4RES aims to develop hybrid renewable energy systems to support the green transition of industry and community energy demand in the Atlantic Area. It seeks to reduce air pollution and GHG emissions, contributing to the objectives linked to the Green Deal for Europe and Sustainable Development Goal 7 on clean and affordable energy.

Universidad de Córdoba participation

The University of Córdoba leads the work package that’s called “Intelligent Renewable Energy Management Software”. This work package aims to develop a software tool to optimally use hybrid renewable energy systems, which will be used in the four sectors. Different models will be combined in a software that, based on artificial intelligence techniques and data analytics, will allow the prediction of energy production and demand in order to offer optimal renewable energy management recommendations. This software will maximize the use of renewable energy sources, whilst reducing the consumption of conventional energy. This will also help reduce the carbon footprint and operational costs associated with agriculture, aquaculture, ports and community energy schemes.
Also the UCO group will be responsible for the installation of the pilot plant for Agriculture in Valle Inferior del Guadalquivir irrigated area.

Contact information:

Investigador Principal: Juan Antonio Rodríguez Díaz

Correo electrónico de contacto: jarodriguez@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: https://hy4res.eu/

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Posted on April 9, 2024 at 9:19 am 0 Comentarios

FIREPOCTEP+ – Resilient landscapes facing large forest fires: emergency response, improvement of interoperability, and operational and social training in the face of climate change (PO2022-0139_FIREPOCTEP_MAS_6_E)

This Project is focused on the Spanish-Portuguese cooperation for the management of extreme wildfire events. The main activities are aimed at mitigating fire impacts on ecosystem services (tangible assets, environmental services, and landscape goods) and global warning. According to the budget limitations, technical efforts should be directed towards specific areas, known as Strategic Management Zones or Potential Control Locations. This idea of concentrate efforts on fire management is underlined by the existence of a new legislation (2022) in forest fires. Furthermore, the project is supported by a previous project (known as “FIREPOCTEP (0756_FIREPOCTEP_6_E”) using the same pilot site.

General objectives

FIREPOCTEP+ aims to improve climate change adaptation and forest resilience through the implementation of a comprehensive management under ecosystem-based approaches.

Universidad de Córdoba participation

Although the main activities of the University of Cordoba (UCO) focus on the first work-package, where it leads three important deliverables

  • Guide of potential wildfires and operational and management implications using public web support (ArcGIS Online or Google Earth Engine).
  • Good Practices Guide to the creation and design of Potential Control Locations.
  • Dynamic and georeferenced fire risk using the adaptation and test of Fire Weather Index (Visual Danger).

UCO is responsible or collaborative for various activities in the rest of the packages. UCO participates in the monitoring of forest fire behavior, the analysis of normative and legislation and implementation of administrative protocols to find a comprehensive management, the valuation and development of endogenous resources, the design of cost-effective and safe fuelbreaks, and the organization of the second Iberian Workshop about Strategic Management Zones in fire management.

Contact information:

Principal investigator (IP): Juan Ramón Molina Martínez
email: jrmolina@uco.es
Project website: https://firepocteplus.eu/

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