Posted on March 15, 2018 at 11:23 am 0 Comentarios


Estrategia y Plan de dinamización socioeconómica de recursos naturales en Marruecos, en base de los resultados del proyecto piloto (acción 3.1), mediante el desarrollo de unidades de orientación, capacitación y tutelaje para el desarrollo y puesta en funcionamiento de microempresas y cooperativas sectoriales. En base a los resultados de la experiencia piloto de dinamización socioeconómica en JBEL MOUSSA, se definirá una estrategia gracias al análisis de las lecciones aprendidas, a la realización de entrevistas dirigidas a expertos y a la organización de talleres de trabajo con profesionales. Esta estrategia será la base para la definición del plan de dinamización socioeconómica de todo el ámbito de intervención marroquí. Éste se llevará a cabo mediante un diagnóstico general, con talleres para ajuste y validación, y a un programa de difusión del mismo. El resultado es un documento operativo que supondrá la “hoja de ruta” que ha de dirigir el proceso de desarrollo socioeconómico sostenible en Marruecos basado en la valoración de la biodiversidad común con Andalucía.

Impulso del turismo sostenible: mediante la tematización de alojamientos turísticos al turismo ornitológico, fomentando la ampliación de la temporada y el empleo estable. En este sentido se definirá el diseño y las características de un club del producto y se expondrán, entre empresarios turísticos, las buenas prácticas en tematización y gestión de clubes de productos turísticos que se están llevando a cabo en distintos puntos de España y Andalucía. Asimismo, se establecerán diferentes diseños de tematización ornitológica adaptando el contenido en función del tipo de servicio de los alojamientos, fomentando la complementariedad con otros productos/servicios y las sinergias que nos ofrece la temática ornitológica en relación con un producto determinado (vinos, gastronomía, artesanía,…) o con un local de restauración. Asimismo se establecerán reuniones de trabajo sobre la importancia que tiene el story telling, es decir, las historias y los relatos para vender un producto.

Manuales sectoriales de buenas prácticas ambientales: serán temáticos y con un contenido muy visual y didáctico, recogiendo la forma de realizar un aprovechamiento de los recursos de cada sector, de manera sostenible y en equilibrio con los hábitats y las especies. Se realizarán en francés y en árabe.


Objetivos Generales

Valorizar las potencialidades que tiene la biodiversidad de interés común para Andalucía y Marruecos como base para potenciar un desarrollo socioeconómico sostenible endógeno mediante estrategias comunes basadas en la demostración in situ de las oportunidades y beneficios que tienen los espacios que cuentan con una importante diversidad biológica compartida (las riberas norte y sur del Estrecho comparten un 75% de su flora vascular, destacando la presencia de formaciones endémicas de pinsapo así como de encinas, alcornoques y una gran variedad de formaciones de matorral y pastizales entre otras).


Rol de la Universidad de Córdoba

La mayoría de las acciones son de tipo inmaterial destinadas a:

  • Ejecutar estrategias críticas de desarrollo basadas en la biodiversidad de interés común en ambas orillas.
  • Poner en valor las oportunidades de desarrollo y beneficios basados en la biodiversidad transfronteriza.
  • Llevar a cabo proyectos pilotos demostrativos.
  • Realizar una transferencia continua de experiencias.
  • Implicar a las entidades socioeconómicas en el desarrollo sostenible del ámbito de intervención.
  • Mejorar el asociacionismo y la cooperación empresarial.
  • Impulsar la promoción y comercialización de los productos y servicios.
  • Fomentar la creación de empresas.
  • Impulsar los criterios de calidad de productos y servicios.
  • Fomentar la conectividad turística hispano-marroquí.
  • Ampliar la oferta turística.
  • Demostrar las oportunidades y beneficios de la valorización de la biodiversidad transfronteriza sobre el territorio.
  • Mejorar los aspectos ambientales aplicables a diferentes sectores.
  • Realizar una transferencia/contratransferencia continua entre todos los agentes implicados en la ejecución de BioEconomy.


Investigador Principal: Luis Rodríguez García

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Posted on March 15, 2018 at 9:33 am 0 Comentarios

Compatibility of Agricultural Management Practices and Types of Farming in the EU to enhance Climate Change Mitigation and Soil Health.


The Catch-C project assesses the farm-compatibility of ‘Best Management Practices’ (BMPs) that aim to promote productivity, climate change mitigation, and soil quality. Information collected on current management will be spatially organised with the help of a typology of the main farm types and agro-ecological zones across Europe. Biophysical impacts of management practices will be assessed from a large set of current field experiments by the partners. BMPs will be formulated, along with their trade-offs and synergies between productivity, climate change mitigation, and soil quality. The project will identify barriers against adoption and formulate ways to remove these. In interaction with policy makers, Catch-C will develop guidelines for policies that will support the adoption of BMPs and that are consistent with regional, agro-ecological and farming contexts.

General Objectives

Catch-C will firstly (WP2) set up a typology of the main farm types and agro-ecological zones across Europe. This frame, coupled to a pan-European database of socio-economic and biophysical data, will be used for spatially organising the information collected on current management and on the impacts expected from changes in management.

Secondly, biophysical impacts of management practices will be assessed primarily from a large set of current field experiments, executed by the participants. BMPs will be formulated, along with their trade-offs and synergies between productivity, climate change mitigation, and soil quality. Farmers, however, often do not adopt BMPs.

Thirdly, the project will identify the barriers against adoption, and will formulate ways to remove these. Catch-C will survey farmer views on BMPs in all participant countries, assess costs and benefits of implementation, identify technical and ecological bottlenecks preventing adoption, develop a decision support tool, and prioritize innovation requirements to address bottlenecks.

Policy measures can promote adoption of BMPs in various ways, such as voluntary measures, regulation, and economic incentives. In interaction with policy makers, Catch-C will develop guidelines for policies that will support the adoption of BMPs; and that are consistent with regional agro-environmental and farming contexts.

Dissemination includes dissemination to the farmers and policy communities, and scientific publication. The project results on BMPs, their adoption and feasibility in different farm types and environments will raise awareness about the pros and cons of respective management and policy options. Farmers and policy communities will be reached via workshops, brochures, farmers press and web-based tools.

University of Cordoba role

To establish and further improve the farm-compatibility of the identified Best Management Practices with the FTZ Units over Europe. These analyses will show the applicability of a wide range of Best Management Practices (BMPs) at the farm level, their costs to the farmer, the effectiveness, and the likely uptake across a wide range of farm types.

  • Developing a Compatibility Frame as research tool
  • Surveys and interviews with farmers about their ideas for implementing BMPs
  • Assessing agro-technical, ecological and economic barriers against adoption of BMPs
  • Listing and prioritizing innovations that will help to overcome these barriers
  • Developing a decision grid for farmers to show the effectiveness, costs and benefits, and other consequences of adopting BMPs tailored to major FTZs over Europe.
  • Deriving practical guidelines, rules of thumb, and other operational tools for farmers. These may include target levels for SOM%; annual organic input requirement to sustain target SOM%; farm level sustainability indicators; tools to help implement control strategies for soil borne pathogens; decision tools for optimizing farm nutrient management.

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Posted on March 15, 2018 at 8:51 am 0 Comentarios



The project LIFE EBRO-ADMICLIM puts forwards pilot actions for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in the Ebro Delta (Catalonia, Spain), an area vulnerable to sea level rise and subsidence.

We propose an integrated approach for managing water, sediment and habitats (rice fields and wetlands), with the multiple aim of optimizing ground elevation (through inputs of inorganic sediment and organic matter), reducing coastal erosion, increasing the accumulation (sequestration) of carbon in the soil, reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), and improving water quality. This type of approach has not been applied so far in the European Union, and it is clearly innovative internationally.

The main pilot adaptation actions focus on sediment inputs from the Ebro River into its Delta. The aim is to demonstrate the feasibility of permanently restoring the sediment flow, both from a water treatment plant on the Ebro (Consorci d’Aigües de Tarragona, CAT) and from the reservoirs along the lowest stretches of the Ebro. Essential for this is a good assessment of the transport capacity of the river and the channels. Mitigation pilot actions are also proposed for the rice fields and wetlands, to optimize carbon and nutrient sequestration and GHG emissions, and increase the ground elevation.

The final conclusions drawn from these pilot actions will allow the elaboration of a Climate Action Plan for the Ebro Delta with specific and effective measures for the mitigation and adaptation of the area to the climate change.


General Objectives

The project LIFE EBRO-ADMICLIM puts forwards pilot actions for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in the Ebro Delta (Catalonia, Spain), an area vulnerable to sea level rise and subsidence.

We propose an integrated approach for managing water, sediment and habitats (rice fields and wetlands), with the multiple aim of optimizing ground elevation (through inputs of inorganic sediment and organic matter), reducing coastal erosion, increasing the accumulation (sequestration) of carbon in the soil, reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), and improving water quality. Put it in another way, the idea is to jointly manage the inputs of inorganic and organic matter (i.e. sediment and plant residues respectively) of the ground, in order to optimize vertical accretion processes (soil formation) and organic matter decomposition (GHG emissions) in rice fields and in constructed wetlands.

This type of approach has not been applied so far in the European Union, and it is clearly innovative internationally. The main pilot adaptation actions focus on sediment inputs from the Ebro River into its Delta. The aim is to demonstrate the feasibility of permanently restoring the sediment flow, both from a water treatment plant on the Ebro (Consorci d’Aigües de Tarragona, CAT) and from the reservoirs along the lowest stretches of the Ebro.

Essential for this is a good assessment of the transport capacity of the river and the channels. Pilot actions are also proposed for the rice fields and wetlands, to optimize carbon and nutrient sequestration and GHG emissions, and increase the ground elevation.

The results will serve to establish guidelines for a program of adaptation and mitigation measures (with emphasis on the rice sector) in which it will be essential to design a strategy for voluntary reduction of GHG emissions commanding the support of the rice sector. Improved rates of GHG emissions and carbon sequestration through a change in management practices (for example, a more efficient water management system) would represent a significant improvement that could be applied in other coastal wetlands and rice fields in the EU.

To be specific, we expect:

• Determine the capacity of the irrigation network for transporting and distributing sediments (action B1).

• Determine the theoretical and real capacities of the river for transporting different sediments (clay, silt, sand) under different flow conditions (action B2).

• Optimize the functioning of the constructed/artificial wetlands (green filters) in order to maximize the rate of carbon sequestration, soil elevation and of the reduction of nutrients and pollutants in the drainage canals (action B3).

• Evaluate accurately the carbon stock and accretion rates in the fields where the GHG emission experiments are carried out (action B4).

• Evaluate the GHG emissions in the Ebro Delta rice fields and achieve a reduction in GHG via specific agricultural practices (Actions B4 and B5).

• Evaluate the impact on birdlife of changing water management practices during the post-harvest period and its relationship to GHG emissions (action B5).

• Evaluate accurately the subsidence affecting the Delta and determine which areas are most vulnerable to a relative rise in sea level (action B6).

• Draw up a Climate Action Plan for the Ebro Delta (action B7) with specific and effective measures of adaptation and mitigation for climate change, establishing the directives and actions to be carried out following the finalization of the project. Likewise, there will be a proposal for agricultural practices and measures specifically orientated to climate change adaptation and mitigation.


Role of the University of Cordoba

The University of Córdoba involved in the development of actions B1, B2 and C1:

B1. Pilot test of injection of sediment into the Ebro Delta irrigation network. The objective of this action is to carry out inputs of sediments to evaluate the transport and distribution capacity of the irrigation canals, to evaluate the rate of silting within the rice fields, and to offer a solution for the silt and sediments generated at the Tarragona Water Consortium (Consorci d’Aigües de Tarragona, CAT) water treatment plan by transforming them into a resource which would contribute to the adaptation to climate change.

B2. Pilot test of injecting sediment into the final stretch of the river Ebro. The objective of this pilot action is to determine the current capacity of the river Ebro for transporting sediments (sand and clay) to the sea and the Delta surface area.

C1. Monitoring the flows of water and sediments, water quality, and sediment deposition. The objective of river flow monitoring aims to track the sediment dispersion while determining the potential sediment transport capacity under the current hydrological regime. In the irrigation canals the objective of the monitoring is to assess the sediment transport capacity and the distribution through the irrigation network to the rice fields.

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Posted on March 15, 2018 at 8:36 am 0 Comentarios

Overweight-induced Hypogonadism as major factor for the generation and/or perpetuation of Metabolic Co-morbidities of Obesity: Contribution of Epigenetic Regulatory Mechanisms (H2020-MSCA-IF-2014-655232).


Obesity is a global health problem whose prevalence is increasing substantially due to lifestyle changes. This complex medical condition is frequently linked to serious metabolic complications and deregulation of hormonal axes, which lead to perturbed homeostasis in conditions of overweight. Different studies have suggested that obesity is often associated to hypogonadism, a reproductive disorder that might also promote metabolic alterations, thus setting a vicious circle in the generation/perpetuation of obesity co-morbidities.


While the targets and molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are still unknown, emerging evidence from experimental models of metabolic stress linked to hypogonadism strongly suggests the potential role of perturbations of hypothalamic Kiss1/NKB neurons. Likewise, the recently identified involvement of epigenetics in the control of Kiss1 expression at puberty, a crucial stage in sexual development that is metabolically gated, suggests also the contribution of these regulatory mechanisms to this phenomenon.


In this context, this project aims to elucidate the pathophysiological relevance of epigenetic regulatory mechanisms in obesity-induced hypogonadism and their influence in the generation/ maintenance of the metabolic complications of overweight.


To this end, we will characterize the time-course of alterations of key hormonal and epigenetic factors in preclinical models of obesity and will evaluate the contribution of epigenetic modifications in deregulation of hypothalamic Kiss1/NKB neurons in conditions of overweight. In addition, we will analyse the potential role of gonadal steroids in this phenomenon.


This project will help to identify the molecular targets and epigenetic mechanisms responsible for the metabolic perturbations linked to obesity-induced hypogonadism, and will aid to define better tools for the treatment of these complications.


General Objectives


The general objective of this project is to elucidate the pathophysiological relevance of epigenetic regulatory mechanisms in obesity-induced hypogonadism and its influence in the generation/maintenance of the metabolic complications of overweight.


Special attention will be paid to characterize the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the control of hypothalamic Kiss1/NKB neurons, as essential integrators of metabolism and reproduction, and the involvement of sex steroids, as key metabolic modifiers, in the development/progression of obesity and its associated metabolic diseases, including insulin resistance and T2DM.


Role of the University of Cordoba


  • Specific Objective-1 (SO-1): To define the time-course of major alterations in endocrine, neuroendocrine and epigenetic profiles in pre-clinical models of obesity, with special attention to the impact of changes in circulating levels of gonadal steroids on endocrine/epigenetic responses to obesogenic insults causing metabolic deregulation.
  • Specific Objective-2 (SO-2): To evaluate the role of epigenetic modifications in the control of hypothalamic Kiss1 and NKB expression, and their eventual contribution to the development of obesity-induced hypogonadism and its metabolic co-morbidities.
  • Specific Objective-3 (SO-3): To address the specific contribution of epigenetic modifications in Kiss1 neurons to the development of obesity-induced hypogonadism and its metabolic co-morbidities by combining genetically manipulated mouse models (Kiss1-CreGFP) and virally mediated gene delivery systems (Adeno-associated viral vectors -AAV-).


Supervisor: Manuel José Tena Sempere      e-mail:

Investigador Principal: Juan Manuel Castellano Rodríguez     e-mail:

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Posted on March 15, 2018 at 8:25 am 0 Comentarios

European Training Network for Continuous Sonication and Microwave Reactors (H2020-MSCA-ITN-721290-COSMIC).


The European chemical industry faces some very serious challenges if it is to retain its competitive position in the global economy. The new industries setting up in Asia and the Near East are based on novel process-intensification concepts, leaving Europe desperately searching for a competitive edge. The transition from batch to continuous micro and milliflow processing is essential to ensure a future for the European fine-chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries.


However, despite the huge interest shown by both academia and industrial R&D, many challenges remain, such as the problems of reaction activation, channel clogging due to solids formation and the scaling up of these technologies to match the required throughput. COSMIC, the European Training Network for Continuous Sonication and Microwave Reactors, takes on these challenges by developing material- and energy-efficient continuous chemical processes for the synthesis of organic molecules and nanoparticles.


The intersectoral and interdisciplinary COSMIC training network consists of leading universities and industry participants and trains 15 ESRs in the areas of flow technology, millifluidics and external energy fields (ultrasound and microwaves). These energy fields can be applied in structured, continuous milli-reactors for producing high-value-added chemicals with excellent yield efficiencies – in terms of throughput, waste minimization and product quality – that simply cannot be achieved with traditional batch-type chemical reactors.


The chemical processes that are at the heart of COSMIC’s game-changing research are catalytic reactions and solids-forming reactions. COSMIC’s success, which is based on integrating chemistry, physics and process technology, will re establish European leadership in this crucial field and provide it with highly trained young experts ready for dynamic careers in the European chemical industry.


General objectives


Formation and scientific exchanges in the topics of reactor engineering, continuous flow processes, microwaves and ultrasounds both from the design of new nanomaterials, organic reactions and catalysis and reaction processes.


University of Cordoba role


To study the application of ultrasound and/or microwaves for the synthesis of nanoparticles. To study these interactions in both standard and flow conditions. To optimize the chemical conditions in these processes. To characterize the obtained solid products in terms of their role in catalytic or health applications.


Supervisor: Rafael Luque Álvarez de Sotomayor


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Posted on March 15, 2018 at 8:17 am 0 Comentarios

Assessment of forest – carbon sinks and promotion of compensation systems as tools for climate change mitigation (LIFE14 CCM/ES/001271)


Despite increasing awareness in the land use, land use change and forestry sectors (LULUCF) concerning climate change action, reflected in Decision 529/2013/EU, the emissions and carbon sink effect generated by sustainable forest management (SFM) strategies are not included in the EU’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction objectives (40% by 2030).
As it is not yet considered as a key tool, the climate change mitigation potential offered by SFM strategies is reduced. One of the main limitations preventing a value being put on forestry systems has been gaps in the mathematical models used for assessing the carbon sink effects of Mediterranean conifer forests. For this reason, the development of precise prediction tools, and their application through SFM practices for the conservation of natural carbon sinks, is one of the main goals in the context of mitigation planning. This will improve the knowledge base, and the accounting and notification system, for the carbon sink potential of the LULUCF sectors.


General objectives

The main objective of this LIFE proposal is the promotion of forest systems and sustainable forest management as a tool for climate change mitigation through the application of the European legislation related to the accounting of emissions and removals in the land-use sector, changes in land use and forestry (LULUCF), improving knowledge base. This will facilitate an integrated implementation, involving the main stakeholders in the process of enhancement, who include those responsible for offsetting through voluntary market.


Role of the University of Cordoba

The contribution of the UCO to the project can be summarized in three main objectives.

1) To estimate the soil organic carbon (SOC) in Mediterranean forest ecosystem populated by Pinus halepensis and Pinus pinaster.

2) To develop, train and evaluate statistical models which account for the influence of forest management activities in the carbon sequestration.

3) To compare the estimation of SOC in forest soils obtained by the conventional techniques and model estimation.

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Posted on February 12, 2018 at 1:12 pm 0 Comentarios

NIRS microsensors and ICT platforms for ensuring on-site authentication of high added value European foods: Case study Iberian pig ham

The present proposal is founded on the recognition that there exists a general consciousness about the need to develop and compare methodologies for detecting emerging risks, food warnings and frauds, and to be able to do this detection with high sampling rates in real-time. At research level, the Food Integrity Project is one of the examples of this interest, and in particular the FI04 – Topic 4 of the FoodIntegrity Competitive Call entitled «Rapid, on-site, cost-effective methods for feed/food fraud detection».

However, to respond to these requirements is not an easy task; this demands that the methodologies developed can be applied and used in a huge variety of agrifood products, enabling the assessment of multiple quality parameters and analytical indicators of authenticity and potential frauds, both known and unknown.

Unfortunately, the number of agrifood products that are susceptible to food fraud is very high and the types of fraud involved are very complex, as is being revealed in different European and international R&D projects, as well as being notified to consumers through social media and networks.

General objectives

FoodIntegrity: ‘the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished or in perfect condition’.

Providing assurance to consumers and other stakeholders about the safety, authenticity and quality of European food (integrity) is of prime importance in adding value to the European Agri-food economy.

Role of the University of Cordoba

To design, develop and implement in the agri-food industry a system based on the integration and combination of low-cost, portable and miniature NIRS sensors and information and communication technologies (ICTs) for process control and voluntary labelling, to guarantee the integrity and international image of the EU high added-value «acorn Iberian pig ham».

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Posted on February 12, 2018 at 9:10 am 0 Comentarios

Crop diversification and low-input farming across Europe: from practitioners engagement and ecosystems services to increased revenues and chain organisation (H2020-RUR-06-2016-728003).


Farming lies at the heart of much of the EU’s socio-economic framework. In 2015, it provided 9.2 million direct jobs and a GDP over € 500 billion. However, the food, feed and industrial products production and delivery involve many sectors, since the processing of agricultural commodities, safety standards, packing or transport are part of the chain. Indeed, the value chain links all market players of the bio-economy, which are essential for the European economic, social and environmental welfare. Altogether, the total agricultural value chain makes more than 5% of European value-added and 7% of employment. Hence, the link among the actors is complex, and the entire system must be adapted and optimised in response to environmental, technical and socioeconomic constrains derived from unsustainable and low resource-efficiency production models.

The recent intensification of agriculture based on intense mechanization, use of external inputs and monocultures has resulted in soil degradation, reduced biodiversity and increased economy risk for Europeans farmers. In view of socioeconomic and environmental problems arising from monocropping and high-input systems, there is now a growing emphasis on crop diversification and optimised use of resources. Increase in land productivity by crop diversification with decreases in production and environmental costs with adaptation of the entire value chain could contribute to the growth of the European agrarian sector.


Role of the University of Cordoba

UCO will be coordinating the WP10 «Communication, Dissemination and Stakeholders Engagement», through the Unit of Scientific and Innovation Culture (UCC + i). This is the service in charge of disseminating the research results and the knowledge generated in UCO to society in general, strengthening the work of other university services. This is a strategic service within the social responsibility policy of the institution, as it contributes to improving education, culture and scientific knowledge of citizens. Creativity and innovation aimed at both the design of their annual plans of communication and dissemination of science, as the choice of tools for it and its relations with the various public and stakeholders in their work. Networking and collaborative and interdisciplinary inclusión in national and international groups dissemination and promotion of scientific culture are two of its hallmarks.

The UCC + i at the University of Cordoba, created to improve training, culture and scientific knowledge of citizenship and accredited by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, pursues the following objectives: i) The information and dissemination of scientific knowledge, ii) The promotion of scientific culture in their environment and promoting scientific vocations and innovative talent, iii) The communication of the results of research, iv) The research training in dissemination and communication of science and v) Research on the processes of social dissemination of Research, Development and innovation.



Higher arable land productivity, and land-equivalent ratio for intercropping systems
To understand the mechanisms involved in complementarity and facilitation in diversified cropping systems, and to enhance them, different crop associations, cultivars, densities and patterns will be assessed in the case studies so that increased land productivity is ensured. The use of crop rotations, multiple cropping or intercrops and their synergistic effects with sustainable agronomic practices (conservation agriculture, nutrient management, integrated pest management, etc.) achieves a combined production per unit area greater than mono-cropping (relative yield total and land-equivalent ratio >1).

Diversification and increase of farmers’ revenues by access to new markets and reduced economic risk
The adoption of diversified cropping systems through the Communities of Practitioners and further engagement will contribute to increase of farmer’s revenues by increased land productivity, access to new markets, reduced economic risk and reduced production and environmental costs.

Lower environmental impact of diversified cropping systems with reduced use of external inputs
Diverfarming will provide strategies to reduce the negative environmental impact of crop production in Europe. Correct use of crop associations, fertilisers, amendments, bio-stimulants, machinery, mulching, crop residues, integrated pest management and suitable irrigation will reduce the consumption of fertilisers, pesticides, water and energy, improving the long-term sustainability of agro-ecosystems.

Improved delivery of ecosystem services
Diverfarming will improve the delivery of ecosystem services by adoption of sustainable diversified cropping systems. We will apply a framework of multiple ecosystem services (defined by MEA, 2005) for assessment. Crop diversification has advantages in terms of plant nutrition by increments in soil fertility and efficiency of nutrient uptake, breakage effect on pest/disease cycles, development of populations of beneficials for crop defence, increase in biodiversity, abatement of soil erosion and GHG emissions, decrease in soil/water pollution and increase in C sequestration.

Organization of resource-efficient downstream value chains, relevant actors and decreased use of energy
In order to gain better insights on mechanisms to facilitate adoption and diffusion of diversified cropping systems, Diverfarming will focus on value chain/contractual conditions by assessing preferences of the value chain actors for participating in re-designed value chains and business models. Diverfarming will define guidelines/best practices in each case study, focusing on the specifics derived from each socioeconomic, cultural and environmental context.

Market provision of food, feed and industrial products from diversified cropping systems.
Diverfarming will use real case studies that directly involve agri-food industry actors. Thus, there will be food coming from multiple crops, rotations and intercrops in olive groves, horticulture, legumes, cereals and flowers (honey); feed from fodder, legumes and residues from horticulture, cereals and legumes; and industrial products from olive groves, vineyards, cereals, horticulture, sunflowers and flowers to produce oil, wine, processed food, biodiesel and cosmetics. Crop residues can be also processed to commercialize soil amendments/fertilisers.

Increased awareness and knowledge exchanges among actors on the benefits of diversified cropping systems (covering different pedo-climatic conditions and crops) and on value chain organisation
The awareness increase and knowledge/data exchange among actors have been included in the tailoring of the diversified cropping systems in each pedoclimatic region, with participatory workshops for all partners and stakeholders to open a plenary discussion (Stage 1; WP2). During the entire duration of the project different workshops, forums, field days and training courses will be organised, besides participation in different conferences and EIP-AGRI related events for knowledge/data exchange; increased social awareness will be achieved by release of public website, communication with media, ICT tools, production of publications and creation of «Communities of Practitioners».

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Posted on February 6, 2018 at 12:27 pm 0 Comentarios

Enforcement of Mediterranean olive oil sector competitiveness through development and application of innovative production and quality control methodologies related to olive oil health protecting properties (INTERREG-MED-1033)

The Mediterranean region is the main place around the world for production of olive oil. 95% of the world’s olive oil is produced in the Mediterranean and mainly in Greece, Peloponnese which produces 65% of Greek olive oil, Italian regions of Sicily, Calabria and Puglia and Andalusia in Spain, the biggest olive growing area on the planet.

The main common challenge for all participating countries in the project is that the average price of olive oil is low in comparison to the production cost and moreover there is a strong competition with the non-Mediterranean seed oil sector. The producers in the Mediterranean are pressed either to reduce the cost of production or to increase the value or the demand for olive oil in the international market in order to maintain the viability and sustainability of the olive tree cultivation and the olive oil production.

Objetivos generales

The main objective of SMART GREEN WATER is to promote common responses to the challenges of agriculture in the SUDOE space, by implementing smart specialization strategies, for a more sustainable and intelligent agricultural sector that strengthens the socio-economic structure of rural areas. To this end, the partners will work together to implement solutions aimed at accelerating agriculture’s digital transition towards a more resilient, climate-resilient, optimized and a less water-consuming agricultural sector. The project will develop a transnational strategy that promotes the development, availability and dissemination of digital solutions to build the necessary capacities among key actors in the agricultural value chain and innovation.


Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba


The University of Cordoba is directly involved in work packages 3 and 4. These packages are focused on the development of an analytical method for determination of phenolic compounds indicated in the EU 432/2012 regulation in virgin and extra virgin olive oil.


The resulting method will be validated with samples provided by producers, which will lead to a database with concentration of phenolic compounds. This database will also contain agronomical, varietal and technological information to be associated with the phenolic concentration.


This analysis will allow preparing a guide for producers to improve the healthy properties of olive oil.


Datos de contacto:

Investigador Principal: Feliciano Priego Capote

Correo electrónico de contacto:

Página web del proyecto:

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