Posted on October 11, 2023 at 7:36 am 0 Comentarios

Boosting Nexus Framework Implementation in the Mediterranean (PRIMA-S1 NEXUS-2021-2141

BONEX es un proyecto que congrega 16 entidades (universidades, centros de investigación, pymes y una organización internacional) de 8 países (España, Portugal, Italia, Alemania, Líbano, Marruecos, Túnez y Jordania) que trabajan colaborativamente para avanzar hacia una gestión eficiente e integrada del nexo agua-energía-alimentación-ecosistema (WEFE, por sus siglas en inglés), de modo a generar simultáneamente beneficios económicos, sociales y medioambientales (incluida la reducción de gases de efecto invernadero) en la región mediterránea.

Objetivos generales

El proyecto BONEX tiene como objetivos generales:
• Desarrollar herramientas prácticas de diagnóstico para aplicación en el nexo agua-energía-alimentación-ecosistema;
• Evaluar soluciones innovadoras implementadas en 7 proyectos de demostración cuidadosamente seleccionados y abarcando una diversidad de contextos, retos y tecnologías de la Región Mediterránea (España, Portugal, Italia, Líbano, Marruecos, Túnez y Jordania);
• Generar conocimiento que permita mejorar las políticas y la gobernanza, así como facilitar la toma de decisiones en el nexo de modo a conseguir un equilibrio entre los impactos económicos, sociales y medioambientales.

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

Coordinador científico y responsable por el diseño e implementación de métodos de análisis socioeconómico en todas las fases del proyecto:
• Paquete de trabajo 1: Conceptualización de un marco de análisis del nexo WEFE.
• Paquete de trabajo 2: Desarrollo de herramientas para el diagnóstico y evaluación del nexo WEFE.
• Paquete de trabajo 3: Desarrollo de proyectos de demostración y recolección de datos a partir de su implementación. Testeo del marco de análisis del nexo WEFE.
• Paquete de trabajo 4: Diseño y aplicación de la estrategia de comunicación y difusión, ampliación y explotación de los resultados del proyecto BONEX.
• Paquete de trabajo 5: Gestión y coordinación del proyecto

Datos de contacto:

Investigador Principal: Julio Berbel Vecino
Correo electrónico de contacto:
Página web del proyecto:

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Posted on October 5, 2023 at 1:21 pm 0 Comentarios

Biodiversity and ecosystem services variability across the El Niño gradient in the Peruvian and Brazilian forests. (EULAC-2022-124, PCI2023-143415) “Proyecto con referencia PCI2023-143415, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea»

The main goal of the project BRESTROPS is to investigate the changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services, promote a fair distribution of resources, and preserve the Natural Capital in rural communities of tropical forests. Combining experimental and modelling approaches, it will study plant and soil biodiversity and ecosystem services across an elevation and climate gradient in the main area of largest impact of ENSO (Dryland coast, the Andes mountains, and the Amazonian rainforest). The main outcome of BESTROPS is to provide new open knowledge on the cultural and social dimension of tropical ecosystems, and insight in policy making without risking the natural capital under the forecasted climate change scenarios.

Objetivos generales

  • To analyze plant biodiversity (taxonomic and functional) across a climate and elevation gradient in agroforest areas (WP 2).
  • To generate a database of soil biodiversity in agroforestry systems as indicators of soil functioning (WP 3).
  • To study the potential impacts of climate change, specifically ENSO, under IPCC projected RCP (representative concentration pathways) scenarios on species distribution & biodiversity (WP 4).
  • To evaluate, the supply and demand of ES in the present and future scenarios and its relationship with plant and soil biodiversity. Assessing the ES trade-offs and identify best-practices and policies for landscape management (WP 5).
  • Strengthen the participation of local actors in consultative or deliberative spaces to access and use of biodiversity and ES information and knowledge (WP 6).

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

Project coordination and management (WP1)

  • General administrative and financial management
  • Scientific management and monitoring
  • Design and Implementation of Mid-­term / Final assessment Meetings
  • Deliverable tracking, reporting and publication

Datos de contacto:

Investigador Principal: José Luis Quero Pérez
Correo electrónico de contacto:;
Página web del proyecto:

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Posted on September 25, 2023 at 8:52 am 0 Comentarios

Mastering Electrode Surface to Achieve Ultra-High Reversible Capacity (M-ERA-Net-2022-PCI2023-143355) “Proyecto con referencia PCI2023-143355, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea»

The MASTER aims to advance a new concept for the surface design of electrode materials to achieve reversible capacities that approach the theoretical ones. The proof-of-concept will be validated by the construction of a full Na-ion battery. This battery is targeting to reach the EGD’s goals for introducing of affordable large-scale energy storage technology.  The most innovative output is the MASTER database, by which the lead candidates as electrodes will be selected. The consortium comprises multidisciplinary teams from Bulgaria, Spain and Turkey and it covers the full value chain from TRL2 to TRL4.

Objetivos generales

The specific objectives are:
(i) to understand the reactions at the electrode surfaces that currently prevent achieving the theoretical capacity;
(ii) to exploit this knowledge to facilitate the elaboration of high-performance electrodes;
(iii) to integrate the surface-modified electrodes into a full Na-ion battery;
(iv) to maximise the impact of the project beyond the Na-ion batteries.

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

Role in the project:
UCO will take the lead for WPs on Surface Engineering (WP2) and Electrochemical Properties (WP3) and contribute to WP2-7, as follows:
– Synthesis of electrode materials by soft-chemistry reactions.
– Surface modification of electrode materials with conductive polymers and electrochemically inactive oxides.
– Structural and spectroscopic characterization of the obtained materials.
– Electrochemical study in sodium test and sodium ion cells.
– Theoretical calculations
– Dissemination and communications.

Datos de contacto:

Investigador Principal (UCO): José L. Tirado
Correo electrónico de contacto:
Página web del proyecto: under construction

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Life CO2RK

Posted on September 19, 2023 at 9:14 am 0 Comentarios

Slow growing forests management for Climate Change Mitigation (LIFE-2022-SAP-CLIMA-101114049)

The establishment of emission trading systems has promoted ambitious GHG reductions by creating economic incentives to reduce CO2 emissions from many activities. Outside this control system are the diffuse sectors, less intensive in energy use (residential, transport, waste, agriculture, fluorinated gases and other industries) but responsible for around 40% of EU GHG emissions.

Regulation (EU) 2018/842 of the European Parliament and of the Council, shows the interest of the EU in promoting the reduction of emissions from these sectors. To do this, it is necessary to develop regulatory and operational frameworks at the National or Regional level that channel the compensation interest of these sectors towards actions capable of sequestering additional Carbon to that fixed by the natural environment. LIFE CO2RK develops a battery of integrated actions in 3 Member States, at national and regional level, with different starting points in terms of political, legal and operational maturity. The goal is to complete the design and development of legal, administrative, financial and technical tools that allow the certification and registration of the carbon sequestered by forest management practices, enable its exchange in Compensation and channel investments from diffuse sectors in exchange for offset carbon. This private financial flow that can be essential for sustaining the Phagaceae forests in the EU, which due to their slow growth are not being used in CO2 capture policies, despite that scientific evidence ensures that the complex ecosystems they generate have a high capacity for CO2 fixation. The project will be developed in cork oak (Quercus suber L.) forests and replicated in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests, whose products do not emit CO2 but fixes it for a long useful life (cork in industries, wood in construction). The results can be extrapolated to a family with a large distribution throughout the EU, in complementary habitats in the Natura2000 Net, with a great impact in biodiversity and socio-economy.

Objetivos generales

  • Promote voluntary offsetting of emissions and its application to finance actions to recover high-value natural areas.
  • Test a regulatory and operational model at regional level and promote its transfer at EU level.
  • Develop and disseminate carbon forestry applied to slow-growing species, which will contribute to climate change mitigation.
  • Promote the adaptation of natural areas to climate change
  • Promoting the consumption of goods whose production increases the carbon sequestration of European ecosystems.

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

• Carry out an analysis and diagnosis of the carbon flow measurement systems and silvicultural itineraries of the cork oak forest.
• Modelling carbon fluxes in biomass and soil associated with cork oak silviculture.
• Quantify and monitor the carbon fluxes associated with the implementation of emission compensation projects in cork oak forests.

Datos de contacto

Investigador Principal: Guillermo Palacios Rodríguez

Correo electrónico de contacto:

Página web del proyecto: en construcción

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Posted on September 19, 2023 at 8:07 am 0 Comentarios

Beyond Xylella, Integrated Management Strategies for Mitigating Xylella fastidiosa impact in Europe (HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01-04-101060593)

BeXyl is an EU-funded research project aiming to secure and exploit the research outcomes achieved by advancing and transferring into practice the most promising prevention and containment strategies. BeXyl means “Beyond Xylella”. That suggests the time is ripe to move away from emergency mode to more sophisticated management strategies against Xylella fastidiosa current outbreaks and prevent new introductions in Europe.

Objetivos generales

BeXyl stands for ‘Beyond Xylella’ and means integrating different scientific approaches to propose and test practical solutions to manage Xylella fastidiosa outbreaks in the EU

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

Co-Leader of Work Package 5. Active participation in the use of entomopathogenic fungi to manage Xylella fastidiosa vector populations and/or to alter Xylella fastidiosa transmission though entomopathogenic fungi direct infection or via endophytic colonization of the host plants.

Datos de contacto

Investigador Principal: Enrique Quesada Moraga
Correo electrónico de contacto:
Página web del proyecto:

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Posted on July 28, 2023 at 10:08 am 0 Comentarios

Maximising the CO-benefits of agricultural Digitalisation through conducive digital ECoSystems (HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-22-101060179)

CODECS is a four-year Horizon Europe project that gathers 33 partners all around Europe and which is coordinated by the University of Pisa. The project aims to improve the motivation and the capacity of European farmers to understand and adopt digitalisation as an enabler of sustainable and transformative change.

CODECS will develop, and turn into concepts, methods, tools, evidence, a vision of “sustainable digitalisation” with the goal of improving the collective capacity to understand, assess and foresee the full range of benefits and costs of farm digitalisation, and to build digital ecosystems that maximise the net benefits of digitalisation.

CODECS has established a network of 21 Living Labs, comprised of farmers, knowledge intermediaries, stakeholders, and policymakers, to address emerging agricultural challenges. These Living Labs will take a system-level approach to analyse farms and evaluate the impact of digital technologies on economic, social, and environmental outcomes. By examining the synergies and trade-offs between these different factors, the Living Labs will provide valuable insights to inform policymaking and support sustainable farming practices.

Objetivos generales

The Consortium will work in an integrated manner to achieve the following objectives:

  • Mainstreaming the concept of “sustainable digitalisation” in the European AKIS and in the wider policy environments.
  • Building the conceptual “system-approach / actor-centred” base for “sustainable digitalisation” of agriculture and a layered cost-benefit assessment framework.
  • Analysing, and understanding the implications, of the role of different contexts in the generation of costs and benefits of digitalisation through the analysis of “digital ecosystems”.
  • Providing data on the costs and benefits of digitalisation in a variety of European farming contexts, by setting up and carrying out user-friendly assessment methodologies.
  • Setting up demonstrations to scale digital technologies adoption.
  • Developing evidence-based and future-proof policy tools for a sustainable digitalisation.

Raising awareness and facilitating the uptake of digital technologies for sustainable development through the development of a platform and assessment tools.

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

UCO team is responsible for the analysis of policy environments for digitalisation in agriculture across Europe.

Datos de contacto:

Investigador Principal: M Mar Delgado Serrano
Correo electrónico de contacto:
Página web del proyecto:

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Posted on June 19, 2023 at 12:43 pm 0 Comentarios

Phytophthora-induced decline of fagaceae ecosystems in Southern Europe exacerbated by climate change: preserving ecosystem services through improved integrated pest management. (101074466 – LIFE21-CCA-IT5-LIFE FAGESOS)

Plant health and forest decline are nowadays becoming a challenge for conservation of agroforestry systems. To ensure the preservation of these ecosystems it is necessary to improve tools and strategies enhancing their adaptation to the outbreak of Alien Invasive Plant Pathogens caused by climatic change.

Phytophthora diseases are increasing their impact and distribution range in evergreen oak and chestnut ecosystems of the Mediterranean basin, boosted by temperature increase and higher frequency of extreme weather events such as flooding and drought. Scarce public awareness of the problem, severe human impact on forest areas and the new EU regulation on fertilizers, that limits the use of K-phosphonate, the most efficient and ecofriendly molecule to mitigate disease impact, further increase the risk of epidemic spread of these diseases. Challenged Forest Ecosystems need improved tools & strategies to enhance their adaptation to the outlined issue, finally ensuring their preservation as important natural carbon sinks.

Indeed, FAGESOS will introduce tools to contrast diseases and enhance forests’ resilience, by:
• The delivery of regional maps for risk- and impact assessment of Phytophthora diseases in the Mediterranean basin in diverse current and predicted climatic scenarios, as a tool for policy makers and forest managers
• The development, validation, implementation and dissemination of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) protocols, tailored to the specific target ecosystem, including a strictly scheduled use of new biomolecules and microorganisms with proven efficacy. Treatment protocols will be complemented by hygiene measures to prevent disease-spread
• The delivery of fully accessible monitoring protocols, based on validated, innovative models & technologies
• Intense communication, dissemination and capacity building activities, targeting different stakeholders to raise awareness and induce adaption of behaviour The project will be implemented in Italy, Spain and Portugal through a multi-actor approach.


LIFE FAGESOS aims to address and remediate the outbreak of Alien Invasive Plant Pathogens, adversely impacting natural and semi-natural Mediterranean Fagaceae forest ecosystems, through the elaboration and implementation of Integrated Pest Management protocols and the use of advanced tools for forecasting and monitoring of these outbreaks.


The University of Cordoba has a budget of 800,000 €, and its main activities focus on the development of risk, impact and habitat prediction models for pathogen distribution and disease symptoms, and the monitoring of IPM effects on treated areas. To this end, it leads two of the 7 project work packages, being responsible for various activities in the rest of the packages, with special relevance in the development of IPM protocols, the implementation of treatments, and the establishment of control and hygiene measures.
In addition, the University of Cordoba coordinates the activity of the rest of the Spanish partners and collaborators, with the participation of three more associated entities, and the presence of numerous stakeholders and collaborating organisations. The University of Cordoba is responsible for the training and education section foreseen among the dissemination activities of the project. The UCO team includes researchers from three departments, Forest Engineering Department, Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology Department, and Engineering Graphics and Geomatics, with the participation of 8 researchers and 6 technical specialists hired for the different activities.




  • Environmental and ecophysiological characterization of the intensive monitoring plots, where the treatments will be assessed, has been carried out.
  • Through various mesocosm experiments, the most suitable natural products for designing integrated management protocols for the three considered species have been identified.
  • Distribution and risk models for P. cinnamomi in the Mediterranean have been published and are available for consultation on the FAGESOS GIS platform.


  • 3 IPM-protocols developed, implemented and disseminated, one for each target Fagaceae ecosystem that enhance forests’ resilience against Phytophthora-induced decline exacerbated by climate change
  • Efficacy of at least 3 new environmentally harmless biostimulants (molecules and microorganisms) tested and validated in alternative or combination with K-phosphonate, to contrast the impact of cinnamomi
  • Mapping of cinnamomi driven diseases improved by providing novel protocols that integrate multispectral remote sensing approach and stochastic and machine learning models to: i) map active foci and ii) rank still uninvaded neighbouring areas for risk of invasion by P. cinnamomi.
  • At the end of project: 100% of project areas, corresponding to 18,119 ha, monitored; 110,000 ha of surrounding ecosystems ranked for disease dispersal risk; and 100% of the Mediterranean Fagaceae habitat mapped for disease impact, presence and potential habitat suitability for cinnamomi (93,850 km2).
  • Efficacy/efficiency of drone treatments with K-phosphonate of chestnut forests/groves (Italy and Portugal) tested and validated. At the end of the project, we expect to release a routine protocol, and to have treated and protected up to 50 + 50 ha in pilot areas of Portugal and Italy.
  • Progression of cinnamomi driven dieback and mortality of Fagaceae forests/groves in the Mediterranean basin stopped by large scale application of improved and legally allowed IPM protocols. By the end of the project we expect to treat up to 1,070 ha (7 demonstrative sites) and to protect up to 18,119 ha of vulnerable areas in total
  • Inoculum in the surface soil (20cm) of treated areas reduced by 80%
  • On average 40% recovery of symptomatic trees obtained and 100% protection of treated non-symptomatic trees.
  • Awareness raised among 100% of forest workers, farmers and agronomists, regularly present in project areas and at least 60% of them engaged in capacity building workshops (1,220 participants)
  • Awareness raised among 50% of inhabitants of territories object of project actions through offline communication activities (42,239 citizens)
  • Awareness raised among citizens in the broader project regions through online communication activities (1,373,323 citizens)



Investigador Principal: Rafael Mª Navarro Cerrillo
Correo electrónico de contacto: Francisco José Ruiz Gómez,
Página web del proyecto: En construcción


Comune di Monte San Biagio

Via Roma 1, 04020, Monte San Biagio (Italy)

Contact e-mail: Gioia Pernarella (




LIFE FAGESOS is co-funded by the LIFE Programme, the European Union’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action, under grant agreement no. 101074466. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.


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Posted on April 21, 2023 at 1:03 pm 0 Comentarios

Robust and accessible modelling for an effective management of agricultural soil erosion in Europe (HE-MSCA-2021-PF-EF-101062258)

Soil erosion modelling can help define efficient and targeted mitigation strategies by identifying the long-term controlling factors and the areas where, and periods during which, soil is at high risk of erosion. However, to define such strategies, there remains a lack of modelling approaches a) able to provide with longer term baseline information which to measure the success or otherwise of mitigation strategies at the catchment scale and b) accessible and robust enough to be used, understood, and trusted by users with more or less expertise, including researchers, land managers and policy makers. In response, this project will improve the robustness and accessibility of quantitative methods for supporting agricultural land management. For this purpose, we will develop a parsimonious soil erosion model, iMPACt-erosion, to support agricultural land management in Europe at the catchment scale. The development philosophy will be based on three principles: robustness, transparency, and accessibility. For a robust model evaluation, model simulations will be compared to multi-decadal soil loss estimations estimated from fallout radionuclides and tree mound measurements. The model and its code will be easy to read and understand by users with more or less expertise. The model accessibility will be achieved by using interactive Jupyter Notebooks (, a modelling environment that combines executable code, rich media and interactive visualization of data and model results. This translates into a more fluent conversation between the user and the model and an easier exploration of the model results and the impact of possible agricultural management scenarios.

Objetivos generales

  1. to develop an accessible and transparent soil erosion model, iMPACt-erosion, to support agricultural land management in Europe at the catchment scale.
  2. to achieve greater confidence in the iMPACt-erosion model predictions by evaluating its performance both in terms of model behaviour, i.e. whether the ‘right’ parameters control the model response, and in simulating observed past changes and their corresponding measured/estimated erosion impacts over time scales that encompass at least several decades.
  3. to identify soil erosion controlling processes and vulnerable areas and periods to define targeted and effective mitigation strategies until 2100.

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

University of Cordoba is involved in all the of the project, leading work packages 1, 2 and 4:

WP 1. Management and Training + Knowledge transfer

WP 2. Model development

WP 3. Model evaluation

WP 4. Future scenarios simulation.

WP 5. Dissemination, communication and exploitation

Datos de contacto:

Supervisor: Tom Vanwalleghem    email:

Investigador principal: Andres Peñuela Fernandez    email:

Página web del proyecto: under construction

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LIFE Innocereal EU

Posted on March 14, 2023 at 12:14 pm 0 Comentarios

Connecting the cereal value chain and creating sustainable certification for carbon neutral production in Europe (101074009-LIFE21-CCM-ES-LIFE Innocereal EU)

This project creates an ecosystem throughout the entire cereal production chain, demonstrating sustainability and competitiveness in all production stages of the flour, malting and baking industries focused on reaching the high sustainable standards of the market.

In the primary sector, the implementation of best agricultural practices (BAP) in different climatic zones and the use of innovative technologies (i.e. precision agriculture, warning systems, NIR technology) among farmers will aim to increase productivity with greater efficiency in the use of nutrients, herbicides and fertilizers and mitigating carbon farming practices (i.e higher carbon sequestration in the soil and lower GHG emissions). In the processing industry, standardized model contracts will be created between the different sectors to ensure a consistent supply to the European market of cereal products that comply with food security standards.

As a result, a low-carbon emission cereals certification system will be created together with a sustainability label “Innocereal EU” that will identify sustainable produced bread, pasta, malt, and beer in the market. All in all, LIFE Innocereal EU breaks through the entire food chain towards digital and sustainable production, mitigating GHGs, ensuring careful traceability and a balanced distribution of wealth.


Objetivos generales

  1. Connecting all links in the cereal value chain by promoting environmental quality labelling that provides greater added value to the final product (bread, pasta and beer).
  2. Improve the sustainability of cereal production by implementing BAP and digital agriculture to improve farm management and reduce GHG emissions.


Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

University of Cordoba is involved in all the activities being carried out in the work packages of the project, leading work packages 1 and 3.

WP1. Coordination and project management

WP 2. Selection of BAP for cereals in the EU.

WP 3. Implementation of sustainable practices

WP 4. Monitoring and impact assessment – KPIs

WP 5. Sustainability, replication and valorisation of the project results.

WP 6. Communication, dissemination of results & networking


Datos de contacto

Investigador Principal: Emilio J. González Sánchez

Correo electrónico de contacto:

Página web del proyecto:

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Posted on March 10, 2023 at 10:47 am 0 Comentarios

Identification and sustainable deployment of wheat genetic diversity to enhance the resilience and security of the European food supply (ERA-NET SusCrop/PCI2022-135028-2)

WheatSecurity aims to enhance sustainability, security, and nutritional quality of one of the most important sources of human calories, wheat.


objetivos generales

WheatSecurity will demonstrate to farmers, breeders, policy makers and society how abroadened genetic base for wheat can enhance the sustainability and security of our food systems under real world multi-stress conditions and management regimes less reliant on chemicals.


papel de la universidad de córdoba

Analyse the wheat grain produced in the trials for industrial and nutritional quality characteristics.


datos de contacto

Investigador Principal: Carlos Guzmán García (subproyecto UCO)

Correo electrónico de contacto:

Página web del proyecto: no disponible


«»WheatSecurity» project, PCI2022-135028-2, is funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR”.

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