Posted on March 8, 2023 at 2:01 pm 0 Comentarios

Boosting SUstaiNability, Reliability and EfficiencY of perovskite PV through novel materials and process Engineering – (HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-07-101084422)

13 partners – research institutes, universities, and companies from all over Europe combine their competencies to overcome the drawbacks of perovskite photovoltaics.

SUNREY will be carried out in close cooperation between science and industry, in order to strengthen the innovation of the European industry along the value chain. Our developments will enable the companies of our consortium to improve their capabilities for the fabrication of solar cells, taking another step towards a CO­2-neutral future. We are thinking of new applications of such solar modules in micro-electronics for the Internet of Things (IoT) or grid independent power supply of building integrated photovoltaics.


objetivos generales

Sunrey will develop enhanced characterisation and modelling methods including use of electrical impedance spectroscopy coupled with modelling and material characterisation including interaction between environment, materials and structure to better understand degradation pathways and predict lifetime-limiting mechanisms. These models will be linked to accelerated testing regimes and test equipment design to provide the basis for material and device optimisation and for prediction of device and module lifetime. This activity will encompass the influences of module design, encapsulation and barrier properties as well as material design and cell architecture.

SUNREY will perform comprehensive testing and evaluation at laboratory scale including outdoor testing and compliance with the relevant protocols (ISOS), characterisation for reliability and energy yield assessment and generation of data to support performance and lifetime models. Testing will be conducted by an accredited solar PV test lab (AIT) as well as at partner facilities around Europe.

SUNREY will develop comparative, toxicological and environmental impact models, including life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analyses (including decommissioning and disposal) to bring evidence of the low environmental impact and demonstrate better resource efficiency and more efficient circularity than current commercial PV technologies. These will be applied to materials and processes developed in the project, feeding back to the design process to ensure safe and sustainable designs.

SUNREY will develop scaleable processes to implement the new materials, solar cell and module designs with a focus on low-temperature solution-based processes that can be applied to a range of substrates such as flexible. The development of tuneable charge transport layers meets an important requirement for fully exploiting bandgap tuneability of perovskites. This will open up new applications with targeted markets including utility-scale panels, IoT and MicroPower, Independent Power Sources, Building Applied Utility Power (BAPV) Building-Integrated Photovoltaics.


papel de la universidad de córdoba

The role of University of Cordoba is to develop novel mixed 2D/3D halide perovskites with conjugated p-conjugated organic diammonium cations to enhance the stability of perovskite solar cells under operation from several hundreds to several thousands hours. Current lifetimes of Pb-based perovskites are too short for commercial applications.


Datos de contacto

Investigador Principal: Gustavo de Miguel Rojas

Correo electrónico de contacto:

Página web del proyecto:


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Posted on March 6, 2023 at 10:25 am 0 Comentarios

HIBA – HUB Iberia Agrotech: Creation of a regional ecosystem for agrodigitalisation through the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) (POCTEP-0762_HIBA_6_E)

HIBA aims to promote a Pluriregional Agrodigitalization ecosystem through the creation of a Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) network that encourages business initiative, competitiveness, and sustainability, promoting post-Covid19 economic reactivation.

The Iberia Network will facilitate and/or drive digitalization, focusing on:

  • Deployment and offering of technological services.
  • Development of training and entrepreneurship programs for different levels of users and business needs.
  • Creation of innovative technology experimentation environments for their adaptation and adoption in the business environment.
  • Promotion of spaces for dialogue and co-creation to share priorities and lines of work.


objetivos generales

Improving and streamlining the channeling of knowledge generation and technological transfer towards productive sectors and business development in agriculture will enhance their competitiveness and wealth creation.


papel de la universidad de córdoba

The University of Córdoba has worked on all project activities, leading and coordinating in particular activity 3 of the project: «Development of Training Capacities and Experimentation Environments for Digital Business Innovation.» This activity aims to provide companies with different services that allow them to initiate and/or accelerate their digitalization process. Specifically, the focus will be on: (a) training in digital skills for different levels of education and user profiles; and (b) the ability to test innovations and experiment with technologies to promote entrepreneurship and improve processes and decision-making of agri-food companies in the pluriregional cooperation area.


datos de contacto

Investigador Principal: Francisco Javier Mesas Carrascosa


Web del proyecto:

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Posted on February 24, 2023 at 12:03 pm 0 Comentarios

A SYstem for reaL-time obserVation of Aeroallergens (HORIZON-CL6-2022-GOVERNANCE-01-07-101086109)

Primary biological aerosols (bioaerosols, mainly pollen and fungal spores, but also bacteria and viruses) released into the air by plants, fungi, and other biota, are strongly impacted by climate change. Simultaneously, they also directly affect the climate through interactions with clouds and precipitation. Many bioaerosols, especially pollen and some fungal spores, have allergenic effect on humans. Such aeroallergens affect over 80 million Europeans, reducing their quality of life and costing well over €50 billion/year. Information on bioaerosols is also vital for agriculture and forestry, where timely data about plant development, abundance of pathogens and parasites, as well as invasive species, are necessary for precision-agriculture and knowledge-based technologies. The demand for timely, free, and objective information is currently not met.

The overall goal of SYLVA is to achieve a radical improvement and fill gaps in temporal resolution, timeliness, coverage, and availability of information about aeroallergens and other bioaerosols. SYLVA technological innovations will be accompanied with new infrastructure, distribution and exploitation pathways, and links with stakeholders to ensure technology uptake and sustainability beyond the lifetime of the project.


objetivos generales

The main goal of SYLVA is to improve the resolution, coverage and availability of information about bioaerosols in Europe, especially pollen and fungal spores. This goal will be reached by the development and improvement in several fields:

– Develop cutting-edge bioaerosol monitoring technologies

– Extend bioaerosol monitoring data infrastructure and software accessibility, ensuring open-source publication and integration into the European environmental observing system.

– Validate the operational maturity and added-value of bioaerosol monitoring technology through Demonstration Pilots in three European regions

– Maximize impact and to ensure the long-term time series by demonstrating SYLVA innovations to key stakeholders related to climate, health, agriculture, silviculture, and the environment

– Ensure the long-term sustainability of bioaerosol technology and infrastructure across Europe


papel de la universidad de córdoba

The University of Córdoba has a key role in the project, coordinating the work package 3. Work package 3 is the one with the greatest weight in terms of human effort and duration. In this package, airborne particles will be monitored in three pilots, considering areas under extreme conditions: Northern, Central and Southern Europe. Different technologies will be used to quantify pollen and spores. Among the technologies that will be used are different methods of capturing and automatic identification of particles, atmospheric lidar, eDNA. The University of Córdoba also has a key role in the rest of the work packages.


datos de contacto

Investigadora Principal: Carmen Galán Soldevilla

Correo electrónico de contacto:

Página web del proyecto: (Web under constrution)

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Posted on February 21, 2023 at 10:20 am 0 Comentarios

DigiPatch: Moving from networked to patchworked society: motivational underpinnings and societal consequences (ERA-NET CHANSE-518/PCI2022-135090-2).

The rise of digitalization, specifically digital media use, provides people with expanded possibilities in terms of informing and expressing themselves, as well as sharing their opinions and communicating with each other, and thus enables them to develop new and multiple social ties. While it may strengthen democratic processes, it also has a dark side. To begin with, digital media has weakened traditional media and thus hollowed out the“common space” that it used to provide, where people from different parts of society and with different backgrounds could be exposed to and learn about each other, as well as obtain verified news reports about politics and society. Equally important, on digital media, misinformation and intentionally false and/or misleading information abound and are often used strategically in a targeted manner to cause maximum impact. Digital media usage has also made it easier than ever for people to find information that confirms their already firmly held beliefs and strengthen their current identities rather than inform them. These processes may drive the irruption of various kinds of (micro)identities, i.e., closed (micro)groups with strong identities, strong in-group ties, their own epistemic realities, and full endorsement of their ideology and activities. Additionally, the strengthening of commitments in self-governed groups may manifest itself in in-group self-determination, based on narrow micro-identities, at the expense of society at large, which hampers efforts to deal effectively with the societal challenges Europe is facing, and undermines democracy. Despite much research on how digitalization shapes society, in domains such as security and marketing, much less is known about the impact of digital media use in the social sphere. In addition, the role of the socio-cognitive and cultural underpinnings of digitalization-related phenomena is rarely considered. Hence, the role of digital media use in social and cultural transformation is far from being fully described or adequately understood.


objetivos generales

The main aim of the project is threefold. It will:

  • investigate how digital media creates conditions for cultural and societal change from a traditionally networked society to a rigidly ‘patchwork’ one.
  • find out why this occurs, with a focus on cultural factors, and the socio-cognitive processes of individuals.
  • outline what the potential societal consequences of these processes are.


papel de la universidad de córdoba

UCO leads Work Package 5 (WP5) entitled <<Computer modelling of the formation of closed micro-identities and its attendant processes>>. (led by the Spanish partner). WP5 will be developed to model the formation of closed (micro)identities via digital media use. For this purpose, different methodologies for extracting and aggregating information from survey data will be used, including SEM modelling, pattern mining techniques, cluster analysis, and network analysis.

Also, UCO contributes in other packages such as WP1 Three-wave panel survey, WP3 Semi-intervention on adolescent samples and WP4 Political and cultural analysis.


datos de contacto

Investigador Principal: Manuel Moyano Pacheco.

Correo electrónico de contacto:

Página web del proyecto:


«DIGIPATCH» project, PCI2022-135090-2, is funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR”.

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Posted on February 21, 2023 at 10:01 am 0 Comentarios

Cross-border strengthening systems of forest fires prevention and extinction and improvement of the resources for rural employment generation in a pos-Covid scenario. (0756_FIREPOCTEP_6_E)

FIREPOCTEP promotes climate change adaptation in a landscape scale of the territory, specifically on the analysis of forest fire risks by means of investments in resources focused in prevention and extinction strategies. Some demonstrative areas have been chosen both in Spain and Portugal, including cross-border ones.

FIREPOCTEP has six activities, covering actions from identifying and mapping forest fire risks, to management, prevention, and extinction of forest fires, along with people capacitation and capitalizing results of experiences and research.


objetivos generales

-Promoting climate change adaptation and risk management and prevention.

-Increase of territorial resilience against cross-border natural risks.


papel de la universidad de córdoba

University of Córdoba (UCO), one of the 21 partners of the project, participates in four of the six activities (with 9 researches fron different Departments), such as the identification and mapping of ZEG´s (Strategic Management Zones), along with prevention techniques as prescribed burns, demonstrative actions and formation of people in rural-urban interfaz, also defining main prevention activities contributing to rural employment, giving access to public participation. UCO coordinates one action, included in one of the activities, related to rural people awareness and formation about forest fire risks.


datos de contacto

Investigador Principal: Ricardo Zamora Díaz

Correo electrónico de contacto:

Página web del proyecto:

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Posted on February 20, 2023 at 11:55 am 0 Comentarios

DroughT impACt on the vegeTation of South African semIarid mosaiC landscapes: Implications on grass-crop-lands primary production (ESA-EO Africa-2021-TACTIC)

Semiarid rangelands are one of Africa’s most complex and variable biomes. They are a mosaic of land uses, where extensive livestock is the main economic activity, and agriculture, soil for livelihood, or conservational uses are also crucial. They are highly controlled by the availability of water, e.g., pasture and rainfed crop production. Although the vegetation is adapted to variable climatic conditions and dry periods, the increase in drought intensity, duration, and frequency, changes in agricultural practices, and other socioeconomic and environmental factors precipitate their degradation.

Through the integration of Earth Observation data into models, we can evaluate, on the one hand, the water consumed by semiarid ecosystems and their vegetation water stress and, on the other, its primary production. Thus, allowing us to assess the interaction of both processes, improving our knowledge about the vegetation’s behavior in the face of drought.

TACTIC will map water consumption and primary production of semiarid mosaic crop-rangelands at the optimal spatiotemporal scales, setting up an open-source cloud framework to monitor these processes’ interaction in the long term and analyze system tipping points. This information can help reduce the uncertainty associated with the administration and farmers’ decision-making processes.


Objetivos generales

TACTIC’s main goal is to reinforce the provision of semiarid mosaic ecosystem services supporting decision-making with quantitative, distributed, and quality information. The specific questions are 1) Which are the optimal spatiotemporal scales when monitoring semiarid mosaic vegetation cover, actual ET, and biomass?, 2) What is the evolution of these variables and their anomalies?, 3) What impact drought events have? and 4) the implementation of this monitoring framework as an open-source tool for long term analysis.


papel de la universidad de córdoba

Together with the University of Western Cape, managing and developing Tactic.


datos de contacto

Investigadora principal: Ana Andreu




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Posted on February 17, 2023 at 9:08 am 0 Comentarios

Forest Fires risk reduction: towards an integrated fire management approach in the E.U. (H2020-LC-CLA-2020-101003890)

FirEUrisk will develop and evaluate a novel 3-stage management strategy that will update the current approaches to fight wildfires. This plan of action is risk-centred and will cover every relevant aspect of this issue while also considering the environmental context and socioeconomic circumstances.

  1. Fire risk assessment. Analysing the resilience of communities. In this stage, new methods to evaluate fire susceptibility will be proposed. These approaches will take into account the main pillars within this issue: nature and people.
  2. Fire risk reduction. Addressing the political and economic causes. The strengths and weakness of current fire guidelines and management strategies to offer improved alternatives to tackle the social drivers behind extreme wildfires will be analysed.
  3. Fire risk adaptation. New conditions, new strategies. Future climate and demographic scenarios will be modelled.


Objetivos generales

FirEUrisk aims to improve wildfires risk assessment in Europe. A science-based strategy will be developed and will include new tools for assessing the danger and vulnerabilities of communities and landscapes, reducing their wildfire risks and adapting them for a resilient future.


Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

UCO is one of the 38 partners of the Consortium. UCO team is made up of researchers that develop their work in fire economic impact assessment with SEVEIF algorithms and fire danger assessment through the use of the Suppression Difficulty Index. UCO tests the results and validate the new methodologies in its Demonstration Area of Sierra Morena.



Investigador Principal: Juan Ramón Molina Martínez

Correo electrónico de contacto:

Página web del proyecto:


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Posted on February 17, 2023 at 8:51 am 0 Comentarios

Green Enantioselective Halogenation for Drug Discovery and Manufacture (H2020-MSCA-RISE-823939)

The aim of this project is to bring together subject matter experts from the academic and non-academic sectors to develop and exemplify the use of new catalysts and new green reactions to manufacture important halogenated compounds that could be used in drug discovery and drug production. In order to achieve this objective the proposal brings together 3 partners with complementary skills:

– University of Naples (UNINA): expertise in medicinal chemistry and drug discovery.

– KelAda Pharmachem: expertise in green chemistry, chemical batch process development and scale-up.

– University of Cordoba (UCO): expertise in process engineering of continuous flow processes.



– Objective 1: Development of new, efficient “green” organocatalysts.

– Objective 2: Exemplification of utility these catalysts to create a halogenation platform.

– Objective 3: Synthesis (using halogenation platform) and testing of drug candidates.

– Objective 4: Scale-up of syntheses of key compounds in order to demonstrate industrial viability.



The University of Cordoba is in charge of the Work Programme 4: Development of continuous flow variants and scale up.



Investigador Principal: Rafael Luque Álvarez de Sotomayor

Correo electrónico de contacto:

Página web del proyecto (enlace CORDIS):

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Posted on May 12, 2022 at 11:24 am 0 Comentarios

Project Culture Européenne (2021-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000032613)

Universidades, centros de profesorado y centros educativos de Alemania, Lituania, Francia, Eslovenia, Hungría, Bulgaria, Holanda, Irlanda y España se han unido en este proyecto en un intento de definir qué es la cultura europea y utilizar los materiales que se deriven de este proyecto para ser utilizados en Educación Primaria y Secundaria.


Definir el ‘concepto de cultura europea’.

Diseñar materiales para la implementación en el aula.

Implementación en Educación Primaria y Secundaria.


Participar en la definición del concepto ‘cultura europea’.

Diseñar materiales para la implementación en el aula.

Implementación en el aula de Educación Primaria.

Organizar el evento multiplicador final del proyecto y una reunión transnacional.

Investigadora Principal: M.ª Elena Gómez Parra


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Posted on April 18, 2022 at 12:19 pm 0 Comentarios

Fast-tracking ROOTStock breeding in olive (H2020-MSCA-IF-2019-896689)

Adaptation to environmental conditions is key to maximise crop productivity under limited water and other stresses related to climate impacts. Combining stress resistance with desired agronomic characteristics through regular plant breeding in fruit trees such as olive requires a huge amount of time and resources and might not be feasible by just using the current available genetic pool. However, the use of rootstocks could overcome some of these stresses that are challenging tree crops worldwide and allow to unlock the genetic potential of wild relatives of olive. The objective of FROOTS is to speed up the rootstock breeding process in olive trees by developing accurate, fast phenotyping and grafting methodologies for the early selection of new olive rootstocks, in first instance for drought resistance. This will be done by using techniques that are known to the applicant due to his background in plant breeding and disease resistance screening and analysis techniques, in collaboration with the hosting group, which has a strong track record in the study of olive germplasm resources, genetics and breeding, as well as proven ability to train students and scientists. The approach and techniques used in FROOTS will allow a faster development of rootstocks resilient to new challenging environments and pests, therefore reducing the environmental impact and future proofing our olive orchards. The training will allow the applicant to be trained as a fruit tree breeder, increasing the capability in this research area. The project presents a multidisciplinary approach as it brings together plant propagation, germplasm resources, genetics and statistics. It includes secondments at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), opening the possibility for further collaboration between the institutions.


Objetivos generales

The EU-funded FROOTS project will build on the use of rootstocks to develop accurate, fast phenotyping and grafting methodologies for the early selection of new olive rootstocks. The ultimate aim is to speed up the rootstock breeding process in olive trees.


Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

This project will be carried out in the University of Cordoba, where most of the activities will be conducted under the supervision of Prof. Barranco. The applicant will benefit from considerable local and surrounding expertise regarding drought resistance and plant phenotyping methods, in vitro plant propagation and rootstock-scion mechanisms and compatibility, and olive germplasm resources and breeding. In addition, the University of Cordoba will participate in the training of the applicant and the exploitation and dissemination of the results.


Supervisor: Diego Barranco Navero

Investigador Principal: Carlos Trapero Ramírez        e-mail:

Página web del proyecto: (en desarrollo)

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