Sustainable Agriculture and Life (2019-1-TR01-KA202-076825)
Aunque resulta casi imperceptible, cada año se pierden grandes cantidades del suelo destinado a uso agrícola y que resulta imprescindible, no sólo para el sector alimentario, sino también para el textil y el energético y, por supuesto, para el medioambiente. Esta pérdida anual apenas llega a medio centímetro y puede pasar desapercibido para el ojo humano. Sin embargo, cuando se echa la vista atrás se percibe el enorme deterioro que está sufriendo este recurso a lo largo de los años. Esto es debido a que la capacidad de regeneración del suelo está muy lejos de ser suficiente para contrarrestar la erosión y degradación. Actualmente, es tal la descompensación entre el nivel de regeneración y el de pérdida que el suelo está catalogado como un recurso no renovable. Es necesario que pasen decenas o incluso centenares de años para recuperar el suelo que se está perdiendo en un solo año.
En este sentido, el proyecto LIVING SOILS nace con el objetivo de crear una red de cooperación entre distintos países para intercambiar y difundir buenas prácticas en el ámbito de la agricultura, que ayuden a rehabilitar los suelos y reducir su deterioro.
Para ello, se fomenta la Agricultura de Conservación, que comprende una serie de principios para favorecer un uso más eficiente de los recursos naturales y mejorar su conservación, como el no laboreo y la siembra directa sobre rastrojos, el mantenimiento de cubiertas vegetales sobre el suelo para evitar la erosión y la rotación y diversificación de cultivos.
Entre los participantes en el proyecto, se encuentran varias entidades públicas turcas, agencias de desarrollo local y la Universidad de Iconio (Konya) de Turquía, la red de cooperativas italiana Lega Regionale delle Cooperative e Mutue, una entidad alemana orientada a la
formación DEULA-Nienburg GmbH, la Federación Europea de la Agricultura de Conservación (ECAF) con sede en Bélgica y la Universidad de Córdoba, que participa a través del grupo AGR-126 “Mecanización y tecnología rural” que cuenta amplia experiencia y reconocido prestigio en la investigación aplicada de la Agricultura de Conservación en España y Europa.
Alrededor de 50 especialistas intervienen en el proyecto. Entre ellos se intercambiarán experiencias de éxito que hayan tenido lugar en cada uno de los países, tanto en relación con técnicas agrícolas como maquinaria. Además, se realizarán sesiones de formación para profesionales del sector de otros países. Finalmente se pretende que el resultado del proyecto sirva como punto de referencia para que profesionales del sector agrícola conozcan la importancia de implementar estas prácticas en su trabajo y cómo hacerlo.
La mayoría de los países que participan en el proyecto comparten características similares ligadas al sector agrícola. Son países mediterráneos, con climas semiáridos y suelos con bajo contenido en materia orgánica. Además, tanto España como Italia y Turquía tienen intereses comunes a la hora de adaptar la maquinaria de siembra para implementar técnicas agrícolas más respetuosas con el suelo. Requiere una gran inversión y un cambio radical en la forma de trabajar la tierra.
Además de ayudar a proteger el suelo de la erosión, el empleo de restos de cultivos anteriores como coberturas es una buena forma de compensar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del sector agrícola. El dióxido de carbono que las plantas transforman en carbohidratos al realizar la fotosíntesis, queda al final almacenado en el suelo en forma de materia orgánica.
Para llegar a las personas que trabajan en el sector agrícola, se mantiene el contacto con cooperativas y asociaciones de agricultores y técnicos, entre ellos muchos jóvenes. Iniciar estos cambios permitirá a largo plazo ahorrar costes y mantener la producción, a la vez que se ayudará a conservar este recurso natural suelo, tan castigado por décadas de agricultura intensiva.
El proyecto tiene como objetivo crear una red de cooperación entre países con experiencia demostrada en agricultura sostenible, para intercambiar y difundir buenas prácticas en Agricultura de Conservación, para mejorar las capacidades institucionales de todos los socios a nivel transnacional, para contribuir al desarrollo profesional de la personal técnico y agricultores del sector.
La realización de una producción agrícola con técnicas de Agricultura de Conservación, mejora y preservación de los recursos naturales como suelo, agua, aire, reducción de los impactos de los efectos y causas del cambio climático, desarrollo de conocimientos y habilidades sobre las técnicas de reducción de los riesgos involucrados en las actividades agrícolas, la formación de la conciencia ambiental, la rentabilidad de la producción agrícola y el aumento de la productividad y la garantía de la seguridad alimentaria son los resultados esperados a corto y largo plazo de este proyecto.
Dentro de las actividades a realizar, los expertos de otros países visitarán la UCO en dos ocasiones. Una para una reunión técnica de los participantes en el proyecto y otra para recibir un curso de formación práctico sobre Agricultura de Conservación en las instalaciones del Campus de Rabanales. Cabe recordar que España es líder europeo con unos dos millones de hectáreas en cultivos extensivos y leñosos, y que la finca Experimental Rabanales de la Universidad de Córdoba aplica el sistema de conservación en sus cultivos desde hace más de una década.
Los representantes de la UCO participarán en total en 5 Encuentros Transnacionales, 3 Actividades de Aprendizaje, Enseñanza, Formación y en diversas actividades de difusión.
Como resultado final del proyecto se elaborará una publicación donde se recogerán las Buenas Prácticas Agrarias acordadas en el consorcio, para su posterior divulgación entre el sector agrario de cada país participante.
Investigador principal: Emilio J. González Sánchez
Página web del proyecto:
DC BOX: Digital Curator Training & Tool Box (2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000032253)
New technologies and digital communication are transforming societies, changing lifestyles, consumption patterns and power relationships in economic value chains. In this changing landscape, the role of culture is more important than ever. Over the last decades, the application of digital technologies to the production and management of Cultural Heritage (CH)-related data has progressively been replacing traditional methods of data gathering, organization and management. As well, the digital revolution, still in action, have found its way even for the CH sector. Today, almost all museums and cultural places are accompanied by digital tools. Actions like researching, publishing (on-line), exhibiting, communicating or participating are likely to be supported by digital tools, which improves the works of museums and strengthen the public exchange. Thus, developing digital strategies has become a cross-sectorial task, which is influencing the whole ecosystem around the museum as a standalone entity [1]. The opportunities offered by digital solutions for CH are countless; indeed, they do not only make exhibits and artifacts accessible to a wider spectrum of visitors, but they allow to go beyond the physical constrains. Collections can be brought online, creating new environments for exchange and enable participation. Also, to foster the development of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) [2], CH should be a facilitator for local CCI start-up projects and support small creative entrepreneurship in the area of learning, art galleries and workshops, etc. In this scenario, CCI across Europe are severely affected by the CoVid-19 crisis. Cultural institutions for public use/enjoinment, especially museums, have gone from a total closure to reduced accesses according to social distancing measures. The pandemic had a twofold impact: the impossibility of experiencing the physical dimension of places of CH and the increasing attempts to ‘put online’ not yet structured cultural products and services. Considering the vulnerability but also the potential of Culture in crisis time, the project aims to face CoVid-related challenges by working on the second above-mentioned impact while using the former as a new normality to deal with in the 21st century. Considering this background, it emerges the need to shape, design and professionally encourage the figure of the Digital Curator (DC). This figure represents the turnkey toward a real digital transformation, because them can play an essential role in enabling cultural experiences, knowledge creation, preservation, and use and re-use of cultural heritage across the Europe [3-4 -5] The Digital Curator is an emerging professional profile: its relevance has been emphasised by the prolongation of CoVid-19 pandemic and the consequent need to rely on digital, smart and connected museums. Nevertheless, up to date there’s no single, unanimously agreed reference framework to empower learners with skills, competences and expertise a DC should provide, that is a synthesis of technical knowhow and humanistic background.
Objetivos generales
The main goal of DCbox is to create a new generation of European professionals working in the cultural heritage sector, equipped with a recognised, cross-cutting and high-level digital skillset. More specifically, the project is aimed at:
a) better defining the professional figure of ‘digital curator’, owning digital, marketing and communication skills to engage a broader and more variegated audience;
b) taking advantage by positive effects of Digital Transformation in CH and tackling negative effects on museums and archaeological sites brought by COVID-19 through the development of highquality digital contents and virtual visits;
c) creating a cross-European network of Universities, Museums and IT enterprises, acting as a workspace for mutual learning, sharing of experiences and active experimentation in the process of cultural heritage digitalisation.
At the same time, the project deals with distance learning tools for higher education, considering that they have demonstrated a lack of digital readiness, or rather, robustness, particularly for laboratorial and work-based activities, as in the case of the design-oriented courses. Given these objectives and the results, obtained by the implementation plan, DCBox also can depict project outcomes and impacts described as follows:
1) Better and diffused awareness among EU and HE cultural institutions about the digital dimension in the museums: their already available skills, successful practices, adequate transformation strategies, their potential to act as promoters of community-based strategies based on heritage.
2) Better training opportunities, enhanced skills and general knowledge for students about the capacity to actually set up, maintain, improve and promote a permanently digital curated, managed and boosted museum.
3) Greater interest and involvement of HE staff in distance or digital learning and didactic activities, which can leverage students’ participation and engagement as a driver to obtain effective tools for hands-on courses (such as design, drawing and all the ideate/practical courses) or work-based learning practices.
4)Reinforcing stable and continuous collaborations between different public research institutions, cultural associations, organizations dealing with services in museums and archaeological heritage in order to promote the training of highly-skilled staff, and to define agreements and strategies about digital transformation in the museums.
Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba
Creation of Learning Modules: Based on a formal/informal education format (e.g. EOR, virtual and real time lessons, virtual collaborative rooms etc.), these modules will be the basis of a career-based learning programs for Digital Curator professionals (DCH curricula). In particular, the learning modules give to the students the theoretical background in order to complement their already available skills. This output constitutes the basis on which the following VIRTUAL LABs (PR4) are established. PR2 objective is the development of a free and open online course (videos and PowerPoint files) containing researched and innovative educational material regarding the nowledge/skills/competencies identified in the previous project result (DEL 1.1; 1.2). The on-line course will have a general path (which can be followed by any kind of profile) which will present the application of sustainable strategies for CH and general digital notions in which they lack knowledge/skills/competencies, independently of their starting level. It will be followed by 4 specific sub-paths related to the 5 LABs chosen by the partnership (referto PR4). Lastly, the categorization of the produced and researched materials will permit to the interested learners (among various MD students, as well as teachers and associated museums staff) to better understand the level of the competencies at which they are and that they can acquire, identifying existing gaps of knowledge and expertise. Both learners and trainers will benefit from this output, since learner will have the opportunity to increase their competences, while trainer and teachers will manage and test an innovative material to train their learners. Learning modules themes:
•High resolution (4K) images production
•DIGITAL ACCESS (UNIVERSAL DESIGN – virtual experiences)
•AI in Cultural Heritage domain
• Tracking of user experiences for virtual/digital museums…
• Communication and marketing strategies in CH
• Storytelling for restoration/conservation project (preconditions, principles, strategies, results)
Investigador principal:Antonio Monterroso Checa
The E-DUCATION: TEACHING AND LEARNING AFTER 2020 project proposes three lines of work that are based on active online methodologies, evaluation in non-presence systems and the coordination of the educational community in the attention to students, especially those who are at a disadvantage due to the digital gap. Therefore, the project focuses on clearly identified needs of our main target group: school education teachers. This group has had to transit drastically from face-to-face to online education. In a very short period of time, they have had to adapt their methodologies in the classroom to digital communication with students and families, and they have faced a multitude of difficulties at very different levels.
Objetivos generales
- To provide school teachers and guidance teams with fundamental tools in three aspects: active methodologies for online teaching, adequate assessment instruments to adapt to digital environments, and coordination tools to avoid the risks of digital gap and student disconnection.
- To provide management teams with reliable guides for the implementation of transition strategies and evaluation of online teaching, and to ensure that the centers can guarantee the educational quality they need.
- To offer students, families and socio-educational agents a communication and rapid intervention tool in order to detect and support risk cases in collaboration with teachers, management teams and socio-educational authorities.
Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba
This project is a great opportunity for all the lectures in the UCO team, as it can offer an international view of the need for the digitalization of teaching, exchange of experiences, and the possibility of enriching our career as researchers and teachers. Our role in the project will be to participate in the creation of the different intellectual products with tasks ranging from the design of questionnaires and interviews to gathering from teachers of different countries information about their experience in the use of digital tools, the collection and selection of good practices in the field of digital teaching and the production and organization of dissemination outputs and activities.
Investigador principal: Víctor Manuel Pavón Vázquez
Página web del proyecto: :
Development of climate change mitigation strategies through carbon-smart agriculture (LIFE17-CCM/ES/000140)
LIFE AGROMITIGA will promote a low-carbon agricultural system, providing validated results applicable to EU commitments on climate global alliances. LIFE AGROMITIGA aims to decouple CO2 emissions regarding the use of raw materials and natural resources, through Conservation Agriculture. The project will highlight techniques that promote circular agrarian economy respectful to the environment, improver of natural capital and ecosystem services.
LIFE AGROMITIGA is based on the development of tools and actions that enhance mitigative capacity of soil as a carbon (C) sink. Through the development and adaptation of a validated methodology in the project, the impact of different agricultural practices will be assessed and mitigative capacity of soil management systems in the Mediterranean Basin will be quantified, in herbaceous and perennial crops. The main project implementation area will be the region of Andalusia, contemplating the extension to the Mediterranean Basin (GR, IT, PT).
This project will provide knowledge applicable to international programs about C credits, integrated in programs about reduction of GHG emissions, and data which will contribute to LULUCF accounting. The results will be applied to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the 4×1000 Strategy and the Common Agricultural Policy. Furthermore, LIFE AGROMITIGA is aligned with the COM (2016) 500 final “Accelerating Europe’s transition to a low-carbon economy”.
Objetivos generales
The project has the following objectives, which once reached, will be long lasting:
- To improve the state of knowledge about the contents of C in agricultural soil.
- To design and implement a method to calculate C footprint in the cultivation stage of crops, eligible for international verification standards and C footprint calculation.
- To develop a technological tool to evaluate and quantify the increase of C in soils due to better soil management practices, as a basis for the development and monitoring of policies linked to climate change and emissions trading.
- To demonstrate the ability of Conservation Agriculture to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Mediterranean Basin.
- To encourage the development of soil management systems that mitigate climate change, through training and raising awareness of stakeholders linked to agriculture.
- To spread and transfer the experience and the soil management philosophy to similar Mediterranean areas.
Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba
As an action coordinator:
Action C.1: Implementation of best management practices and application of the methodology on a pilot scale (at Rabanales reference farm).
Action D.4: Monitoring the use of resources: greenhousegas emissions emissions in the network of demonstration farms at a regional scale.
As an action participant with other partners of the project:
Action A.1: Identification and definition of best management practices for mitigating climate change, and indicators for their evaluation and monitoring.
Action A.3: Selection of farms at regional level and signing of agreements with farmers.
Action D.7: Monitoring of the LIFE program indicators.
Action E.1: Communication and dissemination.
Action E.3: Transfer of technology activities at the national level.
Action F.1: Project coordination.
Investigador principal: Gregorio Blanco Roldán
Co – investigador principal: Emilio J. González Sánchez
Página web del proyecto:
Partnering Outside the Box: Digital and Artificial Intelligence Integrated Tools to Support Higher Education Students with Dyslexia (2020-1-IT02-KA203-080006)
It is well known as students with dyslexia encounter several difficulties during their university career, leading to a greater rate of drops out with respect other kinds of students.
Nowadays, tools for dyslexic students are mainly focused on primary and secondary school; conversely no standard methodologies are proposed for Higher Education. Starting from the attitude to visual thinking and creativity of dyslexics and their evidence neurodiversity, VRAILEXIA will develop learning tools and services for University dyslexic students to assure equal access and opportunity of success during their academic career and their lifelong learning experience.
VRAILEXIA through the use of virtual reality and artificial intelligence will implement an e-learning adaptive digital platform (BESPECIAL) for supporting students with dyslexia. As a long-term objective VRAILEXIA will propose a sustainable pattern for HEIs that creates the possibility for everyone to use his/her own strengths counteracting his/her weakness.
Moreover, VRAILEXIA wishes to emerge the mastery of thinking out of the box: exploiting the ability to explore creative and unusual ideas that are not limited or controlled by rules or tradition.
Objetivos generales
VRAILEXIA general objective is based on the motto “Dyslexic think differently: it’s time to change in perception and act in network. Through this objective, VRAILEXIA aims at developing useful contents, both services and tools, to overlap dyslexic’s main difficulties during learning process in HE. The perspective is to let that Universities can develop strategies for inclusion for fostering all students to discover and point on one’s strengths and values. From this reason, it is clear how the potentiality of the project has to be carried out according to a transnational approach in order to obtain common and shared services and tools. Among these services and tools, VRAILEXIA will lead to the realization of: (i) digital platform for supporting dyslexic students based on AI; (II) VR tests for dyslexia profile assessment and platform use effects on physiological aspects; (iii) online tools repository for teaching and learning; (iv) training path for trainers to increase the dyslexia awareness; and, (v) memorandum of understanding for MoU for clustering the actors/stakeholders to assess a European Network to foster common strategies of inclusion within HE. An important objective of the project is to strengthen the relations between the trainings institutions, project members, and the professionals. Each partner is expected to work in close relation with professionals for the implementation of tool and trainings, the aim being that these relations do not end with the project but the creation of Network is the starting point of future plans.
Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba
UCO taking advantages from the skills in development of virtual reality scenarios, will cooperate both with psychologists from UNIPG and experts in Artificial Intelligence coming from the two Universities of France. It is the Leader of WP1: “IN THE BOX – VR Tests for dyslexia assessment through virtual reality”. This WP aims at creating specific assessment tests in VR and to simulate the point of view of dyslexic students to their teachers.
Investigador principal: G. Calabrò || Sara Pinzi (UCO)
E-mail: ||
Página web del proyecto:
Hacia un modelo de bilingüismo integrado (HBI) (2020-1-ES01-KA203-082544)
With the objective of rewarding excellence in learning, teaching, and skills development, the project The project Towards an integrated bilingualism model offers an opportunity of academic training based on educational research and innovation. In this way, the specific priority of dealing with existing gaps and inadequacy of linguistic accreditatioin is addressed by providing a study of learning outcomes to introduce innovative changes in pedagogies and assessment systems.
In addition, the project includes key elements associated to the priority innovative policies in a digital era by incorporating digital technologies and innovative pedagogies in education by means of creating openly accessible digital assessment materials and tools.
This project addresses the fact that the implementation of bilingual programmes in schools in Europe is posing a challenge for Higher Education institutions in the training of future teachers.
Objetivos generales
- To promote a coordination structure between content specialist teachers and foreign language specialist teachers.
- To design collaboration and coordination strategies between the teachers of the schools and the teachers in language schools.
- To establish coordination parameters and to define an improved model through pilotage and the definition of satisfaction indicators.
- To create new assessment tests to determine specific levels of competence, support and motivation of students in their learning process.
- To encourage the creation of specific materials to contextualize and specify the response to the needs of the students of the schools.
Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba
The relevance given to using languages in schools has gained a status nowadays that places the languages of schooling as a fundamental factor for success in education. In view of the present situation, we believe that this project will help explore the teaching roles and perceptions of the teachers when handling with the complexities of the academic language in content subjects. UCO researchers have been involved in research projects involving the analysis of teachers’ perceptions regarding the importance of the language for the students’ progression and have published a number of studies in this area. We believe that our participation will help provide useful information to propose possible solutions to overcome the traditional separation of roles between content and language teachers.
Investigador principal: Víctor Pavón Vázquez
Página web del proyecto:
Virtual – Inclusive – Diversity focused – Open educational – Work modules “Digital Tools for Inclusive Foreign Language Education” (2020-1-DE01-KA203-005670)
V:InD:O:W es un proyecto europeo se centra en el desarrollo y creación de herramientas digitales para profesores universitarios de segundas lenguas, enfocadas a la inclusión del alumnado con distintas capacidades.
Objetivos generales
El objetivo fundamental de V:InD:O:W es la creación de recursos digitales para el profesorado universitario de enseñanza multilingüe. Estas herramientas serán testadas a lo largo de la vida del proyecto, para luego ser introducidas en sistemas universitarios de educación superior para ayudar al docente en la integración y el progreso académico de aquellos alumnos que presenten diferentes capacidades.
Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba
- Diseño del módulo 3 (IO3): Educación multilingüe y multicultural.
- Pilotaje del módulo en cursos de formación inicial del profesorado.
- Revisión de los módulos del proyecto (IO1-IO5).
- Participación en las actividades de diseminación y eventos multiplicadores de V:InD:O:W.
- Participación en los cursos del proyecto (C1 y C2).
Investigadora principal: María Elena Gómez Parra
Página web del proyecto: (En construcción)
Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy LEAP-RE (H2020-LC-SC3-2020-963530)
LEAP-RE seeks to create a long-term partnership of African and European stakeholders in the field of renewable energy. Within 5 years, LEAP-RE will support collaborative research and innovation projects, as well as develop renewable energy related innovations directly as part of the project. LEAP-RE is based on the expertise of 83 organisations on both continents and from all sectors: government, research and academia, private sector and civil society. Together, they will share knowledge and methods to effectively contribute to fighting climate change while enabling access to clean energy for all.
Objetivos generales
- Demonstrate efficiency of LEAP-RE programme and create conditions for long-term partnership.
- Demonstrate efficiency and attractiveness of joint programming and joint calls.
- Mobilise the relevant AU & EU knowledge communities and other stakeholders to address key RE challenges for AU-EU.
- Contribute to the production of new knowledge, innovations, technology, products, and/or services in RE topics of strategic relevance to AU-EU collaboration.
- Accelerate the inclusive transition to reliable and affordable renewable energy.
Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba
The University of Cordoba participates in WP 10: Productive Use in Rural African Markets using Standalone Solar.
Investigador principal: Gustavo de Miguel Rojas
Página web del proyecto:
INclusive Health And wellBeing In small and medium size ciTies (H2020-SC5-14-2019-869227)
Access to health and wellbeing may be difficult for people due to their gender, disabilities or minority status, and especially if they live in a peripheral small town or city. To solve this problem, modern approaches are needed to integrate communities and achieve inclusive health and well-being. With this in mind, the EU-funded IN-HABIT project aims to design integrative actions that will be shaped according to the needs of local vulnerable groups in four peripheral small and medium size cities (SMSCs): Cordoba (Spain), Riga (Latvia), Lucca (Italy), and Nitra (Slovakia). They will take the leadership to test visionary and integrated solutions to foster Inclusive Health and Wellbeing (IHW) in SMSCs with a focus on gender and diversity. IN-HABIT visionary approach consists on the innovative mobilization of existing undervalued resources (culture, food, human-animal bonds and environment) to increase IHW. The integrated approach is based on the combination of technological, digital, nature based, cultural, and social innovations in selected urban public spaces. These solutions will be co-designed, co-deployed and co-managed with and by local stakeholders. IN-HABIT will be supported by the city of Bogotá’s (Columbia) former experiences.
Objetivos generales
- To enhance the quality, accessibility, safety, inclusiveness and sense of place of urban public spaces, mobilising undervalued resources to boost IHW, integrating social, digital, cultural, technological and naturebased innovations.
- To promote healthy behaviours and to increase the socio-economic, relational and psychological wellbeing of citizens in neighbourhoods facing problems and experiencing rapid socioeconomic/demographic changes.
- To create IN-HUBS, innovative public-private-people partnerships (PPPPs) in each city organised around the focus topic in order to foster new transition management approaches, based on social and institutional innovations and new governance models, and to develop new business models and financial mechanisms based on the concept of polycentric governance of co-created common pool resources.
- To develop a gender, inclusion and diversity urban planning framework that will address the whole policy cycle, from planning to implementation and evaluation.
- To develop new impact indicators on IHW by means of an innovative impact assessment framework going beyond monetary and biophysical aspects and recognising the complex interrelationships among economic, psychological, social and relational dimensions of health and wellbeing.
- To create new business models and to replicate, upscale and disseminate the different visionary and integrated solutions for IHW deployed in each city at different levels.
- To put cross-cutting issues such as Responsible Research and Innovation, gender and open access in the core of IN-HABIT.
Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba
The University of Córdoba is the Project Coordinator and participates in all the project’s WPs:- WP1. Sustainable mobility and creative square in Córdoba
- WP2. Agenskalns foof hub in Riga.
- WP3. Hum-animal city in Lucca.
- WP4. Reversible Multifunctional Open-source Urban Landscape in Nitra.
- WP5. Citizen engagement, inclusive business models and PPPPs to boost IHW.
- WP6. Enabling behavioural changes with a gender and diversity perspective.
- WP7. Assessing the impact of visionary and integrated solutions on IHW.
- WP8. Dissemination, Explotation, Communication and Outreach (DECO) strategy.
- WP9. Project Management and coordination
- The Inclusive Transformation Plan of Las Palmeras and the Upscaling Plan of Las Palmeras Happiness Corridor within WP1.
- Policy guidelines for the replication of visionary integrated solutions that enhance Inclusive Health and Wellbeing (IHW) in WP8.
- A report on Good RRI practices for cities and a Final Society-Science-Policy Conference in WP9.
Investigador principal: María del Mar Delgado Serrano (Coordinator)
Página web del proyecto:
Mountain Valorization through Interconnectedness and Green Growth (H2020-RUR-2019-01-862739)
Mountain covers 36% of Europe area and play an essential role in the provision of public and private goods. Despite their relevance in both ecological and socioeconomic terms, we lack updated and comparable knowledge of the impacts of climate change, demographic trends and socioeconomic drivers in these areas; as well as the necessary policy-mix to address them. Advanced knowledge on the vulnerability of land use and production systems and related value chains; and on the long-term trends and dynamics affecting European mountains is necessary to design the next generation of policies.
The overall objective of MOVING is to build capacities and co-develop — in a bottom-up participatory process with value chain actors, stakeholders and policy-makers— relevant policy frameworks across Europe for the establishment of new or upgraded/upscaled Value Chains that contribute to resilience and sustainability of mountain areas.
Objetivos generales
- To develop a global strategy to engage the main actors and stakeholders into a European-wide Community of Practice (CoP) on Mountain VCs, including actors from the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS), value chain and policy-making stakeholders and society.
- To develop a conceptual and analytical framework able to describe and interpret the diversity of mountain VCs and assess their contribution to the sustainability and resilience of mountain areas and population.
- To provide easy-to-read visual tolos.
- To study the configurations, the strategies, the dynamics, the value distribution of the VCs in order to assess their contribution to sustainability and resilience.
- To develop in-depth, participatory, critical benchmarking of (cross-regional) clusters of mountain VCs to identify enablers and blocking factors affecting the sustainability and resilience.
- To carry out a set of evidence-based foresight exercises.
- To develop a policy roadmap and a ‘Quick Start’ policy design based on evidence-based and performance-focussed recommendations to secure a long-term provision for the ‘next generation’ of policy interventions that enhance the connectivity, sustainability and resilience of mountain regions via the establishment of new or upgraded/upscaled VCs that deliver, both private and public goods.
Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba
The University of Cordoba is the Project Coordinator, coordinates WP5 and co-leads WP7 and participates in all the project’s WPs:- WP1: Integrating research with Dissemination, Exploitation, Communication and Outreach activities.
- WP2: Conceptual and analytical framework.
- WP3: Development of visual science-society-policy interface tools.
- WP4: Participatory appraisal of vulnerability and performance of value chains.
- WP5: Cross-case comparison and benchmarking (Lead beneficiary).
- WP6: Participatory multi-level foresight.
- WP7: Policy analysis and roadmap (Co-lead beneficiary).
- WP8: Project management (Lead beneficiary).
- WP9: Ethics requirements (Lead beneficiary).
- A Land use systems vulnerability’s report in WP3.
- A Comparative cross-case report on Mountain Value Chains, policy briefs and participatory workshops in WP5.
- A Policy Audit and Policy Design Toolkit in WP7.
Investigador principal: María del Mar Delgado Serrano (Project Coordinator)
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