Posted on April 29, 2021 at 9:09 am 0 Comentarios

Virtual – Inclusive – Diversity focused – Open educational – Work modules “Digital Tools for Inclusive Foreign Language Education” (2020-1-DE01-KA203-005670)

V:InD:O:W es un proyecto europeo se centra en el desarrollo y creación de herramientas digitales para profesores universitarios de segundas lenguas, enfocadas a la inclusión del alumnado con distintas capacidades.


Objetivos generales

El objetivo fundamental de V:InD:O:W es la creación de recursos digitales para el profesorado universitario de enseñanza multilingüe. Estas herramientas serán testadas a lo largo de la vida del proyecto, para luego ser introducidas en sistemas universitarios de educación superior para ayudar al docente en la integración y el progreso académico de aquellos alumnos que presenten diferentes capacidades.


Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

  • Diseño del módulo 3 (IO3): Educación multilingüe y multicultural.
  • Pilotaje del módulo en cursos de formación inicial del profesorado.
  • Revisión de los módulos del proyecto (IO1-IO5).
  • Participación en las actividades de diseminación y eventos multiplicadores de V:InD:O:W.
  • Participación en los cursos del proyecto (C1 y C2).


Investigadora principal: María Elena Gómez Parra

E-mail: ff1gopam@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: (En construcción)

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Posted on April 23, 2021 at 7:25 am 0 Comentarios

Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy LEAP-RE (H2020-LC-SC3-2020-963530)

LEAP-RE seeks to create a long-term partnership of African and European stakeholders in the field of renewable energy. Within 5 years, LEAP-RE will support collaborative research and innovation projects, as well as develop renewable energy related innovations directly as part of the project. LEAP-RE is based on the expertise of 83 organisations on both continents and from all sectors: government, research and academia, private sector and civil society. Together, they will share knowledge and methods to effectively contribute to fighting climate change while enabling access to clean energy for all.


Objetivos generales

  1. Demonstrate efficiency of LEAP-RE programme and create conditions for long-term partnership.
  2. Demonstrate efficiency and attractiveness of joint programming and joint calls.
  3. Mobilise the relevant AU & EU knowledge communities and other stakeholders to address key RE challenges for AU-EU.
  4. Contribute to the production of new knowledge, innovations, technology, products, and/or services in RE topics of strategic relevance to AU-EU collaboration.
  5. Accelerate the inclusive transition to reliable and affordable renewable energy.

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

The University of Cordoba participates in WP 10: Productive Use in Rural African Markets using Standalone Solar.


Investigador principal: Gustavo de Miguel Rojas

E-mail: gmiguel@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: https://www.leap-re.eu/

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Posted on April 20, 2021 at 9:05 am 0 Comentarios

INclusive Health And wellBeing In small and medium size ciTies (H2020-SC5-14-2019-869227)

Access to health and wellbeing may be difficult for people due to their gender, disabilities or minority status, and especially if they live in a peripheral small town or city. To solve this problem, modern approaches are needed to integrate communities and achieve inclusive health and well-being. With this in mind, the EU-funded IN-HABIT project aims to design integrative actions that will be shaped according to the needs of local vulnerable groups in four peripheral small and medium size cities (SMSCs): Cordoba (Spain), Riga (Latvia), Lucca (Italy), and Nitra (Slovakia). They will take the leadership to test visionary and integrated solutions to foster Inclusive Health and Wellbeing (IHW) in SMSCs with a focus on gender and diversity. IN-HABIT visionary approach consists on the innovative mobilization of existing undervalued resources (culture, food, human-animal bonds and environment) to increase IHW. The integrated approach is based on the combination of technological, digital, nature based, cultural, and social innovations in selected urban public spaces. These solutions will be co-designed, co-deployed and co-managed with and by local stakeholders. IN-HABIT will be supported by the city of Bogotá’s (Columbia) former experiences.


Objetivos generales

  • To enhance the quality, accessibility, safety, inclusiveness and sense of place of urban public spaces, mobilising undervalued resources to boost IHW, integrating social, digital, cultural, technological and naturebased innovations.
  • To promote healthy behaviours and to increase the socio-economic, relational and psychological wellbeing of citizens in neighbourhoods facing problems and experiencing rapid socioeconomic/demographic changes.
  • To create IN-HUBS, innovative public-private-people partnerships (PPPPs) in each city organised around the focus topic in order to foster new transition management approaches, based on social and institutional innovations and new governance models, and to develop new business models and financial mechanisms based on the concept of polycentric governance of co-created common pool resources.
  • To develop a gender, inclusion and diversity urban planning framework that will address the whole policy cycle, from planning to implementation and evaluation.
  • To develop new impact indicators on IHW by means of an innovative impact assessment framework going beyond monetary and biophysical aspects and recognising the complex interrelationships among economic, psychological, social and relational dimensions of health and wellbeing.
  • To create new business models and to replicate, upscale and disseminate the different visionary and integrated solutions for IHW deployed in each city at different levels.
  • To put cross-cutting issues such as Responsible Research and Innovation, gender and open access in the core of IN-HABIT.

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

The University of Córdoba is the Project Coordinator and participates in all the project’s WPs:
  • WP1. Sustainable mobility and creative square in Córdoba
  • WP2. Agenskalns foof hub in Riga.
  • WP3. Hum-animal city in Lucca.
  • WP4. Reversible Multifunctional Open-source Urban Landscape in Nitra.
  • WP5. Citizen engagement, inclusive business models and PPPPs to boost IHW.
  • WP6. Enabling behavioural changes with a gender and diversity perspective.
  • WP7. Assessing the impact of visionary and integrated solutions on IHW.
  • WP8. Dissemination, Explotation, Communication and Outreach (DECO) strategy.
  • WP9. Project Management and coordination
In aditon, the University of Cordoba leads WP1, being in charge of key derivables and milestones such as:
    • The Inclusive Transformation Plan of Las Palmeras and the Upscaling Plan of Las Palmeras Happiness Corridor within WP1.
    • Policy guidelines for the replication of visionary integrated solutions that enhance Inclusive Health and Wellbeing (IHW) in WP8.
    • A report on Good RRI practices for cities and a Final Society-Science-Policy Conference in WP9.

Investigador principal: María del Mar Delgado Serrano (Coordinator)

E-mail: mmdelgado@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: https://www.inhabit-h2020.eu/

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Posted on April 20, 2021 at 8:57 am 0 Comentarios

Mountain Valorization through Interconnectedness and Green Growth (H2020-RUR-2019-01-862739)

Mountain covers 36% of Europe area and play an essential role in the provision of public and private goods. Despite their relevance in both ecological and socioeconomic terms, we lack updated and comparable knowledge of the impacts of climate change, demographic trends and socioeconomic drivers in these areas; as well as the necessary policy-mix to address them. Advanced knowledge on the vulnerability of land use and production systems and related value chains; and on the long-term trends and dynamics affecting European mountains is necessary to design the next generation of policies.

The overall objective of MOVING is to build capacities and co-develop — in a bottom-up participatory process with value chain actors, stakeholders and policy-makers— relevant policy frameworks across Europe for the establishment of new or upgraded/upscaled Value Chains that contribute to resilience and sustainability of mountain areas.


Objetivos generales

  1. To develop a global strategy to engage the main actors and stakeholders into a European-wide Community of Practice (CoP) on Mountain VCs, including actors from the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS), value chain and policy-making stakeholders and society.
  2. To develop a conceptual and analytical framework able to describe and interpret the diversity of mountain VCs and assess their contribution to the sustainability and resilience of mountain areas and population.
  3. To provide easy-to-read visual tolos.
  4. To study the configurations, the strategies, the dynamics, the value distribution of the VCs in order to assess their contribution to sustainability and resilience.
  5. To develop in-depth, participatory, critical benchmarking of (cross-regional) clusters of mountain VCs to identify enablers and blocking factors affecting the sustainability and resilience.
  6. To carry out a set of evidence-based foresight exercises.
  7. To develop a policy roadmap and a ‘Quick Start’ policy design based on evidence-based and performance-focussed recommendations to secure a long-term provision for the ‘next generation’ of policy interventions that enhance the connectivity, sustainability and resilience of mountain regions via the establishment of new or upgraded/upscaled VCs that deliver, both private and public goods.

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

The University of Cordoba is the Project Coordinator, coordinates WP5 and co-leads WP7 and participates in all the project’s WPs:
  • WP1: Integrating research with Dissemination, Exploitation, Communication and Outreach activities.
  • WP2: Conceptual and analytical framework.
  • WP3: Development of visual science-society-policy interface tools.
  • WP4: Participatory appraisal of vulnerability and performance of value chains.
  • WP5: Cross-case comparison and benchmarking (Lead beneficiary).
  • WP6: Participatory multi-level foresight.
  • WP7: Policy analysis and roadmap (Co-lead beneficiary).
  • WP8: Project management (Lead beneficiary).
  • WP9: Ethics requirements (Lead beneficiary).
  In addition, the University of Cordoba will be in charge of key derivables and milestones such as:
    • A Land use systems vulnerability’s report in WP3.
    • A Comparative cross-case report on Mountain Value Chains, policy briefs and participatory workshops in WP5.
    • A Policy Audit and Policy Design Toolkit in WP7.

Investigador principal: María del Mar Delgado Serrano (Project Coordinator)

E-mail: mmdelgado@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: https://www.moving-h2020.eu/

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Posted on April 20, 2021 at 8:48 am 0 Comentarios

Digitisation: Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas (H2020-RUR-2018-818194)

DESIRA will develop the concept of Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems to advance understanding of the impact of digitisation in rural areas, linking analysis directly to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Operationalising the Responsible Research and Innovation approach, DESIRA will enrol agriculture, forestry and rural stakeholders in co-developing scenarios and policies in Living Labs established in 20 European Regions, and a Rural Digitization Forum gathering 250 stakeholders from all Europe. A Virtual Research Environment tailored to the purposes of the project will connect all participants and allow to increase substantially the interaction within the network.

DESIRA will provide a Taxonomy and Inventory of Digital Game changers which will be implemented into an online Visualization Tool, a Set of Socio-Economic Impact Indicators aligned to the Sustainability Development Goals implemented into an online Socio-Economic Impact Tool, a Pan-European Assessment of digitization in European rural regions, a Needs, Expectations and Impact appraisal report, a Comparative Scenario Report based on scenario development activities of Living Labs and the Rural Digitization Forum, a Policy analysis and Roadmap, an Ethical Code to be adopted by researchers and innovators and recommended by policy bodies, five Use Cases that will report a further analysis – co-created by Living Labs with the support of ICT specialists – of the most promising solutions identified by Living Labs, Showcase Technologies – including a Virtual Farm Platform – that will créate a selection of proof of concepts suggested by Use Cases. A detailed, multi-media dissemination, engagement and communication strategy will accompany the project from the beginning, looking at research as a multifunctional (research, engagement and communication) process and at the same time involving communication specialists in the development of adequate messages and in the choice of the most effective media.


Objetivos generales

  • To fill the socio-economic knowledge gaps on digitisation in agriculture, rural areas and forestry through the development, dissemination and communication of a transdisciplinary Conceptual and Analytical Framework and a Taxonomy and Inventory of Digital Game Changers.
  • To assess the past and current socio-economic impact of digitisation in relation to Sustainable Development Goals by carrying out, disseminating and communicating a participatory Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of digitisation based on an innovative assessment methodology.
  • To improve the capacity of rural communities to reflect on future risks and opportunities related to digitisation by co-creating, disseminating and communicating a set of rural digitisation scenarios, and by developing Use Cases and two Showcase technologies including a Virtual Farm Platform, adopting RRI-based value sensitive solutions.
  • To improve the capacity of rural communities to reap the opportunities offered by digitisation and to improve resilience to related hazards by identifying and assessing existing policy instruments, by developing a Policy Roadmap, and by promoting the embodiment of an Ethical Code into private and public innovation strategies.
  • To promote online interaction and learning – complementary to face-to-face interaction – among a wide range of stakeholders through a Virtual Research Environment, which will provide online tools for knowledge exchange and easy and open access to research findings.
  • To increase the uptake of societal concerns in ICT-related policy and innovation, and to align digitisation scenarios with societal needs and expectations through an effective Exploitation, dissemination, communication and outreach strategy

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

The University of Córdoba coordinates WP4 Policy Analysis and Ethical Code and will provide one of the key deliverables, the Policy Roadmap.

It also participates in the following WPs:

  • WP1. Conceptualising and Mapping Digital Game Changers.
  • WP2. Assessing Past and Present Impact.
  • WP3. Developing Scenarios, Use Cases and Showcase Technologies.
  • WP4. Policy Roadmap and Ethical Code (Lead beneficiary).
  • WP6. Exploitation, Dissemination, Communication and Outreach.
  • WP7. Project Coordination.

Investigador principal: María del Mar Delgado Serrano

E-mail: mmdelgado@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: http://desira2020.eu/

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Posted on April 15, 2021 at 8:07 am 0 Comentarios

Enhancing Mediterranean Fresh Produce Shelf-life using Sustainable Preservative Technologies and communicating knowledge on dynamic shelf-life using Food Cloud Services and Predictive Modelling (PRIMA-S2-2019-PCI2020-112015)

The proposal aims to develop an integrated, innovative, and eco-friendly approach to assess optimal shelf-life and minimize food losses of strawberries and tomatoes produced in the Mediterranean region, by combining food bio-preservation technologies, food modelling, and Food Cloud tools. The technological solutions will be imbued by a sustainable and circular view, making use and valorising Mediterranean agri-food resources to develop natural preservative, that will be applied so as to extend food shelf-life and provide safer and fresher products to consumers. The limitation in resources of Mediterranean food enterprises, typically small or medium size, will be overcome through the application of Information Technologies (IT) and Predictive modelling based on Food Cloud Computing enabling food traceability and control at distance in automatic manner.

The scientific results will be shared to a large group of producers and retailers via participant networks. The project is active in qualitative research and also aims at bringing an assessment of the quantitative performance as a basis for the future commercial exploitation of the innovation results. In the last quarter, the technologies will be performed under simulated and real food environments including all project partners and third parties interested in the project.



Objetivos generales

  • Objective 1. To obtain and assess lignocellulose nanofibres (LCNF) and microorganisms from agrifood residues, as a sustainable and circular approach, for application in active packaging and preservation of vegetable products.
  • Objective 2. To extend shelf-life of fresh tomatoes and strawberries by applying bio-protective cultures and bio-active compounds, in combination with LCNF nanocomposite, using suitable methods such as edible coating and nanocomposites (e.g. package pads and films).
  • Objective 3. Generate and validate mathematical models to predict microbial dynamics and sensory dynamics in the targeted produces under real storage conditions considering the effect of the natural preservative techniques obtained from Objective 2.
  • Objective 4. To develop a Cloud Computing based system for food transparency and dynamic shelf life prediction.
  • Objective 5. To optimize logistics and retail to reduce food waste using smart contracts.
  • Objective 6. To test the full solution simulating real world conditions based on associated food stakeholders from farm to fork, including testing of consumer acceptance.



Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

  • WP1. Toward a sustainable and eco-friendly approach for generating biopolymers, from agri-food residues, for application in food preservative and packaging systems.
  • WP2. Looking for natural and bio-protective cultures to fight against microbial pest at postharvest.
  • WP3. Development of an expert system based on the application of Predictive Models to manage shelf-life in vegetable products.
  • WP4. Food cloud system to combine product, logistic and quality data along the supply chain and to provide enriched information regarding shelf-life and supply chain optimization
  • WP5.Application of the developed technologies under different scenarios simulating food distribution conditions
  • WP7. Management.


Investigador principal: Fernando Pérez Rodríguez (Coordinator)

E-mail: b42perof@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: https://biofreshcloud.eu/


“”BIOFRESHCLOUD” project, PCI2020-112015, is funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR”.

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Posted on April 15, 2021 at 7:50 am 0 Comentarios

An interlinked digital platform for Food Integrity and Traceability of relevant MEDIterranean supply chains (PRIMA-S1-2019-MEDIFIT)

Food fraud, including the more defined subcategory of economically motivated adulteration, is a public-health food risk that is growing in awareness, concern, and danger1. Each food fraud incident has the potential to threaten consumers’ well-being but also undermine confidence in the EU food market. The impact may be higher for the Mediterranean traditional food products considering that they are generally recognized for their high nutritional and sensory value. Due to increasing number of food fraud incidents, there is an inherent need for the development and implementation of analytical platforms enabling detection and quantitation of adulterations. A comprehensive shared, trusted repository of analytical information about the Mediterranean foods is still lacking. The creation of a platform providing access to reference data would foster the necessary harmonization of the analytical methods and would create the foundation for trans-national authenticity and traceability systems.

The overarching objective of MEDIFIT is to enable traceability, authenticity control of traditional Mediterranean foods integrating innovative analytical methods and digital technologies. To accomplish that, the consortium will link Decision Support Systems (DSSs) to a cloud-based Distributed Data and Service Integration BackBone (DDSIBB) providing access to decentralized food integrity information repositories. MEDIFIT will implement this IT-standards-driven solution for food integrity scenarios in two Mediterranean food chains: honey and cheese products by adopting a multi-actor approach from farm to fork. A key aspect of MEDIFIT will be to disseminate this platform to end-users, and organizing training courses for companies and stakeholders.


Objetivos generales

  • Establish industry standard based IT service which provides interfaces and services (Application Programming Interface, API) to collect and share information on events related to traceability, analytical measurements, data processing pipelines (workflows), decision support (predictive) models.
  • Harmonize and standardize aspects of innovative non-targeted screening methods and sample preparation procedures for the identification of adulterations in honey and cheese.
  • Decision Support Systems (DSSs) integrating data from the cloud-based Distributed Data and Service Integration BackBone (DDSIBB).
  • Demonstration and piloting the digital driven solution for traceability and food integrity.
  • Establishment of appropriate communication channels, tools and plans.
  • Establishment and maintenance of regular dialogue with the industry, policy makers, standardization stakeholders and train users.
  • Manage the MEDIFIT partnership.


Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

WP 2: Harmonization and standardization aspects of innovative authentication methods for food integrity monitoring in cheese and honey products WP3. Integration of a harmonized Food Integrity Database into Decision Support Systems by adopting a multi actor approach from farm to fork.

  • Task 3.3: Integrating Computing Tools for enhancing biological food risk assessment systems: microhibro.com

WP4. Piloting of the digital driven solutions for traceability and food integrity in two Mediterranean food chain scenarios for honey and cheese products.

  • Task 4.1 Scenarios design for piloting and assessing the implementation of the digital driven solution for traceability and food integrity in two Mediterranean food chains.
  • Task 4.2 Simulation of the scenarios.


Investigador principal: Fernando Pérez Rodríguez

E-mail: b42perof@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: https://medifitprima.wordpress.com/

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Posted on April 12, 2021 at 12:37 pm 0 Comentarios

Centro Ibérico para la Investigación y Lucha contra Incendios Forestales (INTERREG-POCTEP-0753_CILIFO_5_E)

For some years now, fire risk and emergency management have been very serious threats to the territory of Andalusia/Portugal, especially in the border area. In fact, the progressive abandonment of cultivation and grazing has allowed the development of combustible and permanent biomass which can generate large forest fires which have the particularity of being rapid, powerful and difficult to stop. In addition to the high risk of fire associated with the physical characteristics of the territory, the difficulties due to the border situation between two states have so far prevented this risk from being reduced. There are serious obstacles to obtaining data, exchanging information, inadequate anticipation and management plans; and a difficulty in coordinating between emergency services, elements which limit the effectiveness of the intervention and place it in a situation of great legal uncertainty.

Through this project, it is proposed to create CILIFO (Iberian Centre for Research and the Fight against Forest Fires) in the province of Huelva, preferably located in an already built site, and which can maintain its functionality once the project has been completed, as well as to establish subheadings and strategic antennas which are estimated, with CILIFO being the administrative headquarters and promoting training and research in the different laboratories and centres of the participating partners. The Andalusian provinces in which this project has being develop are Huelva, Sevilla, Córdoba and Cádiz.

The aim is for CILIFO to become a reference point for forest fires throughout the Iberian Peninsula and Europe, and more specifically for:

– Forest fire fighting operations in Spain and Portugal.

– Research, information and dissemination entities on forest fires.

– The population in general and schoolchildren in particular.

In this sense, CILIFO will be established as a technical-scientific Research and Dissemination Centre, a Technology Centre specialised in forest fires and forest management that coordinates research and disseminates it. CILIFO is an opportunity to lay the foundations so that, after three years of economic viability, the centre can be sustainable or almost self-financing. A CILIFO with a vocation for international leadership will be committed to different lines of research, aspiring to European funds, and to the incorporation of companies and administrations, leading, or at least participating, in the research being developed in this sector in Europe through the different public calls, or through private sponsorship, with the vision of management-research so necessary to ensure the transfer of R&D&i results.


Objetivos generales

  • To strengthen and unite cooperation, working procedures and training between the Forest Fire Prevention and Extinction mechanisms in the cooperation area of the Euroregion Alentejo-Algarve-Andalusia.
  • To promote the creation of lasting and quality employment in the area; to reduce the economic cost of fires by creating a rural economy linked to the landscape.
  • To improve the response capacity to forest fires of the administrations and authorities involved in fighting them in the three participating regions.

Papel de la Universidad de Córdoba

The University of Córdoba will participate in the following project activities:
  • A0 – Project preparation
  • A2 – Training, accreditation and joint protocols
  • A4 – Development and Innovation Programme
  • A5 – Management and Coordination
  • A6 – Communication

Investigador principal: Francisco Rodríguez y Silva

E-mail: ir1rosif@uco.es

Página web del proyecto: http://cilifo.eu/

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Posted on April 12, 2021 at 12:20 pm 0 Comentarios

Molecular basis underlying the QTL responsible for the genetic control of flowering time in chickpea: an integrative approach (H2020-MSCA-IF-2018-844431)


Our ability to feed the world with innovative products depends on new breeding methods and technologies that will require well-trained plant breeders who understand fieldwork, skilled scientist who understand the genetic basis of the traits to improve and data scientist to help geneticist and breeders to make more informed material selections. Flowering time is the major domestication trait defining the adaptation of chickpea to different agroclimatic conditions, and therefore is a major determinant of its productivity. Understanding how individual genetic variants combine to provide adaptation in specific situations is fundamental to accelerating introgression of new traits into adapted backgrounds. Today a number of genomic resources developed in the past for model plant systems are available for agronomically important crops. In FLOWERING CHICKPEA we will dissect the molecular basis controlling flowering time.

Adopting an integrative approach will open new prospects for the biological understanding of flowering time adaptation. A major objective proposed in FORCE (FlOweRing ChickpEa) is to (i) identify the molecular basis underlying the QTL responsible for the genetic control of flowering time in chickpea. By the end of the project, if we understand and learn the allelic variation of the gene network controlling flowering time, we will be able to (ii) obtain molecular tags for early/late flowering that will ultimately be used by the breeding programs to develop adapted cultivars to their specific environments.

This will allow us the construction of high- density integrated physical and genetic linkage maps, and eventually the assessment of colocalization between flowering time loci/QTL and flowering time genes. Results will be an important resource for geneticists currently investigating legume phenology around the globe. Moreover, the project could have useful applications in agriculture.



Objetivos generales

The specific objectives of the project involve:

  • Characterizing a comprehensive inventory of genes controlling flowering time.
  • Constructing the highest-density genetic map available using large-scale mapping populations through a novel genotyping by sequencing strategy.
  • Addressing differential expression profiles for the candidate genes


Supervisor: Juan Gil Ligero      e-mail: juan.gil@uco.es

Investigador Principal: José Die         e-mail: jodiera@upv.es

Página web del proyecto (enlace CORDIS): https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/844431/es

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Posted on February 8, 2021 at 1:55 pm 0 Comentarios

Hyphenating SUPRAS and LC-MS-MS for high throughput universal testing of banned substances in urine (2019R1000388G)

Prohibited substances in sports encompass a large number of chemicals covering a wide range of structures and polarities, which makes it difficult their efficient simultaneous extraction from biological fluids. On the other hand, LC-MS/MS, suitable for detecting and quantifying a large number of compounds, is prone to matrix effects that cause analyte ionization suppression or enhancement, which often compromises sensitivity and selectivity and consequently the accuracy of its application. As a result, sample extraction and clean-up for anti-doping testing usually involves extensive and time-consuming matrix-dependent protocols that are only applicable to a reduced number of structurally related chemicals.

This project aims to develop a high throughput matrix- and compound-independent platform for the reliable detection and quantification of the most commonly abused substances detected in urine in anti-doping testing. The approach will be based on the combination of the capability of supramolecular solvents (SUPRASs) to efficiently extract compounds in a wide polarity range and integrate sample extraction and cleanup with the power of LC-(quadrupole-linear ion trap (Q-LIT)MS/MS for compound identification and quantitation.



The final goal is to provide WADA-accredited labs with an universal, fast and reliable approach for the high-throughput assessment of prohibited substances in urine.



UCO is the coordinator of the UCO is the coordinator of the project..



Principal investigator: Soledad Rubio Bravo

E-mail: qa1rubrs@uco.es

Web: https://cleancompetition.org/

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