Posted on September 17, 2020 at 11:27 am 0 Comentarios

Integration of combined cooling, heating and power microgrids in zero-energy public buildings under high power quality and continuity of service requirements (INTERREG SUDOE SOE3/P3/E0901)


El proyecto IMPROVEMENT, “Integration of combined cooling, heating and power microgrids in zero-energy public buildings under high power quality and continuity of service requirements”, enmarcado en el programa INTERREG SUDOE, tiene como objetivo general convertir edificios públicos existentes en edificios de consumo de energía casi nulo mediante la integración de microrredes de energía renovable con generación combinada de calor, frío y electricidad, y sistemas de almacenamiento.

Además, IMPROVEMENT va a permitir la mejora de las políticas públicas de eficiencia energética y el uso de fuentes de energía renovables en edificios públicos y viviendas mediante la implementación de redes y la experimentación conjunta.

IMPROVEMENT va a permitir conseguir los siguientes resultados:

– Mejorar la autonomía energética de los edificios públicos existentes mediante sistemas híbridos de almacenamiento, incluso bajo condiciones meteorológicas extremas.

– Aumentar la eficiencia energética de los edificios públicos con la integración de técnicas de edificios de energía casi nulo, y sistemas de refrigeración y calefacción basados en energías renovables con almacenamiento térmico.

– Desarrollo microrredes resilientes a fallos mediante el uso de inversores con control activo del neutro para garantizar la calidad de suministro, en presencia de cargas sensibles (equipos de alta tecnología).

– Demostración en edificios públicos reales (y replicables).

– Desarrollar estrategias regionales y planes de implementación.


Objetivos generales:

IMPROVEMENT tiene tres objetivos específicos:

        • Desarrollo de un sistema para mejorar la eficiencia energética en edificios públicos a través de un sistema de generación de calefacción y refrigeración solar, y la incorporación de técnicas activas/pasivas para edificios de consumo de energía casi nulo
        • Desarrollo de un sistema de control de potencia resistente a fallos para microrredes bajo criterios de diseño de alta calidad de suministro
        • Desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de energía para microrredes de generación renovable con sistema híbrido de almacenamiento de energía bajo criterios de degradación mínima, máxima eficiencia y prioridad en el uso de las energías renovables


Investigador Principal: Antonio Moreno Muñoz

Correo electrónico de contacto:





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SuWaNu Europe

Posted on September 17, 2020 at 10:25 am 0 Comentarios

Network for effective knowledge transfer on safe and economic wastewater reuse in agriculture in Europe (H2020-RUR-2018-1-818088)


SuWaNu Europe is an EU funded projected focused on the use of reclaimed water for irrigation in agriculture. The reason behind is that wastewater when treated according to appropriate standards and methods has a strong potential to complement conventional water resources used in agricultural irrigation. The aim of the project is to promote the effective exchange of knowledge, experiences and skills between practitioners and relevant actors of water reuse in agriculture. For that reason, SUWANU EUROPE will create Regional Working Groups between consortium members and relevant actors in 8 target regions that will work to spread the project findings.

Reclaimed water has a strong potential for complementing conventional water resources. According to the European Commission communication “Closing the loop – An EU action plan for the Circular Economy” (COM(2015)0614): “in addition to water-efficiency measures, the reuse of treated wastewater in safe and cost-effective conditions is a valuable but under-used means of increasing water supply and alleviating pressure on over-exploited water resources in the EU”. Water reuse is especially relevant in agriculture as this is one of the main water consumers, having additional benefits for farmers: lower cost compared to other solutions (e.g. desalination), reliability of supply regardless of season, climatic conditions and associated water restrictions, and nutrients contribution of the treated wastewater that can supplement or replace conventional fertilizers.

SuWaNu Europe is intended to bridge the current innovation gaps and achieve an effective implementation of reuse solutions in agriculture. SuWaNu Europe will extend the geographical coverage of its predecessor and will summarize, share and present existing and upcoming knowledge and skills in the field of water reuse in agriculture to the relevant stakeholders such as farmers and farming advisory groups. SuWaNu Europe will also create regional working groups for the development of action plans. These action plans will set strategies at regional level with the objective of boosting innovation in the agricultural and water sectors, improving best practice development and identifying the most appropriate channels to reach stakeholders. In addition to this, dissemination and training will create the capacity and competencies needed to implement these results.


General objectives

      • To identify and extract existing practical knowledge from projects, networks, success stories and research results with potential application for practitioners, e.g. farmers, agricultural advisory groups, water engineers and operators, etc.
      • To set the basis in a participatory and evidencebased process for the development of implementation strategies in 8 target regions.
      • To develop strategies and recommendations to pave the way for the implementation of water reuse solutions.
      • To create regional networks that combine efforts within and outside the consortium to support implementation and uptake of organizational and technological solutions.
      • To develop, summarize and structure practical knowledge for practitioners in a way that it is easy to understand.
      • To increase the capacities of practitioners and other stakeholders in water reuse for irrigation.
      • To strengthen the links between water and farming sectors in order to find synergies for water reuse in agriculture.
      • To create synergies between Regional Working Groups, operational groups and national and international networks (EIP-Agri, ERIAFF, ERRIN, EUFRAS, WIRE, WssTP, etc.), practitioners, supporting the implementation of water reuse.


Investigador Principal: Julio Berbel Vecino

Correo electrónico de contacto:

Página web del proyecto:


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MOVING (Mountain Valorization through Interconnectedness and Green Growth). Primer Proyecto coordinado por la UCO en Horizonte 2020

Posted on June 22, 2020 at 8:25 am 0 Comentarios

El proyecto MOVING (H2020-RUR-2019-862739) busca la valorización de las zonas de montaña a través de la interconexión y el crecimiento sostenible. Las montañas cubren el 36% de la superficie de Europa y desempeñan un papel esencial en el suministro de bienes públicos y privados. A pesar de su relevancia tanto en términos ecológicos como socioeconómicos, en la actualidad carecemos de conocimientos actualizados y comparables de los impactos del cambio climático, las tendencias demográficas y los factores socioeconómicos en estas zonas, así como de las políticas necesarias para abordarlos. (más…)

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Posted on June 19, 2020 at 9:46 am 0 Comentarios

PETal-Play, Education, Toys and Languages (Ref. 599222-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB)

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree at the heart of this proposal focuses on Play, Education, Toys and Language (hereinafter PETaL). Its design is based on the best practices and expertise of the participating institutions. It is built by three programme country institutions [the University of Cordoba (Spain), the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (Portugal) and Marmara University (Turkey)] on a unique framework for the delivery of an EMJMD programme. The study programme, including the curriculum content, will be jointly delivered by the teaching staff of all the institutions involved plus the enriching contribution of expert guest scholars from all over the world (e.g. the USA, Africa, South America, and Europe).


 Specific Objectives:

  1. To present personal research, thoughts, ideas and opinions of proposals within professional activities in a suitable way, both written and orally.
  2. To communicate with specialists and non-specialists new methodologies and approaches, underlying basic thoughts, experiences and opinions and development within the specialization on play, toys, early childhood education, intercultural studies, and early second language acquisition.
  3. To interact with early childhood teachers from different countries using English as a second language.
  4. To participate in a network of early childhood teachers and researchers in this or close disciplines to increase knowledge on current research, development and new strategies on play, toys, early childhood education, intercultural studies, and early second language acquisition.


Action type: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree


Budget: 3.110.000,00 €


Investigadora responsable en la UCO: María Elena Gómez Parra



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Posted on June 16, 2020 at 8:49 am 0 Comentarios

A transnational study to raise the knowledge and experience of the shepherds ‘training and good practices on the care, nutrition and shelter of animals, in order to raise the shepherds’ mutual understanding and to promote the shepherd cultures (Ref. 2019-1-TR01-KA202-077190)

Although the profession of the shepherd is one of the professions of great importance for all countries’ welfare, it has almost disappeared. While the number of small animals in Europe and in our country continues to increase, the enterprises have difficulty in finding shepherds to  manage their flocks. For this reason, it decreases the number of animals in the enterprise.Despite the large number of sheep goats in our province, there are not enough shepherds to manage these flocks. There are shortcomings in the level of consciousness of our existing shepherds according to European standards.

If we cannot make our shepherds more conscious, or if we cannot raise awareness of the shepherd profession, the yield of sheep livestock will decrease. Therefore, it will affect the national economy negatively.


General Objective:

The aim of the project is to increase awareness of the shepherd profession and to increase the awareness of our existing shepherds to European standards and thus to increase the efficiency of sheep production, meat and dairy products.


Specific Objectives:

1- Make Shepherds to recognize the importance of the sector.

2- To increase the awareness of our shepherds about sheep and goat breeding.

3- To increase the shepherds’ welfare levels

4- To increase animal welfare practices

5- To understand and develop new approaches in sheep and goat farms

6- Developing better strategies for better functioning of ovine enterprises

7-To ensure production in accordance with European Animal Welfare Criteria


Action type: ERASMUS+ KA202 Call 2019


Budget: 187.501,00 €


Investigador responsable en la UCO: Carlos C. Pérez Marín





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Posted on June 11, 2020 at 11:51 am 0 Comentarios

Teacher Culture Pluri (Ref. 2019-1-ES01-KA203-064412)

General Objective:

The current dominant paradigm in language education is teaching languages (and cultures) in isolation, e.g. as separate subjects. Such a compartmentalized approach is far from optimal because it can lead to “limitations in terms both of learning capacity and space in the curriculum” (FREPA, 2010, p. 8), especially when aiming at increasing the number of languages taught, i.e. realizing the Barcelona Summit (2002) “mother tongue + 2” objective. This limitation is clearly visible in the relatively low average number of foreign languages (FL) learned per pupil in, for example, EU secondary education reported by Eurostat, which in 2012 did not exceed 1.6. At the same time, the European labor market shows a growing demand for effective multi- and plurilingual communication skills and (pluri)cultural awareness (ET2020, Languages for Jobs).


Specific Objectives:

The project will deliver educational modules that highlight synergies in the teaching of various languages and cultures, thereby integrating the notions of plurilingualism(PL)/pluriculturalism(PC) into international training programs for FL teachers. The plurilingual/pluricultural approach to FL learning steers away from the conviction that an individual’s languages and cultures are kept in strictly separated mental compartments. Instead, it encourages the build up of communicative competence to which “all knowledge and experience of language contributes and in which languages interrelate and interact” (CEFR, 2002, p. 4).


Action type: Strategic Partnerships for higher education KA203


Budget: 278.142 €


Investigadora responsable en la UCO: María Elena Gómez Parra





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Framing CLIL

Posted on June 10, 2020 at 11:53 am 0 Comentarios

Gamifying CLIL within a mathematics context (Ref. 2018-1-UK01-KA203-048071)

Main Objectives:

• To develop a range of game-based learning resources to deepen learner’s conceptual understanding of fractions, an area of mathematics that children often struggle with.

• To work with in-service teachers and trainee teachers to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in CLIL and game-based learning.

• To identify the capacity of game-based learning and CLIL in narrowing the attainment gap for students in each of the partner institutions and countries for whom the language of instruction in the classroom is not their first Language.

• To develop and increase opportunities for knowledge exchange in partner institutions and countries.

• To engage in collaborative research to contribute to the knowledge base in CLIL and game-based learning.

• To develop a research base and research informed practice across partner institutions and countries.


Action Type: KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education


Budget: 320.264€


Investigadora responsable en la UCO: Natividad Adamuz Povedano



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Posted on May 28, 2020 at 8:13 am 0 Comentarios

 Renforcement des capacités en Géomatique appliquée à l’Agriculture et à l’Environnement en Tunisie (Ref. 598217-EPP-1-2018-1-TN-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).

Objetivo general:

En intégrant les pratiques géomatiques dans les usages, optimiser en Afrique du Nord la gestion du secteur d’activité agricole et des territoires associés avec une prise en compte globale de l’environnement.

Objetivos específicos:

  • Renforcer les capacités en géomatique des professionnels, des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et des instituts de recherche œuvrant dans les domaines de l’agriculture et l’environnement sur le pourtour sud de la Méditerranée.
  • Élaborer et intégrer dans les usages une démarche qualité adaptée et ambitieuse visant à fiabiliser les données métiers (architecture numérique, processus de normalisation, bases de connaissances partagées, création, gestion, stockage, diffusion, mutualisation et archivage).
  • Démontrer par la mise en place de processus pilotes l’intérêt opérationnel d’une gouvernance des données géo-référencées agricoles et environnementales appliquées à des cas d’usages concrets avec des dispositifs de formation associés.
  • Consolider un réseau d’expertise pérenne et étendu par application de la géomatique aux thématiques agricoles et environnementales.

Budget: 874.674

Investigador responsable en la UCO: Rafael María Navarro Cerrillo


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Posted on May 26, 2020 at 12:36 pm 0 Comentarios

Dispositifs inclusifs de coopération (Ref: 2018-1-FR01-KA201-047904)


 General Objective: To develop training tolos to develop implementation of cooperative learning practices for children from 8-13 years.


 Specific Objectives:

IO1 Open training platform for cooperative classroom arrangements

IO2 Reference situations

IO3 Training Tools and Resources


Action type: Strategic Partnership for scholar for innovation


Budget: 369.140€


Investigadora responsable en la UCO: María Elena Gómez Parra




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Posted on May 26, 2020 at 12:01 pm 0 Comentarios

40 Challenges for Skilled Entrepreneur (Ref: 2018-ES01-KA204-050264)

The overall objective of this project is to promote the development of the soft skills of entrepreneurs through a self-diagnosis tool and a catalog of 40 adapted and innovative training challenges. All this through a mobile application.

Specific objectives:

  1. Identify the 40 key soft skills needed by a successful entrepreneur.
  1. Create a tool that:
  • measures the degree of development of the 40 soft skills of the successful entrepreneur.
  • Issue an individualized report on the degree of development of the key soft skills of the successful entrepreneur with recommendations for improvement through the training challenges.
  1. Develop innovative content for the training of the 40 soft key competences optimized for mobile terminals.
  1. Create a mobile application for the self-diagnosis, training recommendations and soft skills training challenges, resource bench and final test.
  1. Disseminate the results of this training to other institutions that could benefit this product.


Action type: Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education

Budget: 269.250€

Investigador responsable en la UCO: Francisco José Saco De Larriva



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