The European Territorial Cooperation, known as Interreg, is a financing instrument created under the framework of the European Cohesion Policy, with the aim of strengthening cooperation between Europe’s regions through project funding.

2021-2027 is the sixth period of Interreg and has a budget of nearly EUR 10 billion. Around 100 Interreg programmes operate across borders, both within and outside the EU, contributing to the implementation of the EU’s main cohesion policy priorities. Interreg plays a vital role in promoting regional development, cohesion, and reducing economic disparities. For the 2021-2027 period, Interreg is focused on addressing current challenges like climate change, digital transformation, and social inclusion.

The policy objectives to implement EU priorities across the borders for the current programming period 2021-2027 are as follows:

Interreg is structured around different axes of cooperation: Cross-border (Interreg A), transnational (Interreg B), interregional (Interreg C), outermost regions (Interreg D), Interreg Next Cooperation (ENI CBC) and Instrument IPA CBC.


Each of them has different funding programmes, depending on the territorial areas that are eligible to participate in their calls for projects. The programmes in which the organisations in the province of Cordoba can participate as partners are as follows:

Interreg POCTEP (España-Portugal)


Interreg NEXT MED


Interreg SUDOE




Interreg Atlantic Área (Espacio Atlántico)


Interreg Europe
