15 de March de 2018 0 Comentarios

Accelerating photoredox catalysis in continuous-flow systems (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014-641861).


The Photo4Future Innovative Training Network establishes a training network with five beneficiaries from academia and three beneficiaries from industry to tackle the challenges associated with photochemistry in a coherent and comprehensive fashion. In total 10 Early Stage Researchers will be recruited within the Photo4Future network. The network will provide them with opportunities to undertake research with the aim to overcome the current limitations towards the applicability and scalability of photochemical transformations.


This will be achieved through a rational design of novel photocatalytic methodologies, improved catalytic systems and innovative photoreactors. Furthermore, the ESRs will be trained in the Photo4Future graduate school, covering training in scientific, personal and complementary skills.


General Objectives


Development of novel photocatalytic methodologies relevant for the pharmaceutical and fine-chemical industry. The chosen targets are all recognized as particularly challenging.


The heterogeneous photocatalysts will be evaluated in the reactions developed by the other partners and will be immobilized in microchannels and millireactors. Their efficiency will be also studied by in-situ spectroscopical tools.


Role of the University of Cordoba


  • Mechanochemical preparation of advanced nanophotocatalysts.
  • Preparation of well-defined nanophotocatalyst by means of ball-milling.


Supervisor: Rafael Luque Álvarez de Sotomayor       e-mail: q62alsor@uco.es