A new tool for sustainable forest management based on LiDAR (Laser Imaging Detection And Ranging) and THERMAL data integration. (THERMOLIDAR)
The ThermoLidar project aims to improve the early detection of forest health, producing relevant information to support decisions making in forest planning, and will make the sustainable forest management even more crucial to maintain diverse and productive forest.
General objectives
Identify the obstacles for up-scaling structural and physiological variables to address the requirements of forest management at stand and landscape scales.
Develop a scientifically sound data fusion between LiDAR and thermal data sets capable of integrating the synoptic view about current forest resources provided by a forest inventory with the dynamic perspective of the physiological processes.
The assessment of those key structural and physiological tree variables that can be detected by remote sensing and are paramount for monitoring forest health and sustainable production.
The creation of thematic cartography that spatially locate each variable. This information will be complemented by uncertainty values for each estimate also spatially located.
Role of the andalusian partner
Ascertain the optimal sampling density and processing for LiDAR data to permit a good data fusion with thermal data sets to achieve a reasonable degree of applicability on forest inventories.
Assess key structural and physiological tree variables on conifer and Quercus species in three European locations by using LIDAR and thermal data.
Identify the obstacles for up-scaling structural and physiological variables form inventory data that address the requirements of forest management at stand and landscape scales.
Provide useful information to forest managers for decision making in a new environmental context.
Develop operational software tools integrating GIS for optimal processing of LIDAR and thermal data to applied to forest management.
Development of sustainable management of vulnerable forest ecosystems.
Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies in highly climatic-sensitive regions.
Develop of adaptive strategies in line to sustainable development and generation of tools to forest managers.
Development of alternatives for forest management to adapt to climate change impacts in the EU context.