Congress “XXXIII International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics”
From September 9th to 12th, the University of Córdoba will host the 33rd edition of this workshop, bringing together researchers of all ages, from young talents to seasoned experts, interested in geometry and its applications in physics. For more information about the event, you can visit the official website:
School on Lie and Jordan Algebras.
From January 27 to 30, the School on Lie and Jordan Algebras will be held at the University of Córdoba. All event information can be found through the following link.
Maximal Cauchy developments in classical and in synthetic Lorentzian geometry.
Author: Olaf Müller, University of Humboldt.
Place: Aula 1 de Matemáticas, Basements of Edificio Albert Einstein.
22th of October, 2024. 12:15.
Double Seminar
Location: Mathematics Seminar Room.
First Seminar
Translators of the Mean Curvature Flow in Hyperbolic Einstein’s
Author: Buse Yalçin (University of Granada).
Time: 12:00.
Second Seminar
Finsler Spacetimes, Connections, and Einstein Equations
Author: Fidel Fernández Villaseñor (University of Granada).
Time: 12:45.
Classification of singularities for [\phi,e3]-maxfaces in the Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space.
Author: Antonio Triviño, U. de Córdoba.
Location: Seminario de Matemáticas.
20th of may, 2024.
Mini Course
Introducción a las superficies mínimas.
Author: Antonio Triviño, U. de Córdoba.
Location: Seminario de Matemáticas.
13th and 14th of may of 2024, 18:00.
Mean convex properly embedded $[\varphi,\vec{e}_{3}]$-minimal surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$.
Author: Antonio Triviño, U. Córdoba.
Location: Aula 1 de Matemáticas. Basement of Edificio Albert Einstein, Campus de Rabanales.
25th of april of 2023, 18:00.
The platonic solids, why are there no five-sided dice?
Author: Luis J. Alías Linares, U. de Murcia.
Location: Sala de Grados “Manuel Medina”, Campus de Rabanales.
12th of april of 2023, 18:00.
Hilbert and the existence in Mathematics.
Author: José Manuel Ferreirós Domínguez, U. Sevilla.
Location: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
13th of March of 2023, 12:00.
L1-2-type surfaces in H3.
Author: H. Fabián Ramírez Ospina, U. Nacional de Colombia.
Location: Seminar of the Mathematics Department.
15th of November of 2022, 12:30
Some applications of the principal curvature theorem.
Author: S. Carolina García Martínez, U. Nacional de Colombia.
Location: Seminar of the Mathematics Department.
15th of November of 2022, 13:00.
Fiber Bundle and Connections. The Differential Geometry after Elie Cartan (Continuation).
Speaker: Francisco José Palomo, U. Málaga.
Location: Seminario del Departamento de Matemáticas.
10th, 11th, 17th and 18th of November 2022. Thursday from 17:30 to 19:30 and Fridays from 12:00 to 14:00.
Some thoughts and comments on the incompleteness theorems of Gödel.
Author: José Almira Picazo, U. Murcia.
Location: Sala de Grados, Campus de Rabanales.
2nd of November of 2022, 17:00.
Gradient estimations for the solution of the minimal hypersurface equation in product spaces.
Author: Giulio Colombo, U. Milán.
Location: Seminar of the Mathematics Department.
7th October of 2022, 13:00.
Constant angle null hypersurfaces.
Speaker: Didier Solís Gamboa, U. Autónoma de Yucatán.
Location: Seminario del Departamento de Matemáticas.
8th of June 2022, 16:30.
Fiber Bundle and Connections. The Differential Geometry after Elie Cartan.
Speaker: Francisco José Palomo, U. Málaga.
Location: Seminario del Departamento de Matemáticas.
10th, 11th, 17th and 18th of November 2021, from 18:00 to 20:00.
Invited Talk
Gravito-Astronomía: Una nueva era.
Speaker: José María Martín Senovilla.
Location: Salón de Actos Juan XXIII.
18 of October of 2021, 16:30.
X International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry, GeLoCor 2021. 1st-5th February, University of Córdoba.
International Meeting on Differential Geometry, Córdoba 2010. 15th-17th November, 2010.
An Introduction to General Relativity from a Mathematical Point of View. 18th November, 2010.
Sociedad, Cultura y Ciencia en la Época de Einstein (1879-1955). 8th-26th November, 2010.
- PhD. Thesis: Hipersuperficies espaciales de curvatura media constante.
Author: Juan Jesús Salamanca Jurado.
Supervisors: Magdalena Caballero Campos y Rafael M. Rubio Ruiz.
23 September 2011, 11:30, Aula B6 (Edificio C1). - TITLE: Cuerdas vibrantes y calor: la génesis del Análisis de Fourier.
SPEAKER: José María Almira Picazo, Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Jaén.
1 April 2011, 12:30, Aula B6 (Edificio C1). - TITLE: Geometric applications of the Poincaré Lemma.
SPEAKER: Hojoo Lee, Seoul National University.
25 March 2011, 12:00, Seminario de Matemáticas (Edificio C2).