Publication list

A list of our latets publications can be seen here.

Research projects


Geometric Analysis and Conformal Structures with applications in Mathematical Physics (PID2021-126217NB-I00).

Research Project funded by the Minister of Science and Innovation with Feder funds.

Head: Alfonso García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo and Rafael M. Rubio Ruiz.

Differential Equations in Manifolds, Mathematical Physics and Applications (PY20_01391)

Research project funded by the Junta de Andalucía.
Head: Francisco Martín.


Differential Geometry and applications to mathematical physics

Research project funded by the Junta de Andalucía.
Head: Alfonso García-Parrado and Rafael M. Rubio.

Ph.D. thesis

In development

Particle dinamics and relativistic strings.

Ph.D Student: Martín de la Rosa

Symmetries in Kaehler manifolds.

Ph. D Student: Jorge Alcáraz González


Mean curvature of a spacelike hypersurface in a spacetime with certain causal symmetries

Ph.D Student: José Antonio Sánchez Pelegrin.

Thesis defense: 12/04/2018.

Uniqueness of maximal hypersurfaces in open spacetimes and Calabi-Bernstein type theorems

Ph.D Student: Juan Jesús Salamanca.

Thesis Defense: 25/05/2015.