Publication list (Updated 22-04-2023):


1) Albujer, A.L., Alcázar, J., &; Caballero, M. (2023) On the symmetries
of a Kaehler manifold. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. To appear.

2) Albujer, A.L. & Caballero, M. (2023) Critical Points of the
Solutions to theHR=HLSurface Equation.Results in Mathematics,78, 75.

3) Albujer, A. L., da Silva, S. F., & dos Santos, F. R. Total mean
curvature surfaces in the product space $\mathbb{S}^n\times \mathbb{R}$
and applications. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. To

4) Herrera, J., Rubio, R.M., Salamanca, J.J. (2023). Compact Minimal Submanifolds in a Large Class of Riemannian Manifolds. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 20, 74.


1) Albujer, A. L., & dos Santos F. R. (2022). Willmore surfaces and Hopf
tori in homogeneous 3-manifolds. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry,
62 (2022).

2) Caballero, M., de la Fuente, D., Pelegrín, J. A. S., and Rubio, R. M. (2022) International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 19(13), 2250212.

3) Costa e Silva, I. P., Flores, J. L., & Herrera, J. (2022). Omniscient foliations and the geometry of cosmological spacetimes. General Relativity and Gravitation, 54(11).

4) de la Fuente, D. Pelegrín, José A. S.; Rubio, R. M. (2022), Completeness
of uniformly accelerated observers in Galilean spacetimes. Lett. Math.
Phys. 112 no. 6.

5) García-Parrado A. (2022). pp-wave initial data. General Relativity and
Gravitation, 54(54).

6) García-Parrado A., Minguzzi E. (2022). An anisotropic gravity theory.
General Relativity and Gravitation. (54)150.

7) Herrera, J. de la Rosa, M. & Rubio, Rafael M. On the dynamics of
relativistic particles with torsion in warped product spacetimes. J.
Phys. A 55 (2022), no. 24.

8) Romero, A., Rubio, R. M., Salamanca, J. J., (2021) New examples of
Moser-Bernstein type problems for some nonlinear elliptic partial
differential equations arising in geometry. Ann. Fenn. Math. 46.

9) Salamanca, J. J., Herrera, J., & Rubio, R. M (2022), On the
connectedness of a random closed set of a Euclidean space. Fuzzy Sets
and Systems 443 (2022), part A, 127–136.


1) Caballero, M., Pelegrín, J. A., & Rubio, R. M. (2021). Area
maximizing surfaces in lorentzian spaces. Mediterranean Journal of
Mathematics, (), .

2) Fuente, D. d. l., Pelegrín, J. A., & Rubio, R. M. (2021). On the
geometry of stationary galilean spacetimes. General Relativity and
Gravitation, (), .

3) García-Parrado, A. & Minguzzi, E. (2021). Projective and amplified
symmetries in metric-affine theories. Classical and Quantum Gravity,

4) Herrera J., & Javaloyes,
M. A. (2021). Stationary\textendashcomplete spacetimes with
non-standard splittings and pre-randers metrics. Journal of Geometry
and Physics, 163().

5) Herrera, J., Rosa, M. d. l., & Rubio,
R. M. (2021). Relativistic particles with torsion in
three-dimensional non-vacuum spacetimes. Journal of Mathematical
Physics, ().


1) Albujer, A., Herrera, J., & Rubio, R. (2020). A Moser-Bernstein
problem for riemannian warped products. Revista de la Real Academia
de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales – Serie A: Matematicas,
114(2), .

2) Albujer, A. L., Herrera, J., & Rubio, R. M. (2020). Complete
spacelike hypersurfaces on symmetric spacetimes. Classical and
Quantum Gravity, (), .

3) Herrera, J., Silva, I. P. C. e., Flores, J. L., & Herrera,
J. (2020). Addendum to ‘hausdorff closed limits and the c-boundary
i: a new topology for the c-completion of spacetimes’. Classical and
Quantum Gravity, (), .


1) Albujer, A. L., Jónatan Herrera, & Rubio, R. M. (2019). New
examples of static spacetimes admitting a unique standard
decomposition. General Relativity and Gravitation, 51(3).

2) Aledo, J. A., Rubio, R. M., & Salamanca, J. J. (2019). Space-like
hypersurfaces with functionally bounded mean curvature in lorentzian
warped products and generalized calabi\textendashbernstein-type
problems. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A
Mathematics, (), .

3) Caballero, M., Fuente, D. d., & Rubio, R. M. (2019). Infinitesimal
relative position vector fields for observers in a reference frame
and applications to conformally stationary spacetimes. Analysis and
Mathematical Physics, 9(4),

4) Alfonso García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo, Alfonso García-Parrado, &
Khavkine, I. (2019). Conformal killing initial data. Journal of
Mathematical Physics, ().

5) Costa e Silva, I. P., Flores, J. L., & Herrera, J. (2019). Hausdorff
closed limits and the c-boundary i: a new topology for the
c-completion of spacetimes. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 36(17),

6) Costa e Silva, I. P., Flores, J. L., & Herrera, J. (2019). Hausdorff
closed limits and the c-boundary II: null infinity and black
holes. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 36(18).

7) Costa e Silva, I. P., Flores, J. L., & Herrera, J. (2019). Some
remarks on conformal symmetries and bartnik’s splitting
conjecture. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 17(1).

8) Pelegrin, J. A., Romero, A., & Rubio, R. M. (2019). An extension of
calabi’s correspondence between the solutions of two bernstein
problems to more general elliptic nonlinear equations. Mathematical
Notes, (), .

9) Pelegrín, J. A., Romero, A., & Rubio, R. M. (2019). Spacelike
hypersurfaces in spatially parabolic standard static spacetimes and
calabi\textendashbernstein-type problems. Mediterranean Journal of
Mathematics, (), .


1) Albujer, A., & Caballero, M. (2018). Corrigendum to ?geometric
properties of surfaces with the same mean curvature in r<sup>3</sup>
and l<sup>3</sup>? [j. math. anal. appl. 445 (2017) 1013?1024]
(s0022247x16303869) (10.1016/j.jmaa.2016.07.062)). Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 459(2), 1303–1304.

2) Albujer, A., de Lima, H., Oliveira, A., & Velásquez,
M.A.L. (2018). Phi -parabolicity and the uniqueness of spacelike
hypersurfaces immersed in a spatially weighted grw
spacetime. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 15(3).

3) Luis Alberto Aké, José Luis Flores, & Jónatan Herrera
(2018). Causality and c-completion of multiwarped
spacetimes. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 35(3).

4) Aledo, J. A., Rubio, R. M., & Salamanca, J. J. (2018). Compact
maximal hypersurfaces in globally hyperbolic spacetimes. Classical
and Quantum Gravity, 36(1),

5) Caballero, M., & Rubio, R. (2018). A dual rigidity of the sphere and
the hyperbolic plane. Advances in Geometry, ().

6) Costa e Silva, I. P., Flores, J. L., & Herrera, J. (2018). A novel
notion of null infinity for c-boundaries and generalized black
holes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(9).

7) Costa e Silva, I. P., Flores, J. L., & Herrera, J. (2018). A novel
notion of null infinity for c-boundaries and generalized black
holes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(9).

8) Fuente, D. d. l., & Rubio, R. M. (2018). Galilean generalized
robertson-walker spacetimes: a new family of galilean geometrical
models. Journal of Mathematical Physics, ().

9) A Garc\’\ia-Parrado Gómez-Lobo, E Gasper\’\in, & Kroon,
J. A. V. (2018). Conformal geodesics in spherically symmetric vacuum
spacetimes with cosmological constant. Classical and Quantum
Gravity, 35(4), 045002.

10) Alfonso Garc\’\ia-Parrado Gómez-Lobo (2018). Corrigendum: vacuum
type d initial data (2016 class. quantum grav. 33 175005). Classical
and Quantum Gravity, 35(7).

11) Rubio, R. M., & Salamanca, J. J. (2018). An analytical approach to
the external force-free motion of pendulums on surfaces of constant
curvature. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 129(),


1) Alarcón, E.M., Albujer, A., & Caballero, M. (2017). Spacelike
hypersurfaces in the lorentz-minkowski space with the same
riemannian and lorentzian mean curvature. Springer Proceedings in
Mathematics and Statistics, 211(), 1–12.

2) Albujer, A., & Caballero, M. (2017). Geometric properties of
surfaces with the same mean curvature in r<sup>3</sup> and
l<sup>3</sup>. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
445(1), 1013–1024.

3) Albujer, A. L., Lima, H. F. d., Oliveira, A. M., & Marco Antonio
L. Velásquez (2017). Rigidity of complete spacelike hypersurfaces
in spatially weighted generalized robertson\textendashwalker
spacetimes. Differential Geometry and its Applications, 50(),

4) Aledo, J., & Rubio, R. (2017). Stable minimal surfaces in riemannian
warped products. Journal of Geometric Analysis, 27(1), 65–78.

5) Aledo, J., Rubio, R., & Salamanca, J. (2017). Complete spacelike
hypersurfaces in generalized robertson?walker and the null
convergence condition: calabi-bernstein problems. Revista de la Real
Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales – Serie A:
Matematicas, 111(1), 115–128.

6) Aké, L.A., & Herrera, J. (2017). Spacetime coverings and the
casual boundary. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(4).

7) Fuente, D. d. l., Rubio, R. M., & Salamanca, J. J. (2017). Stability
of maximal hypersurfaces in spacetimes: new general conditions and
application to relevant spacetimes. General Relativity and
Gravitation, 49(10), .

8) Herrera, J., Javaloyes, M., & Piccione, P. (2017). On a monodromy
theorem for sheaves of local fields and applications. Revista de la
Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales – Serie A:
Matematicas, 111(4), 999–1029.

9) Pelegrín, J.A.S., Romero, A., & Rubio, R. (2017). On uniqueness of
the foliation by comoving observers restspaces of a generalized
robertson?walker spacetime. General Relativity and Gravitation,
49(2), .

10) Rubio, R. (2017). Calabi-bernstein-type problems in lorentzian
geometry. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 211(),


1) Aledo, J., & Rubio, R. (2016). Scalar curvature of spacelike
hypersurfaces and certain class of cosmological models for
accelerated expanding universes. Journal of Geometry and Physics,
104(), 128–136.

2) Aledo, J., & Rubio, R. (2016). Parabolicity of minimal graphs in
riemannian warped products and rigidity theorems. Nonlinear
Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 141(), 130–138.

3) Aledo, J. \., & Rubio, R. M. (2016). A bernstein problem in warped
products. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica, (),

4) Aledo, J. A., & Rubio, R. M. (2016). On the scalar curvature of
spacelike hypersurfaces in generalized robertson walker
spacetimes. Differential Geometry and its Applications, 44(),

5) Alfonso Garc\’\ia-Parrado Gómez-Lobo (2016). Vacuum type d initial
data. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 33(17).

6) Caballero, M., & Rubio, R. (2016). Characterizations of umbilic
points of isometric immersions in riemannian and lorentzian
manifolds. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 20(5), 1041–1052.

7) García-Martínez, S.C., & Herrera, J. (2016). Rigidity and
bifurcation results for cmc hypersurfaces in warped product
spaces. Journal of Geometric Analysis, 26(2), 1186–1201.

8) Flores, J., Herrera, J., & Sánchez, M. (2016). Hausdorff
separability of the boundaries for spacetimes and sequential
spaces. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57(2).

9) Peleg?n, J., Romero, A., & Rubio, R. (2016). On maximal
hypersurfaces in lorentz manifolds admitting a parallel lightlike
vector field. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 33(5), .

10) Pelegrín, J.A.S., Romero, A., & Rubio, R. (2016). Uniqueness of
complete maximal hypersurfaces in spatially open (n+ 1) -dimensional
robertson?walker spacetimes with flat fiber. General Relativity and
Gravitation, 48(6), .

11) Romero, A., & Rubio, R. (2016). Bernstein-type theorems in a
riemannian manifold with an irrotational killing vector
field. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 13(3), 1285–1290.


1) Albujer, A., Caballero, M., & López, R. (2015). Convexity of the
solutions to the constant mean curvature spacelike surface equation
in the lorentz-minkowski space. Journal of Differential Equations,
258(7), 2364–2374.

2) Aledo, J., Romero, A., & Rubio, R. (2015). The existence and
uniqueness of standard static splitting. Classical and Quantum
Gravity, 32(10), .

3) Aledo, J., & Rubio, R. (2015). Constant mean curvature spacelike
surfaces in lorentzian warped products. Advances in Mathematical
Physics, 2015(), .

4) Aledo, J. A., Romero, A., & Rubio, R. M. (2015). The classical
calabi\textendashbernstein theorem revisited. Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 431(2),

5) Caballero, M., & Rubio, R. (2015). Dual characterizations of the
sphere and the hyperbolic space in arbitrary
dimension. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern
Physics, 12(8), .

6) Caballero, M., Romero, A., & Rubio, R. (2015). Calabi-bernstein-type
problems for some nonlinear equations arising in lorentzian
geometry. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 207(4),

7) García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo}, A. (2015). Local non-negative initial
data scalar characterization of the kerr solution. Phys. Rev. D,
92(), 124053.

8) Romero, A., Rubio, R., & Salamanca, J. (2015). Complete maximal
hypersurfaces in certain spatially open generalized robertson?walker
spacetimes. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas
y Naturales – Serie A: Matematicas, 109(2), 451–460.

9) Rubio, R., & Salamanca, J. (2015). Maximal surface equation on a
riemannian 2-manifold with finite total curvature. Journal of
Geometry and Physics, 92(), 140–146.