Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala
Full Professor
Arabic and Islamic Studies
Research fields
- Arabic language and literature (Islamic, Jewish and Christian)
- Manuscript edition and textual critics
- Literary criticism
- Comparative Semitic languages
- Oriental Studies
- Transfer of knowledge
– “The Fragmentary Ninth/Tenth Century Andalusi Arabic Translation of the Epistle to the Galatians Revisited (Vat. lat. 12900, olim Seguntinus 150BC Sigüenza)”, Intellectual History of the Islamicate World 7 (2019), pp. 125-191.
– “‘You brood of vipers!’ Translations and revisions in the Andalusi Arabic version of the Gospels”, Le Muséon 131:1-2 (2018), pp. 187-215.
– “Nine Post-Hexaplaric Readings in the Arabic Translation of the Book of Numbers by al-Ḥārith b. Sinān b. Sunbāṭ (10th c. CE)”, Zeitschrift für die altestamentlichte Wissenschaft 130:4 (2018), pp. 602-615.
– “Dos fragmentos en arameo cristiano-palestinense del libro del Génesis procedentes de la Mezquita de los Omeyas de Damasco”, Sefarad 77:1 (2017), pp. 65-90.
– De Córdoba a Toledo: Tathlīth al-Wahdāniyyah (‘La Trinidad de la Unidad’): Fragmentos teológicos de un judeoconverso arabizado, Madrid: Sindéresis, 2018 (in collaboration with Pedro Mantas España).
– Glossary of Nabataean Aramaic. With etymological and comparative notes, «Semitica Antiqva» 4, Córdoba: UCOPress, 2017 (in collaboration with Joan Ferrer).
– Apocalipsis del Pseudo Atanasio [ApPsAt(ar)II]. Edición, traducción anotada y estudio, «Barcino Monographica Orientalia» 4, Barcelona: Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, 2017.
– Scripta Theologica Arabica Christiana. Andalusi Christian Arabic Fragments Preserved in Ms. 83 (al-Maktabah al-Malikiyyah, Rabat). Diplomatic edition, critical apparatus and indexes, Porto: Edições Húmus, 2016.
Chapters of books
– “Early Christian Arabic Translation Strategies (Matthew 11:20-30 in Codex Vat. Ar. 13)”, in Heirs of the Apostles: Studies on Arabic Christianity in Honor of Sidney H. Griffith, edited by David Bertaina, Sandra Toenies Keating, Mark N. Swanson & Alexander Treiger, Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2019, pp. 37-55.
– Christians and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula, 1000-1600”, in Routledge Handbook on Christian-Muslim Relations, edited by David Thomas, Abingdon: Routledge, 2018, pp. 149-157.
– “The Lyre of Exegesis: Ibn al-Ṭayyib’s Analytical Patters of the Account of the Destruction of Sodom”, in Exegetical Crossroads: Understanding Scripture in Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the Pre-Modern Orient, ed. Georges Tamer, R. Grundmann, A. Elias Kattan, abd K. Pinggéra, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2018, pp. 119-143. – “Qur’ānic Textual Archaeology. Rebuilding the Story of the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorra”, in Arab Christians and the Qur’an from the Origins of Islam to the Medieval Period, ed. Mark Beaumont, Leiden-Boston: Brill, pp. 20-49.