B.S. Agronomics (2006) (Universidad de Córdoba, Spain)
Master of Agrarian Cooperatives Management (2009) (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain)
Ph.D. on Natural Resources and Environmental Economics (2011) (Universidad de Córdoba, Spain). Best PhD Dissertation Awards of University of Cordoba in Social Sciences (2014)
2011-present. Researcher-Lecturer at El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Villahermosa, México
2007-2011. Research scholarship at Universidad de Cordoba (Spain)
Dr. Mesa-Jurado is a researcher with over eight years of experience working in water management and economic valuation of water resources. The aim of her research is to contribute to water management decision-making process in a context of global change. Also, her personal interests are enhancing the importance of ecosystem services conservation and the inclusion of local communities in decision-making processes of natural resources management. She has worked extensively on water scarcity regions as Guadalquivir River basin (Southern Spain) and currently on a tropical region as Southern Mexico. She is member of the National Researcher System (SNI Candidate Level), CONACYT, Mexico. She had participated as member of the Wetland Specialized group, Grijalva-Usumacinta Watershed Council, Tabasco México
and IWA-Mexico member. She has experience in teaching (Wetlands, Sustainable Management Basin, Ecology, Natural Protected Areas Management: master degree lectures and PhD advanced seminars) and thesis advice.
Visiting fellowship
Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco (Mexico, 2011), Centre for Rural Economy, Newcastle University (UK, 2010), The James Hutton Institute (UK, 2010, 2015), Basque Centre for Climate Change BC3 (Spain, 2009).
Current Research interests
- Water Ecosystem Services (economic valuation and social perceptions)
- Sustainable water management in a context of global change
- Governance of common-pool resources
- Natural Protected Areas and Climate Change
Currently research projects
- “Hacia una Gestión Integral del Agua por Cuenca Hidrológica: un análisis de disponibilidad y usos” financiado por CONACYT (COMISIÓN NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA de MEXICO) dentro de la convocatoria “Proyectos de desarrollo científico para atender problemas nacionales 2014”. Duración: 24 meses (2015-2017).
- “Applying ecosystem services-based approaches to water resource decision making: studying the risk of nature commodification in Mexico’s last free-flowing river”. (2016-2018). British Academy Newton Advanced Fellowship.
Previous research projects
- OISE-Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE): Sustainability, Ecosystem Services, and Forest-related Bioenergy Development across the Americas (Michigan Tech) (2014-2017).
- “Estudio base sobre alternativas productivas agropecuarias en el estado de Tabasco en escenarios de cambio climático (usando dos variables temperatura y precipitación)” Financiado por: Secretaría de Energía, Recursos Naturales y Protección Ambiental (2014-2015).
- “Especialidad en Economía Ambiental, Aplicada al manejo económico y sustentable del agua (EEA)» Fondo CONAGUA-CONACYT (2013-2014).
- “El valor económico del agua para su uso agrícola en el estado de Tabasco”, FOMIX-Tabasco (2012-2014).
Peer-reviewed publications
Cifuentes-Espinosa, J.A., Feintrenie, L., Monzón-Alvarado, C., Schmook, B. and Mesa-Jurado, A. (2023). Oil palm growers’ prospects for sustainable oil palm production. A case study from Campeche, Mexico, Agricultural Systems 212:103780 doi: 10.1016/j.agsy.2023.103780
Martin-Ortega, J., Novo, P., Gomez-Baggethun, E., Muradian, R., Harte, C. and Mesa-Jurado, A. (2023). Ecosystem services and the commodification of nature, The Routledge Handbook of Commodification. Taylor & Francis
Martín-Ortega, J., Mesa-Jurado, M.A., Pineda-Vázquez, M. and Novo P. (2019). Nature commodification: ‘a necessary evil’? An analysis of the views of environmental professionals on ecosystem services-based approaches, Ecosystem Services, 37:100926 doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2019.100926
Yedra, H., Mesa-Jurado, M. A., Lopez, C. and Castillo, M. M. (2016). Economic valuation of irrigation water in South-eastern Mexico: high values even where water is abundant. International Journal of Water Resources Development
Martin-Ortega,J., Mesa-Jurado, M. A., and Berbel, J. (2015). Revisiting the Impact of Order Effects on Sensitivity to Scope: A Contingent Valuation of a Common-Pool Resource. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 66(3): 705-726.
2014 and previous
Mesa-Jurado, M. A., Martin-Ortega, J., Ruto, E. and Berbel, J. (2012). The economic value of guaranteed water supply for irrigation under scarcity conditions. Agricultural Water Management. 113: 10-18
Berbel, J., Mesa-Jurado, M. A. and Pistón, J. M. (2011). Value of Irrigation Water in Guadalquivir Basin (Spain) by Residual Value Method. Water Resources Management 25(6): 1565-1579.
Alarcón,J., Mesa-Jurado, M. A. and Berbel, J. (2011). Design of irrigation water tariffs with overconsumption penalties. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 9(4): 971-980.
Mesa-Jurado, M. A., Berbel, J. and Orgaz, F. (2010). Estimating marginal value of water for irrigated olive grove with the production function method. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8(S2): S197-S206. |