Associate Professor

du4orrpb Dpt. Economic Analysis and Political Economy (University of Sevilla).
Avda. Ramón y Cajal, 1. 41018. Sevilla, Spain
phone-icon +34 954 5575 31
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Maria P. Espinosa Goded is an agricultural engineer with a PhD in agricultural economics. She has worked during 8 years in the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and currently she is associate professor in the University of Sevilla. Her research interests are farm-level modelling used for the impact assessment of the CAP and farmer and consumer behaviour to promote environmentally friendly practices using behavioural field experiments and discrete choice experiments. She is part of the REECAP (Research Network on Economic Experiments for the Common Agricultural Policy) board.

Research Interests

  • Modelling of Consumer and Farmer Behaviour (Experimental Economics)
  • Water markets and water banks
  • Farm Level Modelling
  • Designing of Agri-Environmental Policy Instruments

Most relevant research projects/contracts include

  • Percepción y gestión de los bancos de agua como instrumento de mejora en la eficiencia del uso de los recursos hídricos en Andalucía (AQUAEBANK)
    Type: Project
    Coordinator: Laura Riesgo Álvarez (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
    Finance Institution: Junta de Andalucía
    Code: 202099905117285
    Dates: 4/10/2021-31/03/2023 (24 months)
    Budget: 55.000 €
  • Behavioural Experiments with farmers
    Type: Contract
    Coordinator: Maria E. Goded (Universidad Sevilla)/Macario Rodriguez Entrena (UCO)
    Finance Institution: European Commission
    Code: JRC/SVQ/2019/VLVP/0596
    Dates: 21/06/2022 – 30/11/2022 (5 months)
    Budget: 5.475 €
  • Study contribution to the update of the base-year in the Individual Farm Model for the Common Agricultural Policy (IFM-CAP) model
    Type: Contract
    Coordinator: Maria E. Goded (Universidad Sevilla)
    Finance Institution: European Commission
    Code: JRC/SVQ/2020/VLVP/2206
    Dates: 1/11/2020 – 1/09/2021 (10 months)
    Budget: 13.440 €
  • Study contribution to the analyses of CAP scenarios in the Individual Farm Model for the Common Agricultural Policy (IFM-CAP) model
    Type: Contract
    Coordinator: Maria E. Goded (Universidad Sevilla)
    Finance Institution: European Commission
    Code: JRC/SVQ/2019/VLVP/2206
    Dates: 22/10/2019 – 21/08/2020 (10 months)
    Budget: 14.875 €
  • Supporting the role of the Common agricultural policy in Landscape valorisation: Improving the knowledge base of the contribution of landscape Management to the rural economy
    Type: Project
    Coordinator: Davide Viaggi (Alma Mater Studiorum)
    Finance Institution: European Commission
    Code: FP7-KBBE-2011-5
    Dates: 01/01/2012 – 31/12/2014 (36 months)
    Budget: 1.499.400 €
  • Análisis de la protección ambiental mediante la política agraria: el diseño óptimo de la política agro-ambiental (DISOPTIPOL)
    Type: Project
    Coordinator: D. Jesús Barreiro Hurle
    Finance Institution: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
    Code: RTA2005-00020-00-00
    Dates: 28/11/2005 – 30/06/2009 (43 months)
    Budget: 108.000 €

Most relevant Peer-reviewed publications

Barreiro-Hurle, J., Dessart, F.J., Rommel, J., Czajkowski, M., Espinosa-Goded, M., Rodriguez-Entrena, M., Thomas, F. and Zagorska, K. (2023). Willing or complying? The delicate interplay between voluntary and mandatory interventions to promote farmers’ environmental behavior, Food Policy 120:102481 doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2023.102481

Petsakos, A., Ciaian, P., Espinosa-Goded, M., Perni, A., & Kremmydas, D. (2023). Farm‐level impacts of the CAP post‐2020 reform: A scenario‐based analysis. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 45(2):1168-1188 doi: 10.1002/aepp.13257

Rommel, J., Sagebiel, J., Baaken, M. C., Barreiro‐Hurlé, J., Bougherara, D., Cembalo, L.,Espinosa-Goded, M,… & Zagórska, K. (2023). Farmers’ risk preferences in 11 European farming systems: A multi‐country replication of Bocquého et al.(2014). Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 45(3): 1374-1399 doi: 10.1002/aepp.13330

Espinosa-Goded, M., Rodriguez-Entrena, M., Salazar-Ordóñez, M. (2022). A straightforward diagnostic tool to identify attribute non-attendance in discrete choice experiments. Economic Analysis and Policy 71: 211-226 doi: 10.1016/j.eap.2021.04.012

Lefebvre, M., Espinosa-Goded, M., Maslianskaia-Pautrel, M., & Laille, P. (2022). Understanding public administrators’ and citizens’ preferences for a successful transition to pesticide-free urban green spaces. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 58(12):1-25 doi: 10.1080/09640568.2022.2107496

Espinosa-Goded, M., Louhichi, K., Perni, A., Ciaian, P. (2020). EU wide impacts of the 2013 CAP direct payments reform: A farm -level analysis. Applied Economics Perspective and Policy, accepted for publication 42(4): 695-715 doi: 10.1093/aepp/ppz021

Louhichi, K., Ciaian, P., Espinosa-Goded, M., Perni, A., Gomez y Paloma, S. (2018). Economic Impacts of CAP greening: An application of an EU-wide Individual Farm Model for CAP analysis (IFM-CAP). European Review of Agricultural Economics, 45(2):205-238 doi: 10.1093/erae/jbx029

Barreiro-Hurlé, J., Espinosa-Goded, M., Martínez-Paz, J.M., Perni-Llorente, A. (2018). Choosing not to choose: A meta-analysis of status quo effects in environmental valuations using choice experiments. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 18(1): 79-109 doi: 10.22004/ag.econ.275349

Gocht, A., Espinosa-Goded, M., Leip, A., Lugato, E., Schroeder, L., Doorslaer, B., Gomez y Paloma, S. (2016). A grassland strategy for farming systems in Europe to mitigate GHG emissions – an integrated spatially differentiated modelling approach. Land Use Policy, 58: 318-334 doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.07.024

Espinosa-Goded, M., Gocht, A., Roder, N., Heckelei, T., Gomez y Paloma, S. (2016). Incorporating farm structural change in models assessing the Common Agricultural Policy. Journal of Policy Modelling, 38:1040-1059 doi: 10.1016/j.jpolmod.2016.03.005

Lima Santos, J., Madureira, L., Espinosa-Goded, M., Gomez y Paloma, S. (2016). Building an empirically-based framework to value multiple public goods of agriculture at broad supranational scales. Land Use Policy, 53: 56-70 doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.12.001

Rodriguez-Entrena, M., Espinosa-Goded, M., Barreiro-Hurlé, J. (2014). The role of ancillary benefits on the value of agricultural soils carbon sequestration programmes: Evidence from a latent class approach to Andalusian olive groves. Ecological Economics 99: 63-73 doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.01.006

Lefebvre, M., Espinosa, M., Gomez y Paloma, S., Parachini, M.L., Piorr, A. (2014). Agricultural landscapes as multi-scale public good and the role of the Common Agricultural Policy. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58(12): 2088-2112 doi: 10.1080/09640568.2014.891975

Espinosa-Goded, M., Psaltopoulos, D., Santini., F., Phimister, E., Roberts, D., Mary., S., Ratinger, T.,Skuras, D., Balamou, E., Cardenete, M.A., Gomez y Paloma, S. (2013). Exante analysis of the regional impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy: a rural-urban recursive dynamic CGE model approach. European Planning Studies, 22(7): 1342-1367 doi: 10.1080/09654313.2013.786683

Espinosa-Goded, M., Barreiro Hurlé, J., Dupraz, P. (2012). Identifying additional barriers in the adoption of agri-environmental shemes:the role of fixed costs. Land Use Policy, 31: 526-535 doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2012.08.016

Rodriguez Entrena, M., Barreiro Hurlé, J., Gomez Limón, J.A., Espinosa-Goded, M., Castro. J. (2012). Evaluating the demand for carbon sequestration in olive grove soils as a mitigation strategy for climate change. Journal of Environmental Management, 112:368-376 doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.08.004

Barreiro Hurlé, J., Espinosa-Goded, M., Dupraz, P. (2010). Does Intensity of Change Matter? Factors affecting adoption of agri-environmental schemes in Spain. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 53(7):891-905 doi: 10.1080/09640568.2010.490058

Espinosa-Goded, M., Barreiro-Hurlé, J., Ruto, E. (2010). What do farmers want from agrienvironmental scheme design? A choice experiment approach». Journal of Agricultural Economics, 61(2): 259-273 doi: 10.1111/j.1477-9552.2010.00244.x

Espinosa-Goded, M., Barreiro-Hurlé, J., Dupraz, P. (2010). Las preferencias discontinuas en los experimentos de elección: impacto en el cálculo de la prima de los programas agroambientales. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 10(1): 155-176 doi: 10.7201/earn.2010.01.09