(Página creada con «__NOTOC__»)
(Página creada con «<h3>User's profile</h3> * The page containing the user's profile can be accessed from the options menu or visiting the special page ''Usuario:Name''. * Please, complete you...»)
(No se muestran 5 ediciones intermedias del mismo usuario)
Línea 1: Línea 1:
<h1>Recomendaciones generales</h1>
<h1>General recommendations</h1>
''Para cualquier duda adicional sobre la edici&oacute;n de contenido, p&oacute;ngase en contacto con el administrador del sitio a trav&eacute;s de:'' '''SEBASENet&#64;'''
''For any question regarding content edition, please contact the web administrator by email:'' '''SEBASENet&#64;'''
<h3>Uso de caracteres especiales</h3>
<h3>Use of special characters</h3>
* Para escribir caracteres especiales (tildes o s&iacute;mbolos) deben utilizarse los c&oacute;digos o etiquetas HTML existentes para ello ([ ISO-8859-1 Characters], [ Symbols]).  
* Special characters and symbols should be written using the corresponding HMTL codes and tags ([ ISO-8859-1 Characters], [ Symbols]).  
* Se recomienda consultar la documentaci&oacute;n proporcionada antes de comenzar a traducir contenido.
* It is recommended to read the translation guidelines before doing any translation.
* Cuando se desee traducir una p&aacute;gina nueva, es conveniente que el texto de dicha p&aacute;gina sea lo m&aacute;s estable posible para evitar que las traducciones deban actualizarse con demasiada frecuencia.
* Before starting thtoe translation of a new page, be sure that the current content is as stable as possible to avoid updating the translation too often.
* No marque ning&uacute;n idioma como prioritario al activar la traducci&oacute;n de una p&aacute;gina.
* Do not select a preferred language when marking a page to be translated.
* En la medida de lo posible, utilice ingl&eacute;s brit&aacute;nico.
* If  possible, use British English.
* No modifique directamente las p&aacute;ginas traducidas ni las marcas de traducci&oacute;n generadas en la p&aacute;gina original. Acceda al gestor de traducciones para visualizar los cambios pendientes de traducir o modificar traducciones anteriores.
* Do not directly modify neither translated pages nor the translation marks that will appear in the original page. Use the translation module to visualise pending changes or modify previous translations.
* Si una p&aacute;gina tiene una referencia a otra p&aacute;gina de esta wiki, es conveniente que la p&aacute;gina traducida redirija a la traducci&oacute;n correspondiente de la p&aacute;gina enlazada. Por ejemplo, si la p&aacute;gina ''A'' contiene un enlace a la p&aacute;gina ''B'' y tanto ''A'' como ''B'' han sido traducidas al ingl&eacute;s, la p&aacute;gina traducida de ''A'' ser&aacute; ''A/en'' y en ella se deber&aacute; referenciar a ''B/en'' en lugar de a ''B''.
* If a page links to another page of this wiki, it is recommended that the translated version of the first page includes a reference to the translated page of the second page. For example, if page ''A'' contains a link to page ''B'', and both ''A'' and ''B'' have been translated into English, the translated version of ''A'' will be ''A/en'' and it should link to ''B/en'' instead of ''B''.
* Para los enlaces a p&aacute;ginas web externas a esta wiki que soporten varios idiomas, se recomienda enlazar a la versi&oacute;n correspondiente al idioma de la p&aacute;gina actual.
* If a page contains a link to an external page supporting multiple languages, it is recommended to link to the corresponding version of the external page.
<h3>Subida de archivos</h3>
<h3>File upload</h3>
* Todos aquellos archivos que no sean im&aacute;genes deben enviarse a la direcci&oacute;n de correo SEBASENet&#64; El administrador le indicar&aacute; las pautas necesarias para referenciar los ficheros una vez est&eacute;n disponibles.
* With the exception of images, users cannot upload files directly. Please contact the administrator by email (, who will give you detailed instructions to link the files once they are available.
<h3>Perfil de usuario</h3>
<h3>User's profile</h3>
* Puede acceder a su perfil de usuario desde el men&uacute; de opciones o a trav&eacute;s de la p&aacute;gina especial ''Usuario:Nombre''.
* The page containing the user's profile can be accessed from the options menu or visiting the special page ''Usuario:Name''.
* Complete su informaci&oacute;n de contacto siguiendo el estilo de la plantilla Foreground y la clase [ vcard]. Puede ver un ejemplo [ aqu&iacute;].
* Please, complete your contact information using the Foreground style and the [ vcard] class. An example can be found [ here].

Revisión actual del 19:03 24 jun 2016

General recommendations

For any question regarding content edition, please contact the web administrator by email:

Use of special characters


  • It is recommended to read the translation guidelines before doing any translation.
  • Before starting thtoe translation of a new page, be sure that the current content is as stable as possible to avoid updating the translation too often.
  • Do not select a preferred language when marking a page to be translated.
  • If possible, use British English.
  • Do not directly modify neither translated pages nor the translation marks that will appear in the original page. Use the translation module to visualise pending changes or modify previous translations.
  • If a page links to another page of this wiki, it is recommended that the translated version of the first page includes a reference to the translated page of the second page. For example, if page A contains a link to page B, and both A and B have been translated into English, the translated version of A will be A/en and it should link to B/en instead of B.
  • If a page contains a link to an external page supporting multiple languages, it is recommended to link to the corresponding version of the external page.

File upload

  • With the exception of images, users cannot upload files directly. Please contact the administrator by email (, who will give you detailed instructions to link the files once they are available.

User's profile

  • The page containing the user's profile can be accessed from the options menu or visiting the special page Usuario:Name.
  • Please, complete your contact information using the Foreground style and the vcard class. An example can be found here.