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Línea 8: Línea 8:
* Jos&eacute; R&aacute;ul Romero (University of C&oacute;rdoba)
* Jos&eacute; Ra&uacute;l Romero (University of C&oacute;rdoba)
* Francisco Chicano (University of M&aacute;laga)
* Francisco Chicano (University of M&aacute;laga)
=== ''Call for Papers'' ===
=== Accepted papers ===
Within the Software Engineering field, the appearance of synergies with other areas makes possible the discovery of new ways to solve traditionally complex problems, such as project management, software testing, verification and validation, model driven software engineering, software design, requirements engineering, etc. In this context, the application of search and optimization techniques has lead to the so-called Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE). These automatic techniques provide the engineer with computational solutions that reduce the efforts and human costs required to their resolution.
The full list of accepted papers presented in the track is available from the [ SISTEDES online library]:
Another type of algorithm techniques that can be applied to deal with Software Engineering problems is machine learning, a field within Artificial Intelligence that generates solutions based on learning from past experiences. It greatly improves the performance when solving specific problems like learning failure models, requirement extraction, cost prediction, etc. There are also interesting approaches in the context of decision support systems and data mining, whose study deserves further attention. Finally, another research area related with this track is Empirical Software Engineering, which is focused on drawing conclusions from experiments validated by statistical methods.
{|  class="wikitable"
|P. Delgado-P&eacute;rez, I. Medina-Bulo, S. Segura, A. Garc&iacute;a-Dom&iacute;nguez, J.J. Dom&iacute;nguez-Jim&eacute;nez. ''Prueba de Mutaci&oacute;n Evolutiva Aplicada a Sistemas Orientados a Objetos''
|I. Del &Aacute;guila, J. Del Sagrado, A. Bosch. ''Flujo de trabajo para la experimentaci&oacute;n colaborativa en Ingenier&iacute;a del Software guiada por b&uacute;squeda''
|F. Palomo-Lozano, I. Del &Aacute;guila, I. Medina-Bulo. ''Un algoritmo h&iacute;brido para el problema NRP con interdependencias''
| F. Chicano, M.&Aacute;. Dom&iacute;nguez, I. Del &Aacute;guila, J. Del Sagrado, E. Alba. ''Dos estrategias de b&uacute;squeda anytime basadas en programaci&oacute;n lineal entera para resolver el problema de selecci&oacute;n de requisitos''
|J. Ferrer, F. Chicano, R.E. Lopez-Herrejon, E. Alba. ''Aplicando programación lineal entera a la b&uacute;squeda de conjuntos de productos de prueba priorizados para l&iacute;neas de productos software''
|A. Ram&iacute;rez, J.A. Molina, J.R. Romero, S. Ventura. ''Estudio de mecanismos de hibridaci&oacute;n para el descubrimiento evolutivo de arquitecturas''
|I. Barba, A. Lanz, A. Jim&eacute;nez-Ram&iacute;rez, B. Weber, M. Reichert, C. Del Valle. ''Providing Support for the Optimized Management of Declarative Processes''
|J.A. Parejo, A. Ram&iacute;rez, J.R. Romero, S. Segura, A. Ruiz-Cort&eacute;s. ''Configuraci&oacute;n guiada por b&uacute;squeda de aplicaciones basadas en microservicios en la nube''
|F. Palomo-Lozano, A. Estero-Botaro, I. Medina-Bulo. ''Minimizaci&oacute;n de conjuntos de casos de prueba en la prueba de mutaciones de composiciones BPEL''
|A. Jim&eacute;nez-Ram&iacute;rez, B. Weber, I. Barba, C. Del Valle. ''Generating optimized configurable business process models in scenarios subject to uncertainty''
|A. Ram&iacute;rez, J.R. Romero, S. Ventura. ''An approach for the evolutionary discovery of software architectures''
|G.D. Pascual, M. Pinto, L. Fuentes. ''Self-adaptation of mobile systems driven by the Common Variability Language''

Revisión actual del 20:27 28 jul 2017

SBSE Track in JISBD 2016

General information

The Spanish Conference on Software Engineering and Databases (JISBD) is a research forum for researchers from Spain, Portugal and South America working on these fields. The Ibero-American community around these research areas finds in JISBD an annual meeting point where researchers can present, discuss and interchange their research works and ideas, and network. The XXI edition is co-located with the V Spanish Congress on Computer Science (CEDI). JISBD is a multi-conference where the II Track on Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE) will be held.

Location and date: Salamanca, September, 13-16.


  • José Raúl Romero (University of Córdoba)
  • Francisco Chicano (University of Málaga)

Accepted papers

The full list of accepted papers presented in the track is available from the SISTEDES online library:

P. Delgado-Pérez, I. Medina-Bulo, S. Segura, A. García-Domínguez, J.J. Domínguez-Jiménez. Prueba de Mutación Evolutiva Aplicada a Sistemas Orientados a Objetos Icono textoweb.png
I. Del Águila, J. Del Sagrado, A. Bosch. Flujo de trabajo para la experimentación colaborativa en Ingeniería del Software guiada por búsqueda Icono textoweb.png
F. Palomo-Lozano, I. Del Águila, I. Medina-Bulo. Un algoritmo híbrido para el problema NRP con interdependencias Icono textoweb.png
F. Chicano, M.Á. Domínguez, I. Del Águila, J. Del Sagrado, E. Alba. Dos estrategias de búsqueda anytime basadas en programación lineal entera para resolver el problema de selección de requisitos Icono textoweb.png
J. Ferrer, F. Chicano, R.E. Lopez-Herrejon, E. Alba. Aplicando programación lineal entera a la búsqueda de conjuntos de productos de prueba priorizados para líneas de productos software Icono textoweb.png
A. Ramírez, J.A. Molina, J.R. Romero, S. Ventura. Estudio de mecanismos de hibridación para el descubrimiento evolutivo de arquitecturas Icono textoweb.pngIcono presentacion.png
I. Barba, A. Lanz, A. Jiménez-Ramírez, B. Weber, M. Reichert, C. Del Valle. Providing Support for the Optimized Management of Declarative Processes Icono textoweb.png
J.A. Parejo, A. Ramírez, J.R. Romero, S. Segura, A. Ruiz-Cortés. Configuración guiada por búsqueda de aplicaciones basadas en microservicios en la nube Icono textoweb.png
F. Palomo-Lozano, A. Estero-Botaro, I. Medina-Bulo. Minimización de conjuntos de casos de prueba en la prueba de mutaciones de composiciones BPEL Icono textoweb.png
A. Jiménez-Ramírez, B. Weber, I. Barba, C. Del Valle. Generating optimized configurable business process models in scenarios subject to uncertainty Icono textoweb.png
A. Ramírez, J.R. Romero, S. Ventura. An approach for the evolutionary discovery of software architectures Icono textoweb.pngIcono presentacion.png
G.D. Pascual, M. Pinto, L. Fuentes. Self-adaptation of mobile systems driven by the Common Variability Language Icono textoweb.png