SEBASENet start-up meeting
General information
Location and date: Seville, 26th February 2016, 10:30h.
- 10:30h - SEBASENet presentation and start-up (I. Medina)
- 10:50h - Short presentation of research groups (Chair: J.R. Romero)
- 12:30h - Working session I (Chair: S. Segura)
- 16:00h - Working session II (Chair: J.A. Parejo)
- 17:30h - Upcoming events, join activities and ideas (Chair: F. Chicano)
- 18.00h - Closing session
- Beatriz Bernárdez
- Raquel Blanco
- Francisco Chicano
- Isabel del Águila
- José Javier Dolado
- Antonia Estero
- Inmaculada Medina
- Daniel Molina
- Francisco Palomo
- José Antonio Parejo
- Aurora Ramírez
- Daniel Rodríguez
- José Rául Romero
- Antonio Ruiz
- Sergio Segura
- Javier Troya
- SEBASENet presentation (in Spanish)
- UCASE research group presentation (University of Cádiz) (in Spanish)