Course Recommendation based on Sequences: An Emerging Sequential Pattern Mining Approach

This website contains additional information about the paper Course Recommendation based on Sequences: An Emerging Pattern Mining Approach.
Below, we show the correspondence between course IDs for the Faculty of Business and the Faculty of Information Technology. Additionally, the complete sets of solutions retrieved by the algorithm is also presented for each faculty.

Faculty of Business

The correspondence between the IDs and course names can be consulted at Table 1.

Course ID Course Name
1 MRK151
2 HR251
3 ISLS301
4 FINA353
5 HHSM305
6 HHSM306
7 FINA251
8 MRK456
9 ISLS201
10 ACC252
11 ACC251
12 ISLS101
13 ELI103
14 STAT111
15 COMM102
16 MRK455
17 MRK152
18 HHSM303
19 HHSM304
20 HHSM423
21 ARAB201
22 ARAB101
23 HR423
24 MRK253
25 HR306
26 MISY251
27 MISY321
28 HHSM412
29 HHSM411
30 CPIT100
31 ELI101
32 ELI102
33 ELCA110
34 FINA252
35 HHSM307
36 ISLS401
37 HHSM302
38 HHSM301
39 HHSM415
40 HHSM414
41 HHSM413
42 HR303
43 BLA251
44 COMM101
45 MATH111
46 MRK354
47 HR321
48 ACC413
49 ACC415
50 ACC414
51 ACC491
52 ACC304
53 ACC301
54 ACC303
55 ACC302
56 ACC412
57 ACC305
58 ACC306
59 ACC411
60 HR411
61 HHSM321
62 HR413
63 BLA412
64 BLA414
65 BLA413
66 BLA415
67 HR304
68 BLA304
69 BLA303
70 BLA305
71 BLA306
72 BLA411
73 BLA491
74 BLA321
75 ELCA100
76 BLA301
77 BLA302
78 HR414
79 HR302
80 HR301
81 ELI104
82 STAT110
83 HR305
84 MATH110
85 BIO110
86 HR415
87 CHEM110
88 BLA322
89 HR412
90 HR491
91 HR322
92 PHYS110
93 MRK306
94 MRK321
95 MRK415
96 MRK303
97 FINA413
98 FINA412
99 FINA411
100 FINA321
101 FINA302
102 FINA303
103 FINA306
104 FINA304
105 FINA305
106 MISY322
107 FINA301
108 FINA491
109 FINA415
110 FINA414
111 AGR451
112 AGR333
113 BL424
114 BL432
115 BL233
116 BL220
117 BL321
118 BL361
119 MRK302
120 MRK423
121 MRK322
122 MRK414
123 MISY306
124 MISY305
125 MISY491
126 MISY415
127 MISY301
128 MISY302
129 MISY304
130 MISY303
131 MISY412
132 MISY413
133 MISY411
134 MISY414
135 MRK301
136 MRK305
137 MRK304
138 MRK491
139 MRK412
140 MRK411
141 MRK413
142 BLA423
143 FINA322
144 BL230
145 BL235
146 BUS420
147 BL470
148 ELCS110
149 BUS425
150 IS211
151 BL101
152 BL305
153 HSA474
154 MISY423
155 BL362
156 BL491
157 BL260
158 ELCA101
159 ENGL205
160 ENGL208
161 HHSM322
162 FINA423
163 ELCA102
164 ISLS341
165 ISLS437
166 ACC321
167 BL350
168 IS105
169 PE120
170 PE104
171 PE164
172 HRMA445
173 CHEM205
174 BLA492
175 ISLS211
176 BLA309
177 BL463
178 BLA432
179 SOC210
180 BL340
181 ACCT315
182 ACC322
183 BLA435
184 BLA434
185 BLA431
186 BLA471
187 BLA433
188 BLA307
189 BLA308
190 BLA312
191 BLA311
192 BLA310
193 COM205
194 BLA473
195 BLA472
196 BLA211
197 BLA474
198 ACC253
199 BLA212
200 FINA253
201 ELIA103
202 ELIA104
203 CPIT111
204 BLA373
205 BL380
206 BL471
207 BL323
208 HSA305
209 HSA372
210 HSA476
Table 1: List of courses IDs and their respective names for the Faculty of Business.

The complete set of solutions retrieved by the algorithm for the Faculty of Business is summarized at Table 2.

Path # Fitness # Support # GR
30 -1 11 43 -1 0,295 0,719 1,694
44 -1 11 43 -1 0,294 0,724 1,685
11 43 -1 0,286 0,724 1,654
10 7 -1 0,280 0,639 1,781
30 -1 10 -1 46 -1 0,246 0,802 1,442
45 -1 11 43 -1 0,239 0,637 1,603
14 -1 11 43 -1 0,238 0,630 1,609
10 -1 46 -1 0,234 0,807 1,409
22 -1 11 43 -1 0,230 0,644 1,557
30 -1 10 -1 3 -1 0,229 0,333 3,224
30 -1 2 43 -1 0,229 0,726 1,46
12 -1 11 43 -1 0,227 0,644 1,546
21 -1 3 -1 0,227 0,722 1,46
44 -1 2 43 -1 0,224 0,729 1,444
26 43 -1 0,223 0,738 1,432
10 -1 3 -1 0,219 0,333 2,937
15 -1 11 43 -1 0,218 0,634 1,523
2 43 -1 24 -1 0,217 0,644 1,509
2 43 -1 0,216 0,731 1,421
158 -1 3 -1 0,216 0,255 6,629
158 -1 21 -1 0,216 0,255 6,629
158 -1 0,216 0,255 6,629
158 -1 26 -1 0,216 0,255 6,629
163 -1 0,214 0,248 7,422
158 -1 10 -1 0,213 0,250 6,682
158 -1 4 -1 0,213 0,250 6,682
11 26 -1 0,212 0,672 1,461
10 -1 8 -1 0,20 0,866 1,301
22 -1 10 -1 3 -1 0,197 0,292 3,077
10 24 -1 0,191 0,524 1,574
158 -1 8 -1 0,189 0,226 6,052
30 -1 2 -1 3 -1 0,172 0,781 1,283
2 43 -1 1 -1 0,166 0,205 5,203
88 -1 0,161 0,465 1,532
45 -1 2 43 -1 0,158 0,627 1,337
14 -1 2 43 -1 0,155 0,620 1,334
11 21 -1 0,151 0,542 1,386
22 -1 2 43 -1 0,150 0,637 1,309
158 -1 11 43 -1 0,149 0,163 11,496
163 -1 11 43 -1 0,146 0,158 13,023
163 -1 88 -1 0,146 0,156 15,395
158 -1 2 43 -1 0,145 0,160 10,574
11 17 -1 0,139 0,163 6,998
163 -1 2 43 -1 0,139 0,153 10,83
15 -1 2 43 -1 0,139 0,634 1,281
12 -1 2 43 -1 0,138 0,632 1,278
2 26 -1 0,135 0,665 1,255
30 -1 10 -1 20 -1 0,132 0,307 1,753
10 -1 20 -1 0,131 0,309 1,736
12 -1 10 -1 20 -1 0,130 0,302 1,756
Table 2: Complete set of 50 solutions returned by the algorithm. Columns refers to the path, fitness, support and growth rate of each solution.

Faculty of Information Technology

The correspondence between course IDs and names is represented at Table 3.

Course ID Course Name
1 CPCS202
2 COMM102
3 CPCS203
4 ELI103
5 ELI102
6 CPCS222
7 ISLS401
8 MATH110
9 PHYS110
10 STAT210
11 SOC210
12 STAT110
13 ELI104
14 ISLS201
15 ISLS101
16 ISLS301
17 CPIS428
18 CPIT100
19 CPIT210
20 CPIT220
21 CPIT201
22 CPIS334
23 CHEM110
24 COM205
25 COMM101
26 CPCS204
27 ARAB101
28 BIO110
29 ARAB201
30 CPIT252
31 CPIT305
32 CPIT285
33 CPIT260
34 CPIT280
35 CPIT345
36 CPIT340
37 CPIT330
38 CPIT380
39 CPIT370
40 CPIT470
41 CPIT435
42 CPIT425
43 CPIT405
44 CPIT440
45 ELI101
46 CPIT499
47 CPIT498
48 CPIT490
49 CPIT250
50 CPIT240
51 CPIT221
52 CPIT251
53 HIST221
54 ASTR201
55 CPIT375
56 CPIT475
57 CPCS381
58 CPCS494
59 CPCS498
60 CPCS425
61 CPCS391
62 CPCS499
63 CPCS214
64 CPCS223
65 CPCS301
66 CPCS241
67 CPCS302
68 CPCS353
69 CPCS351
70 CPCS371
71 CPCS361
72 CPCS331
73 CPCS324
74 MATH202
75 STAT352
76 CHEM202
77 CPCS211
78 CPCS212
79 CPCS473
80 CPCS372
81 LANF221
82 ISLS213
83 ISLS212
84 BIO202
85 COM204
86 ASTR202
87 ARAB231
88 ISLS211
89 ARAB211
90 CPIT455
91 ECON204
92 BIO221
93 CPIT456
94 CS201
95 COM201
96 HIST333
97 CPCS403
98 CPCS405
99 CPCS454
100 PE164
101 IS221
102 CPIS222
103 CPIS250
104 CPIS220
105 CPIS210
106 CPIS240
107 CPIS312
108 MRKT260
109 PHYS202
110 PHYS281
111 CPIS380
112 CPIS434
113 CPIS424
114 CPIS499
115 CPIS490
116 CPIS483
117 CPIS498
118 CPIS342
119 CPIS351
120 CPIS358
121 CPIS357
122 CPIS352
123 CPIS354
124 CPIS370
125 BUS230
126 BUS320
127 CHEM281
128 ACCT333
129 CPIS464
130 BUS220
131 BUS233
132 AGR344
133 CPIT323
134 COM465
135 PSY242
136 ISLS343
137 CPIS382
138 CPIS486
139 AGR204
140 AGR232
141 AGR262
142 ISLS444
143 PE120
144 SOC211
145 IS105
146 GEOG211
147 PHYS203
148 CHS231
149 FNU111
150 BIO200
151 CPCS433
152 CPCS482
153 HIST475
154 HIST341
155 HIST335
156 HIST343
157 PSY211
158 FSE241
159 GEOG221
160 IS211
161 CLT352
162 BUS232
163 CPIS420
164 CPIS320
165 GEOG235
166 HIST482
167 FSE424
168 FSE342
169 FSE442
170 HHM332
171 HIST426
172 PSY351
173 HIST448
174 HIST362
175 GEOG454
176 ISLS210
177 CPCS466
178 AGR451
179 AGR404
180 AGR354
181 PSY446
182 GEOG324
183 AGR333
184 LANE335
185 LANE332
186 PE104
187 SOC231
188 SOC335
189 SOC321
190 SOC324
191 SOC332
192 IS251
193 ARAB212
194 ARAB251
195 CPIS241
196 CPIS363
197 BIOC371
198 HIST223
199 GEOG236
200 HHM320
201 CPCS432
202 ECON101
203 CHS213
204 GEOG332
205 PSY343
206 HHM321
207 HHM246
208 FSE121
209 CHEM205
210 ECON107
211 PS111
212 GEOG313
213 HHM341
214 PS101
215 HHM120
216 FSE443
217 HIST334
218 CPCS463
219 GEOG467
220 ISLS231
221 CPCS474
222 HHM340
223 BL350
224 COIT283
225 COIS463
226 COCS456
227 COCS222
228 COIS448
229 COIS412
Table 3: List of courses IDs and their respective names for the Faculty of Information Technology.

The complete set of solutions returned by the algorithm for the Faculty of Information Technology is shown at Table 4.

Path # Fitness # Support # GR
38 -1 35 47 -1 0,409 0,565 3,625
6 -1 35 47 -1 0,409 0,565 3,625
50 -1 39 -1 35 47 -1 0,400 0,541 3,846
19 -1 35 47 -1 0,399 0,565 3,405
51 -1 35 47 -1 0,399 0,565 3,405
16 -1 35 47 -1 0,399 0,565 3,405
6 -1 30 -1 35 47 -1 0,397 0,553 3,55
7 -1 35 47 -1 0,395 0,541 3,714
29 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
39 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
15 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
8 9 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
28 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
12 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
25 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
4 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
26 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
21 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
30 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
5 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
49 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
9 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
18 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
50 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
25 -1 27 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
27 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
14 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
1 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
13 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
3 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
52 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
45 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
33 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
8 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
34 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
23 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
20 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
32 -1 35 47 -1 0,394 0,565 3,305
10 -1 35 47 -1 0,382 0,553 3,236
8 -1 31 -1 35 47 -1 0,380 0,541 3,365
31 -1 35 47 -1 0,380 0,541 3,365
37 -1 35 47 -1 0,375 0,541 3,263
27 -1 22 -1 35 47 -1 0,374 0,529 3,398
22 -1 35 47 -1 0,374 0,529 3,398
6 -1 31 -1 0,372 0,624 2,482
33 50 -1 0,370 0,576 2,798
30 -1 35 -1 0,370 0,576 2,798
31 37 -1 35 47 -1 0,368 0,494 3,933
35 47 -1 41 -1 0,360 0,506 3,471
Table 4: Complete set of 50 solutions returned by the algorithm. Columns refers to the path, fitness, support and growth rate of each solution.

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