Conference Timeline and Information


First day of conference June 10, 2021
Last day of conference June 11, 2021


Go Live (as a Current Conference) December 10, 2019
Move to Conference Archive June 12, 2021


Author registration opened December 13, 2019
Author registration closed March 15, 2021
Call for Papers posted September 1, 2019
Submissions accepted November 15, 2020
Submissions closed September 15, 2020


Reviewer registration opened December 13, 2019
Reviewer registration closed December 31, 2019

Website Posting

November 15, 2020
October 30, 2021

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

The University of Cordoba (Spain) and University College of London (UK) are proud to announce the Second E-Expert Seminar in Translation and Language Teaching about: Taking Stock of Recent Advances in Pedagogical Translation and Foreign Language Education.

This second virtual expert seminar aims to create a shared space for reflection on topics related to translation and language teaching. The conference will be held in English and Spanish using Adobe Connect, a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact.