
Registration Contact

Maria Azahara Veroz González

Payment can be made by bank transfer to:

  • To: Universidad de Córdoba
  • Concept: UG_603150_Surname_Name
  • Bank Account: ES77 0049 2420 3127 1462 6725
  • Bank: Banco Santander, SA
  • Address: Avenida Gran Capitán, 8. Córdoba (Spain)

NOTE: Your payment will be deposited directly into the general account of the University of Cordoba and will subsequently be transferred to the account of the E-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Language Teaching. In order to register for the conference, it is very important that you complete the above fields with the correct information when making the fee payment.  Once you make your payment, please reply to this e-mail ( with an attached copy of your bank receipt.

Registration Types

Registration type Access Available From Available Until Access Expires Cost
Only attendance
Without certificate and free of charges
Online February 4, 2020 May 10, 2020 0.00 (EUR)
With PDF Certificate of Attendance
Certificates will be sent by email
Online February 4, 2020 May 1, 2020 5.00 (EUR)
With Certificate of Attendance (by post)
Certificates will be sent by post
Online February 4, 2020 May 1, 2020 10.00 (EUR)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.