- October 17, 2022 – October 17, 2022
- October 18, 2022 – October 18, 2022
- October 19, 2022 – October 19, 2022
- October 20, 2022 – October 20, 2022
- October 20, 2022 – October 20, 2022
- October 21, 2022 – October 23, 2022
E-Expert Seminar 6: Feminism and Gender Awareness in Modern Foreign Languages and Translation
THE EVENT WILL BE CAPTIONED ONLINE! The University of Cordoba (Spain) and University College London (UK) are proud to announce the 6th e-Expert Seminar in Translation and Language Teaching about Feminism and Gender Awareness in Modern Foreign Languages and Translation. This sixth virtual expert seminar aims to create a shared space for reflection on topics related to translation and language teaching. The conference will be held in English and Spanish using a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact.
6th e-Expert Seminar: Feminism and Gender Awareness in Modern Foreign Languages and Translation
5th E-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Language Teaching
The University of Cordoba (Spain) and University College of London (UK) are proud to announce the Fifth E-Expert Seminar in Translation and Language Teaching about LGBTQI+ Issues in Modern Languages and Translation Education.
This fifth virtual expert seminar aims to create a shared space for reflection on topics related to translation and language teaching. The conference will be held in English and Spanish using a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact.
LGTBQI+ Issues in Modern Languages and Translation Education
(ONLINE RESEARCH EVENT. Free live broadcast from University College London, UK)
Date and time of event: Wednesday 16th June 2021, time: TBC.The University of Cordoba (Spain) and University College of London (UK) are proud to announce the Fifth E-Expert Seminar in Translation and Language Teaching about LGBTQ+ Issues in Modern Languages and Translation Education.
This fifth virtual expert seminar aims to create a shared space for reflection on topics related to translation and language teaching. The conference will be held in English and Spanish using a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact.
4th E-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Language Teaching
The University of Cordoba (Spain) and University College of London (UK) are proud to announce the Forth E-Expert Seminar in Translation and Language Teaching about Media Accessibility in Modern Languages and Translation
This forth virtual expert seminar aims to create a shared space for reflection on topics related to translation and language teaching. The conference will be held in English and Spanish using a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact.
Media Accessibility in Modern Languages and Translation
(ONLINE RESEARCH EVENT. Free live broadcast from University of Cordoba, Spain)
Date and time of event: Monday 11th May 2020. From 10:15 - 17:30 (Madrid Time).
Guest link: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/17b1204655c9428299168107bde6beb1
2nd International e-Conference on Translation: Translation, Mediation and Accessibility for Linguistic Minorities
The University of Cordoba (Spain) and Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany) are proud to announce the 2nd International e-Conference on Translation with the title: Translation, mediation and accessibility for linguistic minorities.
Following the remarkable success of the 1st e-Conference on translation Translation in and for Society. Investigating Sociological and Cultural Aspects in Literary and Specialised Domains (26-28 September 2017) and the 1st International Conference Translating Minorities and Conflict in Literature (Córdoba, 10-11 June 2020), this second virtual conference aims to create a shared space for reflection on topics related to translation and mediation for linguistic minorities and minority languages.
The conference will be held in English using Adobe Connect, a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact. Adobe Connect opens right in your browser, so you don’t have to install any software to join the conference. Technical support and tests shall be provided prior to the conference.
Alternatively, speakers may record their presentations and send their video as an mp4-file prior to the conference.
Translation, Mediation and Accessibility for Linguistics Minorities
September 24, 2020 – September 25, 2020The University of Cordoba (Spain) and Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany) are proud to announce the 2nd International e-Conference on Translation with the title: Translation, mediation and accessibility for linguistic minorities.
Following the remarkable success of the 1st e-Conference on translation Translation in and for Society. Investigating Sociological and Cultural Aspects in Literary and Specialised Domains (26-28 September 2017) and the 1st International Conference Translating Minorities and Conflict in Literature (Córdoba, 10-11 June 2020), this second virtual conference aims to create a shared space for reflection on topics related to translation and mediation for linguistic minorities and minority languages.
The conference will be held in English and Spanish using Adobe Connect, a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact. Adobe Connect opens right in your browser, so you don’t have to install any software to join the conference. Technical support and tests shall be provided prior to the conference.
Alternatively, speakers may record their presentations and send their video as an mp4-file prior to the conference.
1st International Conference: Translating Minorities and Conflict in Literature
Moreover, in a world where ‘minority’ is understood as a struggle against the mainstream and where Anglo-American-led processes of globalization and cultural export are reshaping transnational literary production and circulation, translation flows from minor and minoritized languages are largely uneven. Since the publication of The Manipulation of Literature (Hermans, 1985), Comparative Literature scholars have been obliged to confront the manipulation involved in any cultural transfer, particularly through translation. Institutions of culture and the state play an important role in determining the ways texts cross tangible and intangible borders.
Hermans denounced three types of marginalisation: the status of translation in Literary Studies and Comparative Literature, the peripheral position of translations in literary corpora, and the absolute supremacy of the source text. Underwriting these critiques, we welcome proposals dealing with non-canonized literature, objects of study rejected by dominant circles of culture and literary movements that aimed to destabilise established literary repertoires. More than three decades after their arrival, we want to (ap)praise the Manipulation school and Polysystem Theory for the vital role they played in the discipline of Translation Studies. Indeed, the Polysystem Theory focused on the target text as a manipulated text that was produced in a specific literary, historical, political and social context. As Snell-Hornby points out: “Translation is seen as a text type in its own right, as an integral part of the target culture and not merely as the reproduction of another text” (1988: 24). Their legacy was to help abolish epistemological slaveries that biased Otherness and made room for countercultural manifestations.
Their heuristic tools enabled the analysis of literature as a complex and dynamic system, stressed the necessary interaction between theory and practice, introduced a descriptive, target-text-oriented approach and laid the groundwork for the study of norms that condition the production and reception of translations within a specific context, the position of translations within the literary system and the interaction between different national literatures. With the cultural and the current sociological turns in mind, we would like to stress Bassnett and Lefevere’s words “Rewriting can introduce new concepts, new genres, new devices, and the history of translation is the history also of literary innovation, of the shaping power of one culture upon another. But rewriting can also repress innovation, distort and contain, and in an age of everincreasing manipulation of all kinds, the study of the manipulative processes of literature as exemplified by translation can help us toward a greater awareness of the world in which we live” (1993; vii).
Translating minorities and conflict in literature
Following in the footsteps of recent conferences (Translation and Minority, University of Ottawa, 2016; Justice and minorized languages under a postmonolingual order, Castelló de la Plana, 2017) and publications (Translation and minority, lesser-used and lesser-translated languages and cultures, JoSTrans, 2015), the aim of this conference is to explore the ways in which translating literature can serve to protect and empower minority, minor and lesser-used languages, both in contexts of multilingualism where the power balance of the languages spoken in the same country is often unequal, and in situations of conflict, where authors and translators face the threat of physical harm, coercion, censorship and/or exile. In this way, “the struggle to sustain languages in danger often equally implies the need to redress longstanding problems of marginalisation, stigmatisation and misrepresentation” (Folaron 2015: 16). Moreover, in a world where ‘minority’ is understood as a struggle against the mainstream and where Anglo-American-led processes of globalization and cultural export are reshaping transnational literary production and circulation, translation flows from minor and minoritized languages are largely uneven.
Since the publication of The Manipulation of Literature (Hermans, 1985), Comparative Literature scholars have been obliged to confront the manipulation involved in any cultural transfer, particularly through translation. Institutions of culture and the state play an important role in determining the ways texts cross tangible and intangible borders. Hermans denounced three types of marginalisation: the status of translation in Literary Studies and Comparative Literature, the peripheral position of translations in literary corpora, and the absolute supremacy of the source text. Underwriting these critiques, we welcome proposals dealing with non-canonized literature, objects of study rejected by dominant circles of culture and literary movements that aimed to destabilise established literary repertoires.
More than three decades after their arrival, we want to (ap)praise the Manipulation school and Polysystem Theory for the vital role they played in the discipline of Translation Studies. Indeed, the Polysystem Theory focused on the target text as a manipulated text that was produced in a specific literary, historical, political and social context. As Snell-Hornby points out: “Translation is seen as a text type in its own right, as an integral part of the target culture and not merely as the reproduction of another text” (1988: 24).
Their legacy was to help abolish epistemological slaveries that biased Otherness and made room for countercultural manifestations. Their heuristic tools enabled the analysis of literature as a complex and dynamic system, stressed the necessary interaction between theory and practice, introduced a descriptive, target-text-oriented approach and laid the groundwork for the study of norms that condition the production and reception of translations within a specific context, the position of translations within the literary system and the interaction between different national literatures.
With the cultural and the current sociological turns in mind, we would like to stress Bassnett and Lefevere’s words “Rewriting can introduce new concepts, new genres, new devices, and the history of translation is the history also of literary innovation, of the shaping power of one culture upon another. But rewriting can also repress innovation, distort and contain, and in an age of everincreasing manipulation of all kinds, the study of the manipulative processes of literature as exemplified by translation can help us toward a greater awareness of the world in which we live” (1993; vii).
Following in the footsteps of recent conferences (Translation and Minority, University of Ottawa, 2016; Justice and minorized languages under a postmonolingual order, Castelló de la Plana, 2017) and publications (Translation and minority, lesser-used and lesser-translated languages and cultures, JoSTrans, 2015), the aim of this conference is to explore the ways in which translating literature can serve to protect and empower minority, minor and lesser-used languages, both in contexts of multilingualism where the power balance of the languages spoken in the same country is often unequal, and in situations of conflict, where authors and translators face the threat of physical harm, coercion, censorship and/or exile. In this way, “the struggle to sustain languages in danger often equally implies the need to redress longstanding problems of marginalisation, stigmatisation and misrepresentation” (Folaron 2015: 16). Moreover, in a world where ‘minority’ is understood as a struggle against the mainstream and where Anglo-American-led processes of globalization and cultural export are reshaping transnational literary production and circulation, translation flows from minor and minoritized languages are largely uneven. Since the publication of The Manipulation of Literature (Hermans, 1985), Comparative Literature scholars have been obliged to confront the manipulation involved in any cultural transfer, particularly through translation. Institutions of culture and the state play an important role in determining the ways texts cross tangible and intangible borders. Hermans denounced three types of marginalisation: the status of translation in Literary Studies and Comparative Literature, the peripheral position of translations in literary corpora, and the absolute supremacy of the source text. Underwriting these critiques, we welcome proposals dealing with non-canonized literature, objects of study rejected by dominant circles of culture and literary movements that aimed to destabilise established literary repertoires. More than three decades after their arrival, we want to (ap)praise the Manipulation school and Polysystem Theory for the vital role they played in the discipline of Translation Studies. Indeed, the Polysystem Theory focused on the target text as a manipulated text that was produced in a specific literary, historical, political and social context. As Snell-Hornby points out: “Translation is seen as a text type in its own right, as an integral part of the target culture and not merely as the reproduction of another text” (1988: 24). Their legacy was to help abolish epistemological slaveries that biased Otherness and made room for countercultural manifestations. Their heuristic tools enabled the analysis of literature as a complex and dynamic system, stressed the necessary interaction between theory and practice, introduced a descriptive, target-text-oriented approach and laid the groundwork for the study of norms that condition the production and reception of translations within a specific context, the position of translations within the literary system and the interaction between different national literatures. With the cultural and the current sociological turns in mind, we would like to stress Bassnett and Lefevere’s words “Rewriting can introduce new concepts, new genres, new devices, and the history of translation is the history also of literary innovation, of the shaping power of one culture upon another. But rewriting can also repress innovation, distort and contain, and in an age of everincreasing manipulation of all kinds, the study of the manipulative processes of literature as exemplified by translation can help us toward a greater awareness of the world in which we live” (1993; vii).
3rd E-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Language Teaching
3rd E-Expert Seminar in Translation and Language Teaching
(ONLINE RESEARCH EVENT. Free live broadcast from University College London's School of European Languages, Culture and Society, Gower Street, WC1E 6BT London, UK)
Date and time of event: Wednesday 4th December 2019, 1 .45 – 6.30 pm (UK time).
e-Expert Seminar Series:Translation and Language Teaching
The University of Cordoba (Spain) and University College of London (UK) are proud to announce the Second E-Expert Seminar in Translation and Language Teaching about: Taking Stock of Recent Advances in Pedagogical Translation and Foreign Language Education.
This second virtual expert seminar aims to create a shared space for reflection on topics related to translation and language teaching. The conference will be held in English and Spanish using Adobe Connect, a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact.
e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Languages Teaching
e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Languages Teaching
AVT: Current Perspectives and Applications
39th International Colloquium of the International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in Agriculture
The 39th International Colloquium of the International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in Agriculture will be held in...

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