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D e p a r t a m e n t  

Electronics and Computer Engineering

Department's Location

Head of the department

Administrative staff


The University of Cordoba Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering is a Andalusia-leading department in the provision of post-graduate education in research and taught degrees. It is one of Spanish more active engineering departments and has a wide range of research areas.

Our objectives are:

  • To educate students to the highest possible academic standards, leading to the award of both taught higher degrees and degrees by research.
  • To prepare graduate students for a career in Engineering.
  • To provide students with transferable skills in communications, teamwork and ethics.
  • To support students in attending technical conferences and other organized scientific events.

Departamental sections:

Academic staff by areas

Doctoral programmes

  • Computación avanzada, energía y plasmas
  • Master’s Programmes

  • Industrial Process Control
  • Renewable Distributed Energy
  • Degrees Programmes

    Research groups