Martínez-Jauregui, M. et al. (2015)

Martínez-Jauregui, M.,  Herruzo A.C., Carranza, J., Torres-Porras, J., Campos, P. (2016) Environmental Price of Game Animal Stocks, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 21:1, 1-17

Research has addressed the valuation of hunting and game species according to their extractive value, using both market and no market methodologies. This study provides a new perspective to estimate environmental prices of game animals based on game hunting leases population dynamics, the assumption of a steady state, and the use of the residual valuation method. This, in turn, allows the calculations of the contributions of game animal stock by species, sex, and age. These values are estimated in a manner that is consistent with the exchange value of national accounts, allowing improvement of game species valuation in ecosystem accounting.

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