Workshop on Ungulate Management in the World with an European Perspective

Erice (Italy) 27-Oct-2013 / 1-Nov-2013
Directors of the workshop

Marco Apollonio and Rory Putman

Ungulates are an extraordinarily important group of animals worldwide, at a lot of biological levels [in terms of a remarkable biodiversity in their own right; in many cases, as keystone species with a disproportionate effect on the functioning of the wider ecological systems of which they form a part or as dominant species acting as ecological engineers; as a prey base for endangered or expanding populations of large carnivores] – but also culturally and economically, as a major source of protein in subsistence cultures and because of their wide exploitation in recreational hunting, which is still a major form of land-use in many countries.

The goal of the workshop will be to promote a comparison of the management experiences and policies of very different countries in face of completely different ungulate community in order to develop a better global approach to the sustainable exploitation of ungulates under different conditions. For further details:

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