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Backed by two centuries of history, the University of Cordoba was granted charter in 1972 and offers age-old disciplines such as Veterinary Medicine that are unique in Andalusia . However, its roots lie in the Universidad Libre, active in the province at the end of the 19th century. Today, this young, mid-sized university with 21,000 students, more than 1200 teaching faculty and 700 employees is a dynamic institution, having successfully adapted to the 21st-century demand for excellence in teaching and proven scientific expertise.

The fields of study offered at the University of Cordoba range from the Humanities, Legal and Social Sciences to the Health Sciences and Science and Technology - three areas equally represented by three main campuses: the Legal and Social Studies campus in the city centre, the Health Sciences campus in the western part of the city and Food and Agricultural Sciences alongside Science and Technology at Rabanales Campus to the east. The University also has a Technical School located 60 kilometres from the city in the town of Belmez .

Rabanales Campus is the best example of the process of modernization that characterizes the University. The campus houses the most advanced research and teaching facilities, while at the same time offering a number of complementary services, making it one of the most outstanding academic institutions in Andalusia . Most of the University's scientific activity takes place on Rabanales campus, placing the UCO at the forefront of research in Andalusia and ranking it among the top research institutions at the national level. Research and teaching are the two building blocks upon which the University is founded and represent the driving force behind our institution: excellence. The University of Cordoba also plays a key role in the development of the European Higher Education Area. Teaching, Research, Quality and a European orientation are, therefore, the four principles that guide the University today.

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