Lineas de investigación > El mundo chino del Imperio español

Los chinos y el modelo colonial español en Filipinas. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 2011, X, pp. 223-242

Filipinas fue el espacio de relaci?n de espa?oles y chinos durante m?s de tres siglos. Este trabajo trata
de mostrar c?mo fueron insertados los chinos dentro del mundo colonial espa?ol, las dificultades que
se presentaron y los medios empleados para resolverlas. Las funciones desempe?adas por los chinos en
Filipinas fueron tan importantes ?tan imprescindibles?, que se hicieron las adaptaciones necesarias para
conseguir un ?mbito de convivencia y entendimiento. Este modelo de relaci?n es un ejemplo de pragmatismo,
a pesar de las graves diferencias culturales y religiosas, y muestra, en cierto modo, la validez
del sistema imperial espa?ol como experiencia de mundo globalizado.
Palabras clave: chinos, espa?oles, relaciones, Filipinas, ?poca colonial.

The Chinese community and the Spanish model of colonization
in the Philippines
The Philippines were the physical space of a long relationship between the Spaniards and the Chinese
community for more than 300 years. The aim of this essay is to show how the Chinese were to be inserted
in the Spanish colonial world, the difficulties in this process, and the means which were used to solve
them. The role played by the Chinese community in the Philippines was of such an importance, of such
an essential nature, that every necessary accommodation was made to create an environment of understanding
and amicable coexistence. This model of relationship is an example of pragmatism, despite the
deep religious and cultural differences, and it proves, to some extent, the validity of the Spanish imperial
model as an experience in the first global world.
Key words: Chinese, Spanish, The Philippines, Relationships, Colonial Era.