Acceptance Rate

The 32nd IEEE CBMS International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2019) have been organized this year to give the opportunity of researchers around the globe to share their research outcomes in different tracks. One of the tracks introduced this year includes the presentation of research projects or showcases, aiming to show to the scientific community the type of competitive projects that are developed worldwide using public funds.

Apart from this track, we have also a Doctoral Consortium track, a Poster track, and 6 different special tracks (focused on specific topics) were proposed and organized.

The total number of submissions received for the whole conference was 174 (for all the tracks and possibilities). In terms of acceptance rate, we are considering only the numbers of the papers submitted to the research track and the different special tracks. The reason to do this is that tracks such as the «Research projects/showcase» aims to show descriptions and, when possible, incipient results. On the other hand, Doctoral Consortium papers are focused on allowing Ph.D. students to show their current results and to retrieve feedback by the panel of experts that will conform at CBMS. Finally, the posters are neither considered for the acceptance rate, because since although the poster papers will be included also in the proceedings (like any accepted submission), the acceptance rate is focused only on the oral presentations.

Based on this description, the current CBMS 2019 numbers are:

  • Number of submissions (all tracks): 174
  • Number of submissions considered for oral presentation (Research track and Special Tracks): 150
  • Number of submissions accepted for oral presentation (Research track and Special Tracks): 88

Acceptance rate: 56,96%