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Dr. F. Javier Romera

Dr. F. Javier Romera

Full professor
Department of Agronomy
+34 957 218572
Dr. Rafael Pérez Vicente

Dr. Rafael Pérez Vicente

Full professor
Department of Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology
+34 957 218390
Dr. Carlos Lucena León

Dr. Carlos Lucena León

Post-Doctoral Researcher
Department of Agronomy
+34 957 218488
Dr. María José García del Rosal

Dr. María José García del Rosal

Post-Doctoral Researcher
Department of Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology
+34 957 218488
Esther Aguilera Cuenca

Esther Aguilera Cuenca

PhD Student
Department of Agronomy
+34 957 218488
Inmaculada Montilla Teruel

Inmaculada Montilla Teruel
+34 957 218588


Book Chapters

Romera FJ, Lucena C, García MJ, Alcántara E, Angulo M, Aparicio MA, Pérez-Vicente R (2021). Plant hormones and nutrient deficiency responses.
In Hormones and Plant Response, Plant in Challenging Environments 2, Ed. Springer. Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN: 978-3-030-77477-6.

Romera FJ,  Lucena C, García MJ, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R (2017) The role of ethylene and other signals in the regulation of Fe deficiency responses by dicot plants.
In Stress Signaling in Plants: Genomics and Proteomics Perspectives, Vol 2, eds M Sarwat et al (Cham, Switzerland: Springer). 277-300. ISBN: 978-3-319-42182-7

Romera FJ,  Lucena C, García MJ, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R (2015) Regulation of Fe deficiency responses in wt pea and some of its mutants (brz and dgl).
In Pisum sativum: Cultivation, Functional Properties and Health Benefits, ed S Becket (New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc). 1-20. ISBN: 987-1-63463-230-0

Romera FJ, Lucena C, Alcántara E (2007) Plant hormones influencing iron uptake in plants.
In    Iron    Nutrition    in Plants and   Rhizospheric Microorganisms, eds  LL Barton & J Abadía (Dordrecht: Springer). 251-278. ISBN: 978-1-4020-4742-8


Jesús Sevillano-Caño, María José García, Clara Córdoba-Galván, Carmen Luque-Cruz, Carlos Agustí-Brisach, Carlos Lucena, José Ramos, Rafael Pérez-Vicente and Francisco Javier Romera (2024). Exploring the Role of Debaryomyces hansenii as Biofertilizer in Iron-Deficient Environments to Enhance Plant Nutrition and Crop Production Sustainability .
International Journal of Molecular science.  25, 5729
Doi: 10.3390/ijms25115729

Jorge Núñez-Cano, Francisco J. Romera, Pilar Prieto, María J. García, Jesús Sevillano-Caño, Carlos Agustí-Brisach, Rafael Pérez-Vicente, José Ramos and Carlos Lucena (2023). Effect of the Nonpathogenic Strain Fusarium oxysporum FO12 on Fe Acquisition in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plants.
 Plants, 12
doi: 10.3390/plants12173145

Francisco J. Romera, María J. García, Carlos Lucena, Macarena Angulo, Rafael Pérez-Vicente (2023). NO is not the same as GSNO in the regulation of Fe deficiency responses by dicot plants.
International Journal of Molecular science
doi: 10.3390/ ijms22094904

María José García, Francisco Javier Romera, Wenna Zhang, and Rafael Pérez-Vicente (2023). Role of shoot-derived signals in root responses to environmental changes.
Frontiers in Plant science, . 14, 1220592.
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1220592

Miguel A. Aparicio, Carlos Lucena, María J. García, Francisco J. Ruiz‑Castilla, Pablo Jiménez‑Adrián, Manuel S. López‑Berges, Pilar Prieto, Esteban Alcántara, Rafael Pérez‑Vicente, José Ramos, Francisco J. Romera (2023).  The nonpathogenic strain of Fusarium oxysporum FO12 induces Fe defciency responses in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants.
Planta. 257:50

García, M. J., Angulo, M., Romera, F. J., Lucena, C., Pérez-Vicente, R. (2022). A shoot derived long distance iron signal may act upstream of the IMA peptides in the regulation of Fe deficiency responses in Arabidopsis thaliana roots.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 13.

García, M. J., Angulo, M., Lucena, C., Pérez-Vicente, R., Romera, F. J. (2022). To grow or not to grow under nutrient scarcity: Target of rapamycin-ethylene is the question.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 13.

Lucena, C.; Alcalá‐Jiménez, M.T.; Romera, F.J.; Ramos, J. (2021) Several Yeast Species Induce Iron Deficiency Responses in Cucumber Plants (Cucumis sativus L.)
Microorganisms . 9, 2603.

María José García, Carlos Lucena and Francisco Javier Romera (2021). Ethylene and Nitric Oxide Involvement in the Regulation of Fe and P Deficiency Responses in Dicotyledonous Plant.
International Journal of Molecular science. 22: 4904.

García, M. J., Angulo, M., Lucena, C., Alcántara, E., Pérez-Vicente, R., & Romera, F. J. (2021). Influence of ethylene signaling in the crosstalk between Fe, S and P deficiency responses in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 643585.
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.643585

Macarena Angulo, María José García, Esteban Alcántara, Rafael Pérez-Vicente and Francisco Javier Romera (2021). Comparative Study of Several Fe Deficiency Responses in the Arabidopsis thaliana Ethylene Insensitive Mutants ein2-1 and ein2-5.
Plants. 10: 262.

Lucena C, Porras R, García MJ, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R, Zamarreño ÁM, Bacaicoa E, García-Mina JM, Smith AP and Romera FJ (2019). Ethylene and Phloem Signals Are Involved in the Regulation of Responses to Fe and P Deficiencies in Roots of Strategy I Plants.
Frontiers in Plant Science 10:1237
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01237

Romera FJ, García MJ, Lucena C, Martínez-Medina A, Aparicio MA, Ramos J, Alcántara E, Angulo M, Pérez-Vicente R (2019). Induced systemic resistance (ISR) and Fe deficiency responses in dicot plants.
Frontiers in Plant Science 10:287
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00287

Lucena C, Porras R, Romera FJ, Alcántara E, García MJ, Pérez-Vicente R (2018). Similarities and differences in the acquisition of Fe and P by dicot plants.
Agronomy 8:148
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy8080148

García MJ, Lucena C, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R, Ángel M. Zamarreño, Eva Bacaicoa, José M. García-Mina, Petra Bauer and Francisco J. Romera (2018). A shoot Fe signaling pathway requiring the OPT3 transporter controls GSNO reductase and ethylene in Arabidopsis thaliana roots.
Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1325
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01325

Lucena C, Romera FJ, García MJ, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R (2015). Ethylene participates in the regulation of Fe deficiency responses in Strategy I plants and in the rice.
Frontiers in Plant Science 6:1056
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01056

García MJ, Romera FJ, Lucena C, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R (2015).  Ethylene and the regulation of physiological and morphological responses to nutrient deficiencies.
Plant Physiology 169: 51-60

García MJ, García-Mateo MJ, Lucena C, Romera FJ, Rojas CL, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R (2014). Hypoxia and bicarbonate could block the expression of iron acquisition genes in Strategy I plants by affecting ethylene synthesis and signaling in different ways.
Physiologia Plantarum 150: 95-106.
DOI: 10.1111/ppl.12076

García MJ, Romera FJ, Stacey M, Stacey G, Villar E, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R (2013). Shoot to root communication is necessary to control the expression of iron-acquisition genes in Strategy I plants.
Planta 237: 65-75.
DOI: 10.1007/s00425-012-1757-0

Alcántara E, Montilla I, Ramírez P, García-Molina P, Romera FJ (2012). Evaluation of quince clones for tolerance to iron chlorosis on calcareous soil under field conditions.
Scientia Horticulturae 138: 50-54
DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2012.02.004

García MJ, Suárez V, Romera FJ, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R (2011). A new model involving ethylene, nitric oxide and Fe to explain the regulation of Fe acquisition genes in Strategy I plants.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49: 537-544
DOI: org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2011.01.019

Romera FJ, García MJ, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R (2011). Latest findings about the interplay or auxin, ethylene and nitric oxide in the regulation of Fe deficiency responses by Strategy I plants.
Plant Signaling and Behavior 6: 167-170
DOI: 10.4161/psb.6.1.14111

García MJ, Lucena C, Romera FJ, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R (2010). Ethylene and nitric oxide involvement in the up-regulation of key genes related to iron acquisition and homeostasis in Arabidopsis.
Journal of Experimental Botany 61: 3885-3899
DOI: org/10.1093/jxb/erq203

Benlloch-González M, Romera FJ, Cristescu S, Harren F, Fournier JM, Benlloch M (2010). K+ starvation inhibits water-stress-induced stomatal closure via ethylene synthesis in sunflower plants.
Journal of Experimental Botany 61: 1139-1145
DOI: org/10.1093/jxb/erp379

Rojas CL, Romera FJ, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R, Sariego C, García-Alonso JI, Boned J, Martí G (2008). The efficacy of Fe(o,o-EDDHA) and Fe(o,p-EDDHA) isomers in supplying Fe to Strategy I plants differs in nutrient solution and in calcareous soil.
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 56: 10774-10778
DOI: org/10.1021/jf8022589

Waters BM, Lucena C, Romera FJ, Jester GG, Wynn AN, Rojas CL, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R (2007). Ethylene involvement in the regulation of the H+-ATPase CsHA1 gene and of the new isolated ferric reductase CsFRO1 and iron transporter CsIRT1 genes in cucumber plants.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 45: 293-301

Lucena C, Romera FJ, Rojas CL, García MJ,  Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R (2007). Bicarbonate blocks the expression of several genes involved in the physiological responses to Fe deficiency of Strategy I plants.
Functional Plant Biology 34: 1002-1009
DOI: org/10.1071/FP07136

Alcántara E, de la Guardia MD, Montilla I, Romera FJ (2006). Interaction between ozone exposure and iron nutrition in two tobacco cultivars.
Journal of Plant Nutrition 29: 2245 – 2255
 DOI: org/10.1080/01904160600975228

Lucena C, Waters BM, Romera FJ, García MJ, Morales M, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R (2006). Ethylene could influence ferric reductase, iron transporter and H+-ATPase gene expression by affecting FER (or FER-like) gene activity.
Journal of Experimental Botany 57: 4145-4154
DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erl189

Romera FJ, Alcántara (2004). Ethylene involvement in the regulation of Fe-deficiency stress responses by Strategy I plants.
Functional Plant Biology 31: 315-328
DOI: 10.1071/fp03165

Romera FJ, Frejo V, Alcántara E (2003). Simultaneous Fe- and Cu-deficiency synergically accelerates the induction of several Fe-deficiency stress responses in Strategy I plants.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 41: 821-827
 DOI: org/10.1016/S0981-9428(03)00117-7

Lucena C, Montilla I, Romera FJ, Alcántara E (2003). Effects of several metals on both Fe(III)- and Cu(II)-reduction by roots of Fe-deficient cucumber plants.
Journal of Plant Nutrition 26: 2069-2079
DOI: org/10.1081/PLN-120024265

Alcántara E, Barra R, Benlloch M, Romera FJ et al (2001). Phytoremediation of a metal contaminated area in Southern Spain.
Minerva Biotecnologica 13: 33 – 35
DOI: org/10.5772/57469

Bohórquez J, Romera FJ, Alcántara E (2001). Effect of Fe(III), Zn(II) and Mn(II) on ferric reducing capacity and regreening process of the peach rootstock Nemaguard (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch).
Plant and Soil 237: 157-163
DOI: 10.1023/A:1013317718750

Alcántara E, Romera FJ, Cañete M, de la Guardia MD (2000) Effects of bicarbonate and iron supply on Fe(III) reducing capacity of roots and leaf chlorosis of the susceptible peach rootstock ‘Nemaguard’.
Journal of Plant Nutrition 23: 1607-1617
DOI: org/10.1080/01904160009382127

Romera FJ, Alcántara E, de la Guardia MD (1999). Ethylene production by Fe-deficient roots and its involvement in the regulation of Fe-deficiency stress responses by Strategy I plants.
Annals of Botany 83: 51-55
DOI: org/10.1006/anbo.1998.0793

Romera FJ, Alcántara E, de la Guardia MD (1998). The induction of the “turbo reductase” is inhibited by cycloheximide, cordycepin and ethylene inhibitors in Fe-deficient cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants.
Protoplasma 205: 156-162
DOI: 10.1007/BF01279305

Romera FJ, Alcántara E, de la Guardia MD (1997). Influence of bicarbonate and metal ions on the development of root Fe(III) reducing capacity by Fe-deficient cucumber (Cucumis sativus) plants.
Physiologia Plantarum 101: 143-148
DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.1997.tb01830.x

Romera FJ, Welch RM, Norvell WA, Schaefer SC (1996). Iron requirement for and effects of promoters and inhibitors of ethylene action on stimulation of Fe(III)-chelate reductase in roots of Strategy I species.
Biometals 9: 45-50
DOI: 10.1007/BF00188089

Romera FJ, Welch RM, Norvell WA, Schaefer SC, Kochian LV (1996). Ethylene  involvement in the over-expression of Fe(III)-chelate reductase by roots of  E 107 pea [Pisum sativum L. (brz,brz)]  and chloronerva  tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) mutant genotypes.
Biometals 9: 38-44

Alcántara  E, Romera FJ,  de la Guardia MD,  Cañete M (1994). Effects of  heavy metals on both induction and function of root  Fe(III) reductase in Fe-deficient cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants.
Journal of Experimental Botany 281: 1893-1898
DOI: org/10.1093/jxb/45.12.1893

Romera FJ, Alcántara E (1994). Iron-deficiency stress responses in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) roots. A possible role for ethylene?
Plant Physiology 105: 1133-1138
DOI: 10.1104/pp.105.4.1133

Romera FJ, Alcántara E, de la Guardia MD (1992). Effects of bicarbonate, phosphate and high pH on the reducing capacity of Fe-deficient sunflower   and cucumber plants.
Journal of Plant Nutrition 15: 1519-1530
DOI: org/10.1080/01904169209364418

Romera FJ, Alcántara E, de la Guardia MD (1992). Role of roots and shoots in the regulation of the Fe efficiency responses in sunflower and cucumber.
Physiologia Plantarum 85: 141-146.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1399 3054.1992.tb04716.x

Alcántara  E, de la Guardia MD,  Romera FJ (1991). Plasmalemma redox activity and H+ extrusion in roots of Fe-deficient cucumber plants.
Plant Physiology  96: 1034-1037.
DOI: 10.1104/pp.96.4.1034

Romera FJ, Alcántara E, de la Guardia MD (1991). Characterization of the tolerance to iron chlorosis in different peach rootstocks grown in nutrient solution. II. Iron-stress response mechanisms.
Plant and Soil 130: 121-125.

Romera FJ, Alcántara E, de la Guardia MD (1991). Characterization of the tolerance to iron chlorosis in different peach rootstocks grown in nutrient solution. I. Effect of bicarbonate and phosphate.
Plant and Soil 130: 115-119

Alcántara E, Romera FJ, de la Guardia MD (1988). Genotypic differences in bicarbonate-induced iron chlorosis in sunflower.
Journal of Plant Nutrition 11: 65-75.

Highly cited papers

Alcántara et al. 1994 JEB243
García et al. 2010 JEB236
Lucena et al. 2006 JEB
Waters et al. 2007 PPB157
García et al. 2011 PPB 156
Romera et al. 2019 FPS154
Romera et al. 1999 AB149
Romera & Alcántara 1994 PP144
Romera et al. 1991 (II) PS134
Benlloch-González et al 2010 JEB103
Romera et al. 1992 JPN102
Romera & Alcántara 2004 FPB98
Romera et al. 1992 PP92
García et al. 2015 PP76
Lucena et al. 2007 FPB74
Lucena et al. 2015 FPS72
García et al. 2013 P70
Romera et al. 2011 PSB70
Alcántara et al. 1991 PP63


Official Research Projects since 2004


RTI2018-097935-B-I00. Utility of a non pathogenic race of Fusarium oxysporum to improve the iron nutrition of dicots: basic aspects and application to olive and peach plants (2019/2021)

AGL2013-40822-R. Interaction of ethylene with other signals involved in the regulation of responses to Fe, P and S deficiency in dicot plants (2014/2016)

AGL2010-17121. Iron nutrition of the dicot plants (2011/2013)

PRI-AIBDE-2011-0828. Interaction between ethylene signaling and the regulation of Fe acquisition in plants (2011/2012; in cooperation with Dr Petra Bauer, University of Dusseldorf, Germany)

P08-AGR-03849. Iron acquisition by dicot plants (2009/2010)

AGL2007-64372. Iron nutrition of dicot plants (2007/2010)

AGL2004-07630. Iron nutrition in dicot plants (2004/2007)

Some Research Projects with Private Companies since 2004

Study of the potentiality as biofertilizers of olive and cereal plants of several beneficial rhizosphere microorganisms. BIOTECARIOS (2022)

Identification and characterization of rhizosphere microorganisms isolated from farms of the company. SERVIAGRO (2020)

Influence of a non pathogenic race of Fusarium oxysporum to improve the iron nutrition of olive and peach plants grown in calcareous soils. LABORATORIO JAER (2019/2020)

Effect of the treatment with Cu gluconate on the phytotoxicity of soybean plants. SERVALESA  (2015/2017)

Effect of EDDHA on the availability of P and divalent metals (Fe, Zn y Mn) in a calcareous soil. LABORATORIO JAER  (2016)

Physiological and molecular aspects of the interaction Fe/P in dicot plants. TIMAC AGRO ESPAÑA (2014). See Lucena et al (2019)

Effectiveness of the ortho-ortho and ortho-para isomers of the chelating agent EDDHA as sources of iron for dicot plants. LABORATORIO JAER (2007). See Rojas et al (2008)

Efect of Signum on the tolerance to drought stress  of tomato plants. BASF Española (2006)

Effectiveness of different Fe chelates in plants. LABORATORIO JAER (2005)






Jornada sobre Biofertilzantes organizada por la Cátedra TIMAC AGRO (27-05-2021)

Seis claves sobre la alimentación vegetal: ¿Qué hacen las plantas cuando la despensa está vacía? The Conversation (ISSN 2201-5639)

"Las plantas necesitan Fe pero también otros metales pesados" XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Biología de Plantas (Vigo, 2021)


El Hierro y el Fósforo, dos elementos muy diferentes pero con una problemática muy parecida


Francisco Javier Romera*
Esteban Alcántara

Department of Agronomy
Campus de Excelencia Internacional Agroalimentario CeiA3, Universidad de Córdoba, Campus de Rabanales, Edificio Celestino Mutis,  14071 Córdoba, Spain.
Phone*: +34 957218572

Rafael Pérez-Vicente*
María José García
Carlos Lucena

Department of Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology
Campus de Excelencia Internacional Agroalimentario CeiA3, Universidad de Córdoba, Campus de Rabanales, Edificio Celestino Mutis, 14071 Córdoba, Spain.
Phone*: +34 957218390