Delgado-Jarana J, Martínez-Rocha AL, Roldán-Rodríguez R, Roncero MIG, Di Pietro A (2005)
Fusarium oxysporum G-protein b-subunit fgb1 regulates hyphal growth, development, and virulence through multiple signaling pathways
Fungal Genetics & Biology 42: 61-72 |
Divon HH, Rothan-Denoyes B, Davydov O, DI Pietro A, Fluhr R (2005)
Nitrogen-responsive genes are differentially regulated in planta during Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici infection.
Molecular Plant Pathology 6: 459-70 |
Martín-Urdíroz M, Madrid MP, Roncero MIG (2004)
Role of chitin synthase genes in Fusarium oxysporum
Microbiology SGM, 150: 3175-3187 |
Ortoneda M, Guarro J, Madrid M, Caracuel Z, Roncero MIG, Mayayo E, Di Pietro A (2004)
Fusarium oxysporum as a multihost model for the genetic dissection of fungal virulence in plants and mammals
Infection & Immunity 72: 1760-1766 |
Caracuel Z, Casanova C, Roncero MIG, Di Pietro A, Ramos J (2003)
The pH response transcription factor PacC controls salt stress tolerance in Fusarium oxysporum
Eukaryotic Cell 2: 1246-1252 |
Di Pietro A, Madrid MP, Caracuel Z, Delgado-Jarana J, Roncero MIG (2003)
Fusarium oxysporum: exploring the molecular arsenal of a vascular wilt fungus
Molecular Plant Pathology 4: 315-325 |
Roncero MIG, Hera C, Ruíz-Rubio M, García Maceira FI, Madrid MP, Caracuel Z, Calero FJ, Delgado-Jarana J, Roldán-Rodríguez R, Martínez-Rocha AL, Velasco, C, Roa J, Martín Urdíroz M, Córdoba D, Di Pietro A (2003)
Fusarium oxysporum as a model for studying virulence in soilborne plant pathogens
Physiological & Molecular Plant Pathology 62: 87-98 |
Caracuel Z, Roncero MIG, Espeso E, González-Verdejo C, García Maceira FI, Di Pietro A (2003)
The pH response transcription factor PacC controls virulence in the plant pathogen Fusarium oxysporum
Molecular Microbiology 48: 765-779 |
Madrid MP, Di Pietro A, Roncero MIG (2003)
Class V chitin synthase determines pathogenesis in the vascular wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum and mediates resistance to plant defence compounds
Molecular Microbiology 47: 257-266 |
Gómez-Gómez E, Di Pietro A, Roncero MIG, Hera, C (2002)
Molecular characterization of a novel endo- b 1,4-xylanase gene from the vascular wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum
Current Genetics 40: 268-275 |
Gómez-Gómez E, Ruíz-Roldán MC, Di Pietro A, Roncero MIG, Hera, C (2002)
Role in pathogenesis of two endo-b 1,4-xylanase genes from the vascular wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum
Fungal Genetics & Biology 33: 213-22 |
García Maceira FI, Di Pietro A, Huertas González MD, Ruiz Roldán MC, Roncero MIG (2001)
Molecular characterization of an endopolygalacturonase from Fusarium oxysporum expressed during early stages of infection
Applied & Environmental Microbiology 67:2191-2196 |
Di Pietro A, Huertas González MD, Gutiérrez Corona JF, Martínez-Cadena MG, Méglecz E, Roncero MIG (2001)
Molecular characterization of a subtilase from the vascular wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 14: 653-662 |
Di Pietro A, García Maceira FI, Meglecz E, Roncero MIG (2001)
A MAPK from the vascular wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum is essential for root penetration and pathogenesis
Molecular Microbiology 39: 1140-1152 |
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