Osteochondrosis in fightingbull.
Davila-Montero, Urso Martin; Sierra-Plana, Miguel Angel; Mendez-Sanchez, Aniceto
J Comp Pathol 2012; 146 (1): 73-73
Mucoperiosteal Exostoses in the Tympanic Bulla of African Lions (Panthera leo).
Novales M, Ginel PJ, Diz A, Blanco B, Zafra R, Guerra R, Mozos E.
Veterinary Pathology, 2014, april, doi: 10.1177/0300985814531499
Allergen-specific immunotherapy in horses with insect bite hypersensitivity: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study
Pedro J. Ginel, Eduardo Hernández, Rosario Lucena, Beatriz Blanco, Manuel Novales and Elena Mozos
Veterinary Dermatology 2014, 25: 29-e10
Uterine and ovarian remants incorrectly spayed bitch: a case report.
Pérez-Marín, C. C.; Molina, G; Vizuete, G; JM, Sánchez; Zafra, R; Bautista-Pérez, M. J.
Veterinari Medicina 2014, 59(2): 102-106
Use of immunohistochemestry to search prion protein in third eyelid of sheep in Chile
Farias, G; Pérez, J.; Machuca, A; Lecocq, C
Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria 2014, 56:89-94
Role of Thymic Epithelial Cells in Lymphoid Depletion After Experimental Infection With theNoncytopathogenic BVDV1 Strain 7443
Raya AI, Gómez-Villamandos, Bautista MJ.
Vet Pathol published online 19 May 2014, doi: 10.1177/0300985814535610
Early hepatic and peritoneal changes and immune response in goats vaccinated with a recombinant glutathione transferase sigma class and challenged with Fasciola hepatica.
Zafra R, Pérez-Écija RA, Buffoni L, Pacheco IL, Martínez-Moreno A, LaCourse EJ, Perally S, Brophy PM, Pérez J.
Res Vet Sci. 2013;94(3):602-609.
Early and late peritoneal and hepatic changes in goats immunized with recombinant cathepsin L1 and infected with Fasciola hepatica.
Zafra R, Pérez-Écija RA, Buffoni L, Moreno P, Bautista MJ, Martínez-Moreno A, Mulcahy G, Dalton JP, Pérez J.
J Comp Pathol. 2013148(4):373-384
Peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in Fasciola hepatica infected and immunised goats.
Zafra R, Pérez J, Buffoni L, Martínez-Moreno FJ, Acosta I, Mozos E, Martínez-Moreno A.
Vet Immunol and Immunopathol. 2013;155(1-2):135-138
Biliary cirrhosis caused by Campula spp. in a dolphin and four porpoises.
Jaber JR1, Pérez J, Rotstein D, Zafra R, Herráez P, Carrascosa C, Fernández A.
Dis Aquat Organ. 2013;106(1):79-84.
Immunopathological study of parasitic cholangitis in cetaceans.
Jaber JR, Zafra R, Pérez J, Suárez-Bonnet A, González JF, Carrascosa C, Andrada M, Arbelo M, Fernández A.
Res Vet Sci. 2013;95(2):556-561.
Pathology of African swine fever: the role of monocyte-macrophage.
Gómez-Villamandos JC, Bautista MJ, Sánchez-Cordón PJ, Carrasco A.
Virus Research 2013; 173: 140-149.
Comparison of pathological changes and viral antigen distribution in tissues of calves with and without preexisting bovine viral diarrea virus infection following challenge with bovine herpesvirus-1.
Risalde MA, Molina V, Sánchez-Cordón PJ, Pedrera M, Romero-Palomo F, Bautista MJ, Moreno A, Gómez-Villamandos JC,
American Journal Veterinary Research, 2013: 74; 598-610.
Virus distribution and role of thymic macrophages during experimental infection with noncytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1.
Raya-Bermudez, AI; Gómez-Villamandos, JC; Sánchez-Cordón, PJ; Bautista-Pérez, MJ.
Vet Pathol. 2012; 49(5): 811-818
Osteochondrosis in fightingbull
Davila-Montero, Urso Martin; Sierra-Plana, Miguel Angel; Mendez-Sanchez, Aniceto
J Comp Pathol 2012; 146 (1): 73-73
The Sigma class glutathione transferase from the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica.
LaCourse EJ, Perally S, Morphew RM, Moxon JV, Prescott M, Dowling DJ, O’Neill SM, Kipar A, Hetzel U, Hoey E, Zafra R, Buffoni L, Pérez Arévalo J, Brophy PM
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2012;6(5):e1666. Epub 2012 May 29.
The effect of vitamin D derivatives on vascular calcification associated with inflammation.
Guerrero F, Montes de Oca A, Aguilera-Tejero E, Zafra R, Rodríguez M, López I.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012 Jun;27(6):2206-12. Epub 2011 Oct 24.
Humoral immune response in goats immunised with cathepsin L1, peroxiredoxin and Sm14 antigen and experimentally challenged with Fasciola hepatica.
Buffoni L, Martínez-Moreno FJ, Zafra R, Mendes RE, Pérez-Écija A, Sekiya M, Mulcahy G, Pérez J, Martínez-Moreno A.
Vet Parasitol. 2012 Apr 30;185(2-4):315-21. Epub 2011 Sep 28.
Clinicopathological Features of Hemangioma in Two Young Horses.
Rafael Zafra, José Carlos Estepa Escolástico Aguilera-Tejero, José Raduán Jaber María José Bautista, Isabel Pacheco, José Pérez
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 2012 (32): 767-769.
Hepatopancreatic ganglioneuroma in a young dog: a case report.
R. Zafra, M.J. Bautista, J. Perez, P.J. Ginel, R. Lucena
Veterinaria Medicina, 56, 2011 (2): 93–96
Humoral immune response in goats immunised with cathepsin L1, peroxiredoxin and Sm14 antigen and experimentally challenged with Fasciola hepatica
Buffoni L, Martínez-Moreno FJ, Zafra R, Mendes RE, Pérez-Écija A, Sekiya M, Mulcahy G, Pérez J, Martínez-Moreno A.
Veterinary Parasitology 2011 Sep 28. [Epub ahead of print]
Residual concentrations of the flukicidal compound triclabendazole in dairy cows’ milk and cheese.
Imperiale F, Ortiz P, Cabrera M, Farias C, Sallovitz JM, Iezzi S, Pérez J, Alvarez L, Lanusse C.
Food Additives Contaminants Part A Chem Anal Control Exposure Risk Assessesment 28(4):438-445, 2011.
Pathological and parasitological protection in goats immunised with recombinant cathepsin L1 and challenged with Fasciola hepatica
Pérez-Écija RA, Mendes RE, Zafra R, Buffoni L, Martínez-Moreno A, Pérez J.
The Veterinary Journal 185(3):351-353, 2010..
Evaluation of hepatic damage and local immune response in goats immunized with naïve Glutathione S-transferase of Fasciola hepatica
Zafra, R., Pérez-Écija, R.A., Buffoni, L., Mendes, R.E., Martínez-Moreno, A., Martínez Galisteo†, M.E. and Pérez, J.
Journal of Comparative Pathology 143(2-3):110-119. 2010
Cross reactivity of anti-human and anti-bovine cytokine monoclonal antibodies with cetacean tissues
Jaber, J.R.; Pérez, J.; Arbelo, M.; Lorenzo, H.; Zafra, R.; Fernández A.
JJournal of Comparative Pathology 143(1):45-51, 2010.
Immune response of goats immunized with glutathione S-transferase and experimentally challenged with Fasciola hepatica
Buffoni, L., Zafra, R., Pérez-Écija, R.A., Martínez-Moreno, F.J., Moreno, T., Pérez, J., Martínez-Moreno, A.
Parasitology International 59(2):147-153, 2010.
Evaluation of hepatic changes and local and systemic immune responses in goats immunized with recombinant Peroxiredoxin (Prx) and challenged with Fasciola hepatica
Mendes, RE, Pérez-Écija, RA, Zafra, R, Buffoni, L., Martínez-Moreno, A, Dalton, JP, Mulcahy, G, Pérez, J.
Vaccine 28(16):2832-2840, 2010.
Evaluation of local immune response to Fasciola hepatica experimental infection in the liver and hepatic lymph nodes of goats immunized with Sm14 vaccine antigen
Mendes RE, Zafra R, Pérez-Ecija RA, Buffoni L, Martínez-Moreno A, Tendler M, Pérez J.
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 105(5):698-705, 2010..
The up-regulation of the parathyroid VDR expression by extracellular calcium is mediated by the ERK1/2-MAPK signaling pathway
Canadillas S, Canalejo R, Rodriguez-Ortiz ME, Martinez-Moreno JM, Estepa JC, Zafra R, Perez J, Muñoz-Castañeda JR, Canalejo A, Rodriguez M, Almaden Y.
American Journal of Physiology and Renal Physiology 298:1197-1204. 2010.
Steroid-sparing effect of mycophenolatemofetil in the treatment of a subepidermal blistering autoimmune disease in a dog
Ginel Pérez PJ, Blanco Navas B, Lucena Solis Mª R, Jimenez Palacios CR, Peinado Guitart C, Mozos Mora E.
Journal South African Veterinary Association. 81:1-5. 2010.
Tremogenic mycotoxicosis caused by paspalum paspaloides (michx.) scribner infected by Clavicepspaspali: A case report
M.R. Moyano, A.M. Molina, A.J. Lora, A. Méndez, A. Rueda.
Veterinarni Medicina, 55, (7): 336–338, 2010.
Steroid-sparing effect of mycophenolatemofetil in the treatment of a subepidermal blistering autoimmune disease in a dog
Ginel Pérez PJ, Blanco Navas B, Lucena Solis Mª R, Jimenez Palacios CR, Peinado Guitart C, Mozos Mora E.
Journal South African Veterinary Association. 81:1-5. 2010.
Immunohistochemical study of macrophage and cytokine dynamics in the gut of scrapie-infected mice
Romero-Trevejo JL, Gómez-Villamandos JC, Pedrera M, Blanco A, Bautista MJ, Sánchez-Cordón P.
Histology and Histopathology. 2010: 25, 1025-1038
Meningioangiomatosis associated with fibrous meningioma in a dog
Ginel PJ, Novales M, Blanco B, Pérez J, Zafra R, Pérez-Ecija RA.
Veterinary Record 164(24):756-758, 2009.
Clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical features of a pulmonary blastoma in a horse
Pérez-Ecija, , Mendoza FJ, Zafra R, Estepa JC, Aguilera-Tejero E, Mozos E, Pérez J. Veterinary Record 164(6):182-183. 2009.
Study of the local immune response to Fasciola hepatica in the liver and hepatic lymph nodes of goats immunised with a peptide of the Sm14 antigen
Zafra R, Buffoni L, Pérez-Ecija RA, Mendes RE, Martínez-Moreno A, Martínez-Moreno FJ, Pérez J.
Research in Veterinary Science 87(2):226-232. 2009.
Expression of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in spontaneous canine Leishmaniasis
Zafra, R., Barragán, A., J.R. Jaber, R. A. Pérez-Écija, Martínez-Moreno, A. and J.Pérez.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 123: 353-359, 2008.
Pathological and Immunohistochemical Study of the Liver in Goats Immunized with a Synthetic Peptide of the Sm14 Antigen and Challenged with Fasciola hepatica
Zafra, R., L. Buffoni, A. Martínez-Moreno, A. Pérez-Écija, F.J. Martinez-Moreno and J. Pérez.
Journal of Comparative Pathology 139: 169-177, 2008.
Metabolic acidosis inhibits soft tissue calcification in uremic rats
Mendoza FJ, Lopez I, Montes de Oca A, Perez J, Rodriguez M, Aguilera-Tejero E.
Kidney International 73:407-414, 2008.
The effect of calcitriol, paricalcitol, and a calcimimetic on extraosseous calcifications in uremic rats
Lopez I, Mendoza FJ, Aguilera-Tejero E, Perez J, Guerrero F, Martin D, Rodriguez M.
Kidney International 73:300-307, 2008.
Response to VDRAs versus calcimimetics: better safe than sorry?
Lopez I, Mendoza FJ, Aguilera-Tejero E, Perez J, Guerrero F, Martin D, Rodriguez M.
Kidney International 74: 962-963, 2008.
Cellular phenotypes in the abomasal mucosa and abomasal lymph nodes of goats infected with Haemonchus contortus
Pérez J, Zafra R, Buffoni L, Hernández S, Cámara S, Martínez-Moreno A.
Journal of Comparative Pathology 138: 102-107, 2008.
Concurrent aspergillosis and ascites with high mortality in a farm of growing broiler chickens
Zafra R, Pérez J, Pérez-Ecija RA, Borge C, Bustamante R, Carbonero A, Tarradas C.
Avian Diseases 52: 711-713, 2008.
Role of hepatic macrophages during the viral haemorrhagic fever induced by african swine fever virus
Sánchez-Cordón P, Romero-Trevejo JL, Pedrera M, Sánchez-Vizcaíno JM, Bautista MJ, Gómez-Villamandos JC.
Histology and Histopathology. 2008. 23: 683-691.
Odontogenic myxosarcoma of the jaw in a dog: clinical, radiologic and immunohistochemical study
Galán, A.; Domínguez, J.M., Pérez, J.,Granados, M.M., Gómez, R., Zafra, R.
Veterinary Record 161: 663-665, 2007.
Spontaneous trichoepithelioma in a laboratory mouse: gross, microscopic and immunohistochemical findings
Martín de las Mulas, J., Molina, A.M., Millán, Y. Carrasco, L. Moyano, R. Mozos E.
Laboratory Animals, vol 41, pp. 136-140. 2007
An immunohistochemical study of the tonsils in pigs with acute african swine fever virus infection
Fernández de Marco M, Salguero FJ, Bautista MJ, Núñez A, Sánchez-Cordón P, Gómez-Villamandos JC.
Research in Veterinary Science. , 83:198-203. 2007
Atoxoplasma spp. infection in captive canaries (serinus canaria)
Sánchez-Cordón P, Gómez-Villamandos JC, Gutiérrez J, Sierra MA, Pedrera M, Bautista MJ.
Journal of Veterinary Medicine series A-Physiology Pathology Clinical Medic. , 54: 23-26. 2007.
Multiple generalized follicular cysts in a stallion
Ginel P, Zafra R, Lucena R, Bautista MJ.
Veterinary Dermatology,, 18: 456-459. 2007.
Encefalopatías espongiformes transmisibles: etiología, patogenia e importancia zoonótica
Romero-Trevejo JL, Sánchez-Cordón P, Pedrera M, Bautista MJ, Blanco A, Molina V, Ruiz-Villamor E, Gómez-Villamandos JC.
Anales de la Real Academia de Ciencias Veterinarias de Andalucía oriental, 20: 115-134. 2007.
Calcimimetic R-568 decreases extraosseous calcifications in uremic rats treated with calcitriol
López, I.; Aguilera, E.; Mendoza, F.; Almadén, Y.; Pérez, J.; Martín, D.; Rodríguez, M.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 17: 795-804, 2006.
Reversibility of calcitriol-induced medial artery calcification in rats with intact renal functions
Bas, A.; López, I.; Pérez, J.; Rodríguez, M.; Aguilera, E.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 21: 484-4990, 2006.
Pathological and Immunohistochemical study of gastrointestinal lesions in dolphins stranded in the Canary Islands
Jaber, J.R., Pérez, J., Arbelo, M., Zafra, R., Fernández, A.
Veterinary Record 159 : 410-414, 2006.
An unusual case of generalized soft-tissue mineralization in a suckling foal
Estepa, J.C., Aguilera-Tejero, E., Zafra, R., Mayer-Valor, R., Rodríguez, M., Pérez, J.
Veterinary Pathology 43: 64-67, 2006.
Echium vulgare and Senecio vulgaris poisoning in fighting bulls
Moyano, M. R., A. García, A. Rueda, A. M. Molina, A. Méndez and F. Infante.
Journal of Veterinary Medicine. A 53, 24–25. 2006..
BSE infection in bovine prp transgenic mice leads to hyperphosphorylation of tau-protein
Bautista MJ, Gutiérrez J, Salguero FJ, Fernández de Marco M, Romero-Trevejo JL, Gómez-Villamandos JC.
Veterinary Microbiology, 115: 293-301. 2006