Analytical Chemistry Dept., Annex "Marie Curie" Bldg. 3rd floor. C.U. Rabanales, University of Córdoba. 14071-Córdoba (Spain)

(+34) 957 21 86 16


Juan Manuel Jiménez Soto

PhD in Chemistry
  Contact details

(+34) 957 21 86 16

  Scientific and Professional Profiles
  About me

Juan Manuel Jiménez-Soto was born in La Rambla (Córdoba) in 1984. He completed his undergraduate studies in Environmental Sciences in 2007 at the University of Córdoba (Spain). He then joined to FQM-215 research group, and he studied the Master in Advanced Fine Chemistry. Under the direction of Dr. Miguel Valcárcel and Dr. Soledad Cárdenas, Juan Manuel developed a PhD. Degree at the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Córdoba (Spain) investigating about “Carbon nanohorns and carbon nanocones as objects and tools in analytical nanoscience and nanotechnology”, where he carried out the development of analytical methodologies for the determination of volatile compounds, based on the use of sorbent materials and determined by coupled gas chromatographic techniques to mass spectrometry.

After completing the doctorate in 2012, Dr. Jiménez-Soto joined the research group “Signal and information processing for sensing systems” at the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain) led by Dr. Marco, providing knowledge and experience for the design and development of analytical experiments, as well as in the interpretation of analytical results related to the investigations in force.

Once his postdoctoral stage was finished, Dr. Jimenez-Soto decided in 2016 to make the leap to a private company to continue his research thanks to a “Juan de la Cierva” grant from the Ministry of Science and Innovation. With this, different studies on “Obtaining nanofertilizers from carbon nanoparticles and vegetable extracts” were carried out.

Once these studies were completed in 2018, Dr. Jiménez Soto began a new professional stage in the Empresa Provincial de Aguas de Córdoba SA (EMPROACSA), contributing his knowledge and experiences in the Quality Control Department and later in the Production Area, being until now the technician responsible for drinking water treatment at the Iznájar Drinking Water Treatment Plant (Córdoba, Spain).

During his professional career, numerous research works such as scientific articles, book chapters, as well as contributions to conferences have been presented by Dr. Jimenez-Soto.