• TYPE OF PROPERTY: National Patent
  • PATENT NUMBER: WO 2013/144388 A1
  • DATE: October 03, 2013
  • INVENTORS/AUTHORS/BREEDERS: Rafael López Luque, Jose Cristobal, Ramírez Faz
  • RESEARCH LINE: Design and modelling of heliostats

This is an innovative linear Fresnel concentrator design that can be optimised based on its geographical location, the cross-sectional profile of the reflective slats, considering the possibility of having a vertical mirror that avoids the need to move the absorber with respect to the vertical of the slats. The mechanism is designed so that the turning movement of the slats can be achieved with a single motor.


  • TYPE OF PROPERTY: National Patent
  • PATENT NUMBER: ES 2 539 642 A2
  • DATE: July 02, 2015
  • INVENTORS/AUTHORS/BREEDERS: Rafael López Luque, Jose Cristobal Ramírez Faz, Manuel Torres Roldán.
  • RESEARCH LINE: Design and modelling of heliostats

The developed polar heliostat consists of a screw and a polygon that moves around it. The screw is located parallel to the axis of the earth. The device is very simple and only needs a single action for its positioning, so it is easily implemented by an electronic controller. In this heliostat, the microcontroller that calculates the position of the sun and the inclination of the reflection of its light is free hardware and software, based on Arduino. In the apparatus, the mirror follows the movement during the day and returns at night to wait for the sun to rise, or in case of having to modify the inclination, it makes a complete 360-degree turn. In this way, the mirror is located in the reflecting position when the sun begins its journey across the sky at dawn.


  • TYPE OF PROPERTY: National Patent
  • PATENT NUMBER: ES 2 686 827 B2
  • DATE: January 12, 2020
  • INVENTORS/AUTHORS/BREEDERS: Luís Manuel Fernández de Ahumada, Rafael López Luque, Jose Cristobal Ramírez Faz, Manuel Torres Roldán.
  • RESEARCH LINE: Design and modelling of heliostats

A system for the purification of effluents by evaporation at low temperature with condensation heat recovery is presented. Low temperature evaporation requires low pressure in the evaporation-condensation chamber. To obtain the necessary low pressure conditions described above, a vacuum generator with low energy requirements has been designed. A vacuum generation process is required until the vapour pressure corresponding to the temperature of the effluent is reached in the evaporator, which has risen through the evaporator until it reaches a height that balances the pressure in the raw water feed container. Under these conditions it is necessary to provide the necessary heat to maintain the evaporation process. Heat recovery allows the process to be almost autonomous from the energy point of view, with only the heat transferred to the environment as losses being necessary to contribute to the system. The water vapour occupies a serpentine pipe immersed in a container through which the effluent contained in the raw water feed container is circulated, so that the water vapour condenses and transfers the condensation heat to the preheating effluent . The condensed water falls through the pipe to the tank that accumulates the purified water.


  • Reduce the contaminant levels of the liquids generated to those legally admissible for discharge into public watercourses in an economically viable way.
  • Carry out distillation at low temperature which would enable the use of residual heat from industrial processes and/or solar energy.
  • Recover part of the latent heat of vaporisation that is provided to the effluent once the distillate is condensed. In this way, most of the energy supplied is reincorporated into the process.