Search of new indicators of authentication and quality in Iberian pig carcasses and derivatives by proteomics and chromatographic techniques.
- Type of contract: subcontracting of research project (art. 83 of LOU).
- Principal investigator: Manuel J. Rodríguez Ortega.
- Financial entity: CICAP (Centro de Investigación y Calidad Agroalimentaria del Valle de los Pedroches).
- Period: 1 year (May 2015-May 2016).
- Budget: 16.800 €.
Pneumochip: Integration of a serological assay in a microfluidic chip for the diagnostic of pneumococcal pneumonia and validation with clinical samples.
- Type of contract: subcontracting by research project (art. 83 of LOU).
- Principal investigator: Manuel J. Rodríguez Ortega.
- Financial entity: AlphaSIP, S. L.
- Period: 9 months (January 2018-September 2018).
- Budget: 70.000 €.