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Legal notice


The promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU projectinformyouthataccess to and use of the www.uco.es/lifeinnocereal website and allsubdomains and directories includedtherein (hereinafterjointlyreferred to as the Portal) are subject to the termsdetailed in this Legal Notice, notwithstanding the factthataccess to some of theseservicesorcontentsmayrequire the acceptance of additional general conditions.

The promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU project reserve the right to makechanges to the Portal without prior notice, in order to update, correct, modify, addordeletecontentsordesign. As the updating of informationisnotimmediate, wesuggestthatyoualwayscheck the validity and accuracy of the information, services and contentspresented. Likewise, the conditions and termscontained in this Notice mayvary, so we invite you to reviewthesetermswhenyouvisit the Portal again.

The promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU projectshallnot be liableforanydamagesthatmay be caused by the use of the tools and informationcontained in www.uco.es/lifeinnocereal in relation to the adoption of decisionson the initiation, developmentoroutcome of administrative procedures. Suchdecisionsmust be checked with the competent centres, bodiesor agencies. In any case, the information and contents of thiswebsitemaynot be used in contradictoryprocesses with the Public Administration, and no responsibilityisassumedforanydiscrepanciesthatmayexistbetween the printeddocuments of the competentAdministration and the electronicpublicationonthesepages.


Both the design of the Portal and itssourcecodes, as well as the logos, brands and otherdistinctivesignsthatappearonit, belong to the LIFE Innocereal EU projectorcollaboratingentities and are protected by the correspondingintellectual and industrial propertyrights.

The information available onthiswebsite, unlessexpresslyindicated to the contrary, may be reused; its total orpartialreproduction, modification, distribution and communication forcommercial and non-commercial use isauthorised, subject to the followingconditions:

  • Itisforbidden, underanycircumstances, to distort the content of the information.
  • The userisobliged to mention the source of the documentssubject to re-use.
  • The userisobliged to mention the date of the lastupdate of the documentssubject to re-use.
  • The promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU project declare theirrespectfor the intellectual and industrial propertyrights of thirdparties; therefore, ifyouconsiderthatthis site may be violatingyourrights, pleasecontact the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.


Userswhointend to establish a hyperlinkbetweentheirwebsite and that of the LIFE Innocereal EU projectmusttakeintoaccount the following:

1. The establishment of the hyperlinkdoesnotimply, underanycircumstances, the existence of a relationshipbetween the LIFE Innocereal EU project and the owner of the website, nor the acceptance and approval by the promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU project of itscontentsorservices. Therefore, itshallnot be statedorimpliedthat the promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU projecthaveexpresslyauthorised the hyperlink, northattheyhavesupervisedorassumed the contents and servicesofferedormade available onthiswebsite.

2. The promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU project are in no wayresponsiblefor, nor do theyguarantee the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctnessormorality of the contentsorservicesthat the establishment of the hyperlinkmayoffer. The userassumes sole responsibilityforanyconsequences, damagesoractionsthatmayarisefromaccessing the hyperlinkedwebsite.

3. The web page onwhich the hyperlinkisestablishedshallnotcontaininformation with illicitcontent, contrary to morality and goodcustomsgenerallyaccepted in public order, norshallitcontaincontentcontrary to the rights of thirdparties.


The promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU projectexpresslyprohibit “framing” or the use by thirdparties of anyothermechanismsthat alter the design, original configurationorcontents of its Portal.


The promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU project are responsiblefor the data file generated with the personal data supplied by users of the www.uco.es/lifeinnocereal portal.

In accordance with OrganicLaw 15/1999 of 13 December 1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, the promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU projectundertake to comply with theirobligation of secrecy with regard to personal data and theirduty to treatthemconfidentially. To thisend, theywilladopt the necessarymeasures to avoidtheiralteration, loss, unauthorisedprocessingoraccess.

The purpose of the collection and automatedprocessing of personal data is the management, provision, extension and improvement of the servicesrequested at anygiven time by the user and the follow-up of queriesraised by users.

Usersmay at any time exercisetheirrights of access, rectification, cancellationoropposition by writing to the administrative services of the LIFE Innocereal EU project at Avenida Medina Azahara s/n. 14071 Córdoba, accompanied by a photocopy of their ID card to the aboveaddress.

The promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU projectmaintain the levels of protection of your personal data in accordance with ROYAL DECREE 1720/2007, of 21 December, approving the Regulationsfor the development of OrganicLaw 15/1999, of 13 December, on the protection of personal data, and haveestablishedall the technicalmeans at theirdisposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorisedaccess and theft of the data provided by citizens in the LIFE Innocereal EU project, withoutprejudice to the factthat Internet securitymeasures are not impregnable.

The promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU project reserve the right to modifythisPrivacyPolicy in order to adaptit to new legislation, jurisprudenceor the interpretation of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. In this case, the promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU projectwillannouncesuchchanges, clearlyindicating the modificationsmade with due notice, and requesting, ifdeemednecessary, the acceptance of the same.

Applicablelaw and jurisdiction

The applicablelaw in the event of a dispute orconflict of interpretation of the termsthatmake up this Legal Notice, as well as anyquestionrelated to the services of this Portal, shall be Spanishlaw.

For the resolution of any dispute thatmayarisefromvisiting the Portal orfrom the use of the servicesofferedtherein, the promoters of the LIFE Innocereal EU project and the Useragree to submit to the courts and tribunals of the user’sdomicile, providedthat the sameislocated in Spanishterritory.