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LIFE Innocereal EU participates in LIFE Soil Platform Meeting

The LIFE Innocereal EU project has been present during the celebration of the LIFE Platform Meeting on Soil, organised by the LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 and LIFE-IP NAdapta-CC projects, the CINEA and ELMEN EEIG, which took place on 10 and 11 April in Pamplona.

During the event, the European project LIFE Innocereal EU was present in all the activities organised and in which part of the project coordinating team participated, such as Antonio Manuel Conde López, from the University of Cordoba and part of the beneficiary team; and Julio Román Vázquez, from the European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF).

The LIFE Platform Meeting aims to foster networking, feedback and policy input among stakeholders involved in soil-related projects funded by the LIFE Programme.

The meeting covered three main soil sectors: conservation and adaptation, contamination and bioremediation, and management and mitigation.