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LIFE Innocereal EU meets with the Directorate-General for Climate and Environment of the European Commission

On 20 January, several beneficiaries of the LIFE Innocereal EU project, members of the European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF), Gottlieb Basch and Julio Román, president and technical project manager of ECAF, respectively, as well as Emilio González, project coordinator and representative of the University of Cordoba, travelled to Brussels to hold various meetings with members of the European Commission in the Directorate-General for Climate and Directorate-General for the Environment.

All of them had the opportunity to present our project, which will develop and demonstrate a sustainable and competitive system for cereal production chains. Aiming to increase productivity, with more efficient use of nutrients, herbicides and fertilisers, through practices that secure more carbon in the soil and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ensuring that cereal products meet food standards, leading to a new sustainability label and certification scheme for low-carbon cereals.