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The AEACSV and the UCO organise a webinar on no-till farming and CAP eco-regimes

On 7 November, the Spanish Association for Conservation Agriculture Living Soils (AEACSV), beneficiary of the European LIFE Innocereal EU project, organised together with the University of Cordoba (UCO) an interesting webinar entitled ‘No-tillage and CAP Ecoregimes: Benefits, Implementation and Practical Solutions’.

The main objective of this virtual seminar was to analyse no-tillage and the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) eco-regimes, highlighting how these practices contribute to a more sustainable and resource-efficient agriculture.

Experts from the sector, researchers and farmers participated in the session, addressing topics such as the key concepts to understand what no-tillage is, what its practice and implementation implies to conserve the soil in which our crops are grown, and to learn first-hand about the successful experience of farmers and technicians. In addition, the new features for this season and the requirements to be met in order to qualify for any of the no-tillage measures included in the eco-regimes were explained.

Thanks to the collaboration between the AEACSV and the UCO, this event provided attendees with practical tools and specialised knowledge to advance in the application of these sustainable approaches.

This webinar reinforces the commitment of AEACSV and LIFE Innocereal EU with the dissemination and training in sustainable agriculture techniques, aligned with the current environmental and productive challenges.

If you were unable to attend, we encourage you to keep an eye out for future conferences and webinars that will continue to provide solutions for a more sustainable and efficient agriculture.

Those interested in viewing the webinar can do so through this link.